931 resultados para Oocyte maturation


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Les cellules épithéliales qui produisent l’émail, les améloblastes, sont séparées de l'émail au niveau de la zone de maturation par une membrane basale spécialisée (MBS) enrichie en laminine 332 (LM-332). Cette protéine hétérotrimérique (composée des chaînes α3, ß3 et γ2) assure l'intégrité structurelle des membranes basales (MB) et influence divers processus cellulaires épithéliaux tels que l'adhésion et la différenciation cellulaire. Des modèles de souris « knockout » (KO), où les gènes codant pour LM-332 ont été supprimés, meurent peu après la naissance. Néanmoins, ce phénotype létal peut être contourné en substituant chez la souris le gène produisant la chaîne γ2 de la laminine (LAMC2) par sa forme humaine, sous le contrôle de l’expression du promoteur-rtTA, de la cytokératine 14, inductible par la prise de doxycycline (Dox) - (Tet-on). Le but de ce projet est d’examiner si l’utilisation de cette protéine humaine chez la souris a un effet sur la structuration de la MBS ainsi que sur la maturation de l'émail. La phase de maturation de l’organe de l’émail chez la souris transgénique a été sévèrement altérée par rapport à une souris normale (WT). La MBS n’est plus visible, une matrice dystrophique s’est formée dans la couche d'émail dans la phase de maturation, et la présence d’une matrice résiduelle de l'émail est observée durant la phase tardive de maturation. Des micro-analyses tomographiques ont révélé une usure excessive des surfaces occlusales des molaires, un écroulement de l'émail sur les pointes des incisives et une hypominéralisation de l'émail. Cependant, aucune altération structurale due à cette recombinaison transgénique n’a été observée dans d'autres sites épithéliaux, tels que la peau, le palais et la langue. Ces résultats indiquent que, bien que ce modèle de souris humanisée soit capable de rétablir ses fonctions dans divers tissus épithéliaux, il est incapable de soutenir la structuration d'une MBS à l'interface entre les améloblastes et l’émail en maturation. Cet échec peut être lié à la composition spécifique de la MBS dans la phase de maturation et supporte l’hypothèse que la MBS est essentielle pour la maturation adéquate de l'émail.


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In long-lived species with slow maturation, prebreeders often represent a large percentage of the individuals alive at any moment, but their ecology is still understudied. Recent studies have found prebreeding seabirds to differ in their isotopic (and trophic) niche from adult breeders attending the same nesting colonies. These differences have been hypothesized to be linked to the less-developed foraging performance of younger and less-experienced immatures or perhaps to their inferior competitive abilities. Such differences from adults would wane as individuals mature (“the progressive ontogenetic shift hypothesis”) and could underpin the prolonged breeding deferral until adulthood displayed by those species. This study documents a marked difference in the nitrogen and carbon isotopic ratios measured in the whole blood of immatures and breeders in 2 pelagic seabird species (Cory’s shearwaters, Calonectris borealis, and black-browed albatrosses, Thalassarche melanophris) nesting in contrasting environments. However, blood isotopic values did not present a relationship with prebreeder age, suggesting no gradual ontogenetic shift from an immature toward an adult isotopic niche. Furthermore, isotopic signatures of sabbatical adults could not be separated from those of immatures attending the same colonies, but were clearly segregated from adult breeders. These results suggest that isotopic differentiation between immatures and breeders is mainly linked to a factor unrelated to previous experience and hence probably unrelated to a hypothetical gradual improvement of foraging competence or competitive abilities. Any ecological differentiation between breeders and nonbreeders is more likely related to the severity of the central-place foraging constraints and to the energetic requirements of reproduction (“the reproductive constraint hypothesis”).


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SELECTED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, SESSION 52: EPIGENETIC PATTERN IN OOCYTE AND EMBRYO, Tuesday 16 June 2015. This article/study appears in: Abstract book of the 31st ESHRE Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2015.


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La synthèse d’un ARNm eucaryotique dépend d’une suite d’étapes qui inclut notamment l’ajout d’une queue poly(A) à son extrémité 3’. Au noyau, la queue poly(A) des ARNms est liée par PABPN1 (poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1). PABPN1 fut notamment caractérisée, d’après des études in vitro, pour stimuler la réaction de polyadénylation en plus de contrôler la taille ultime des queues poly(A). Cela dit, la ou les fonction(s) biologique(s) de PABPN1 est/sont cependant largement méconnue(s). Chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe), Pab2 est l’orthologue présumé de PABPN1. Or, mes travaux indiquent que Pab2 est fonctionnellement différente de PABPN1 à l’égard de son rôle sur le processus général de polyadénylation. Ainsi, in vivo, l’absence de Pab2 entraîne l’expression et l’accumulation d’un groupe limité d’ARNs hyperadénylés parmi lesquels se trouvent de nombreux petits ARNs nucléolaires non-codants (snoRNAs) lesquels constituent normalement un groupe abondant d’ARN poly(A)-. Mes résultats supportent ainsi un mécanisme par lequel des snoRNAs immatures poly(A)+, sont convertis en une forme mature poly(A)- par le biais de Pab2 et de l’activité 3’-->5’ exoribonucléase de l’exosome à ARN. Ces observations sont inusitées dans la mesure où elles associent une fonction pour une PABP dans la maturation d'ARNs non-codants, contrairement à la notion que les PABPs travaillent exclusivement au niveau des ARNms, en plus de procurer une nouvelle perspective face au mécanisme de recrutement de l'exosome à ARN à des substrats poly(A)+. La formation de l’extrémité 3’ d’un ARN est un processus étroitement lié à la terminaison de sa transcription. Pour les gènes codants, la terminaison transcriptionnelle est initiée par le clivage endonucléolytique du pré-ARNm. Ce clivage génère une extrémité d’ARN 5’ libre laquelle sera ciblée par une exoribonucléase 5'-->3’ afin de mener à bien l’éviction de l’ARNPII de la matrice d’ADN (terminaison transcriptionnelle de type torpedo). Au contraire, chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), la majorité des gènes non-codants, incluant les snoRNAs, dépendent plutôt du complexe NNS (Nrd1/Nab3/Sen1) pour la terminaison de leur transcription. Cela dit, il est incertain si le complexe NNS est conservé chez d’autres espèces. À cet égard, mes travaux indiquent que S. pombe est dépourvu d’un mécanisme de terminaison de la transcription de type NNS. Seb1, l’orthologue présumé de Nrd1 chez S. pombe, s’associe plutôt à la machinerie de clivage et de polyadénylation et influence la sélection de site de polyadénylation à l’échelle du génome. Mes résultats supportent ainsi l’utilisation de la machinerie de maturation 3’ des ARNms comme principal vecteur de terminaison transcriptionnelle chez S. pombe et identifient Seb1 comme un facteur clé de ce processus. L’évènement transcriptionnel étant hautement complexe, des erreurs peuvent arriver de manière stochastique menant à l’accumulation d’ARNs aberrants potentiellement néfastes pour la cellule. Or, mes travaux ont mis en lumière un mécanisme de surveillance co-transcriptionnel des ARNs impliquant l’exosome à ARN et lié à la terminaison de la transcription. Pour ce faire, l’exosome à ARN promeut la terminaison transcriptionnelle via la dégradation d’une extrémité 3’ libre d’ARN devenue émergente suite au recul de l’ARNPII le long de la matrice d’ADN (phénomène de backtracking). Mes résultats supportent ainsi une terminaison de la transcription de type torpedo inversé (3'-->5’) réévaluant par la même occasion le concept voulant que la terminaison de la transcription s’effectue uniquement selon une orientation 5’-->3’. Somme toute, mes travaux de doctorat auront permis d’identifier et de caractériser plus en détail les facteurs et mécanismes impliqués dans la maturation 3’ et la terminaison de la transcription des gènes codants et non-codants chez l’organisme modèle S. pombe.


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Streamflow is considered a driver of inter and intra‐specific life‐history differences among freshwater fish. Therefore, dams and related flow regulation, can have deleterious impacts on their life‐cycles. The main objective of this study is to assess the effects of flow regulation on the growth and reproduction of a non‐migratory fish species. During one year, samples were collected from two populations of Iberian chub, inhabiting rivers with non‐regulated and regulated flow regimes. Flow regulation for water derivation promoted changes in chub’s condition, duration of gonad maturation and spawning, fecundity and oocyte size. However, this non‐migratory species was less responsive to streamflow regulation than a migratory species analysed. Findings from this study are important to understand changes imposed by regulated rivers on fish and can be used as guidelines for flow requirements implementations; RESUMO: O caudal é um dos fatores responsáveis pelo funcionamento dos ciclos de vida das espécies piscícolas dulciaquícolas. As barragens, e a regularização de caudal associada, podem ter impactes nos ciclos de vida destas espécies. O objetivo deste estudo prende‐se com a avaliação dos efeitos da regularização de caudal no crescimento e reprodução de uma espécie piscícola não‐migradora. A análise de amostras recolhidas em populações de escalo do Norte provenientes de dois rios de caudal regularizado e não regularizado, identificaram impactes significativos a nível da condição corporal, da maturação das gónadas e desova, da fecundidade e da dimensão dos oócitos. Esta espécie não‐migradora parece ser menos responsiva à artificialização do caudal que uma espécie migradora previamente analisada. Estes resultados permitem compreender as alterações impostas pela regularização do caudal e podem ser usados em programas de reabilitação fluvial.


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O sorgo sacarino [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] se destaca como cultura complementar à cana-de-açúcar Saccharum spp. na produção de etanol, uma vez que este possui colmos suculentos com presença de açúcares diretamente fermentescíveis. Em decorrência deste fato, existe a necessidade de se analisar as propriedades do sorgo, a fim de atender às demandas da agroindústria. No presente trabalho, buscou-se desenvolver e estudar as curvas de maturação de sete cultivares de sorgo sacarino em dez épocas de colheita. Os resultados mostram que houve diferença significativa para cultivares e épocas de colheita para todos os parâmetros (p≤0,01). Quanto aos teores de açúcares, as cultivares BRS508, XBWS80147 e CMSXS629 apresentaram as maiores médias para as variáveis açúcares redutores totais (ART) e açúcares totais recuperáveis (ATR). Em relação à produção de etanol por tonelada de biomassa, as cultivares BRS 508 e a CMSXS629 apresentaram os melhores resultados.


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Mots clés :indice de fraîcheur des nuits, amplitude thermique, Système CCM Géoviticole, zonage, qualité. Key words: cool night index, thermal amplitude, MCC System for World Viticulture, zoning, quality. RESUME Le régime thermique en période de maturation du raisin est l?une des variables déterminantes de la coloration du raisin et de la richesse en arômes, anthocyanes et polyphénols des vins. L?objectif du travail est de caractériser le régime thermique, notamment la fraîcheur des nuits et l?amplitude thermique au cours de la maturation, au niveau du climat viticole mondial, sur une base des données de 100 régions viticoles dans 30 pays, obtenue par l?intermédiaire de l?Organisation Mondiale de la Météorologie - OMM. Plusieurs indices climatiques viticoles ont été calculés: l?Indice de Fraîcheur des Nuits ?IF (ºC), l?Indice Héliothermique de Huglin ?IH (ºC) et l?Indice de Sécheresse ?IS (mm) du Système de Classification Climatique Multicritères Géoviticole, et l?amplitude thermique moyenne en août et septembre Aa-s (ºC). Egalement, sur la période véraison-récolte ?v-r(moyenne des 30 jours précédant la date de récolte, estimée sur la base d?un Indice Héliothermique de HUGLIN égal à 1.900 - approximatif pour la maturation du Cabernet-Sauvignon): la fraîcheur des nuits (FNv -r), la température moyenne de l?air (Tv-r), la température maximale de l?air (Txv-r) et l?amplitude thermique (Av-r). Les résultats montrent que IH est corrélé avec Tv-r (r=0,79**) et avec Txv-r (r=0,80**). IH représente donc bien les conditions thermiques générales de la période de maturation en ce qui concerne la température moyenne et maximale de l?air. Mais IH n?est pas corrélé ni avec Aa-s ni avec Av-r. Par contre, IF est corrélé avec Aa-s (r=-0,70**) et FNv-r est corrélé avec Av-r (r=-0,69**). Cette corrélation doit justifier, en partie, l?usage assez courant de l?amplitude thermique comme indicateur de bonnes conditions thermiques de maturation pour les régions qui présentent des valeurs élevées. Mais ce raisonnement peut amener à des caractérisations erronées. Le travail met en évidence, également, ?importance de considérer le bilan hydrique des régions (IS) dans l?analyse du régime thermique sur la qualité du raisin. On peut onclure que pour avoir une bonne caractérisation du régime thermique en période de maturation il faut considérer la fraîcheur des nuits (IF étant un bon indicateur de FNv-r moyen des régions, avec un r=0,80**), caractérisation qui peut être améliorée avec l?information des températures maximales et de sur 11l?amplitude thermique en période de maturation du raisin. Les éléments présentés peuvent servir à améliorer les indices climatiques pour estimer le potentiel qualitatif du raisin des différentes régions viticoles, notamment en complément de IF. ABSTRACT The thermal conditions during the grape ripening period are important variables related to colour of the grapes, anthocyanins, polyphenols and flavour of the wine. The main purpose of this work was to characterise the thermal conditions, especially the night coolness and the thermal amplitude during maturation, in the geoclimate of the world vine culture. A database of 100 grape-growing regions of 30 countries obtained from the World Meteorology Organisation (WMO) was used. Some climatic indexes were calculated: Cool Night Index ?IF (°C), Huglin?s Heliothermal Index ?IH (°C) and Dryness Index ?IS (mm), from the Multicriteria Climatic Classification System for World Viticulture, and the thermal amplitude in August and September Aa-s (°C). Over véraison-harvest period ?v-r(mean of the 30 days before harvesting date, estimated on the basis of HUGLIN Heliothermal Index equal to 1,900 ? approximately value to ripen Cabernet-Sauvignon) similar indexes were obtained: the cool night (FNv-r), the mean air temperature (Tv-r), the maximal air temperature (Txv-r) and the thermal amplitude (Av-r). The results showed that IH is positively correlated with Tv-r (r=0.79**), Txv-r (r=0.80)and IF (r=0.67**). Therefore, IH represents well the general thermal conditions during maturation period, specially concerning the mean and the maximal air temperature. owever, IH was correlated neither with Aa-s nor to Av-r. IF was negatively correlated with Aa-s (r= -0.70**) and FNv-r was negatively correlated with Av-r (r=-0.69**). The correlation to some extent explains the current use of the thermal amplitude to predict good ripening thermal conditions for those regions that show high values. As here we have described, this thinking may give incorrect results. This work has also showed the importance to consider the water balance of the regions (IS) in the effect of the thermal conditions in grape quality. We conclude that the characterisation of the thermal conditions during the ripening period do need the cool night index (in this case, IFis a good index to provide the mean FNv-r of the regions, r=0,80**). Factors other than cool night which influence this characterisation are both maximal air temperature and thermal amplitude data. The elements presented in this work, in addition to IF , may improve the climatic indexes to be used to predict the qualitative potential of grapes from different regions.


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The evaluation of the maturation in apple orchards is checked using destructive methods, sampling fruits and analyzing them in the laboratory, making the process slow and expensive. The use of not destructive method to determine fruit maturation in the orchard could accelerate delivery of results and help in determining harvest time, because non-destructive data would allow to verify the maturation on different blocks in the orchard. The aim of this work was to chart fruit maturation in 'Maxi Gala' grafted on two different rootstocks, using destructive and not destructive methods. The non-destructive method used was the portable DA-Meter. The trial was realized at Vacaria, southern Brazillocated 28,44 S and 50,85 W. The samples were harvested on two orchards during the seasons 2014/15 and 2015/16, during six weeks before harvest from January until the second week of February. The sampling was realized in five different points of the orchard, on rootstocks M.9 or Marubakaido with M.9 interstem. Ten-apple samples were collected weekly in each point in the orchard and then evaluated by destructive method (flesh firmness, starch degradation, total soluble solids and acidity) and the not destructive method (DA-Meter). For both seasons, the evolution of the fruit maturation of Maxi Gala showed a similar progression for both rootstocks. The non-destructive method correlated well with the traditional destructive methods, making it a tool for more practical and easy determination of the harvest date.


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Here we propose a protocol for embryogenic cultures induction, proliferation and maturation for the Brazilian conifer Podocarpus lambertii, and investigated the effect of abscisic acid (ABA) and glutathione (GSH) supplementation on the maturation phase. ABA, zeatin (Z) and salicylic acid (SA) endogenous levels were quantified. Number of somatic embryos obtained in ABA-supplemented treatment was signifi- cant higher than in ABA-free treatment, showing the relevance of ABA supplementation during somatic embryos maturation. Histological analysis showed the stereotyped sequence of developmental stages in conifer somatic embryos, reaching the late torpedo-staged embryo. GSH supplementation in maturation culture medium improved the somatic embryos number and morphological features. GSH 0 mM and GSH 0.1 mM treatments correlated with a decreased ABA endogenous level during maturation, while GSH 0.5 mM treatment showed constantlevels. Alltreatments resulted in decreased Z endogenous levels, supporting the concept that cytokinins are important during the initial cell division but not for the later stages of embryo development. The lowest SA levels found in GSH 0.5 mM treatment were coincident with early embryonic development, and this treatment resulted in the highest development of somatic embryos. Thus, a correlation between lower SA levels and improved somatic embryo formation can be hypothesized


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Through adolescence, young people are at an exciting point of their maturation. On the whole they are thoughtful, caring and responsible people. In many ways they are just beginning to make valuable contributions to the society they will soon be steering. They are critical and reflective, and they are passionate and energetic. We have discovered in earlier chapters the types of physical and cognitive changes and developments that confront adolescents. In this chapter we will explore emotional and moral development and allied issues of resilience and vulnerability. The emotional dimension of adolescence can tie in with several other issues that extend from aloneness, loneliness and alienation. We will introduce key theory and theorists in the field of emotional and moral development (such as Kohlberg). Some adolescents have a traumatic time (as do people of all ages and phases of life) and this book wouldn’t be whole without a brief discussion of the types of issues that emerge as young people in the throes of developing their moral and emotional perspective of the world are dealt life challenges.


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A bioactive and bioresorbable scaffold fabricated from medical grade poly (epsilon-caprolactone) and incorporating 20% beta-tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) was recently developed for bone regeneration at load bearing sites. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate bone ingrowth into mPCL–TCP in a large animal model of lumbar interbody fusion. Six pigs underwent a 2-level (L3/4; L5/6) anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) implanted with mPCL–TCP þ 0.6 mg rhBMP-2 as treatment group while four other pigs implanted with autogenous bone graft served as control. Computed tomographic scanning and histology revealed complete defect bridging in all (100%) specimen from the treatment group as early as 3 months. Histological evidence of continuing bone remodeling and maturation was observed at 6 months. In the control group, only partial bridging was observed at 3 months and only 50% of segments in this group showed complete defect bridging at 6 months. Furthermore, 25% of segments in the control group showed evidence of graft fracture, resorption and pseudoarthrosis. In contrast, no evidence of graft fractures, pseudoarthrosis or foreign body reaction was observed in the treatment group. These results reveal that mPCL–TCP scaffolds could act as bone graft substitutes by providing a suitable environment for bone regeneration in a dynamic load bearing setting such as in a porcine model of interbody spine fusion.


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Embryogenic callus was initiated by culturing in vitro taro corm slices on agar-solidified half-strength MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for 20 days followed by transfer to 1.0 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ). Callus was subsequently proliferated on solid medium containing 1.0 mg/L TDZ, 0.5 mg/L 2,4- D and 800 mg/L glutamine before transfer to liquid medium containing the same components but with reduced glutamine (100 mg/L). After 3 months in liquid culture on an orbital shaker, cytoplasmically dense cell aggregates began to form. Somatic embryogenesis was induced by plating suspension cells onto solid media containing reduced levels of hormones (0.1 mg/L TDZ, 0.05 mg/L 2,4-D), high concentrations of sucrose (40–50 g/L) and biotin (1.0 mg/L). Embryo maturation and germination was then induced on media containing 0.05 mg/L benzyladenine (BA) and 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Histological studies of the developing embryos revealed the presence of typical shoot and root poles suggesting that these structures were true somatic embryos. The rate of somatic embryos formation was 500–3,000 per mL settledcell volume while approximately 60% of the embryos regenerated into plants.


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Current research and practice related to the first year experience (FYE) of commencing higher education students are still mainly piecemeal rather than institution-wide with institutions struggling to achieve cross-institutional integration, coordination and coherence of FYE policy and practice. Drawing on a decade of FYE-related research including an ALTC Senior Fellowship and evidence at a large Australian metropolitan university, this paper explores how one institution has addressed that issue by tracing the evolution and maturation of strategies that ultimately conceptualize FYE as “everybody's business.” It is argued that, when first generation co-curricular and second generation curricular approaches are integrated and implemented through an intentionally designed curriculum by seamless partnerships of academic and professional staff in a whole-of-institution transformation, we have a third generation approach labelled here as transition pedagogy. It is suggested that transition pedagogy provides the optimal vehicle for dealing with the increasingly diverse commencing student cohorts by facilitating a sense of engagement, support and belonging. What is presented here is an example of transition pedagogy in action.