972 resultados para One cycle control


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Adapting the power of secondary users (SUs) while adhering to constraints on the interference caused to primary receivers (PRxs) is a critical issue in underlay cognitive radio (CR). This adaptation is driven by the interference and transmit power constraints imposed on the secondary transmitter (STx). Its performance also depends on the quality of channel state information (CSI) available at the STx of the links from the STx to the secondary receiver and to the PRxs. For a system in which an STx is subject to an average interference constraint or an interference outage probability constraint at each of the PRxs, we derive novel symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal, practically motivated binary transmit power control policies. As a reference, we also present the corresponding SEP-optimal continuous transmit power control policies for one PRx. We then analyze the robustness of the optimal policies when the STx knows noisy channel estimates of the links between the SU and the PRxs. Altogether, our work develops a holistic understanding of the critical role played by different transmit and interference constraints in driving power control in underlay CR and the impact of CSI on its performance.


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DNA intercalators are one of the interesting groups in cancer chemotherapy. The development of novel anticancer small molecule has gained remarkable interest over the last decade. In this study, we synthesized and investigated the ability of a tetracyclic-condensed quinoline compound, 4-butylaminopyrimido4',5':4,5]thieno(2,3-b)quinoline (BPTQ), to interact with double-stranded DNA and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Circular dichroism, topological studies, molecular docking, absorbance, and fluorescence spectral titrations were employed to study the interaction of BPTQ with DNA. Cytotoxicity was studied by performing 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay. Further, cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry, annexin V staining, mitochondrial membrane potential assay, DNA fragmentation, and western blot analysis were used to elucidate the mechanism of action of BPTQ at the cellular level. Spectral, topological, and docking studies confirmed that BPTQ is a typical intercalator of DNA. BPTQ induces dose-dependent inhibitory effect on the proliferation of cancer cells by arresting cells at S and G2/M phase. Further, BPTQ activates the mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway, as explicated by a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential, increase in the Bax:Bcl-2 ratio, and activation of caspases. These results confirmed that BPTQ is a DNA intercalative anticancer molecule, which could aid in the development of future cancer therapeutic agents.


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In this work, it is demonstrated that the in situ growth of oriented nanometric aggregates of partially inverted zinc ferrite can potentially pave a way to alter and tune magnetocrystalline anisotropy that, in turn, dictates ferromagnetic resonance frequency (f(FMR)) by inducing strain due to aggregation. Furthermore, the influence of interparticle interaction on magnetic properties of the aggregates is investigated. Mono-dispersed zinc ferrite nanoparticles (<5 nm) with various degrees of aggregation were prepared through decomposition of metal-organic compounds of zinc (II) and iron (III) in an alcoholic solution under controlled microwave irradiation, below 200 degrees C. The nanocrystallites were found to possess high degree of inversion (>0.5). With increasing order of aggregation in the samples, saturation magnetization (at 5 K) is found to decrease from 38 emu/g to 24 emu/g, while coercivity is found to increase gradually by up to 100% (525 Oe to 1040 Oe). Anisotropy-mediated shift of f(FMR) has also been measured and discussed. In essence, the result exhibits an easy way to control the magnetic characteristics of nanocrystalline zinc ferrite, boosted with significant degree of inversion, at GHz frequencies. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In the present work, electrospraying of an organic molecule is carried out using various solvents, obtaining fibril structures along with a range of distinct morphologies. Solvent characteristics play a major role in determining the morphology of the organic material. A thiophene derivative (7,9-di(thiophen-2-yl)-8H-cyclopentaa]acenaphthylen-8-one) (DTCPA) of donor-acceptor-donor (DAD) architecture is used to study this solvent effect. Seven solvents with decreasing vapour pressure are selected for experiments. Electrospraying is conducted at a solution concentration of 1.5 wt% and a constant applied voltage of 15 kV. Gradual transformation in morphology of the electrospun product from spiked-spheres to only spikes is observed. A mechanism describing this transformation is proposed based on electron micrograph analysis and XRD analysis. These data indicate that the morphological change is due to the synergistic effect of both vapour pressure and dielectric constant of the solvents. Through a reasonable control of the crystallite size and morphology along with the proposal of the transformation mechanism, this study elucidates electrospraying as a prospective method for designing architectures in organic electronics.


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Branch divergence is a very commonly occurring performance problem in GPGPU in which the execution of diverging branches is serialized to execute only one control flow path at a time. Existing hardware mechanism to reconverge threads using a stack causes duplicate execution of code for unstructured control flow graphs. Also the stack mechanism cannot effectively utilize the available parallelism among diverging branches. Further, the amount of nested divergence allowed is also limited by depth of the branch divergence stack. In this paper we propose a simple and elegant transformation to handle all of the above mentioned problems. The transformation converts an unstructured CFG to a structured CFG without duplicating user code. It incurs only a linear increase in the number of basic blocks and also the number of instructions. Our solution linearizes the CFG using a predicate variable. This mechanism reconverges the divergent threads as early as possible. It also reduces the depth of the reconvergence stack. The available parallelism in nested branches can be effectively extracted by scheduling the basic blocks to reduce the effect of stalls due to memory accesses. It can also increase execution efficiency of nested loops with different trip counts for different threads. We implemented the proposed transformation at PTX level using the Ocelot compiler infrastructure. We evaluated the technique using various benchmarks to show that it can be effective in handling the performance problem due to divergence in unstructured CFGs.


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Recent studies on small-scale power generation with the organic Rankine cycle suggest superior performance of positive displacement type of expanders compared to turbines. Scroll expanders in particular achieve high isentropic efficiencies due to lower leakage and frictional losses. Performance of scroll machines may be enhanced by the use of non-circular involute curves in place of the circular involutes resulting non-uniform wall thickness. In this paper, a detailed moment analysis is performed for such an expander having volumetric expansion ratio of 5 using thermodynamic models proposed earlier by one of the present authors. The working fluid considered in the power cycle is R-245fa with scroll inlet temperature of 125 degrees C for a gross power output of similar to 3.5 kW. The model developed in this paper is verified with an air scroll compressor available in the literature and then applied to an expander Prediction of small variation of moment with scroll motion recommends use of scroll expander without a flywheel over other positive displacement type of expanders, e.g. reciprocating, where a flywheel is an essential component.


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This paper presents the instrumentation and control architecture for a laboratory based two-stage 4-bed silica gel + water adsorption system. The system consists of primarily two fluids: refrigerant (water vapour) and heat transfer fluid (water) flowing through various components. Heat input to the system is simulated using multiple heaters and ambient air is used as the heat sink. The laboratory setup incorporates a real time National Instruments (NI) controller to control several digital and analog valves, heaters, pumps and fans along with simultaneous data acquisition from various flow, pressure and temperature sensors. The paper also presents in detail the various automated and manual tasks required for successful operation of the system. Finally the system pressure and temperature dynamics are reported and its performance evaluated for various cycle times. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we look at the political business cycle problem through the lens of uncertainty. The feedback control used by us is the famous NKPC with stochasticity and wage rigidities. We extend the New Keynesian Phillips Curve model to the continuous time stochastic set up with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We minimize relevant expected quadratic cost by solving the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The basic intuition of the classical model is qualitatively carried forward in our set up but uncertainty also plays an important role in determining the optimal trajectory of the voter support function. The internal variability of the system acts as a base shifter for the support function in the risk neutral case. The role of uncertainty is even more prominent in the risk averse case where all the shape parameters are directly dependent on variability. Thus, in this case variability controls both the rates of change as well as the base shift parameters. To gain more insight we have also studied the model when the coefficients are time invariant and studied numerical solutions. The close relationship between the unemployment rate and the support function for the incumbent party is highlighted. The role of uncertainty in creating sampling fluctuation in this set up, possibly towards apparently anomalous results, is also explored.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant disorder of central nervous system caused by expansion of CAG repeats in exon1 of the huntingtin gene (Htt). Among various dysfunctions originated from the mutation in Htt gene, transcriptional deregulation has been considered to be one of the most important abnormalities. Large numbers of investigations identified altered expressions of genes in brains of HD patients and many models of HD. In this study we employed 2D SDS-PAGE/MALDI-MS coupled with 2D-DIGE and real-time PCR experiments of an array of genes focused to HD pathway to determine altered protein and gene expressions in STHdh(Q111)/Hdh(Q111) cells, a cell model of HD and compared with STHdh(Q7)/Hdh(Q7) cells, its wild type counterpart. We annotated 76 proteins from these cells and observed differential expressions of 31 proteins (by 2D-DIGE) involved in processes like unfolded protein binding, negative regulation of neuron apoptosis, response to superoxides etc. Our PCR array experiments identified altered expressions of 47 genes. Altogether significant alteration of 77 genes/proteins could be identified in this HD cell line with potential relevance to HD biology. Biological significance: In this study we intended to find out differential proteomic and genomic profiles in HD condition. We used the STHdh cells, a cellular model for HD and control. These are mouse striatal neuronal cell lines harboring 7 and 111 knock -in CAG repeats in their two alleles. The 111Q containing cell line (STHdh(Q111)/Hdh(Q111)) mimics diseased condition, whereas the 7Q containing ones (STHdh(Q7)/Hdh(Q7)), serves as the proper control cell line. Proteomic experiments were performed earlier to obtain differential expressions of proteins in R6/2 mice models, Hdh(Q) knock -in mice and in plasma and CSF from HD patients. However, no earlier report on proteomic alterations in these two HD cell lines and control was available in literature. It was, therefore, an important objective to find out differential expressions of proteins in these two cell lines. In this study, we annotated 76 proteins from STHdh(Q7)/Hdh(Q7) and STHdh(Q111)/Hdh(Q111) cells using 2D-gel/mass spectrometry. Next, by performing 2D-DIGE, we observed differential expressions of 31 proteins (16 upregulated and 15 downregulated) between these two cell lines. We also performed customized qRT-PCR array focused to HD pathway and found differential expressions of 47 genes (8 gene exptessions increased and 39 genes were decreased significantly). A total of 77 genes/proteins (Htt downregulated in both the studies) were found to be significantly altered from both the experimental paradigms. We validated the differential expressions of Vim, Hypk, Ran, Dstn, Hspa5 and Sod2 either by qRT-PCR or Western blot analysis or both. Out of these 77, similar trends in alteration of 19 out of 31 and 38 out of 47 proteins/genes were reported in earlier studies. Thus our study confirmed earlier observations on differential gene/protein expressions in HD and are really useful. Additionally, we observed differential expression of some novel genes/proteins. One of this was Hypk, a Htt-interacting chaperone protein with the ability to solubilize mHtt aggregated structures in cell lines. We propose that downregulation of Hypk in STHdh-Qm (Q111)/Hdh(Q111) has a causal effect towards HD pathogenesis. Thus the novel findings from our study need further research and might be helpful to understand the molecular mechanism behind HD pathogenesis. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Naturally occurring compounds are considered as attractive candidates for cancer treatment and prevention. Quercetin and ellagic acid are naturally occurring flavonoids abundantly seen in several fruits and vegetables. In the present study, we evaluate and compare antitumor efficacies of quercetin and ellagic acid in animal models and cancer cell lines in a comprehensive manner. We found that quercetin induced cytotoxicity in leukemic cells in a dose-dependent manner, while ellagic acid showed only limited toxicity. Besides leukemic cells, quercetin also induced cytotoxicity in breast cancer cells, however, its effect on normal cells was limited or none. Further, quercetin caused S phase arrest during cell cycle progression in tested cancer cells. Quercetin induced tumor regression in mice at a concentration 3-fold lower than ellagic acid. Importantly, administration of quercetin lead to -5 fold increase in the life span in tumor bearing mice compared to that of untreated controls. Further, we found that quercetin interacts with DNA directly, and could be one of the mechanisms for inducing apoptosis in both, cancer cell lines and tumor tissues by activating the intrinsic pathway. Thus, our data suggests that quercetin can be further explored for its potential to be used in cancer therapeutics and combination therapy.


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In gross motion of flexible one-dimensional (1D) objects such as cables, ropes, chains, ribbons and hair, the assumption of constant length is realistic and reasonable. The motion of the object also appears more natural if the motion or disturbance given at one end attenuates along the length of the object. In an earlier work, variational calculus was used to derive natural and length-preserving transformation of planar and spatial curves and implemented for flexible 1D objects discretized with a large number of straight segments. This paper proposes a novel idea to reduce computational effort and enable real-time and realistic simulation of the motion of flexible 1D objects. The key idea is to represent the flexible 1D object as a spline and move the underlying control polygon with much smaller number of segments. To preserve the length of the curve to within a prescribed tolerance as the control polygon is moved, the control polygon is adaptively modified by subdivision and merging. New theoretical results relating the length of the curve and the angle between the adjacent segments of the control polygon are derived for quadratic and cubic splines. Depending on the prescribed tolerance on length error, the theoretical results are used to obtain threshold angles for subdivision and merging. Simulation results for arbitrarily chosen planar and spatial curves whose one end is subjected to generic input motions are provided to illustrate the approach. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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While the world is focused on controlling the spread of diseases such as HIV and malaria in the developing world, another approaching epidemic has been largely overlooked. The World Heath Organization predicts that there will be 16 million new cancer cases per year in 2020 and 70% of these will be in the developing world. Many of these cancers are preventable, or treatable when detected early enough. Establishing effective, affordable and workable cancer control plans in African countries is one step in the right direction toward limiting this epidemic.


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We suggest a local pinning feedback control for stabilizing periodic pattern in spatially extended systems. Analytical and numerical investigations of this method for a system described by the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are carried out. We found that it is possible to suppress spatiotemporal chaos by using a few pinning signals in the presence of a large gradient force. Our analytical predictions well coincide with numerical observations.


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A previously developed Stochastic Reactor Model (SRM) is used to simulate combustion in a four cylinder in-line four-stroke naturally aspirated direct injection Spark Ignition (SI) engine modified to run in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) mode with a Negative Valve Overlap (NVO). A portion of the fuel is injected during NVO to increase the cylinder temperature and enable HCCI combustion at a compression ratio of 12:1. The model is coupled with GT-Power, a one-dimensional engine simulation tool used for the open valve portion of the engine cycle. The SRM is used to model in-cylinder mixing, heat transfer and chemistry during the NVO and main combustion. Direct injection is simulated during NVO in order to predict heat release and internal Exhaust Gas Recycle (EGR) composition and mass. The NOx emissions and simulated pressure profiles match experimental data well, including the cyclic fluctuations. The model predicts combustion characteristics at different fuel split ratios and injection timings. The effect of fuel reforming on ignition timing is investigated along with the causes of cycle to cycle variations and unstable operation. A detailed flux analysis during NVO unearths interesting results regarding the effect of NOx on ignition timing compared with its effect during the main combustion. © 2009 SAE International.


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El término “funciones ejecutivas” comienza a ser utilizado por Lezak en los 80’. No se trata de un concepto unitario, incluyendo varias funciones cognitivas y autodirigidas que contribuyen a la autorregulación del individuo. Existen varias controversias acerca del constructo “funciones ejecutivas”, entre ellas: la unidad vs diversidad de los procesos cognitivos que implican las funciones ejecutivas, y la naturaleza del control ejecutivo; el presente artículo se focaliza sobre esta última cuestión. Se presentarán dos aproximaciones de acuerdo a distintos modos de explicación de la memoria de trabajo y del control ejecutivo. Finalmente, se propone enfocar el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas desde una visión integrada de la mente, para su mejor comprensión.