919 resultados para Non-thresholding speech noise reduction


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One of the major concerns of scoliosis patients undergoing surgical treatment is the aesthetic aspect of the surgery outcome. It would be useful to predict the postoperative appearance of the patient trunk in the course of a surgery planning process in order to take into account the expectations of the patient. In this paper, we propose to use least squares support vector regression for the prediction of the postoperative trunk 3D shape after spine surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Five dimensionality reduction techniques used in conjunction with the support vector machine are compared. The methods are evaluated in terms of their accuracy, based on the leave-one-out cross-validation performed on a database of 141 cases. The results indicate that the 3D shape predictions using a dimensionality reduction obtained by simultaneous decomposition of the predictors and response variables have the best accuracy.


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This paper introduces and examines the logicist construction of Peano Arithmetic that can be performed into Leśniewski’s logical calculus of names called Ontology. Against neo-Fregeans, it is argued that a logicist program cannot be based on implicit definitions of the mathematical concepts. Using only explicit definitions, the construction to be presented here constitutes a real reduction of arithmetic to Leśniewski’s logic with the addition of an axiom of infinity. I argue however that such a program is not reductionist, for it only provides what I will call a picture of arithmetic, that is to say a specific interpretation of arithmetic in which purely logical entities play the role of natural numbers. The reduction does not show that arithmetic is simply a part of logic. The process is not of ontological significance, for numbers are not shown to be logical entities. This neo-logicist program nevertheless shows the existence of a purely analytical route to the knowledge of arithmetical laws.


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Trawling, though an efficient method of fishing, is known to be one of the most non-selective methods of fish capture. The bulk of the wild caught penaeid shrimps landed in India are caught by trawling.In addition to shrimps, the trawler fleet also catches considerable amount of non-shrimp resources. The term bycatch means that portion of the catch other than target species caught while fishing, which are either retained or discarded. Bycatch discards is a serious problem leading to the depletion of the resources and negative impacts on biodiversity. In order to minimize this problem, trawling has to be made more selective by incorporating Bycatch Reduction Devices (BRDs). There are several advantages in using BRDs in shrimp trawling. BRDs reduce the negative impacts of shrimp trawling on marine community. Fishers could benefit economically from higher catch value due to improved catch quality, shorter sorting time, lower fuel costs, and longer tow duration. Adoption of BRDs by fishers would forestall criticism by conservation groups against trawling.


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Medical fields requires fast, simple and noninvasive methods of diagnostic techniques. Several methods are available and possible because of the growth of technology that provides the necessary means of collecting and processing signals. The present thesis details the work done in the field of voice signals. New methods of analysis have been developed to understand the complexity of voice signals, such as nonlinear dynamics aiming at the exploration of voice signals dynamic nature. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize complexities of pathological voice from healthy signals and to differentiate stuttering signals from healthy signals. Efficiency of various acoustic as well as non linear time series methods are analysed. Three groups of samples are used, one from healthy individuals, subjects with vocal pathologies and stuttering subjects. Individual vowels/ and a continuous speech data for the utterance of the sentence "iruvarum changatimaranu" the meaning in English is "Both are good friends" from Malayalam language are recorded using a microphone . The recorded audio are converted to digital signals and are subjected to analysis.Acoustic perturbation methods like fundamental frequency (FO), jitter, shimmer, Zero Crossing Rate(ZCR) were carried out and non linear measures like maximum lyapunov exponent(Lamda max), correlation dimension (D2), Kolmogorov exponent(K2), and a new measure of entropy viz., Permutation entropy (PE) are evaluated for all three groups of the subjects. Permutation Entropy is a nonlinear complexity measure which can efficiently distinguish regular and complex nature of any signal and extract information about the change in dynamics of the process by indicating sudden change in its value. The results shows that nonlinear dynamical methods seem to be a suitable technique for voice signal analysis, due to the chaotic component of the human voice. Permutation entropy is well suited due to its sensitivity to uncertainties, since the pathologies are characterized by an increase in the signal complexity and unpredictability. Pathological groups have higher entropy values compared to the normal group. The stuttering signals have lower entropy values compared to the normal signals.PE is effective in charaterising the level of improvement after two weeks of speech therapy in the case of stuttering subjects. PE is also effective in characterizing the dynamical difference between healthy and pathological subjects. This suggests that PE can improve and complement the recent voice analysis methods available for clinicians. The work establishes the application of the simple, inexpensive and fast algorithm of PE for diagnosis in vocal disorders and stuttering subjects.


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Biometrics deals with the physiological and behavioral characteristics of an individual to establish identity. Fingerprint based authentication is the most advanced biometric authentication technology. The minutiae based fingerprint identification method offer reasonable identification rate. The feature minutiae map consists of about 70-100 minutia points and matching accuracy is dropping down while the size of database is growing up. Hence it is inevitable to make the size of the fingerprint feature code to be as smaller as possible so that identification may be much easier. In this research, a novel global singularity based fingerprint representation is proposed. Fingerprint baseline, which is the line between distal and intermediate phalangeal joint line in the fingerprint, is taken as the reference line. A polygon is formed with the singularities and the fingerprint baseline. The feature vectors are the polygonal angle, sides, area, type and the ridge counts in between the singularities. 100% recognition rate is achieved in this method. The method is compared with the conventional minutiae based recognition method in terms of computation time, receiver operator characteristics (ROC) and the feature vector length. Speech is a behavioural biometric modality and can be used for identification of a speaker. In this work, MFCC of text dependant speeches are computed and clustered using k-means algorithm. A backpropagation based Artificial Neural Network is trained to identify the clustered speech code. The performance of the neural network classifier is compared with the VQ based Euclidean minimum classifier. Biometric systems that use a single modality are usually affected by problems like noisy sensor data, non-universality and/or lack of distinctiveness of the biometric trait, unacceptable error rates, and spoof attacks. Multifinger feature level fusion based fingerprint recognition is developed and the performances are measured in terms of the ROC curve. Score level fusion of fingerprint and speech based recognition system is done and 100% accuracy is achieved for a considerable range of matching threshold


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In a sigma-delta analog to digital (A/D) As most of the sigma-delta ADC applications require converter, the most computationally intensive block is decimation filters with linear phase characteristics, the decimation filter and its hardware implementation symmetric Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters are may require millions of transistors. Since these widely used for implementation. But the number of FIR converters are now targeted for a portable application, filter coefficients will be quite large for implementing a a hardware efficient design is an implicit requirement. narrow band decimation filter. Implementing decimation In this effect, this paper presents a computationally filter in several stages reduces the total number of filter efficient polyphase implementation of non-recursive coefficients, and hence reduces the hardware complexity cascaded integrator comb (CIC) decimators for and power consumption [2]. Sigma-Delta Converters (SDCs). The SDCs are The first stage of decimation filter can be operating at high oversampling frequencies and hence implemented very efficiently using a cascade of integrators require large sampling rate conversions. The filtering and comb filters which do not require multiplication or and rate reduction are performed in several stages to coefficient storage. The remaining filtering is performed reduce hardware complexity and power dissipation. either in single stage or in two stages with more complex The CIC filters are widely adopted as the first stage of FIR or infinite impulse response (IIR) filters according to decimation due to its multiplier free structure. In this the requirements. The amount of passband aliasing or research, the performance of polyphase structure is imaging error can be brought within prescribed bounds by compared with the CICs using recursive and increasing the number of stages in the CIC filter. The non-recursive algorithms in terms of power, speed and width of the passband and the frequency characteristics area. This polyphase implementation offers high speed outside the passband are severely limited. So, CIC filters operation and low power consumption. The polyphase are used to make the transition between high and low implementation of 4th order CIC filter with a sampling rates. Conventional filters operating at low decimation factor of '64' and input word length of sampling rate are used to attain the required transition '4-bits' offers about 70% and 37% of power saving bandwidth and stopband attenuation. compared to the corresponding recursive and Several papers are available in literature that deals non-recursive implementations respectively. The same with different implementations of decimation filter polyphase CIC filter can operate about 7 times faster architecture for sigma-delta ADCs. Hogenauer has than the recursive and about 3.7 times faster than the described the design procedures for decimation and non-recursive CIC filters.


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Speech processing and consequent recognition are important areas of Digital Signal Processing since speech allows people to communicate more natu-rally and efficiently. In this work, a speech recognition system is developed for re-cognizing digits in Malayalam. For recognizing speech, features are to be ex-tracted from speech and hence feature extraction method plays an important role in speech recognition. Here, front end processing for extracting the features is per-formed using two wavelet based methods namely Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) and Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD). Naive Bayes classifier is used for classification purpose. After classification using Naive Bayes classifier, DWT produced a recognition accuracy of 83.5% and WPD produced an accuracy of 80.7%. This paper is intended to devise a new feature extraction method which produces improvements in the recognition accuracy. So, a new method called Dis-crete Wavelet Packet Decomposition (DWPD) is introduced which utilizes the hy-brid features of both DWT and WPD. The performance of this new approach is evaluated and it produced an improved recognition accuracy of 86.2% along with Naive Bayes classifier.


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Modeling nonlinear systems using Volterra series is a century old method but practical realizations were hampered by inadequate hardware to handle the increased computational complexity stemming from its use. But interest is renewed recently, in designing and implementing filters which can model much of the polynomial nonlinearities inherent in practical systems. The key advantage in resorting to Volterra power series for this purpose is that nonlinear filters so designed can be made to work in parallel with the existing LTI systems, yielding improved performance. This paper describes the inclusion of a quadratic predictor (with nonlinearity order 2) with a linear predictor in an analog source coding system. Analog coding schemes generally ignore the source generation mechanisms but focuses on high fidelity reconstruction at the receiver. The widely used method of differential pnlse code modulation (DPCM) for speech transmission uses a linear predictor to estimate the next possible value of the input speech signal. But this linear system do not account for the inherent nonlinearities in speech signals arising out of multiple reflections in the vocal tract. So a quadratic predictor is designed and implemented in parallel with the linear predictor to yield improved mean square error performance. The augmented speech coder is tested on speech signals transmitted over an additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) channel.


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The standard separable two dimensional wavelet transform has achieved a great success in image denoising applications due to its sparse representation of images. However it fails to capture efficiently the anisotropic geometric structures like edges and contours in images as they intersect too many wavelet basis functions and lead to a non-sparse representation. In this paper a novel de-noising scheme based on multi directional and anisotropic wavelet transform called directionlet is presented. The image denoising in wavelet domain has been extended to the directionlet domain to make the image features to concentrate on fewer coefficients so that more effective thresholding is possible. The image is first segmented and the dominant direction of each segment is identified to make a directional map. Then according to the directional map, the directionlet transform is taken along the dominant direction of the selected segment. The decomposed images with directional energy are used for scale dependent subband adaptive optimal threshold computation based on SURE risk. This threshold is then applied to the sub-bands except the LLL subband. The threshold corrected sub-bands with the unprocessed first sub-band (LLL) are given as input to the inverse directionlet algorithm for getting the de-noised image. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the standard wavelet-based denoising methods in terms of numeric and visual quality


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The basic concepts of digital signal processing are taught to the students in engineering and science. The focus of the course is on linear, time invariant systems. The question as to what happens when the system is governed by a quadratic or cubic equation remains unanswered in the vast majority of literature on signal processing. Light has been shed on this problem when John V Mathews and Giovanni L Sicuranza published the book Polynomial Signal Processing. This book opened up an unseen vista of polynomial systems for signal and image processing. The book presented the theory and implementations of both adaptive and non-adaptive FIR and IIR quadratic systems which offer improved performance than conventional linear systems. The theory of quadratic systems presents a pristine and virgin area of research that offers computationally intensive work. Once the area of research is selected, the next issue is the choice of the software tool to carry out the work. Conventional languages like C and C++ are easily eliminated as they are not interpreted and lack good quality plotting libraries. MATLAB is proved to be very slow and so do SCILAB and Octave. The search for a language for scientific computing that was as fast as C, but with a good quality plotting library, ended up in Python, a distant relative of LISP. It proved to be ideal for scientific computing. An account of the use of Python, its scientific computing package scipy and the plotting library pylab is given in the appendix Initially, work is focused on designing predictors that exploit the polynomial nonlinearities inherent in speech generation mechanisms. Soon, the work got diverted into medical image processing which offered more potential to exploit by the use of quadratic methods. The major focus in this area is on quadratic edge detection methods for retinal images and fingerprints as well as de-noising raw MRI signals


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The paper investigates the feasibility of implementing an intelligent classifier for noise sources in the ocean, with the help of artificial neural networks, using higher order spectral features. Non-linear interactions between the component frequencies of the noise data can give rise to certain phase relations called Quadratic Phase Coupling (QPC), which cannot be characterized by power spectral analysis. However, bispectral analysis, which is a higher order estimation technique, can reveal the presence of such phase couplings and provide a measure to quantify such couplings. A feed forward neural network has been trained and validated with higher order spectral features


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The reforms in Indian banking sector since 1991 is deliberated mostly in terms of the significant measures that were implemented in order to develop a more vibrant, healthy, stable and efficient banking sector in India. The effect of a highly regulated banking environment on asset quality, productivity and performance of banks necessitated the reform process and resulted the incorporation of prudential norms for income recognition, asset classification and provisioning and capital adequacy norms, in line with international best practices. The improvements in asset quality and a reduction in non-performing assets were the primary objective enunciated in the reform measures. In this context, the present research critically evaluates the trend in movement of nonperforming assets of public sector banks in India during the period 2000-01 to 2011-12, thereby facilitates an evaluation of the effectiveness of NPA management in the post-millennium period. The non-performing assets is not a function of loan/advance alone, but is influenced by other bank performance indicators and also by the macroeconomic variables. In addition to explaining the trend in the movement of NPA, this research also explained the moderating and mediating role of various bank performance and macroeconomic indicators on incidence of NPA


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Speech is the primary, most prominent and convenient means of communication in audible language. Through speech, people can express their thoughts, feelings or perceptions by the articulation of words. Human speech is a complex signal which is non stationary in nature. It consists of immensely rich information about the words spoken, accent, attitude of the speaker, expression, intention, sex, emotion as well as style. The main objective of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is to identify whatever people speak by means of computer algorithms. This enables people to communicate with a computer in a natural spoken language. Automatic recognition of speech by machines has been one of the most exciting, significant and challenging areas of research in the field of signal processing over the past five to six decades. Despite the developments and intensive research done in this area, the performance of ASR is still lower than that of speech recognition by humans and is yet to achieve a completely reliable performance level. The main objective of this thesis is to develop an efficient speech recognition system for recognising speaker independent isolated words in Malayalam.


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Biological systems exhibit rich and complex behavior through the orchestrated interplay of a large array of components. It is hypothesized that separable subsystems with some degree of functional autonomy exist; deciphering their independent behavior and functionality would greatly facilitate understanding the system as a whole. Discovering and analyzing such subsystems are hence pivotal problems in the quest to gain a quantitative understanding of complex biological systems. In this work, using approaches from machine learning, physics and graph theory, methods for the identification and analysis of such subsystems were developed. A novel methodology, based on a recent machine learning algorithm known as non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), was developed to discover such subsystems in a set of large-scale gene expression data. This set of subsystems was then used to predict functional relationships between genes, and this approach was shown to score significantly higher than conventional methods when benchmarking them against existing databases. Moreover, a mathematical treatment was developed to treat simple network subsystems based only on their topology (independent of particular parameter values). Application to a problem of experimental interest demonstrated the need for extentions to the conventional model to fully explain the experimental data. Finally, the notion of a subsystem was evaluated from a topological perspective. A number of different protein networks were examined to analyze their topological properties with respect to separability, seeking to find separable subsystems. These networks were shown to exhibit separability in a nonintuitive fashion, while the separable subsystems were of strong biological significance. It was demonstrated that the separability property found was not due to incomplete or biased data, but is likely to reflect biological structure.


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Support Vector Machines Regression (SVMR) is a regression technique which has been recently introduced by V. Vapnik and his collaborators (Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, Golowich and Smola, 1996). In SVMR the goodness of fit is measured not by the usual quadratic loss function (the mean square error), but by a different loss function called Vapnik"s $epsilon$- insensitive loss function, which is similar to the "robust" loss functions introduced by Huber (Huber, 1981). The quadratic loss function is well justified under the assumption of Gaussian additive noise. However, the noise model underlying the choice of Vapnik's loss function is less clear. In this paper the use of Vapnik's loss function is shown to be equivalent to a model of additive and Gaussian noise, where the variance and mean of the Gaussian are random variables. The probability distributions for the variance and mean will be stated explicitly. While this work is presented in the framework of SVMR, it can be extended to justify non-quadratic loss functions in any Maximum Likelihood or Maximum A Posteriori approach. It applies not only to Vapnik's loss function, but to a much broader class of loss functions.