997 resultados para Ni-Cd batteries


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Although the greatest variety of Brazilian flora is in the Amazon region, the Southern region of Brazil also has an estimated number of at least 5,000 species of vascular native plants. These species have been neglected as potential food sources, remaining unknown and under-utilized and limiting the potential variety in the diet of Brazilians and other peoples. Therefore the aim of this study was to characterize the mineral composition and content present in seven native fruit species of Southern Brazil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The essential element concentrations in the fruit samples were higher or similar to the values reported for traditional fruits. The araticum-do-mato fruit samples had high concentrations of the elements Ca, K, and Cu, and trace elements such as Pb and Sr. Mandacaru-de-três-quinas had predominance of Ba, Bi, and Ga, and the essential elements Mg and Mn. Uvaia and guabiroba had the highest levels of Al and Cr, but uvaia had high levels of Fe and Zn. The pindo palm had high amounts of Cd and Ni, and the yellow guava had high concentrations of Na, while red guava had high levels of Co.


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The accelerating adoption of electrical technologies in vehicles over the recent years has led to an increase in the research on electrochemical energy storage systems, which are among the key elements in these technologies. The application of electrochemical energy storage systems for instance in hybrid electrical vehicles (HEVs) or hybrid mobile working machines allows tolerating high power peaks, leading to an opportunity to downsize the internal combustion engine and reduce fuel consumption, and therefore, CO2 and other emissions. Further, the application of electrochemical energy storage systems provides an option of kinetic and potential energy recuperation. Presently, the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is considered the most suitable electrochemical energy storage type in HEVs and hybrid mobile working machines. However, the intensive operating cycle produces high heat losses in the Li-ion battery, which increase its operating temperature. The Li-ion battery operation at high temperatures accelerates the ageing of the battery, and in the worst case, may lead to a thermal runaway and fire. Therefore, an appropriate Li-ion battery cooling system should be provided for the temperature control in applications such as HEVs and mobile working machines. In this doctoral dissertation, methods are presented to set up a thermal model of a single Li-ion cell and a more complex battery module, which can be used if full information about the battery chemistry is not available. In addition, a non-destructive method is developed for the cell thermal characterization, which allows to measure the thermal parameters at different states of charge and in different points of cell surface. The proposed models and the cell thermal characterization method have been verified by experimental measurements. The minimization of high thermal non-uniformity, which was detected in the pouch cell during its operation with a high C-rate current, was analysed by applying a simplified pouch cell 3D thermal model. In the analysis, heat pipes were incorporated into the pouch cell cooling system, and an optimization algorithm was generated for the estimation of the optimalplacement of heat pipes in the pouch cell cooling system. An analysis of the application of heat pipes to the pouch cell cooling system shows that heat pipes significantly decrease the temperature non-uniformity on the cell surface, and therefore, heat pipes were recommended for the enhancement of the pouch cell cooling system.


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A new approach to the determination of the thermal parameters of high-power batteries is introduced here. Application of local heat flux measurement with a gradient heat flux sensor (GHFS) allows determination of the cell thermal parameters in di_erent surface points of the cell. The suggested methodology is not cell destructive as it does not require deep discharge of the cell or application of any charge/discharge cycles during measurements of the thermal parameters of the cell. The complete procedure is demonstrated on a high-power Li-ion pouch cell, and it is verified on a sample with well-known thermal parameters. A comparison of the experimental results with conventional thermal characterization methods shows an acceptably low error. The dependence of the cell thermal parameters on state of charge (SoC) and measurement points on the surface was studied by the proposed measurement approach.


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Tutkimuksemme päätarkoituksena on ollut tutkia perheen osallisuutta kehitysvammaisen lapsen kuntoutuksen suunnitteluun kuntoutussuunnitelman ja henkilökohtaisen opetuksen järjestämistä koskevan suunnitelman eli HOJKS:n pohjalta. Vertailimme myös HOJKS:n ja kuntoutussuunnitelman yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia. Opinnäytetyö osallistuu Varsinais-Suomen erityishuoltopiirin, Kansaneläkelaitoksen, Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan ja Turun yliopiston yhteiseen KeLaKuVa -tutkimushankkeeseen. Aineistomme koostuu 25 kuntoutussuunnitelmasta ja 16 HOJKS:sta sekä yhdestä varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmasta. Suunnitelmia tutkittiin sisällönanalyysin avulla aineistolähtöisesti ja myöhemmässä vaiheessa teoriaohjaavasti. Perheen ääni vaikuttaa kuuluvan hyvin kuntoutusprosessin suunnitteluvaiheessa käytössämme olleen aineiston perusteella. Lapsen kuntoutukselle asetetut tavoitteet ovat yhteneväiset kuntoutussuunnitelman ja HOJKS:n välillä, mikä on lapsen edun mukaista. Toisaalta suunnitelmien välillä on myös eroja painotuksissa: HOJKS:ssa korostuvat akateemiset taidot ja kuntoutussuunnitelmassa terapiat. Tämä puoltaa tarvetta molemmille suunnitelmille.


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Cet opuscule commence (folio 7 recto) par un résumé de la légende iranienne depuis Housheng ; vient ensuite celle des Sassanides (folio 12 verso), sous une forme encore plus sommaire ; celle de Mahomet et des khalifes (folio 16 recto), jusqu'à Mostaʿsim billah, le dernier vicaire du Prophète, qui fut mis à mort par Houlagou ; ensuite vient un chapitre, qui est donné comme le troisième de l'ouvrage (folio 26 recto), dans lequel se trouve une histoire fantaisiste du khalife Maʾmoun ; puis un chapitre donné comme le quatrième (folio 57 recto), qui expose une histoire romanesque du khalife. omayyade Valid II, fils de Yazid ; après quoi, vient un chapitre, qui serait le cinquième (folio 73 verso), dans lequel il est parlé des aventures extraordinaires qui survinrent au roi sassanide Shapour, fils d'Hormouz, à la cour de l'empereur grec, lesquelles forment une grande partie de ce recueil de légendes. On lit, à l'intérieur de l'un des plats de la reliure, le titre fantaisiste de تحفة المرتاض في التاريخ, avec cette glose que c'est une histoire des rois, contenant des anecdotes admirables et de très beaux enseignements. Manuscrit de luxe, orné d'un sarloh, enluminé en bleu et en or.


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Donateur : Guinchard (18..-19..?)


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Destinataire non identifié. - Commande de boutons


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Demande l'avance du mois : 50 louis


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"Savez-vous que je vous tiens parole et que je ne fais presque plus de sottises pécuniaires"