996 resultados para Nervander, Johan Jakob
We report evidence that salience may have economically signi.cant e¤ects on homeowners.borrowing behavior, through a bias in favour of less salient but more costly loans. Survey evidence corroborates the existence of such a bias. We outline a simple model in which some consumers are biased and show that under plausible assumptions this affects prices in equilibrium. Market data support the predictions of the model.
Aquest treball descriu una unitat didàctica de Física per estudiants de 4rt d’ESO. Els següents conceptes son introduïts i practicats durant un total de nou sessions: massa i pes, diferents tipus de forces, representació vectorial de forces, i dinàmica. A més dels exercicis de classe estàndard, els alumnes són exposats a dos laboratoris virtuals diferents que els ajuden a visualitzar i explorar els conceptes esmentats. Els estudiants més motivats poden escollir fer exercicis addicionals d’una llista d’activitats lliures. La unitat inclou una descripció completa de totes les activitats proposades.
Opinnäytetyössäni olen tehnyt Toppilan Laulustudion tilauksesta sovituksia Kaj Chydeniuksen säveltämistä J. V. Snellmanin rakkausrunoista. Opinnäytetyöhöni kuuluu J. V. Snellman 200-vuotisjuhlakonsertin "Minkä rakkaudelle mahdoin?" dvd-tallenne, soitinsovitukset partituurina sekä raportti työstä. Opinnäytetyöni raportissa käsittelen konsertin syntyvaiheita ja sovittamisprosessia. Raporttiani varten haastattelin Kaj Chydeniusta, joka kertoi sävellysten syntymisestä, sävellysten tekotavasta sekä kokemuksiaan sovittamisesta. Sovitukset on tehty heinä-elokuussa 2006 ja ne esitettiin J.V.Snellman 200-vuotta juhlakonsertissa "Minkä rakkaudelle mahdoin?" Oulun lyseon juhlasalissa 2.9.2006. Sovituksia on 12 kappaletta ja niissä olen käyttänyt instrumentteina pianoa, kitaraa, huilua, selloa ja alttoviulua.
The presence of three water channels (aquaporins, AQP), AQP1, AQP4 and AQP9 were observed in normal brain and several rodent models of brain pathologies. Little is known about AQP distribution in the primate brain and its knowledge will be useful for future testing of drugs aimed at preventing brain edema formation. We studied the expression and cellular distribution of AQP1, 4 and 9 in the non-human primate brain. The distribution of AQP4 in the non-human primate brain was observed in perivascular astrocytes, comparable to the observation made in the rodent brain. In contrast with rodent, primate AQP1 is expressed in the processes and perivascular endfeet of a subtype of astrocytes mainly located in the white matter and the glia limitans, possibly involved in water homeostasis. AQP1 was also observed in neurons innervating the pial blood vessels, suggesting a possible role in cerebral blood flow regulation. As described in rodent, AQP9 mRNA and protein were detected in astrocytes and in catecholaminergic neurons. However additional locations were observed for AQP9 in populations of neurons located in several cortical areas of primate brains. This report describes a detailed study of AQP1, 4 and 9 distributions in the non-human primate brain, which adds to the data already published in rodent brains. This relevant species differences have to be considered carefully to assess potential drugs acting on AQPs non-human primate models before entering human clinical trials.
This work describes the characteristics of a representative set of seven different virtual laboratories (VLs) aimed for science teaching in secondary school. For this purpose, a 27-item evaluation model that facilitates the characterization of the VLs was prepared. The model takes into account the gaming features, the overall usability, and also the potential to induce scientific literacy. Five of the seven VLs were then tested with two larger and highly heterogenic groups of students, and in two different contexts – biotechnology and physics, respectively. It is described how the VLs were received by the students, taking into account both their motivation and their self-reported learning outcome. In some cases, students’ approach to work with the VLs was recorded digitally, and analyzed qualitatively. In general, the students enjoyed the VL activities, and claimed that they learned from them. Yet, more investigation is required to address the effectiveness of these tools for significant learning.
Die Trennung zwischen den verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen wurde in den letzten Jahren in verstärktem Maße befragt und hinsichtlich durchlässiger Stellen untersucht, die einen über monodisziplinäre Betrachtungen nicht erreichbaren Erkenntnisgewinn versprechen. Aus diesem Interesse an einer intensivierten interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit ergeben sich nicht zuletzt auch für Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte neue Möglichkeiten, wie die jeweils eigenen Fachinhalte - mal von einer anderen Seite aus - betrachtet werden können und so zu ertragreichen neuen Themen und Forschungsfeldern führen. Das vorliegende Buch untersucht diese Erweiterungsbewegungen und fragt nach dem »Bild« (im weitesten Sinne) als historische, für das gesamtkulturelle Gedächtnis aufschlussreiche »Quelle« und als »Zeugnis«. Das breitgefächerte Spektrum der versammelten Themen von Autoren und Autorinnen aus unterschiedlichen geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen reicht hierbei von theoretisch-methodischen Fragestellungen, die für den Diskurs und die Kanonbildung relevant sind, bis hin zu Beiträgen, die das Thema der Publikation spezifisch im Kontext der Gattungen Malerei, Grafik oder Fotografie beleuchten. Doch auch audiovisuelle bewegte oder virtuelle, zum Jetzt-Zeitpunkt bereits verflüchtigte Bilder finden in Form von neuen Medien, Film und Kulturfernsehen Beachtung, da auch sie zum zentralen Bestandteil und Dokument einer kollektiven Erinnerung werden können. Mit Beiträgen von: Juerg Albrecht, Nadja Elia-Borer, Pietro Giovannoli, Daniel Hornuff, Kornelia Imesch, Philippe Kaenel, Fabian Probst, Caroline Recher, Severin Ruegg, Philipp Stoellger, Jakob Tanner, Mélanie Laurance Tanner, Carsten-Peter Warnke, Anja Zimmermann.
SUMMARY:: The EEG patterns seen with encephalopathies can be correlated to cerebral imaging findings including head computerized tomography and MRI. Background slowing without slow-wave intrusion is seen with acute and chronic cortical impairments that spare subcortical white matter. Subcortical/white matter structural abnormalities or hydrocephalus may produce projected slow-wave activity, while clinical entities involving both cortical and subcortical regions (diffuse cerebral abnormalities) engender both background slowing and slow-wave activity. Triphasic waves are seen with hepatic and renal insufficiency or medication toxicities (e.g., lithium, baclofen) in the absence of a significant cerebral imaging abnormality, Conversely, subcortical/white matter abnormalities may facilitate the appearance of triphasic waves without significant hepatic, renal, or toxic comorbidities. More specific syndromes, such as Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, autoimmune limbic encephalitis, autoimmune corticosteroid-responsive encephalopathy with thyroid autoimmunity, sepsis-associated encephalopathy, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, have imaging/EEG changes that are variable but which may include slowing and epileptiform activity. This overview highlighting EEG-imaging correlations may help the treating physician in the diagnosis, and hence the appropriate treatment, of patients with encephalopathy.