994 resultados para Neoplasia de mama


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy in women worldwide, with one million new cases confirmed each year. This study aimed at identifying the knowledge of patients? relatives concerning the risk factors (RF) for BC. It is a descriptive quantitative study carried out in the Chemotherapy Technical Division of a University Hospital in São Paulo state, Brazil, from September to October 2006. Only female (30) relatives were included due to the fact that BC is more frequent in females. The major RF cited were family history for BC 33.3% (10), smoking 16.6% (5), alcoholic-drink consumption 10% (3), animal-fat-rich diet 3.3% (1). Other factors such as not breastfeeding, environmental factors, use of oral contraceptives and hormone-replacement therapy were mentioned by 10% (3) of the relatives. It was concluded that the relatives of patients undergoing chemotherapeutic treatment showed to have little knowledge concerning RF for BC. Hence, it is important to rethink the inclusion of the health education process in the family scenario. This issue reaches far beyond thesimple transmission of information. Healthcare professionals and nurses in particular, must focus on these individuals? social context, values, beliefs and needs.


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This study, clinical, prospective, randomized study was conducted from August 2004 to February 2008 in a convenience sample of 60 women who underwent breast surgery with axillary dissection, divided into two groups (n = 30). The GI (Guidance Kit with different textures, to perform at home) and GII (control). The objective was to analyze the effect of home orientation in patients after surgery for breast cancer complaining of numbness, evaluation, and the conventional esthesiometer. The surface sensitivity was assessed by monofilament Semmes-Weinstein and evaluation using conventional two test tubes with hot water (38 to 43o C) and cold (16 to 27o C), paintbrush, needle. The GI was subjected to 10 sessions and assessments in both 3 times. The M1 (pre intervention), the M2 (post-intervention) after 10 sessions of physical therapy intervention and M3 (washout) after 3 months the second time for assessment. The region targeted for evaluation and intervention was the sensory nerve dermatome intercostobrachial. In the test of Goodman (conventional assessment) there was improvement in both groups, the P1, during the thermal evaluation. The t-test of student (esthesiometer) there was improvement in P2 only in GI (p = 0.003) between points 1 and 2 while the time 3 (p = 0.121 and p = 0.733 respectively). It was concluded that there were divergent and opposite results after examining the effect of home orientation in the nerve dermatome intercostobrachial, evaluation, and the conventional esthesiometer.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT


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Hypoglycemia is a well recognized cause of acute symptomatic seizures. The fact that hypoglycemia can cause peripheral neuropathy is less appreciated. We describe a case of insulinoma associated peripheral neuropathy. A 17 year-old previously healthy man was referred for investigation of refractory epilepsy. A history of recurrent seizures, slowly progressive weakness of his feet and hands, and weight gain was obtained. Physical examination showed signs of a chronic sensory-motor polyneuropathy. He was diagnosed with insulinoma and primary hyperparathyroidism, characterizing multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 syndrome. Cases of insulinoma associated peripheral neuropathy are very rare. The more characteristic clinical picture appears to be distal weakness, worse in the intrinsic hand and feet muscles, and no or mild sensory signs. Peripheral nervous system symptoms may not completely resolve, despite removal of the cause of hyperinsulinism/hypoglycemia and full reversion of central nervous system symptoms. Mechanisms underlying hypoglycemic neuropathy are still poorly understood. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate frequency, anatomic presentation, and quantities of supernumerary parathyroids glands in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT1) associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1), as well as the importance of thymectomy, and the benefits of localizing examinations for those glands. Methods: Forty-one patients with hyperparathyroidism associated with MEN1 who underwent parathyroidectomy between 1997 and 2007 were retrospectively studied. The location and number of supernumerary parathyroids were reviewed, as well as whether cervical ultrasound and parathyroid SESTAMIBI scan (MIBI) were useful diagnostic tools. Results: In five patients (12.2%) a supernumerary gland was identified. In three of these cases (40%), the glands were near the thyroid gland and were found during the procedure. None of the imaging examinations were able to detect supernumerary parathyroids. In one case, only the pathologic examination could find a microscopic fifth gland in the thymus. In the last case, the supernumerary gland was resected through a sternotomy after a recurrence of hyperparathyroidism, ten years after the initial four-gland parathyroidectomy without thymectomy. MIBI was capable of detecting this gland, but only in the recurrent setting. Cervical ultrasound did not detect any supernumerary glands. Conclusion: The frequency of supernumerary parathyroid gland in the HPT1/MEN1 patients studied (12.2%) was significant. Surgeons should be aware of the need to search for supernumerary glands during neck exploration, besides the thymus. Imaging examinations were not useful in the pre-surgical location of these glands, and one case presented a recurrence of hyperparathyroidism.


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OBJETIVO: Os sintomas da dermatomiosite (DM) podem ser um indício da existência de um câncer oculto. Melhorar a detecção precoce é essencial, porém não há estudos avaliando em curto prazo os fatores preditivos para a doença. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo, monocêntrico, incluindo pacientes com DM definida (pelo menos quatro dos cinco critérios de Bohan e Peter, 1975), no período entre 1991 e 2011. A presença de malignidade foi limitada a um período de até 12 meses após o diagnóstico da doença. RESULTADOS: Houve 12 casos de neoplasias em 139 pacientes (pele, trato gastrintestinal, próstata, tireoide, mama, pulmão e trato geniturinário). Os pacientes com neoplasia tiveram maior média de idade que os controles (56,8 ± 15,7 vs. 40,3 ± 13,1 anos, respectivamente, P = 0,004; odds ratio 1,09; intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,04-1,14). Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas em relação a gênero, etnia, frequência de sintomas constitucionais, envolvimento de órgãos e sistemas e/ou alterações laboratoriais. CONCLUSÃO: Na DM recém-diagnosticada, a idade tardia ao diagnóstico foi um fator preditivo de malignidade.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as informações necessárias para a elaboração de um manual educativo, para auxiliar a mulher no pré-operatório para tratamento do câncer de mama. Para isso, foram entrevistadas mulheres com o diagnóstico de câncer de mama e submetidas ao procedimento cirúrgico pela primeira vez no máximo há seis meses. Foram incluídas 51 mulheres na faixa etária de 25 a 84 anos; 32 tinham companheiro; 26, ensino fundamental incompleto; 24 consideraram sua ocupação como "do lar"; 43,1% foram submetidas à mastectomia; e 82,4% realizaram linfadenectomia axilar. Responderam um instrumento com dados sócio-demográficos e perguntas relativas às informações/orientações recebidas da equipe de saúde sobre tipos de cirurgia, internação, anestesia, uso do dreno e intercorrências. Para a elaboração de material educativo, conhecer esta realidade e as expectativas dos sujeitos é indispensável para que sejam priorizadas as necessidades dos clientes, e não somente as exigências terapêuticas.