717 resultados para Nematoda (Sistematica)


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L'Italia è spesso sede di eventi d'intensa precipitazione, frequentemente associati ad alluvioni con conseguente perdita di vite umane e gravi danni economici. È quindi di fondamentale importanza poter prevedere questi eventi con un adeguato anticipo. Allo stato attuale, i modelli meteorologici non permettono sempre di raggiungere tale obbiettivo e, di conseguenza, è in atto un'intensa attività di ricerca al fine di di renderne più accurata la previsione, sia attraverso il miglioramento dei modelli stessi, sia sviluppando l'assimilazione dati, la quale riduce l'incertezza della condizione iniziale da cui parte la previsione. All'interno di questo contesto, la tesi si prefigge l'obiettivo di studiare gli effetti dell'assimilazione di dati di precipitazione, effettuata mediante uno schema di nudging, nel modello non idrostatico MOLOCH. Al fine di ottimizzare lo schema e di valutarne l'impatto, sono stati simulati tutti gli eventi di maltempo di ottobre e novembre del 2014 che hanno interessato la Liguria, area frequentemente soggetta ad alluvioni. Dalla sistematica verifica dei risultati, effettuata sia qualitativamente che mediante numerosi metodi statistici (tra cui la tecnica SAL basata sull'individuazione dei nuclei di precipitazione), si riscontra un generale miglioramento della previsione della precipitazione anche se limitato alle prime ore dopo la fine del periodo di assimilazione. L'impatto dello schema di nudging varia a seconda dell'evento e, in particolare, si osserva una certa correlazione tra il miglioramento ottenuto e la tipologia di evento, come descritto dalla teoria dell'equilibrio convettivo e come riportato in alcuni studi analoghi recentemente comparsi in letteratura. La ricaduta del miglioramento della previsione meteorologica è stata valutata anche in termini di impatti al suolo accoppiando il modello meteorologico con il modello idrologico utilizzato dal Centro Funzionale della Regione Liguria, con risultati abbastanza positivi.


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Lo studio delle regioni più interne degli ammassi globulari risulta fondamentale per la ricerca di buchi neri di massa intermedia (IMBH). La scoperta di tali oggetti avrebbe un impatto sostanziale su un gran numero di problemi astrofisici aperti, dalla formazione dei buchi neri supermassicci, all'interpretazione delle Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources, fino allo studio delle onde gravitazionali. Il presente lavoro di tesi si inserisce all'interno di un progetto osservativo mirato a studiare la dinamica interna degli ammassi globulari e volto ad investigare la presenza di IMBH nel centro di tali sistemi tramite l'analisi sistematica dei profili di dispersione di velocità e di rotazione. In questo elaborato presentiamo lo studio della cinematica del core dell'ammasso globulare NGC 6266, realizzato con lo spettrografo a campo integrale IFU-SINFONI, assistito da un sistema di ottiche adattive. Grazie all'utilizzo dell'ottica adattiva, SINFONI è in grado di realizzare osservazioni ad alta risoluzione spaziale e misurare la velocità radiale di stelle individuali anche nelle regioni più interne degli ammassi globulari, dove le misure spettroscopiche tradizionali falliscono a causa dell'elevato crowding stellare. Questo ci ha permesso di determinare il profilo centrale della dispersione di velocità di NGC 6266 dalla misura delle velocità radiali individuali di circa 400 stelle, localizzate negli 11 arcsec più interni dell'ammasso. Utilizzando dati complementari, provenienti da osservazioni realizzate con lo spettrografo multi-oggetto FLAMES, siamo stati in grado di costruire il profilo di dispersione di velocità di NGC 6266 fino ad una distanza radiale di 250 arcsec. Il profilo di dispersione di velocità osservato permette di escludere la presenza di un IMBH di massa superiore a 2500 masse solari e mostra un calo nella regione centrale, simile a quello rilevato in un numero crescente di ammassi globulari, che potrebbe indicare la presenza di anisotropia tangenziale.


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Marine free-living nematode communities were studied at similar depths (~500m) at two sides of the Antarctic Peninsula, characterised by different environmental and oceanographic conditions. At the Weddell Sea side, benthic communities are influenced by cold deep-water formation and seasonal sea-ice conditions, whereas the Drake Passage side experiences milder oceanic conditions and strong dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Surface primary productivity contrasted with observed benthic pigment patterns and varied according to the area studied: chlorophyll a concentrations (as a proxy for primary production) were high in the Weddell Sea sediments, but low in the surface waters above; this pattern was reversed in the Drake Passage. Differences between areas were largely mirrored by the nematode communities: nematode densities peaked in Weddell stations and showed deeper vertical occurrence in the sediment, associated with deeper penetration of chlorophyll a. Generic composition did not differ markedly between both areas, but rather showed distinct community shifts with depth in the sediment.


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Deep-water coral ecosystems are hot spots of biodiversity and provide habitats and refuges for several deep-sea species. However, their role in shaping the biodiversity of the surrounding open slopes is still poorly known. We investigated how meiofaunal biodiversity varies with and is related to the occurrence of deep-water living scleractinian corals and coral rubble in two deep-sea areas (the Rockall Bank, northeastern Atlantic) and the Santa Maria di Leuca (central Mediterranean). In both areas, replicated sampling on alive and dead coral areas and from the adjacent slope sediments without corals (at the same and increasing depths) allowed us to demonstrate that sediments surrounding the living corals and coral rubble were characterised by higher meiofaunal biodiversity (as number of higher taxa, and nematode species richness) than the slope sediments. Despite the soft sediments surrounding the living coral having a higher nutritional value than those not associated with corals, with the opposite seen for coral rubble, the presence of both alive and dead corals had a significant effect on nematode assemblages. Our data suggest that, due particularly to the effects on habitat heterogeneity/complexity, both living coral and coral rubble promoted higher biodiversity levels than in surrounding slope sediments. We conclude that the protection of deep-water corals can be crucial to preserve the biodiversity of surrounding open slopes, and that the protection of dead corals, a so-far almost neglected habitat in terms of biological conservation, can further contribute to the maintenance of a high deep-sea biodiversity along continental margins.


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Meltponds on Arctic sea ice have previously been reported to be devoid of marine metazoans due to fresh-water conditions. The predominantly dark frequently also green and brownish meltponds observed in the Central Arctic in summer 2007 hinted to brackish conditions and considerable amounts of algae, possibly making the habitat suitable for marine metazoans. Environmental conditions in meltponds as well as sympagic meiofauna in new ice covering pond surfaces and in rotten ice on the bottom of ponds were studied, applying modified techniques from sea-ice and under-ice research. Due to the very porous structure of the rotten ice, the meltponds were usually brackish to saline, providing living conditions very similar to sub-ice water. The new ice cover on the surface had similar characteristics as the bottom layer of level ice. The ponds were thus accessible to and inhabitable by metazoans. The new ice cover and the rotten ice were inhabited by various sympagic meiofauna taxa, predominantly ciliates, rotifers, acoels, nematodes and foraminiferans. Also, sympagic amphipods were found on the bottom of meltponds. We suggest that, in consequence of global warming, brackish and saline meltponds are becoming more frequent in the Arctic, providing a new habitat to marine metazoans.


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Meiofauna standing stocks and community structure are reported for the first time for abyssal soft-sediment samples in Antarctic waters. At seven stations within a depth range of 2274-5194 m a total of 128 sediment cores were retrieved with a multiple corer (MUC) on board of the R.V. Polarstern during the ANDEEP-1 cruise (ANT XIX/3). The metazoan meiofauna (defined by a lower size limit of 40 µm) was identified and counted, and one core per station was preserved for CPE, C/N, TOM and grain size analyses. Meiofauna densities are in the range of 2731 Ind./10 cm² at 2290 m depth and 75 Ind./10 cm² at 3597 m depth, with nematodes being the dominant group at all stations. Nematodes account for 84-94% followed by copepods with 2-8% of the total meiofauna. Other frequent taxa found at each station are kinorhynchs, loriciferans, tantulocarids, ostracods and tardigrades. There is a general tendency of decreasing abundances of metazoan meiofauna with increasing depth, but not all higher level taxa displayed this pattern. In addition, a tendency of decreasing higher taxon density with increasing depth was observed. Standing stocks are higher than the average found at similar depths in other oceans.


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Commercial exploitation and abrupt changes of the natural conditions may have severe impacts on the Arctic deep-sea ecosystem. The present recolonisation experiment mimicked a situation after a catastrophic disturbance (e.g. by turbidites caused by destabilized continental slopes after methane hydrate decomposition) and investigated if the recolonisation of a deep-sea habitat by meiobenthic organisms is fostered by variations innutrition and/or sediment structure. Two "Sediment Tray Free Vehicles" were deployed for one year in summer 2003 at 2500 m water depth in the Arctic deep-sea in the eastern Fram Strait. The recolonisation trays were filled with different artificial and natural sediment types (glass beads, sand, sediment mixture, pure deep-sea sediment) and were enriched with various types of food (algae, yeast, fish). After one year, meiobenthos abundances and various sediment related environmental parameters were investigated. Foraminifera were generally the most successful group: they dominated all treatments and accounted for about 87% of the total meiobenthos. Colonizing meiobenthos specimens were generally smaller compared to those in the surrounding deep-sea sediment, suggesting an active recolonisation by juveniles. Although experimental treatments with fine-grained, algae-enriched sediment showed abundances closest to natural conditions, the results suggest that food availability was the main determining factor for a successful recolonisation by meiobenthos and the structure of recolonised sediments was shown to have a subordinate influence.


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The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish water area of the world. On the basis of the data from 16 cruises, we show the seasonal and vertical distribution patterns of the appendicularians Fritillaria borealis, Oikopleura dioica and the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis, in the highly stratified Bornholm Basin. These species live at least temporarily below the permanent halocline and use different life strategies to cope with the brackish environment. The cold-water species F. borealis is abundant in the upper layers of the water column before the thermocline develops. With the formation of the thermocline abundance decreases and the specimens outlast higher temperatures below the halocline. Distribution and strategy suggest that F. borealis might be a glacial relict species in the Baltic Sea. Although Oikopleura dioica is only abundant during summer, O. similis is present all year round. Both species have in common that their vertical distribution is restricted to the waters below the halocline, most likely due to their requirements of higher salinities. We argue that the observed strategies are determined by ecophysiological constraints and life history traits. These species share an omnivorous feeding behaviour and the capability to utilise a spectra of small particles as food. As phytoplankton concentration is negligible below the halocline, we suggest that these species feed on organic material and heterotrophic organisms that accumulate in the density gradient of the halocline. Therefore, the deep haline waters in the Baltic Sea represent a habitat providing shelter from predation and food supply for adapted species that allows them to gather sufficient resources and to maintain populations.


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The meiofauna of the deep sea areas (800 - 5500 m) between Madeira and Lisbon was quantitatively investigated during "Meteor" cruises in 1970 and 1971. With respect to numbers and biomass the meiofauna (especially nematodes and harpacticoid copepods) of the investigated areas is relatively poor averaging about 66,000 individuals per m**2 and 34 mg per m**2 wet weight biomass (polychaetes and foraminifera excluded). Regional differences are more pronounced in the investigated areas than differences due to depth. A comparison with the results of other authors from other areas confirms the regional variations in the meiofauna abundance of the deep sea.


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Antarctic meiofauna is still strongly understud- ied, and so is its trophic position in the food web. Primary producers, such as phytoplankton, and bacteria may repre- sent important food sources for shallow water metazoans, and the role of meiobenthos in the benthic-pelagic coupling represents an important brick for food web understanding. In a laboratory, feeding experiment 13C-labeled freeze- dried diatoms (Thalassiosira weissflogii) and bacteria were added to retrieved cores from Potter Cove (15-m depth, November 2007) in order to investigate the uptake of 3 main meiofauna taxa: nematodes, copepods and cumaceans. In the surface sediment layers, nematodes showed no real difference in uptake of both food sources. This outcome was supported by the natural delta 13C values and the community genus composition. In the first centimeter layer, the dominant genus was Daptonema which is known to be opportunistic, feeding on both bacteria and diatoms. Copepods and cumaceans on the other hand appeared to feed more on diatoms than on bacteria. This may point at a better adaptation to input of primary production from the water column. On the other hand, the overall carbon uptake of the given food sources was quite low for all taxa, indicating that likely other food sources might be of relevance for these meiobenthic organisms. Further studies are needed in order to better quantify the carbon requirements of these organisms.