895 resultados para National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (U.S.)
December 1978.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Esta dissertação trata de um tema relativamente novo, com literatura escassa, praticamente sem estudos teóricos que o abordem. Referenciais são encontrados em publicações feitas em seminários e palestras bem como em artigos e notas jornalísticas. Esta dissertação se trata de trabalho exploratório, analítico descritivo com base documental. O Programa Bolsa Família, tema central deste trabalho, é uma ferramenta para distribuição de renda que funciona de forma simples e tem sido efetiva para o atendimento de famílias que vivem abaixo da linha de pobreza. Ele é resultado da fusão de vários outros programas dispersos e com efetividade questionável Bolsa Escola, Auxílio Gás e Cartão Alimentação. O Programa Bolsa Família beneficia famílias em situação de pobreza com renda mensal de R$ 70 a R$ 140 per capita e em extrema pobreza com renda mensal abaixo de R$ 70 reais per capita. Também estabelece condicionalidades de educação e saúde. Atualmente, há cerca de 13 milhões de famílias inscritas no Programa Bolsa Família que cumprem as condições do Cadastro Único esta é praticamente a totalidade das famílias pobres segundo critérios do PNAD 2006 (Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios). Na realidade, houve substancial injeção de recursos em áreas outrora relegadas ao acaso, criando novos consumidores, bem como empreendedores, além de atrair investimentos. Quanto à educação, nota-se que há redução do analfabetismo. Há um crescimento vegetativo do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) no qual o Brasil situa-se em 84⁰ lugar dentre as 187 nações controladas pelo PNUD (Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento) em 2011. As variáveis que compõem o índice crescem timidamente, destaca-se queda no item expectativa de escolaridade esperada das crianças em idade de ingresso na escola (no Brasil, aos seis anos), que caiu no período 2000-2011, esse fato pode indicar falha estrutural no ensino brasileiro. Esse estudo indica que há desenvolvimento socioeconômico em áreas carentes, particularmente na Região Nordeste. Observa-se também a reversão da migração que historicamente era de norte/nordeste a sudeste. Também nota-se redução da taxa de fecundidade das brasileiras, o que é vantajoso. O Brasil também está com a vantagem do Bônus demográfico , quando a população economicamente ativa supera a população dependente, o que é um excelente fator de crescimento por atrair investimentos. Apesar de melhorias observadas na década 2000-2010, elas ainda são insuficientes. Quanto ao desenvolvimento humano , o Brasil está muito distante das nações desenvolvidas, com IDH de 0,718, que cresceu na última década à taxa de 0,769% ao ano. Nesse ritmo, até alcançarmos o IDH norueguês -- primeiro colocado, ou o australiano -- segundo colocado, que é de 0,943 serão necessários 35/36 anos. Isso nos leva a pensar que, a não ser que o acaso nos ajude, o sonho de nos juntarmos aos primeiros é questionável. Com respeito ao Programa Bolsa Família, esse prova ser uma frente social para a eliminação da desigualdade, seus beneficiários eram classificados como pobres e extremamente pobres e foram resgatados.
Mode of access: Internet.
Objectives: To estimate prevalence, age-of-onset, gender distribution and identify correlates of lifetime psychiatric disorders in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). Methods: The Sao Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey assessed psychiatric disorders on a probabilistic sample of 5,037 adult residents in the SPMA, using the World Mental Health Survey Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Response rate was 81.3%. Results: Lifetime prevalence for any disorder was 44.8%; estimated risk at age 75 was 57.7%; comorbidity was frequent. Major depression, specific phobias and alcohol abuse were the most prevalent across disorders; anxiety disorders were the most frequent class. Early age-of-onset for phobic and impulse-control disorders and later age-of-onset for mood disorders were observed. Women were more likely to have anxiety and mood disorders, whereas men, substance use disorders. Apart from conduct disorders, more frequent in men, there were no gender differences in impulse-control disorders. There was a consistent trend of higher prevalence in the youngest cohorts. Low education level was associated to substance use disorders. Conclusions: Psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent among the general adult population in the SPMA, with frequent comorbidity, early age-of-onset for most disorders, and younger cohorts presenting higher rates of morbidity. Such scenario calls for vigorous public health action.
The purposes of this study were to examine (1) the relationship between selected components of the content of prenatal care and spontaneous preterm birth; and (2) the degree of comparability between maternal and caregivers' responses regarding the number of prenatal care visits, selected components of the content of prenatal care, and gestational age, based on analyses of the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Centers for Health Statistics. Spontaneous preterm birth was subcategorized into very preterm and moderately preterm births, with term birth as the controls. The study population was limited to non-Hispanic Anglo- and African-American mothers. The racial differences in terms of birth outcomes were also compared.^ This study concluded that: (1) there was not a high degree of comparability (less than 80%) between maternal and prenatal care provider's responses regarding the number of prenatal care visits and the content of prenatal care; (2) there was a low degree of comparability (less than 50%) between maternal and infant's hospital of delivery responses regarding gestational age at birth; (3) there were differences in selected components of the content of prenatal care between the cases and controls, overall and stratified by ethnicity (i.e., hemoglobin/hematocrit test, weight measurement, and breast-feeding counseling), but they were confounded with missing values and associated preterm delivery bias; (4) there were differences in selected components of the content of prenatal care between Anglo- and African-American cases (i.e., vitamin/mineral supplement advice, weight measurement, smoking cessation and drug abuse counseling), but they, too, were difficult to interpret definitively due to item nonresponse and preterm delivery biases; (5) no significant predictive association between selected components of the content of prenatal care and spontaneous preterm birth was found; and (6) inadequate/intermediate prenatal care and birth out of wedlock were found to be associated with moderately preterm birth.^ Future research is needed to examine the validity of maternal and prenatal care providers' responses and identify the sources of disagreement between their responses. In addition, further studies are needed to examine the relationship between the quality of prenatal care and preterm birth. Finally, the completeness and quality of patient and provider data on the utilization and content of prenatal care needs to be strengthened in subsequent studies. ^
Mode of access: Internet.
Chiefly tables.
"This report represents a joint effort between the Illinois Department of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (DASA) and Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). The study examined alcohol, tobaccco, and other drug abuse (ATODA) and need for treatment among adults involved with the child welfare system in Illinois. The purpose of the study was to provide data on the relationships between ATODA and child abuse and neglect"--P. iii.
In the 1980s, government agencies sought to utilize research on drug use prevention to design media campaigns. Enlisting the assistance of the national media, several campaigns were designed and initiated to bring anti-drug use messages to adolescents in the form of public service advertising. This research explores the sources of information selected by adolescents in grades 7 through 12 and how the selection of media and other sources of information relate to drug use behavior and attitudes and perceptions related to risk/harm and disapproval of friends' drug-using activities.^ Data collected from 1989 to 1992 in the Miami Coalition School Survey provided a random selection of secondary school studies. The responses of these students were analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques.^ Although many of the students selected media as the source for most of their information on the effects of drugs on the people who use them, the selection of media was found to be positively related to alcohol use and negatively related to marijuana use. The selection of friends, brothers, or sisters was a statistically significant source for adolescents who smoke cigarettes, use alcohol or marijuana.^ The results indicate that the anti-drug use messages received by students may be canceled out by media messages perceived to advocate substance use and that a more persuasive source of information for adolescents may be friends and siblings. As federal reports suggest that the economic costs of drug abuse will reach an estimated $150 billion by 1997 if current trends continue, prevention policy that addresses the glamorization of substance use remains a national priority. Additionally, programs that advocate prevention within the peer cluster must be supported, as peers are an influential source for both inspiring and possibly preventing drug use behavior. ^
Estimating the use of illicit drugs in the general community is an important task with ramifications for law enforcement agencies, as well as health portfolios. Australia has four ongoing drug monitoring systems, including the AIC’s DUMA program, the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, the Illicit Drug Reporting System and the Ecstasy and Related Drug Reporting System. The systems vary in methods, but broadly they are reliant upon self-report data and may be subject to selection biases. The present study employed a completely different method. By chemically analysing sewerage water, the study produced daily estimates of consumption of methamphetamine, MDMA and cocaine. Samples were collected in November 2009 and November 2010 from a municipality in Queensland, with an population of over 150,000 people. Estimates were made of the average daily dose and average daily street value per 1,000 people. On the basis of estimated dose and price, the methamphetamine market appeared considerably stronger than either MDMA or cocaine. This paper explains the strengths and weaknesses of wastewater analysis. It considers the potential value of wastewater analysis in measuring net consumption of illicit drugs and the effectiveness of law enforcement agency strategies.
CONTEXT: Media and scientific reports have indicated an increase in recreational use of Salvia divinorum. Epidemiological data are lacking on the trends, prevalence, and correlates of S. divinorum use in large representative samples, as well as the extent of substance use and mental health problems among S. divinorum users. OBJECTIVE: To examine the national trend in prevalence of S. divinorum use and to identify sociodemographic, behavioral, mental health, and substance-use profiles of recent (past-year) and former users of S. divinorum. DESIGN: Analyses of public-use data files from the 2006-2008 United States National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (N = 166,453). SETTING: Noninstitutionalized individuals aged 12 years or older were interviewed in their places of residence. MAIN MEASURES: Substance use, S. divinorum, self-reported substance use disorders, criminality, depression, and mental health treatment were assessed by standardized survey questions administered by the audio computer-assisted self-interviewing method. RESULTS: Among survey respondents, lifetime prevalence of S. divinorum use had increased from 0.7% in 2006 to 1.3% in 2008 (an 83% increase). S. divinorum use was associated with ages 18-25 years, male gender, white or multiple race, residence of large metropolitan areas, arrests for criminal activities, and depression. S. divinorum use was particularly common among recent drug users, including users of lysergic acid diethylamide (53.7%), ecstasy (30.1%), heroin (24.2%), phencyclidine (22.4%), and cocaine (17.5%). Adjusted multinomial logistic analyses indicated polydrug use as the strongest determinant for recent and former S. divinorum use. An estimated 43.0% of past-year S. divinorum users and 28.9% of former S. divinorum users had an illicit or nonmedical drug-use disorder compared with 2.5% of nonusers. Adjusted logistic regression analyses showed that recent and former S. divinorum users had greater odds of having past-year depression and a substance-use disorder (alcohol or drugs) than past-year alcohol or drug users who did not use S. divinorum. CONCLUSION: S. divinorum use is prevalent among recent or active drug users who have used other hallucinogens or stimulants. The high prevalence of substance use disorders among recent S. divinorum users emphasizes the need to study health risks of drug interactions.
Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY), we re-examine the effect of formal on-the-job training on mobility patterns of young American workers. By employing parametric duration models, we evaluate the economic impact of training on productive time with an employer. Confirming previous studies, we find a positive and statistically significant impact of formal on-the-job training on tenure with the employer providing the training. However, the expected net duration of the time spent in the training program is generally not significantly increased. We proceed to document and analyze intra-sectoral and cross-sectoral mobility patterns in order to infer whether training provides firm-specific, industry-specific, or general human capital. The econometric analysis rejects a sequential model of job separation in favor of a competing risks specification. We find significant evidence for the industry-specificity of training. The probability of sectoral mobility upon job separation decreases with training received in the current industry, whether with the last employer or previous employers, and employment attachment increases with on-the-job training. These results are robust to a number of variations on the base model.
Dans le contexte d’une population vieillissante, nous avons étudié l’impact de la présence de personnes âgées sur les dépenses catastrophiques de santé (DCS), ainsi que leur impact sur trois effets reliés (le fait d’éviter des traitements, la perte de revenu, et l’utilisation de sources de financement alternatives). Nous avons utilisé les données d’une enquête du National Sample Survey Organization (Inde) en 2004, portant sur les dépenses reliées à la santé. Nous avons choisi un état développé (Kerala) et un état en voie de développement (Bihar) pour faire une comparaison des effets de la présence de personnes âgées sur les ménages. Nous avons trouvé qu’il y avait plus de DCS au Kerala et que ceci était probablement lié à la présence accrue de personnes âgées au Kerala ce qui mène à plus de maladies chroniques. Nous avons supposé que l’utilisation de services de santé privés serait lié à une augmentation de DCS, mais l’effet a varié en fonction de l’état, du présence d’une personne âgée, et du type de service utilisé (ambulatoire ou hospitalisation). Nous avons aussi trouvé que les femmes âgées au Bihar utilisait les services de santé moins qu’elle ne devrait, que les ménages ayant plus de 4 personnes ont possiblement un effet protecteur pour les personnes âgées, et que certains castes et group religieux ont dû emprunter plus souvent que d’autres groupes pour payer les frais de santé. La présence de personnes âgées, les maladies chroniques, et l’utilisation de services de santé privées sont tous liés aux DCS, mais, d’après nos résultats, d’autres groupes retardent les conséquences économiques en empruntant ou évitant les traitements. Nous espérons que ces résultats seront utilisés pour approfondir les connaissances sur l’effet de personnes âgées sur les dépenses de santé ou qu’ils seront utilisés dans des discussions de politiques de santé.