694 resultados para Nascent Ventures
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures
Desde a Magna Grécia de Pitágoras, Empédocles e Parmênides, passando pelas relações “perigosas” entre a sabedoria nascente e as tradições órfico-dionisíacas, em nítida continuidade com a mitologia arcaica e as narrativas teogônicas, dialogando com as práticas médicas asclepíades, a filosofia antiga visita cavernas. A caverna da República, uma das mais poderosas e fecundas alegorias do pensamento ocidental, é simultaneamente herdeira e ponto de fuga da longa trajetória dessa metáfora. Não se pretende aqui, no entanto, compreender a imagem platônica como a consumação de uma velha tradição filosófica que “pensa em cavernas”; procura-se, antes, iluminar essa alegoria com a interpretação oferecida pela filosofia acadêmica posterior. No Antro das Ninfas, Porfírio parte de 11 versos de Homero (Od. XIII, 102-112) para habilmente desenhar uma exegese inspirada na teoria platônica da alma. A lectio porfiriana permite sugerir que a imagem da caverna revela algo mais que uma simples alegoria literária. Ela dá prova da existência de relações dialógicas e circulares entre a filosofia platônica e o imaginário religioso popular do mundo antigo. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
This thesis presents detailed observational studies of the extended distributions of gas, galaxies, and dark matter around hyperluminous quasars (HLQSOs) at high redshift. Taken together, these works aim to coherently describe the relationships between these massive, accreting black holes and their environments: the nature of the regions that give rise to such massive black holes, the effect of HLQSO radiation on their surrounding galaxies and gas, and the ability of both galaxies and black holes to shed new light on the formation and evolution of the other.
Chapter 2 focuses on the continuum-color-selected galaxies drawn from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS). The KBSS is a uniquely deep spectroscopic survey of star-forming galaxies in the same volumes of space as 15 HLQSOs at 2.5 <
Chapter 3 describes the first results from a new survey (KBSS-Lyα) conducted for this thesis. The KBSS-Lyα survey uses narrowband imaging to identify Lyα-emitters (LAEs) in the ~Mpc regions around eight of the KBSS HLQSOs. Many of these LAEs show the effect of reprocessed HLQSO radiation in their emission through the process known as Lyα fluorescence. In this chapter, these fluorescent LAEs are used to generate a coarse map of the average HLQSO ionizing emission on Mpc scales, thereby setting the first direct constraints of the lifetime and angular distribution of activity for a population of these uniquely luminous black holes.
Chapter 4 contains a more detailed description of the KBSS-Lyα survey itself and the detailed properties of the star-forming and fluorescent objects selected therein. Using imaging and spectroscopic data covering rest-frame UV and optical wavelengths, including spectra from the new near-infrared spectrometer MOSFIRE, we characterize this population of nascent galaxies in terms of their kinematics, enrichment, gas properties, and luminosity distribution while comparing and contrasting them with previously-studied populations of continuum-selected galaxies and LAEs far from the effects of HLQSO emission.
At the conclusion of this thesis, I briefly present future directions for the continuation of this research. In Appendix A, I provide background information on the instrumentation used in this thesis, including my own contributions to MOSFIRE.
Part 1: Introduction
Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia: Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais
Paper prepared by Marion Panizzon and Charlotte Sieber-Gasser for the International Conference on the Political Economy of Liberalising Trade in Services, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 14-15 June 2010 Recent literature has shed light on the economic potential of cross-border networks. These networks, consisting of expatriates and their acquaintances from abroad and at home, provide the basis for the creation of cross-border value added chains and therewith the means for turning brain drain into brain circulation. Both aspects are potentially valuable for economic growth in the developing world. Unilateral co-development policies operating through co-funding of expatriate business ventures, but also bilateral agreements liberalising circular migration for a limited set of per-sons testify to the increasing awareness of governments about the potential, which expatriate networks hold for economic growth in developing countries. Whereas such punctual efforts are valuable, viewed from a long term perspective, these top-down, government mandated Diaspora stimulation programs, will not replace, this paper argues, the market-driven liberalisation of infrastructure and other services in developing countries. Nor will they carry, in the case of circular labour migration, the political momentum to liberalise labour market admission for those non-nationals, who will eventually emerge as the future transnational entrepreneurs. It will take a combination of mode 4 and infrastructure services openings-cum regulation for countries at both sides of the spectrum to provide the basis and precondition for transnational business and entrepreneurial networks to emerge and translate into cross-border, value added production chains. Two key issues are of particular relevance in this context: (i) the services sector, especially in infrastructure, tends to suffer from inefficiencies, particularly in developing countries, and (ii) labour migration, a highly complex issue, still faces disproportionately rigid barriers despite well-documented global welfare gains. Both are hindrances for emerging markets to fully take advantage of the potential of these cross-border networks. Adapting the legal framework for enhancing the regulatory and institutional frameworks for services trade, especially in infrastructure services sectors (ISS) and labour migration could provide the incentives necessary for brain circulation and strengthen cross-border value added chains by lowering transaction costs. This paper analyses the shortfalls of the global legal framework – the shallow status quo of GATS commitments in ISS and mode 4 particular – in relation to stimulating brain circulation and the creation of cross-border value added chains in emerging markets. It highlights the necessity of adapting the legal framework, both on the global and the regional level, to stimulate broader and wider market access in the four key ISS sectors (telecommunications, transport, professional and financial services) in developing countries, as domestic supply capacity, global competitiveness and economic diversification in ISS sectors are necessary for mobilising expatriate re-turns, both physical and virtual. The paper argues that industrialised, labour receiving countries need to offer mode 4 market access to wider categories of persons, especially to students, graduate trainees and young professionals from abroad. Further-more, free trade in semi-finished products and mode 4 market access are crucial for the creation of cross-border value added chains across the developing world. Finally, the paper discusses on the basis of a case study on Jordan why the key features of trade agreements, which promote circular migration and the creation of cross-border value added chains, consist of trade liberalisation in services and liberal migration policies.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.
Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) containing latent electrophilic groups can be highly useful in antisense drug development and many other applications such as chemical biology and medicine, where covalent cross-linking of ODNs with mRNA, protein and ODN is required. However, such ODN analogues cannot be synthesized using traditional technologies due to the strongly nucleophilic conditions used in traditional deprotection/cleavage process. To solve this long lasting and highly challenging problem in nucleic acid chemistry, I used the 1,3-dithian-2-yl-methoxycarbonyl (Dmoc) function to protect the exo-amino groups on the nucleobases dA, dC and dG, and to design the linker between the nascent ODN and solid support. These protecting groups and linker are completely stable under all ODN synthesis conditions, but can be readily cleaved under non-nucleophilic and nearly neutral conditions. As a result, the new ODN synthesis technology is universally useful for the synthesis of electrophilic ODNs. The dissertation is mainly comprised of two portions. In the first portion, the development of the Dmoc-based linker for ODN synthesis will be described. The construction of the dT-Dmoc-linker required a total of seven steps to synthesize. The linker was then anchored to the solid support―controlled pore glass (CPG). In the second portion, the syntheses of Dmoc-protected phosphoramidites ODN synthesis monomers including Dmoc-dC-amidite, Dmoc-dA-amidite, Dmoc-dG-amidite are described. The protection of dC and dA with 1,3-dithian-2-yl-methyl 4-nitrophenyl carbonate proceeded smoothly giving Dmoc-dC and Dmoc-dA in good yields. However, when the same acylation procedure was applied for the synthesis of Dmoc-dG, very low yield was obtained. This problem was later solved using a highly innovative and environmentally benign procedure, which is expected to be widely useful for the acylation of the exo-amino groups on nucleoside bases. The reactions to convert the Dmoc-protected nucleosides to phosphoramidite monomers proceeded smoothly with high yields. Using the Dmoc phosphoramidite monomers dA, dC, dG and the commercially available dT, and the Dmoc linker, four ODN sequences were synthesized. In all cases, excellent coupling yields were obtained. ODN deprotection/cleavage was achieved by using non-nucleophilic oxidative conditions. The new technology is predicted to be universally useful for the synthesis of ODNs containing one or more electrophilic functionalities.
Regulatory Focus Theory predicts that the motivation to self-regulate goal-directed thought and behavior depends on two distinct regulation strategies: a promotion focus based on attaining gains and a prevention focus based on avoiding losses. This study took a social-cognitive approach predicting that regulatory focus has an impact on how family startups (several family related founders) explore “new ideas”, exploit “old certainties” and achieve the balance of both (ambidexterity), compared to lone founder startups (only one founder present). It was proposed that the social context of family ties among founders leads them to a prevention focus concerned with avoiding the loss of the socio-emotional benefits of those ties. In order to avoid such a loss, family founders were expected to increase their risk perceptions and thus, explore less than lone founders, who lack such socio-emotional ties. It was also proposed that two commonly used psychological traits in entrepreneurship research --achievement motivation and internal locus of control, predispose entrepreneurs to a promotion focus. Founders with a promotion focus, in turn, were hypothesized to lead startups to more risk-seeking behaviors and to more explorative orientation. The previous argument was used as a springboard to derive hypotheses about ambidexterity (the ability to exploit and explore simultaneously) and survival hazards. Using Regulatory Focus Theory, exploitative orientation, conceptualized as the motivational strength to continue on previous paths of action, was hypothesized to be not significantly different from that of lone founder startups. Taking previous arguments together, lone founder startups were hypothesized to be more ambidextrous than family startups. Finally, ambidexterity and internal locus of control were hypothesized to reduce survival hazards in family startups. The findings suggested that family startups explore less than lone founder startups even after controlling for group effects. Interesting but contradictory findings revealed that internal locus of control have both a positive direct effect and a positive interaction that increases the explorative and ambidextrous orientation gap of family startups over lone founder startups. As expected, ambidexterity and internal locus of control reduced survival hazards on family startups. Implications for practitioners were derived based on a sample of 470 nascent entrepreneurs.
In this paper, the start-up process is split conceptually into four stages: considering entrepreneurship, intending to start a new business in the next 3 years, nascent entrepreneurship and owning-managing a newly established business. We investigate the determinants of all of these jointly, using a multinomial logit model; it allows for the effects of resources and capabilities to vary across these stages. We employ the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor database for the years 2006–2009, containing 8269 usable observations from respondents drawn from the Lower Layer Super Output Areas in the East Midlands (UK) so that individual observations are linked to space. Our results show that the role of education, experience, and availability of ‘entrepreneurial capital’ in the local neighbourhood varies along the different stages of the entrepreneurial process. In the early stages, the negative (opportunity cost) effect of resources endowment dominates, yet it tends to reverse in the advanced stages, where the positive effect of resources becomes stronger.
The Indian economy characterized variously as a slumbering giant, powerful tiger, and the most promising market has witnessed a slowdown, occasional disturbances in the industrial relations space, and attention of the world in the last five years. In this special issue, we raise pertinent questions and present research on multiple dimensions of the dynamic and rapidly changing business environment of India. The suitability of management models and frameworks developed in the North American contexts in emerging markets like India and China is questioned. One example of how the well-established models in the literature on success of international joint ventures were insufficient to explain the success of three international joint ventures in the insurance space in India is presented as case in point. Finally, the nine papers that materially contribute to the theme of this special issue are introduced. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We apply prospect theory to explain how personal and corporate bankruptcy laws affect risk perceptions of entrepreneurs at time of entry and therefore their growth ambitions. Previous theories have reached ambiguous conclusions as to whether countries with more debtor-friendly bankruptcy laws (i.e. laws that are more forgiving towards debtors in bankruptcy proceedings) are likely to have more entrepreneurs, or whether, creditorfriendly regimes have positive effects on new ventures via enhanced incentives for the supply of credit to entrepreneurs. Responding to this ambiguity, we apply prospect theory to propose that entrepreneurs do not attach the same significance to different elements of bankruptcy codes—and to explain which aspects of debtor-friendly bankruptcy laws matter more to entrepreneurs. Based on this, we derive and confirm hypotheses about the impact of aspects of bankruptcy codes on entrepreneurial activity using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor combined with data on both personal and corporate bankruptcyregulations for 15 developed OECD countries. We use multilevel random coefficient logistic regressions to take account of the hierarchical nature of the data (country and individual levels). Because entrepreneurs and creditors are sensitive to different elements of the codes, there is scope for optimisation of the legal design of bankruptcy law to achieve both an adequate supply of credit and to encourage high-ambition entrepreneurship.
The nascent gut microbiota at birth is established in concert with numerous developmental parameters. Here, in the INFAMTET study, we chronicled the impact of some factors which are key determinants of the infant gut microbiota, namely; mode of birth, gestational age, and type of feeding. We determined that the aggregated microbiota profile of naturally delivered, initially breastfed infants are relatively stable from one week to six months of age and are not significantly altered by increased duration of breastfeeding. Contrastingly, there is significant development of the microbiota profile of C-section delivered infants, and this development is significantly influenced by breastfeeding duration. Preterm infants, born by either mode of birth, initially have a high proportion of Proteobacteria, and demonstrate significant development of the gut microbiota from week 1 to later time-points. The microbiota is still slightly, but significantly, affected by birth mode at one year of age although no specific genera were found to be significantly altered in relative abundance. By two years of age, there is no effect of either birth mode or gestational age. However this does not preclude the possibility that symptoms developed later in life, which are associated with preterm or C-section birth, are as a result of the early perturbation of the neonatal gut microbiota. It is likely that the combination of relatively low exposure (breast fed), high exposure (formula fed) or delayed exposure (C-section and preterm) to specific antigens and the resulting inflammatory responses, in this crucial window of host-microbiota interaction, influence systemic health of the individual throughout life.