827 resultados para Nadia Battella Gotlib


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ZnO nanofibre networks (NFNs) were grown by vapour transport method on Si-based substrates. One type of substrate was SiO2 thermally grown on Si and another consisted of a Si wafer onto which Si nanowires (NWs) had been grown having Au nanoparticles catalysts. The ZnO-NFN morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy on samples grown at 600 °C and 720 °C substrate temperature, while an focused ion beam was used to study the ZnO NFN/Si NWs/Si and ZnO NFN/SiO2 interfaces. Photoluminescence, electrical conductance and photoconductance of ZnO-NFN was studied for the sample grown on SiO2. The photoluminescence spectra show strong peaks due to exciton recombination and lattice defects. The ZnO-NFN presents quasi-persistent photoconductivity effects and ohmic I-V characteristics which become nonlinear and hysteretic as the applied voltage is increased. The electrical conductance as a function of temperature can be described by a modified three dimensional variable hopping model with nanometer-ranged typical hopping distances.


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El presente proyecto trata de un análisis de las mediciones de la velocidad de detonación, obtenidas por diferentes métodos y dispositivos. Tiene como objetivo la inter-comparación de los resultados entre diferentes organismos para poder analizar las desviaciones e incertidumbres de las diferentes metodologías de medidas empleadas actualmente. Para ello, se realizaron medidas con dos tipos de explosivos por diferentes métodos y con dispositivos de medida distintos. A partir de esas mediciones y de las propiedades técnicas de los explosivos empleados, se determinó cuáles son los métodos más recomendables para utilizar en cada explosivo, y que dispositivos de medición de la velocidad de detonación más adecuado. ABSTRACT This project is an analysis of the velocity of detonation measurements, obtained by different kind of methods and devices. The aim of work is to compare the results between different laboratories and to be able to analyze the deviations and uncertainties the different measurement methodologies currently used. For that purpose, measurements were made with different explosives, and it was determined which methods and devices are the most suitable for each explosive. From these measurements and the technical features of each explosive used, we established what are the most suitable for each explosive use, and which is the most appropiate device to measure the detonation velocity.


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In this work, the purification and characterization of an extracellular elicitor protein, designated AsES, produced by an avirulent isolate of the strawberry pathogen Acremonium strictum, are reported. The defense eliciting activity present in culture filtrates was recovered and purified by ultrafiltration (cutoff, 30 kDa), anionic exchange (Q-Sepharose, pH 7.5), and hydrophobic interaction (phenyl-Sepharose) chromatographies. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of the purified active fraction revealed a single spot of 34 kDa and pI 8.8. HPLC (C2/C18) and MS/MS analysis confirmed purification to homogeneity. Foliar spray with AsES provided a total systemic protection against anthracnose disease in strawberry, accompanied by the expression of defense-related genes (i.e. PR1 and Chi2-1). Accumulation of reactive oxygen species (e.g. H2O2 and O2̇̄) and callose was also observed in Arabidopsis. By using degenerate primers designed from the partial amino acid sequences and rapid amplification reactions of cDNA ends, the complete AsES-coding cDNA of 1167 nucleotides was obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence showed significant identity with fungal serine proteinases of the subtilisin family, indicating that AsES is synthesized as a larger precursor containing a 15-residue secretory signal peptide and a 90-residue peptidase inhibitor I9 domain in addition to the 283-residue mature protein. AsES exhibited proteolytic activity in vitro, and its resistance eliciting activity was eliminated when inhibited with PMSF, suggesting that its proteolytic activity is required to induce the defense response. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a fungal subtilisin that shows eliciting activity in plants. This finding could contribute to develop disease biocontrol strategies in plants by activating its innate immunity.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño completo, de una red de distribución de TDT, a nivel local, mediante difusión SFN, Single Frequency Network. Este tipo de difusión, tiene la capacidad de difundir los servicios de televisión en una única frecuencia, cubriendo un área, ya sea local o estatal, aprovechando en las zonas de interferencia los rebotes de la señal y así evitar el uso de una frecuencia distinta por cada centro de emisión, todos los que componen un área de cobertura. Para el diseño de la red, se ha optado por diseñar una red IP, mediante distribución multicast, ya que esta es la tecnología imperante a día de hoy, quedando obsoleta ya, la distribución analógica, ya que consume muchos más recursos y por consiguiente mucho más costosa de implementar. El documento se divide en cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo se realizará una introducción teórica a las redes de distribución SFN, centrándose en el cálculo de los retardos, punto fundamental en el diseño de este tipo de redes. Se continuará unas nociones básicas de redes IP y el protocolo multicast, en el que se basa el trasporte de la señal. El capítulo dos, se centra en el diseño de la red, desde los centros de producción, donde se generan los programas a emitir, hasta los diferentes centros de difusión que cubrirán todo el área de cobertura requerida, pasando por el centro de multiplexación, donde se sitúa la cabecera que compondrá el múltiplex a difundir. Se describirán los equipos y el diseño de los distintos centros que conforman la red, centros de producción, multiplexación y difusión. A demás se realizará el cálculo de retardo de la señal, necesario en este tipo de redes. Se continuará con el capítulo tres, donde se describirá la configuración de la red, tanto a nivel de equipamiento, como el diseño y asignación IP de toda la red, separando la red de servicio de la red de gestión para una mayor confiabilidad y eficiencia de la red. Se finalizará con la descripción de la gestión de la red, que mediante diferentes herramientas, proporcionan un monitoreado en tiempo real de todo el sistema, dando la posibilidad de adelantarsey previniendo posibles incidencias que, puedan causar alguna deficiencia en el servicio que se entrega al usuario final. ABSTRACT. This project involves the complete design of a network´s TDT distribution, locally, by broadcast SFN (Single Frequency Network). This type of broadcast, has the ability to broadcast television´s services on a single frequency, covering an area, whether local or state, drawing on the interference zones, signal´s rebounds, to avoid the use of a different frequency each broadcast center, all those who make a coverage area. For the design of the network, has been chosen to design an IP network using multicast distribution, since this is the prevailing technology today, as the analogue distribution, consumes more resources and therefore, much more costly to implement. The document is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter you can find a theoretical introduction to SFN distribution networks, focusing on the calculation of delays, fundamental point, in the design of these networks. A basic understanding of IP networks and the multicast protocol, in which the transport of the signal is based, will continue. Chapter two focuses on the design of the network, from production centers, where the programs are created to broadcast, to different distribution centers covering the entire area of coverage required, through the multiplexing center, where the head is located, which comprise the multiplex. Also, the equipment and design of the various centers in the network, production centers, multiplexing center and distribution centers, are described. Furthermore, the calculation of signal delay, necessary in such networks, is performed. We will continue with the chapter three, where the network configuration will be described, both in termsofequipment, such as design IP mapping of the entire network, separating the service network and management network, for increased the reliability and efficiency of the network. It will be completed with the description of the management of the network, using different tools provide real-time monitoring of the entire system, making it possible, to anticipate and prevent any incidents that might cause a deficiency in the service being delivered to final user.


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Peptides corresponding to the immunodominant loop located at residues 135–158 on capsid protein VP1 of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) generally elicit high levels of anti-peptide and virus-neutralizing antibodies. In some instances, however, the level of neutralizing antibodies is low or even negligible, even though the level of anti-peptide antibodies is high. We have shown previously that the antigenic activity of peptide 141–159 of VP1 of a variant of serotype A can be mimicked by a retro-inverso (all-d retro or retroenantio) peptide analogue. This retro-inverso analogue induced greater and longer-lasting antibody titers than did the corresponding l-peptide. We now show that a single inoculation of the retro-inverso analogue elicits high levels of neutralizing antibodies that persist longer than those induced against the corresponding l-peptide and confer substantial protection in guinea pigs challenged with the cognate virus. In view of the high stability to proteases of retro-inverso peptide analogues and their enhanced immunogenicity, these results have practical relevance in designing potential peptide vaccines.


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The efficient introduction of somatic mutations in a given gene, at a given time, in a specific cell type will facilitate studies of gene function and the generation of animal models for human diseases. We have shown previously that conditional recombination–excision between two loxP sites can be achieved in mice by using the Cre recombinase fused to a mutated ligand binding domain of the human estrogen receptor (Cre-ERT), which binds tamoxifen but not estrogens. DNA excision was induced in a number of tissues after administration of tamoxifen to transgenic mice expressing Cre-ERT under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. However, the efficiency of excision varied between tissues, and the highest level (≈40%) was obtained in the skin. To determine the efficiency of excision mediated by Cre-ERT in a given cell type, we have now crossed Cre-ERT-expressing mice with reporter mice in which expression of Escherichia coli β-galactosidase can be induced through Cre-mediated recombination. The efficiency and kinetics of this recombination were analyzed at the cellular level in the epidermis of 6- to 8-week-old double transgenic mice. We show that site-specific excision occurred within a few days of tamoxifen treatment in essentially all epidermis cells expressing Cre-ERT. These results indicate that cell-specific expression of Cre-ERT in transgenic mice can be used for efficient tamoxifen-dependent, Cre-mediated recombination at loci containing loxP sites to generate site-specific somatic mutations in a spatio-temporally controlled manner.


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The pattern of DNA methylation plays an important role in regulating different genome functions. To test the hypothesis that DNA methylation is a reversible biochemical process, we purified a DNA demethylase from human cells that catalyzes the cleavage of a methyl residue from 5-methyl cytosine and its release as methanol. We show that similar to DNA methyltransferase, DNA demethylase shows CpG dinucleotide specificity, can demethylate mdCpdG sites in different sequence contexts, and demethylates both fully methylated and hemimethylated DNA. Thus, contrary to the commonly accepted model, DNA methylation is a reversible signal, similar to other physiological biochemical modifications.


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To investigate the molecular basis of PTEN-mediated tumor suppression, we introduced a null mutation into the mouse Pten gene by homologous recombination in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Pten−/− ES cells exhibited an increased growth rate and proliferated even in the absence of serum. ES cells lacking PTEN function also displayed advanced entry into S phase. This accelerated G1/S transition was accompanied by down-regulation of p27KIP1, a major inhibitor for G1 cyclin-dependent kinases. Inactivation of PTEN in ES cells and in embryonic fibroblasts resulted in elevated levels of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5,-trisphosphate, a product of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase. Consequently, PTEN deficiency led to dosage-dependent increases in phosphorylation and activation of Akt/protein kinase B, a well-characterized target of the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase signaling pathway. Akt activation increased Bad phosphorylation and promoted Pten−/− cell survival. Our studies suggest that PTEN regulates the phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5,-trisphosphate and Akt signaling pathway and consequently modulates two critical cellular processes: cell cycle progression and cell survival.


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During the aging process, mammals lose up to a third of their skeletal muscle mass and strength. Although the mechanisms underlying this loss are not entirely understood, we attempted to moderate the loss by increasing the regenerative capacity of muscle. This involved the injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus directing overexpression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in differentiated muscle fibers. We demonstrate that the IGF-I expression promotes an average increase of 15% in muscle mass and a 14% increase in strength in young adult mice, and remarkably, prevents aging-related muscle changes in old adult mice, resulting in a 27% increase in strength as compared with uninjected old muscles. Muscle mass and fiber type distributions were maintained at levels similar to those in young adults. We propose that these effects are primarily due to stimulation of muscle regeneration via the activation of satellite cells by IGF-I. This supports the hypothesis that the primary cause of aging-related impairment of muscle function is a cumulative failure to repair damage sustained during muscle utilization. Our results suggest that gene transfer of IGF-I into muscle could form the basis of a human gene therapy for preventing the loss of muscle function associated with aging and may be of benefit in diseases where the rate of damage to skeletal muscle is accelerated.