795 resultados para NIOBIUM ALLOYS
Shape memory alloys are a special class of metals that can undergo large deformation yet still be able to recover their original shape through the mechanism of phase transformations. However, when they experience plastic slip, their ability to recover their original shape is reduced. This is due to the presence of dislocations generated by plastic flow that interfere with shape recovery through the shape memory effect and the superelastic effect. A one-dimensional model that captures the coupling between shape memory effect, the superelastic effect and plastic deformation is introduced. The shape memory alloy is assumed to have only 3 phases: austenite, positive variant martensite and negative variant martensite. If the SMA flows plastically, each phase will exhibit a dislocation field that permanently prevents a portion of it from being transformed back to other phases. Hence, less of the phase is available for subsequent phase transformations. A constitutive model was developed to depict this phenomena and simulate the effect of plasticity on both the shape memory effect and the superelastic effect in shape memory alloys. In addition, experimental tests were conducted to characterize the phenomenon in shape memory wire and superelastic wire. ^ The constitutive model was then implemented in within a finite element context as UMAT (User MATerial Subroutine) for the commercial finite element package ABAQUS. The model is phenomenological in nature and is based on the construction of stress-temperature phase diagram. ^ The model has been shown to be capable of capturing the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the coupling between plasticity and the shape memory effect and plasticity and the super elastic effect within acceptable limits. As a verification case a simple truss structure was built and tested and then simulated using the FEA constitutive model. The results where found to be close the experimental data. ^
Structural vibration control is of great importance. Current active and passive vibration control strategies usually employ individual elements to fulfill this task, such as viscoelastic patches for providing damping, transducers for picking up signals and actuators for inputting actuating forces. The goal of this dissertation work is to design, manufacture, investigate and apply a new type of multifunctional composite material for structural vibration control. This new composite, which is based on multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) film, is potentially to function as free layer damping treatment and strain sensor simultaneously. That is, the new material integrates the transducer and the damping patch into one element. The multifunctional composite was prepared by sandwiching the MWCNT film between two adhesive layers. Static sensing test indicated that the MWCNT film sensor resistance changes almost linearly with the applied load. Sensor sensitivity factors were comparable to those of the foil strain gauges. Dynamic test indicated that the MWCNT film sensor can outperform the foil strain gage in high frequency ranges. Temperature test indicated the MWCNT sensor had good temperature stability over the range of 237 K-363 K. The Young’s modulus and shear modulus of the MWCNT film composite were acquired by nanoindentation test and direct shear test, respectively. A free vibration damping test indicated that the MWCNT composite sensor can also provide good damping without adding excessive weight to the base structure. A new model for sandwich structural vibration control was then proposed. In this new configuration, a cantilever beam covered with MWCNT composite on top and one layer of shape memory alloy (SMA) on the bottom was used to illustrate this concept. The MWCNT composite simultaneously serves as free layer damping and strain sensor, and the SMA acts as actuator. Simple on-off controller was designed for controlling the temperature of the SMA so as to control the SMA recovery stress as input and the system stiffness. Both free and forced vibrations were analyzed. Simulation work showed that this new configuration for sandwich structural vibration control was successful especially for low frequency system.
Biomaterials have been used for more than a century in the human body to improve body functions and replace damaged tissues. Currently approved and commonly used metallic biomaterials such as, stainless steel, titanium, cobalt chromium and other alloys have been found to have adverse effects leading in some cases, to mechanical failure and rejection of the implant. The physical or chemical nature of the degradation products of some implants initiates an adverse foreign body reaction in the tissue. Some metallic implants remain as permanent fixtures, whereas others such as plates, screws and pins used to secure serious fractures are removed by a second surgical procedure after the tissue has healed sufficiently. However, repeat surgical procedures increase the cost of health care and the possibility of patient morbidity. This study focuses on the development of magnesium based biodegradable alloys/metal matrix composites (MMCs) for orthopedic and cardiovascular applications. The Mg alloys/MMCs possessed good mechanical properties and biocompatible properties. Nine different compositions of Mg alloys/MMCs were manufactured and surface treated. Their degradation behavior, ion leaching, wettability, morphology, cytotoxicity and mechanical properties were determined. Alloying with Zn, Ca, HA and Gd and surface treatment resulted in improved mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, reduced cytotoxicity, lower pH and hydrogen evolution. Anodization resulted in the formation of a distinct oxide layer (thickness 5-10 μm) as compared with that produced on mechanically polished samples (~20-50 nm) under ambient conditions. It is envisaged that the findings of this research will introduce a new class of Mg based biodegradable alloys/MMCs and the emergence of innovative cardiovascular and orthopedic implant devices.^
Magnesium alloys have been widely explored as potential biomaterials, but several limitations to using these materials have prevented their widespread use, such as uncontrollable degradation kinetics which alter their mechanical properties. In an attempt to further the applicability of magnesium and its alloys for biomedical purposes, two novel magnesium alloys Mg-Zn-Cu and Mg-Zn-Se were developed with the expectation of improving upon the unfavorable qualities shown by similar magnesium based materials that have previously been explored. The overall performance of these novel magnesium alloys has been assessesed in three distinct phases of research: 1) analysing the mechanical properties of the as-cast magnesium alloys, 2) evaluating the biocompatibility of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of in-vitro cellular studies, and 3) profiling the degradation kinetics of the as-cast magnesium alloys through the use of electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization techqnique as well as gravimetric weight-loss methods. As compared to currently available shape memory alloys and degradable as-cast alloys, these experimental alloys possess superior as-cast mechanical properties with elongation at failure values of 12% and 13% for the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Se alloys, respectively. This is substantially higher than other as-cast magnesium alloys that have elongation at failure values that range from 7-10%. Biocompatibility tests revealed that both the Mg-Zn-Se and Mg-Zn-Cu alloys exhibit low cytotoxicity levels which are suitable for biomaterial applications. Gravimetric and electrochemical testing was indicative of the weight loss and initial corrosion behavior of the alloys once immersed within a simulated body fluid. The development of these novel as-cast magnesium alloys provide an advancement to the field of degradable metallic materials, while experimental results indicate their potential as cost-effective medical devices.^
Owing to an increased risk of aging population and a higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD), there is a need for more reliable and safer treatments. Numerous varieties of durable polymer-coated drug eluting stents (DES) are available in the market in order to mitigate in-stent restenosis. However, there are certain issues regarding their usage such as delayed arterial healing, thrombosis, inflammation, toxic corrosion by-products, mechanical stability and degradation. As a result, significant amount of research has to be devoted to the improvement of biodegradable polymer-coated implant materials in an effort to enhance their bioactive response. ^ In this investigation, magneto-electropolished (MEP) and a novel biodegradable polymer coated ternary Nitinol alloys, NiTiTa and NiTiCr were prepared to study their bio and hemocompatibility properties. The initial interaction of a biomaterial with its surroundings is dependent on its surface characteristics such as, composition, corrosion resistance, work of adhesion and morphology. In-vitro corrosion tests such as potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) studies were conducted to determine the coating stability and longevity. In-vitro hemocompatibility studies and HUVEC cell growth was performed to determine their thrombogenic and biocompatibility properties. Critical delamination load of the polymer coated Nitinol alloys was determined using Nano-scratch analysis. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were performed to elucidate the effect of metal ions leached from Nitinol alloys on the viability of HUVEC cells. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle meter and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the surface of the alloys. ^ MEP treated and polymer coated (PC) Nitinol alloys displayed a corrosion resistant polymer coating as compared to uncoated alloys. MEP and PC has resulted in reduced Ni and Cr ion leaching from NiTi5Cr and subsequently low cytotoxicity. Thrombogenicity tests revealed significantly less platelet adhesion and confluent endothelial cell growth on polymer coated and uncoated ternary MEP Nitinol alloys. Finally, this research addresses the bio and hemocompatibility of MEP + PC ternary Nitinol alloys that could be used to manufacture blood contacting devices such as stents and vascular implants which can lead to lower U.S. healthcare spending.^
Experiments were conducted to show the effects of thermal and geometric boundary conditions on the liquid pool of a binary alloy system which is undergoing phase change, solidification. Transparent analogue solutions were selected for study and experimental apparatus were designed and built. Thermal distribution and concentration data were collected and analysed for the melt pool of various selected geometries and boundary conditions of the systems under study. The data indicate-that characteristic flows develop for both Hypereutectic and Hypoeutectic concentration levels and that the development of macrosegregation and microsegregation defects in continuous casting materials can be minimised by the adjustment of the process variables.
Advances in biomaterials have enabled medical practitioners to replace diseased body parts or to assist in the healing process. In situations where a permanent biomaterial implant is used for a temporary application, additional surgeries are required to remove these implants once the healing process is complete, which increases medical costs and patient morbidity. Bio-absorbable materials dissolve and are metabolized by the body after the healing process is complete thereby negating additional surgeries for removal of implants. Magnesium alloys as novel bio-absorbable biomaterials, have attracted great attention recently because of their good mechanical properties, biocompatibility and corrosion rate in physiological environments. However, usage of Mg as biodegradable implant has been limited by its poor corrosion resistance in the physiological solutions. An optimal biodegradable implant must initially have slow degradation to ensure total mechanical integrity then degrade over time as the tissue heals. The current research focuses on surface modification of Mg alloy (MZC) by surface treatment and polymer coating in an effort to enhance the corrosion rate and biocompatibility. It is envisaged that the results obtained from this investigation would provide the academic community with insights for the utilization of bio-absorbable implants particularly for patients suffering from atherosclerosis. The alloying elements used in this study are zinc and calcium both of which are essential minerals in the human metabolic and healing processes. A hydrophobic biodegradable co-polymer, polyglycolic-co-caprolactone (PGCL), was used to coat the surface treated MZC to retard the initial degradation rate. Two surface treatments were selected: (a) acid etching and (b) anodization to produce different surface morphologies, roughness, surface energy, chemistry and hydrophobicity that are pivotal for PGCL adhesion onto the MZC. Additionally, analyses of biodegradation, biocompatibility, and mechanical integrity were performed in order to investigate the optimum surface modification process, suitable for biomaterial implants. The study concluded that anodization created better adhesion between the MZC and PGCL coating. Furthermore, PGCL coated anodized MZC exhibited lower corrosion rate, good mechanical integrity, and better biocompatibility as compared with acid etched.
We use first-principles electronic structure methods to show that the piezoresistive strain gauge factor of single-crystalline bulk n-type silicon-germanium alloys at carefully controlled composition can reach values of G = 500, three times larger than that of silicon, the most sensitive such material used in industry today. At cryogenic temperatures of 4 K we find gauge factors of G = 135 000, 13 times larger than that observed in Si whiskers. The improved piezoresistance is achieved by tuning the scattering of carriers between different (Delta and L) conduction band valleys by controlling the alloy composition and strain configuration.
First-principles electronic structure methods are used to find the rates of inelastic intravalley and intervalley n-type carrier scattering in Si1-xGex alloys. Scattering parameters for all relevant Delta and L intra- and intervalley scattering are calculated. The short-wavelength acoustic and the optical phonon modes in the alloy are computed using the random mass approximation, with interatomic forces calculated in the virtual crystal approximation using density functional perturbation theory. Optical phonon and intervalley scattering matrix elements are calculated from these modes of the disordered alloy. It is found that alloy disorder has only a small effect on the overall inelastic intervalley scattering rate at room temperature. Intravalley acoustic scattering rates are calculated within the deformation potential approximation. The acoustic deformation potentials are found directly and the range of validity of the deformation potential approximation verified in long-wavelength frozen phonon calculations. Details of the calculation of elastic alloy scattering rates presented in an earlier paper are also given. Elastic alloy disorder scattering is found to dominate over inelastic scattering, except for almost pure silicon (x approximate to 0) or almost pure germanium (x approximate to 1), where acoustic phonon scattering is predominant. The n-type carrier mobility, calculated from the total (elastic plus inelastic) scattering rate, using the Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation, is in excellent agreement with experiments on bulk, unstrained alloys..
Owing to an increased risk of aging population and a higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD), there is a need for more reliable and safer treatments. Numerous varieties of durable polymer-coated drug eluting stents (DES) are available in the market in order to mitigate in-stent restenosis. However, there are certain issues regarding their usage such as delayed arterial healing, thrombosis, inflammation, toxic corrosion by-products, mechanical stability and degradation. As a result, significant amount of research has to be devoted to the improvement of biodegradable polymer-coated implant materials in an effort to enhance their bioactive response. In this investigation, magneto-electropolished (MEP) and a novel biodegradable polymer coated ternary Nitinol alloys, NiTiTa and NiTiCr were prepared to study their bio and hemocompatibility properties. The initial interaction of a biomaterial with its surroundings is dependent on its surface characteristics such as, composition, corrosion resistance, work of adhesion and morphology. In-vitro corrosion tests such as potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) studies were conducted to determine the coating stability and longevity. In-vitro hemocompatibility studies and HUVEC cell growth was performed to determine their thrombogenic and biocompatibility properties. Critical delamination load of the polymer coated Nitinol alloys was determined using Nano-scratch analysis. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were performed to elucidate the effect of metal ions leached from Nitinol alloys on the viability of HUVEC cells. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle meter and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the surface of the alloys. MEP treated and polymer coated (PC) Nitinol alloys displayed a corrosion resistant polymer coating as compared to uncoated alloys. MEP and PC has resulted in reduced Ni and Cr ion leaching from NiTi5Cr and subsequently low cytotoxicity. Thrombogenicity tests revealed significantly less platelet adhesion and confluent endothelial cell growth on polymer coated and uncoated ternary MEP Nitinol alloys. Finally, this research addresses the bio and hemocompatibility of MEP + PC ternary Nitinol alloys that could be used to manufacture blood contacting devices such as stents and vascular implants which can lead to lower U.S. healthcare spending.
Global niobium production is presently dominated by three operations, Araxá and Catalão (Brazil), and Niobec (Canada). Although Brazil accounts for over 90% of the world’s niobium production, a number of high grade niobium deposits exist worldwide. The advancement of these deposits depends largely on the development of operable beneficiation flowsheets. Pyrochlore, as the primary niobium mineral, is typically upgraded by flotation with amine collectors at acidic pH following a complicated flowsheet with significant losses of niobium. This research compares the typical two stage flotation flowsheet to a direct flotation process (i.e. elimination of gangue pre-flotation) with the objective of circuit simplification. In addition, the use of a chelating reagent (benzohydroxamic acid, BHA) was studied as an alternative collector for fine grained, highly disseminated pyrochlore. For the amine based reagent system, results showed that while comparable at the laboratory scale, when scaled up to the pilot level the direct flotation process suffered from circuit instability because of high quantities of dissolved calcium in the process water due to stream recirculation and fine calcite dissolution, which ultimately depressed pyrochlore. This scale up issue was not observed in pilot plant operation of the two stage flotation process as a portion of the highly reactive carbonate minerals was removed prior to acid addition. A statistical model was developed for batch flotation using BHA on carbonatite ore (0.25% Nb2O5) that could not be effectively upgraded using the conventional amine reagent scheme. Results showed that it was possible to produce a concentrate containing 1.54% Nb2O5 with 93% Nb recovery in ~15% of the original mass. Fundamental studies undertaken included FT-IR and XPS, which showed the adsorption of both the protonized amine and the neutral amine onto the surface of the pyrochlore (possibly at niobium sites as indicated by detected shifts in the Nb3d binding energy). The results suggest that the preferential flotation of pyrochlore over quartz with amines at low pH levels can be attributed to a difference in critical hemimicelle concentration (CHC) values for the two minerals. BHA was found to be absorbed on pyrochlore surfaces by a similar mechanism to alkyl hydroxamic acid. It is hoped that this work will assist in improving operability of existing pyrochlore flotation circuits and help promote the development of niobium deposits globally. Future studies should focus on investigation into specific gangue mineral depressants and inadvertent activation phenomenon related to BHA flotation of gangue minerals.