907 resultados para Muslim scholars--Lebanon--Biography


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The monograph is a systematic arrangement of the biographies and bibliographies of botanists in South Carolina who have contributed to the state’s reputation in botany.


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The paper tackles the requirements of the Muslim children’s parents on a change of the form of their teaching in various types of schools in the Czech Republic and the way in which the schools cope with these requirements.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.


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Hoekstra et al. (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2014, 21:1157–1164) surveyed the interpretation of confidence intervals (CIs) by first-year students, master students, and researchers with six items expressing misinterpretations of CIs. They asked respondents to answer all items, computed the number of items endorsed, and concluded that misinterpretation of CIs is robust across groups. Their design may have produced this outcome artifactually for reasons that we describe. This paper discusses first the two interpretations of CIs and, hence, why misinterpretation cannot be inferred from endorsement of some of the items. Next, a re-analysis of Hoekstra et al.’s data reveals some puzzling differences between first-year and master students that demand further investigation. For that purpose, we designed a replication study with an extended questionnaire including two additional items that express correct interpretations of CIs (to compare endorsement of correct vs. nominally incorrect interpretations) and we asked master students to indicate which items they would have omitted had they had the option (to distinguish deliberate from uninformed endorsement caused by the forced-response format). Results showed that incognizant first-year students endorsed correct and nominally incorrect items identically, revealing that the two item types are not differentially attractive superficially; in contrast, master students were distinctively more prone to endorsing correct items when their uninformed responses were removed, although they admitted to nescience more often that might have been expected. Implications for teaching practices are discussed.


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Alfonso V of Aragon (1396-1458), who won from his contemporaries the title “the Magnanimous”, became one of the most brilliant fifteenth century monarchs, not only because of being a shrewd politician and king of one of the main kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula, but also due to his cultural activity. Thanks to him the Aragonese territories were extended throughout the Mediterranean up to Naples, where he established a magnificent court that turned into maybe the most remarkable centre of intellectual vitality and development of Humanism. His patronage attracted a considerable number of leading poets of the period, as well as the most important Italian humanists. The presence of so many writers and outstanding scholars, together with the academic environment that the monarch encouraged, promoted an enormous literary production in four languages: Latin, Spanish, Catalan and Italian. Additionally, the valuable library gathered by the king and the Academy founded in order to spread knowledge illustrate part of his intellectual concerns. This way, through his love to literature and generosity to men of letters, Alfonso the Magnanimous boosted the culture of that time. The principal protagonist in the cultural activities of the circle of erudites formed around the sovereign was Antonio Beccadelli, called Panormita (1394-1471). He, one of the most prominent personalities of Italian Humanism, assumed the role of main royal advisor. His work De dictis et factis Alphonsi regis (The sayings and deeds of king Alfonso), which will be studied in our dissertation, became a very popular text about Alfonso’s personality, as a kind of biography based on anecdotes of the Magnanimous’ life by way of exempla to be imitated. The success of these episodes lasted for a long time and they are appreciated even nowadays. The work was valued as specula principum and had great impact in sixteenth century, when De dictis was republished several times and translated from Latin into Spanish. One of these translations, the one by Fortún García de Ercilla, caught our interest since it is in a manuscript signed by Ercilla himself and this version is still unpublished...


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Sempre più spesso negli ultimi decenni la figura e la musica di Carlo Ambrogio Lonati (c.1645-post 1701) hanno destato l’interesse degli studiosi e degli esecutori, i quali hanno preso in considerazione singoli aspetti della sua biografia e della sua produzione. Tuttavia, il processo di riscoperta e di recupero è stato ostacolato dalla mancanza di un’investigazione complessiva e integrata, capace tanto di dar conto della poliedricità di Lonati – violinista, compositore, cantante, didatta – quanto di riesaminare e ricontestualizzare le sue composizioni. Questa dissertazione tenta di colmare tale lacuna e propone una riconsiderazione di Lonati alla luce della sua produzione per violino. L’impiego di un approccio circolare fa in modo che mentre le composizioni violinistiche offrono un canale privilegiato allo studio del percorso artistico e dell’opera di questo compositore, la riconsiderazione critica della biografia permette di calare la musica per violino in un contesto ampio, oltre le distinzioni tra generi. L’integrazione di approcci metodologici differenti ha permesso di proporre una visione completamente nuova del compositore e di riformulare lo studio delle sonate violinistiche. Uno scrupoloso studio codicologico e filologico ha investito quattro testimoni a stampa e diciannove manoscritti e ha permesso di riconsiderare profondamente alcune composizioni già individuate. Suddivise in certe, attribuibili e dubbie, le trentuno sonate sono state poste sotto la lente di diverse prospettive interpretative e analitiche e appaiono differenti per tradizione e statuto testuale, stile, forma e scrittura. Il quadro multiforme che esse descrivono permette un approccio trasversale al repertorio violinistico e strumentale europeo del tardo Sei e del primo Settecento e introduce questioni relative all’autorialità, all’attribuzionismo e ai concetti di opus, creatività e stile. L’edizione critica delle diciannove sonate per violino inedite offre un primo confronto con questo repertorio; l’inventario di tutte le composizioni oggi note attribuite a Lonati fornisce invece le basi per i prossimi studi.


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Il patrimonio culturale è l’espressione della comunità a cui si riferisce e il digitale può essere un valido strumento per raccontare le storie relative ai beni culturali affinché siano, non solo studiati, ma anche recepiti nel loro significato più profondo da più pubblici. L’inserimento di testi manoscritti sul web utilizzando le tecnologie dei Linked Data facilitano la fruizione del testo da parte dell’utente non specializzato e la creazione di strumenti per la ricerca. La proposta di digitalizzazione della tesi ha come oggetto la vita di Federico da Montefeltro scritta da Vespasiano da Bisticci utilizzando i vocabolari schema.org, FOAF e Relationship per la marcatura del testo e i Content Management System per la pubblicazione dei dati. In questo modo sarà possibile avere un sito web in cui potrà essere curato anche l’aspetto grafico seguendo le regole della user experience e dell’information achitecture per valorizzare le figure del duca di Urbino e del cartolaio fiorentino.