982 resultados para Musical perception


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Cet article propose une interprétation de certains passages qui posent un problème de cohérence dans la théorie leibnizienne de la perception et de l’aperception. C’est le cas notamment d’un passage des Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain (1704), qui accorde aux animaux l’aperception, et du quatrième paragraphe des Principes de la Nature et de la Grâce (1710), où Leibniz semble plutôt faire coïncider aperception et réflexion, celle-ci étant pourtant réservée aux esprits raisonnables ailleurs dans son œuvre. Afin d’éviter la contradiction, notre interprétation donne une crédibilité particulière au passage des Nouveaux essais en défendant l’idée que Leibniz accorde l’aperception aux animaux, mais réserve la réflexion aux esprits. Nous tâcherons aussi de rendre évident comment certains passages semblant contredire cette position peuvent néanmoins être interprétés en ce sens.


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Farm communication and extension programs are vital part of the farm development attempts. Electronic media plays a major role in farm extension activities. Kerala, the consumer state, which was a complete agricultural state in pre-independence period, is the sprouting land of agricultural extension and publication activities in print media. Later AIR (All India Radio) farm programs and farm broadcasting of Doordarshan enriched the role of electronic media in farm extension activities. The media saturated southern state of India received this new electronic media farm communication revolution whole heartedly. However, after 1990, Kerala witnessed a flood of private T V channels and currently there are 24 channels in this regional language, named Malayalam. All major news and entertainment channels are broadcasting farm programs. Farm programs of AIR and Doordarshan, broadcasted in Malayalam language, have been well accepted to the farmers‘ in Kerala. However, post-independence period, witnessed the formation of Kerala state in Indian Union and the first ballot-elected communist Government started its administration. After the land reform bills, the state witnessed a gradual decrease in agricultural production. Even if it is not reflected much in the attitude and practices of farm community and farm broadcast of traditional electronic broadcasting, a change is observable after the post-liberalization era of India. Private Television channels, which were focused on entertainment value of programs, started broadcasting farm programs and the parameters of program production went through certain changes. In this situation, there is ample relevance for a study about the farm programs of electronic media in terms of a comparative study of audience perception. The study is limited in the state of Kerala as it is the most media saturated state in India. The study analyzes the rate, nature and scope of adoption of farming methods transmitted through electronic media (T.V. and Radio) in Malayalam language.All kinds of Farm programs including comprehensive program serials, success stories, seasonal cropping methods, experts opinion, been analyzed on the basis of the following objectives.  To find whether propagating new farm methods through farm programs in electronic media or the availability of adequate infrastructure and economic factors make a farmer to adopt a new farming method.  To find which electronic media has more influence on farmers to adopt agricultural programs.  To find which form of electronic media gets better feedback from farmers  To find out whether the programs of T.V. or Radio is more acceptable to farmers than the print media.  To find whether farmers gets the message through their preferred medium for the message. The researcher recorded opinions from a panel of agricultural officers, farm Information officers, agro extension researchers and experts. According to their opinions and guidelines, a pilot study is designed and conducted in Kanjikuzhy Panchayath, in Alappuzha district, Kerala. The Panchayath is selected by considering its ideal nature of being the sample for a social Science research. Besides, the nature of farming in the Panchayath, which devoid of the cultivation of cash crops also supported its sample value. As per the observations from the pilot study, researcher confirmed the Triangulation method as the methodology of research. The questionnaire survey, being the primary part contained 42 Questions with 6 independent and 32 dependent variables. The survey is conducted among 400 respondents in Idukki, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts considering geographical differences and distribution of different types of crops. The response from a total of 360 respondents, 120 from each district, finally selected for tabulation and data analysis.The data analysis, based on percentage analysis, along with the results from focus group discussion among a selected group of 20 farmers, together produced the results as follows. Farmers, who are the audience of farm programs, have a very serious approach towards the medium. They are maintaining a critical point of view towards the content of the programs. Farmers are reasonably aware about the financial side of the programs and the monitory aspirations of both private and Government owned Television channels. Even though, the farmers are not aware on the technical terminology and jargons, they have ideas about success stories, program serials and they are even informed about channels are not maintaining an audience research section like AIR. Though the farmers accept Doordarshan as the credential source of farm information and methods, they are inclined to the entertainment value of programs too. They prefer to have more entertainment value for the programs of Doordarshan. Surprisingly, they have very solid suggestions on even about the shots which add entertainment value to the farm broadcasting methods of Doordarshan. Farmers are very much aware about the fact that media is just an instrument for inspiration and persuasion. They strongly believe that the source of information and new methods is agricultural research and an effective change happens only when there are adequate infrastructure and marketing facilities, along with the proper support from Government agricultural guideline and support systems like Krishi Bhavans. They strongly believe that media alone cannot create any magic in increasing agricultural production. Farmers are pointing out the lack of response to the feedback and queries of farmers on farming methods, as an evidence for the difference in levels of commitment of Government and private owned Television channels.Farmers are still perceiving AIR farm programs are far more committed to farmers and farming than any other electronic medium. However, they are seriously lacking Radio receivers with medium wave reception facility. Farmers perceive that the farming methods on new crops are more adoptable than the farming methods of traditional crops in both private and Government owned Television channels. There are multiple factors behind this observation from farmers. Farmers changed in terms of viewing habits and they prefer success stories, which are totally irrelevant and they even think that such stories encourage people to go for farming and they opined that such stories are good sources of inspiration. However, they are all very much sure about the importance and particular about the presence of entertainment factor even in farm programs. Farmers expect direct interaction of any expert of the new farming method to implement the method in their agriculture practices. Though introduction of a new idea in the T.V. is acceptable, farmers need the direct instruction of expert on field to start implementing the new farming practices Farmers still have an affinity towards print media reports and agricultural pages and they have complaints to print media on the removal of agricultural information pages from news papers. They prefer the reports in print media as it facilitates them to collect and refer articles when they need it. Farmers are having an eye of doubt about the credibility of farm programs by private T.V. channels. Even if they prefer private Television channels for listening and adopting new farming methods and other farm information, they scrutinize programs to know whether they are sponsored programs by agrochemical or agro-fertilizer manufacturer.


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Development of continuous shrimp cell lines for effective investigation on shrimp viruses remains elusive with an arduous history of over 25 years. Despite presenting challenges to researchers in developing a cell line, the billion dollar aquaculture industry is under viral threat. Advances in molecular biology and various gene transfer technologies for immortalization of cells have resulted in the development of hundreds of cell lines from insects and mammals, but yet not a single cell line has been developed from shrimp and other marine invertebrates. Though improved growth and longevity of shrimp cells in vitro could be achieved by using modified growth media this did not make any leap to spontaneous transformation; probably due to the fact that shrimp cells inhibited neoplastic transformations. Oncogenic induction and immortalization are considered as the possible ways, and an exclusive medium for shrimp cell culture and an appropriate mode of transformation are crucial. In this review status of shrimp cell line development and its future orientation are discussed


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This study is an attempt to situate the quality of life and standard of living of local communities in ecotourism destinations inter alia their perception on forest conservation and the satisfaction level of the local community. 650 EDC/VSS members from Kerala demarcated into three zones constitute the data source. Four variables have been considered for evaluating the quality of life of the stakeholders of ecotourism sites, which is then funneled to the income-education spectrum for hypothesizing into the SLI framework. Zone-wise analysis of the community members working in tourism sector shows that the community members have benefited totally from tourism development in the region as they have got both employments as well as secured livelihood options. Most of the quality of life-indicators of the community in the eco-tourist centres show a promising position. The community perception does not show any negative impact on environment as well as on their local culture.


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Aiming at consensus building in environmental management with democratic procedure, a communication tool for mutual understanding is profoundly needed. The main purpose of this research is the establishment of a practical methodology to understand vernacular meanings of the environment in terms of resident landscape perception as a precondition for environmental discussion.


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In East Africa, Uganda is one of the major producers of organic pineapples for export. These pineapples are mainly produced in central Uganda and have to meet stringent quality standards before they can be allowed on international markets. These quality standards may put considerable strain on farmers and may not be wholly representative of their quality interpretation. The aim of this paper is therefore, to determine the Ugandan organic pineapple farmers’ quality perception, the activities they carry out in order to attain that quality and challenges (production, postharvest & marketing) faced on the same. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were carried out among 28 organic pineapple farmers in Kayunga district, central Uganda. Findings suggest that quality of organic pineapples is mainly perceived in terms of product attributes particularly appearance followed by food security provision. Certification plays a minor role in what farmers describe as organic quality. High production input costs (labour and coffee husks) coupled with a stagnant premium are some of the major challenges faced by farmers in attaining organic quality. The paper argues that currently there are concealed negative food security effects embroiled in these pineapple schemes. It is recommended that the National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda (NOGAMU) works with all relevant stakeholders to have the farmer premium price raised and an official organic policy enacted.


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Se presenta experiencia educativa en Educación Infantil que propone actividades musicales que favorezcan el desarrollo del alumnado. Se realiza en el CEIP Padre Manjón en Huétor Tájar, Granada. Los objetivos son: coordinar los movimientos; situarse adecuadamente en el espacio; controlar el tono muscular; relajarse; aprender a escuchar; desarrollar la capacidad de comunicación; fomentar y potenciar la creatividad; expresar las propias emociones; aprender a crear y trabajar en grupo; desarrollar la confianza en sí mismo y la autoestima. La metodología consiste en desarrollar en la clase de música cuatro actividades diferentes, pero de manera que los niños y niñas la vivan como una unidad y no como una sucesión de experiencias aisladas. Está dirigido al profesorado.


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Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que propone la grabación de romances clásicos cantados por el alumnado y acompañados de instrumentos para conseguir acercar el mundo actual y real de la música y la producción musical a nuestro alumnado. Se realiza en el CEIP Manuel Siurot en La Palma del Condado, Huelva. Los objetivos son: desarrollar en el alumnado y en el profesorado la capacidad de exploración e investigación; aplicar las destrezas artísticas, plásticas, musicales y dinámicas, al aprendizaje de otras áreas; integrar a toda la comunidad en el proyecto educativo; enriquecer la fantasía y la creatividad de nuestro alumnado; cultivar en nuestro alumnado los tres ámbitos básicos de la disciplina musical: el aspecto vocal, el instrumental y el de movimiento.


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Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que pretende familiarizar al alumnado con discapacidad auditiva con el ámbito musical utilizando un método apropiado dada sus características. Se realiza en el CEIP Buenos Aires de la Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz. Los objetivos son: familiarizar al alumnado sordo con el ámbito musical, utilizando un método apropiado dadas las características de dicho alumnado; fomentar la reflexión del profesorado sobre su propia práctica, y el trabajo en equipo, dentro del marco de la autonomía pedagógica y organizativa de los centros docentes; comprender y actuar sobre la diversidad de situaciones de aprendizajes que se producen en el aula, y la adopción de medidas que den respuestas ajustadas a esta diversidad; fomentar las innovaciones en el desarrollo de prácticas y materiales educativos; facilitar la integración de aquellos colectivos socialmente más desfavorecidos; proporcionar propuestas de actividades de refuerzo y ampliación en el área de Música para ajustar la enseñanza a las necesidades; integrar la música con las otras áreas de la etapa de Primaria de manera que se produzca una enseñanza globalizada; estimular el aprendizaje del ámbito musical en el alumnado con deficiencia auditiva; fomentar actitudes de colaboración entre el profesorado en el desarrollo de diversas propuestas curriculares. El proceso consta de varias fases: primera, evaluación diagnóstica y documentación; segunda, actuación y evaluación procesual; tercera, evaluación final y memoria. El resultado ha sido satisfactorio, se han cumplido todos los objetivos creando un marco adecuado para el aprendizaje del área musical en alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales debido a la deficiencia auditiva.


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Motivar al alumnado de Infantil y primer ciclo de E. Primaria para el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura a través de la fusión del cuento con la música.


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Cuaderno de trabajo dirigido a los alumnos de Primaria y dividido en dos partes claramente diferenciadas: teoría musical y flauta. La primera parte está compuesta por un total de 128 fichas de trabajo en las que, además de la explicación del contenido, se acompaña de una ficha de trabajo, de utilidad para el profesor como repaso e incluso como evaluación. Los contenidos tratados han sido seleccionados en función de los propuestos por el MEC seleccionando, por parte de los autores, aquellos que son más factibles de ser tratados bajo esta modalidad de trabajo. La segunda parte es un método para la flauta dulce donde se han seleccionado 56 canciones desde un punto de vista pedagógico.


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Corresponde a la segunda edición de la obra. Además de la antología, la obra contiene unos anexos explicativos y un glosario de términos detalladamente definidos


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Segundo premio de la Primera Edición de Premios a la Elaboración de Materiales de Estudio sobre la Región de Murcia en la modalidad de Educación Primaria.


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