960 resultados para Munich. Bayerische staatsbibliotek.
This paper shows the actual state of a compilation work on Thermal Control Design Data being done at Madrid (Lamf-ETSIA) under several ESTEC contracts, introducing a Handbook already issued, its additions and updatings.
This article presents research focused on tracking manual tasks that are applied in cognitive rehabilitation so as to analyze the movements of patients who suffer from Apraxia and Action Disorganization Syndrome (AADS). This kind of patients find executing Activities of Daily Living (ADL) too difficult due to the loss of memory and capacity to carry out sequential tasks or the impossibility of associating different objects with their functions. This contribution is developed from the work of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Technical University of Munich in collaboration with The University of Birmingham. The KinectTM for Windows© device is used for this purpose. The data collected is compared to an ultrasonic motion capture system. The results indicate a moderate to strong correlation between signals. They also verify that KinectTM is very suitable and inexpensive. Moreover, it turns out to be a motion-capture system quite easy to implement for kinematics analysis in ADL.
A profunda crisis de la ‘nave espacial Tierra’ que cohabitamos, como llamaba Buckminster Fuller a nuestro planeta, y los imparables cambios en los modos de vida occidentales demandan un urgente cambio en el modelo de vivienda que las sociedades‘desarrolladas’ proporcionan a sus ciudadanos. Los nuevos modos de vida son variables e imprevisibles, incapaces de ser predeterminados en un proyecto arquitectónico ‘cerrado’. Los avances tecnológicos conducen a la movilidad, la desaparición del hogar tradicional, la interrelación de los espacios de vivienda y trabajo y anticipan la llegada de tipos de vida más dinámicos y menos ligados a un sitio específico. En cuanto a las formas de relación, disminuye la duración de los compromisos afectivos y crece el número de personas con una vida al margen de la familia tradicional o producto de la disgregación de proyectos familiares. Y, en el campo arquitectónico, no dejan de surgir nuevas herramientas mecánicas y tecnológicas capaces de transformar, de forma sencilla, una vivienda. Todas estas circunstancias no encuentran acomodo en las viviendas concebidas para los modos de vida de las pasadas generaciones. Desde hace décadas, al menos en nuestro país, los arquitectos han dejado de diseñar las viviendas de promoción privada que firman, ya que el propio ‘mercado’ se encarga de hacerlo. Las viviendas que el ‘mercado’ diseña no persiguen entregar a sus habitantes un lugar donde puedan desarrollar sus potencialidades. El único objetivo de estas promociones es el beneficio económico. Las casas que el ‘mercado’ promueve son indiferentes a las minorías y a los nuevos modos de vida. Son viviendas mínimas y uniformes para, de esta forma, maximizar el beneficio y simplificar el proceso económico. Estas viviendas promueven los mismos valores que guían nuestra ‘nave’: son individualistas, buscando minimizar el contacto vecinal, persiguen la uniformidad, en personas y pensamientos, y perpetúan valores, ya que insisten en repetir los mismos modelos habitacionales creados para los modos de vida de las generaciones anteriores. Son casas cerradas que tratan de imponer a sus habitantes el modo de habitarlas. Son casas estáticas que no están pensadas para facilitar su adaptación al particular modo de vida de sus ocupantes. Siguiendo en nuestro país, las viviendas de promoción pública obedecen, también desde hace décadas, a una normativa desfasada ajena a los nuevos modelos familiares, los nuevos modelos de convivencia al margen de la familia, el trabajo en casa, las nuevas tecnologías y los esquemas habitacionales con espacios compartidos. Las viviendas que esta normativa obliga a construir no solo obedecen al modo de vida de dos generaciones atrás, momento en que estas normas se redactaron; tampoco permiten la alteración de sus adjudicatarios para acomodar las viviendas a sus particulares circunstancias. La inflexibilidad de estas normativas obsoletas provoca que el Estado no esté en realidad subvencionando un espacio donde sus habitantes puedan desarrollar la vida que deseen. Lo que el Estado, por medio de estas viviendas, subvenciona es una determinada forma de vida. Esta tesis propone un modelo de vivienda que denomina ‘casa abierta’ porque está abierta a ser vivida tal y como sus ocupantes deseen y necesiten. La casa abierta es un espacio indeterminado que sus usuarios han de completar conceptualmente, y que pueden transformar con facilidad, cuantas veces deseen, según su propio criterio. Es un espacio lleno de potencialidades, un soporte definido solo a medias, a la espera que el usuario lo adapte a sus necesidades. El primer objetivo de la casa abierta es responder a los nuevos modos de vida. Es, pues, destino de algo que está pasando. Pero la casa abierta tiene también un segundo objetivo, tan importante como el primero: ayudar a desarrollar nuevos valores, ser origen de algo, desconocido aún, que ayude a enderezar el rumbo de nuestra ‘nave’. Esta tesis cree que cada nueva generación trae consigo nuevas capacidades que podrían ayudar a las anteriores a solventar sus problemas. Por ello defiende una educación que promueva la diversidad y la creatividad, evitando imponer valores caducos e incitando a los jóvenes a encontrar sus propias capacidades y desarrollarlas, no ya por su propio interés personal sino por la satisfacción de aportarlas al mundo. La casa abierta persigue objetivos similares. Su anhelo es proporcionar buenas herramientas y nuevos valores a sus ocupantes, y dejarles hacer. La casa abierta busca incitar a sus habitantes a desarrollar su creatividad sobre su propio hábitat, convirtiéndolos en co-creadores y, en consecuencia, responsables del mismo. La casa abierta es un espacio de libertad, donde sus ocupantes pueden desarrollar su diferencia, singularidad y diversidad, pudiendo crear un entorno que responda a sus criterios y su sensibilidad. La casa abierta es un lugar de experimentación donde replantear las convenciones sobre la casa, probando nuevas formas de convivencia y hábitat acordes con los nuevos modos de vida. La casa abierta busca también estimular el sentido comunitario de sus ocupantes, favoreciendo el contacto y la agrupación entre vecinos. Pero también desea contribuir a crear un modelo de desarrollo sostenible, respetuoso con el medio ambiente, los recursos del planeta y el futuro de las generaciones venideras. Para crear una casa abierta proponemos diez atributos: versatilidad, permeabilidad elasticidad, adaptabilidad, perfectibilidad, movilidad, sociabilidad, indeterminación, disgregación y sostenibilidad. Con ellos tratamos de establecer diversas cualidades a incorporar en los futuros proyectos de viviendas. A partir de estos diez atributos la tesis analiza cerca de 200 proyectos de vivienda de los últimos 90 años, donde el habitante es parte activa en su concepción o donde los ocupantes pueden transformar su vivienda, con facilidad, acomodándola a su modo de vida o a su estado de ánimo. Dentro de la historia de la arquitectura moderna existen grandes ejemplos de viviendas o proyectos que cumplen con algunos de los atributos propuestos. Muchos de los planteamientos de la ‘casa abierta’ tienen su origen en los años 20 del siglo pasado. Fueron desarrollados por los arquitectos de la primera generación del movimiento moderno, sobre todo Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Gerrit Rietveld, y Buckminster Fuller. El periodo más cercano a las ideas de la casa abierta es el comprendido entre 1955 y 1980, con el trabajo de la tercera generación de arquitectos del movimiento moderno. En estos años surgen grandes ejemplos de casas abiertas, se publican libros sobre la implicación de los habitantes en el diseño de sus casas y se convocan coloquios sobre la adaptabilidad de las viviendas. Entre los ejemplos construidos destacan las viviendas Il Rigo Quarter de Renzo Piano, el complejo residencial Genter Strasse en Munich de Otto Steidle, Doris y Ralph Thut, los apartamentos universitarios en Lovaina de Lucien Kroll y el inicio de las comunidades de cohousing en Dinamarca. La década de 1990 es también propensa a la casa abierta. Entre los ejemplos construidos podemos destacar las casas Latapie y Coutras de Lacaton y Vassal, la Residencia Yakult de Toshio Akimoto, las casas Naked y la Nine square grid de Shigeru Ban y los apartamentos Fukuoka de Steven Holl. En esta década, surgen las cooperativas de viviendas autopromocionadas en Centroeuropa, como la Sargfabrik de BKK-2 en Viena, y se produce el desembarco del cohousing danés en EEUU. Ya en el siglo XXI podemos destacar las viviendas sociales Quinta Monroy y la Colonia Lo Barnechea de Alejandro Aravena-Elemental, las 14 viviendas en Mulhouse de Lacaton y Vassal, las casas Glass Shutter y Metal Shutter de Shigeru Ban, la casa Moriyama de SANAA, el d21system de José Miguel Reyes González y la ETSAM, la propuesta Parasite para Amsterdam, de Maccreanor y Lavington, la Shinonome Canal Court de Tokio y muchos ejemplos de viviendas prefabricadas y móviles como la Micro Compact Home o la LoftCube.
Sight distance is of major importance for road safety either when designing new roads or analysing the alignment of existing roads. It is essential that available sight distance in roads is long enough for emergency stops or overtaking manoeuvres. Also, it is vital for engineers/researchers that the tools used for that analysis are both powerful and intuitive. Based on ArcGIS, the application to be presented not only performs an exhaustive sight distance calculation, but allows an accurate analysis of 3D alignment, using all new tools, from a Digital Elevation Model and vehicle trajectory. The software has been successfully utilised to analyse several two-lane rural roads in Spain. In addition, the software produces thematic maps representing sight distance in which supplementary information about crashes, traffic flow, speed or design consistency could be included, allowing traffic safety studies.
Due to the necessity to undertake activities, every year people increase their standards of travelling (distance and time). Urban sprawl development plays an important role in these "enlargements". Thus, governments invest money in an exhaustiva search for solutions to high levels of congestion and car-trips. The complex relationship between urban environment and travel behaviour has been studied in a number of cases. Thus, the objective of this paper is to answer the important question of which land-use attributes influence which dimensions of travel behaviour, and to verify to what extent specific urban planning measures affect the individual decision process, by exhaustiva statistical and systematic tests. This paper found that a crucial issue in the analysis of the relationship between the built environment and travel behaviour is the definition of indicators. As such, we recommend a feasible list of indicators to analyze this relationship.
Eye-safety requirements in important applications like LIDAR or Free Space Optical Communications make specifically interesting the generation of high power, short optical pulses at 1.5 um. Moreover, high repetition rates allow reducing the error and/or the measurement time in applications involving pulsed time-of-flight measurements, as range finders, 3D scanners or traffic velocity controls. The Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) architecture is an interesting source for these applications since large changes in output power can be obtained at GHz rates with a relatively small modulation of the current in the Master Oscillator (MO). We have recently demonstrated short optical pulses (100 ps) with high peak power (2.7 W) by gain switching the MO of a monolithically integrated 1.5 um MOPA. Although in an integrated MOPA the laser and the amplifier are ideally independent devices, compound cavity effects due to the residual reflectance at the different interfaces are often observed, leading to modal instabilities such as self-pulsations.
It is known that a green wall brings some advantages to a building. It constitutes a barrier against solar radiation, thus decreasing and delaying the incoming heat flux. The aim of this study is to quantify such advantages through analytical comparison between two facades, a vegetal facade and a conventional facade. Both were highly insulated (U-value = 0.3 W/m2K) and installed facing south on the same building in the central territory of Spain. In order to compare their thermal trend, a series of sensors were used to register superficial and indoor air temperature. The work was carried out between 17th August 2012 and 1st October 2012, with a temperature range of 12°C-36°C and a maximum horizontal radiation of 1020 W/m2. Results show that the indoor temperature of the green wall module was lower than the other. Besides, comparing superficial outdoor and indoor temperatures of the two walls to outdoor air temperatures, it was noticed that, due to the shading plants, the green wall superficial temperature was 5 °C lower on the facade, while the bare wall temperature was 15 °C higher. The living wall module temperature was 1.6 °C lower than the outdoor, while the values of the conventional one were similar to the outdoor air temperature.
New concepts in air navigation have been introduced recently. Among others, are the concepts of trajectory optimization, 4D trajectories, RBT (Reference Business Trajectory), TBO (trajectory based operations), CDA (Continuous Descent Approach) and ACDA (Advanced CDA), conflict resolution, arrival time (AMAN), introduction of new aircraft (UAVs, UASs) in air space, etc. Although some of these concepts are new, the future Air Traffic Management will maintain the four ATM key performance areas such as Safety, Capacity, Efficiency, and Environmental impact. So much, the performance of the ATM system is directly related to the accuracy with which the future evolution of the traffic can be predicted. In this sense, future air traffic management will require a variety of support tools to provide suitable help to users and engineers involved in the air space management. Most of these tools are based on an appropriate trajectory prediction module as main component. Therefore, the purposes of these tools are related with testing and evaluation of any air navigation concept before they become fully operative. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview to the design of a software tool useful to estimate aircraft trajectories adapted to air navigation concepts. Other usage of the tool, like controller design, vertical navigation assessment, procedures validation and hardware and software in the loop are available in the software tool. The paper will show the process followed to design the tool, the software modules needed to perform accurately and the process followed to validate the output data.
Crystallization and grain growth technique of thin film silicon are among the most promising methods for improving efficiency and lowering cost of solar cells. A major advantage of laser crystallization and annealing over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the amorphous silicon thin film, melting it and changing the microstructure to polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) as it cools. Depending on the laser density, the vaporization temperature can be reached at the center of the irradiated area. In these cases ablation effects are expected and the annealing process becomes ineffective. The heating process in the a-Si thin film is governed by the general heat transfer equation. The two dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a moving heat source is solve numerically using the finite element method (FEM), particularly COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical model help to establish the density and the process speed range needed to assure the melting and crystallization without damage or ablation of the silicon surface. The samples of a-Si obtained by physical vapour deposition were irradiated with a cw-green laser source (Millennia Prime from Newport-Spectra) that delivers up to 15 W of average power. The morphology of the irradiated area was characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Leica DCM3D) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM Hitachi 3000N). The structural properties were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw, inVia Raman microscope).
In prokaryotes, nickel is an essential element participating in the structure of enzymes involved in multiple cellular processes. Nickel transport is a challenge for microorganisms since, although essential, high levels of this metal inside the cell are toxic. For this reason, bacteria have developed high-affinity nickel transporters as well as nickel-specific detoxification systems. Ultramafic soils, and soils contaminated with heavy metals are excellent sources of nickel resistant bacteria. Molecular analysis of strains isolated in the habitats has revealed novel genetic systems involved in adaptation to such hostile conditions.
Building-integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is one of the most promising technologies enabling buildings to generate on-site part of their electricity needs while performing architectural functionalities. A clear example of BIPV products consists of semi-transparent photovoltaic modules (STPV), designed to replace the conventional glazing solutions in building façades. Accordingly, the active building envelope is required to perform multiple requirements such as provide solar shading to avoid overheating, supply solar gains and thermal insulation to reduce heat loads and improve daylight utilization. To date, various studies into STPV systems have focused on their energy performance based on existing simulation programs, or on the modelling, normally validated by limited experimental data, of the STPV modules thermal behaviour. Taking into account that very limited experimental research has been conducted on the energy performance of STPV elements and that the characterization in real operation conditions is necessary to promote an energetically efficient integration of this technology in the building envelope, an outdoor testing facility has been designed, developed and built at the Solar Energy Institute of the Technical University of Madrid. In this work, the methodology used in the definition of the testing facility, its capability and limitations are presented and discussed.
In this paper we report some of the experimental results that can be obtained in the field of hybrid optical bistable devices when liquid crystals are employed as non linear materials. The advantages with respect to other materials are the very low voltages and power needed, compatibles with I.C.'s levels.
Cyber-Physical Systems need to handle increasingly complex tasks, which additionally, may have variable operating conditions over time. Therefore, dynamic resource management to adapt the system to different needs is required. In this paper, a new bus-based architecture, called ARTICo3, which by means of Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration, allows the replication of hardware tasks to support module redundancy, multi-thread operation or dual-rail solutions for enhanced side-channel attack protection is presented. A configuration-aware data transaction unit permits data dispatching to more than one module in parallel, or provide coalesced data dispatching among different units to maximize the advantages of burst transactions. The selection of a given configuration is application independent but context-aware, which may be achieved by the combination of a multi-thread model similar to the CUDA kernel model specification, combined with a dynamic thread/task/kernel scheduler. A multi-kernel application for face recognition is used as an application example to show one scenario of the ARTICo3 architecture.
El trabajo se ha centrado en la reconstrucción arquitectónica de Munich tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, para estudiar la aceptación o no del pasado mediante una clasificación de varios ejemplos. Las ruinas de muchos lugares fueron debate fundamental en la reconstrucción, apareciendo distintas y contrarias soluciones. Este debate enfrentó a dos movimientos; la corriente tradicionalista y la modernista. La primera evidenció su rechazo absoluto hacia los acontecimientos recién sucedidos. Arquitectos como Karl Meitinger quisieron borrar el pasado, empleando la recuperación integral de la arquitectura en su estado anterior, sin continuidad temporal en la historia del edificio. La segunda, promovida por arquitectos de la Technische Universität München (TUM) como Hans Döllgast, buscó la lectura completa del edificio, atendiendo a sus diferentes etapas cronológicas, relatando distintos capítulos de la historia y permitiendo que el objeto de trabajo transmita por sí solo el recuerdo, respetando siempre los patrones compositivos del edificio original. Se produjo, por tanto, un borrado de huellas históricas en la recreación de muchos espacios destruidos, pero hubo otros cuyo objetivo fue dar a conocer la historia, aceptando las circunstancias del pasado, recuperándolo en la lectura de una fachada o en los paseos de los espacios públicos, haciendo que la ciudad de Munich se convirtiera en un buen ejemplo de reconstrucción arquitectónica que ha tenido en cuenta el recuerdo, defendiendo que el pasado traído al presente de la obra arquitectónica genera emoción en el espectador
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.viciae is able to establish nitrogen-fixing symbioses with legumes of the genera Pisum, Lens, Lathyrus and Vicia. Classic studies using trap plants (Laguerre et al., Young et al.) provided evidence that different plant hosts are able to select different rhizobial genotypes among those available in a given soil. However, these studies were necessarily limited by the paucity of relevant biodiversity markers. We have now reappraised this problem with the help of genomic tools. A well-characterized agricultural soil (INRA Bretennieres) was used as source of rhizobia. Plants of Pisum sativum, Lens culinaris, Vicia sativa and V. faba were used as traps. Isolates from 100 nodules were pooled, and DNA from each pool was sequenced (BGI-Hong Kong; Illumina Hiseq 2000, 500 bp PE libraries, 100 bp reads, 12 Mreads). Reads were quality filtered (FastQC, Trimmomatic), mapped against reference R. leguminosarum genomes (Bowtie2, Samtools), and visualized (IGV). An important fraction of the filtered reads were not recruited by reference genomes, suggesting that plant isolates contain genes that are not present in the reference genomes. For this study, we focused on three conserved genomic regions: 16S-23S rDNA, atpD and nodDABC, and a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis was carried out with meta / multigenomes from each plant. Although the level of polymorphism varied (lowest in the rRNA region), polymorphic sites could be identified that define the specific soil population vs. reference genomes. More importantly, a plant-specific SNP distribution was observed. This could be confirmed with many other regions extracted from the reference genomes (data not shown). Our results confirm at the genomic level previous observations regarding plant selection of specific genotypes. We expect that further, ongoing comparative studies on differential meta / multigenomic sequences will identify specific gene components of the plant-selected genotypes