983 resultados para Multiple Bonding Sites


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ABSTRACT Objective To evaluated the prevalence and the suicide risk in a Brazilian sample of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and to identify potential factors associated with the risk of suicide. A study was performed with outpatient with MS. The risk of suicide and the presence of psychiatric disorders were assessed by version 5.0 of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). The sample of patients at risk for suicide was matched by sex and age to a control group of patients with MS. Results Eight point three percent of the patients had a past history of attempted suicide, and 8.3% had a current suicide risk, totaling 16.6%. The results of this study suggest that the risk factors associated with suicide in this population are depression, marital status single, widowed or divorced, and lower education level.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade


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OBJECTIVE: To study electrophysiological characteristics that enable the identification and ablation of sites of chagasic tachycardia. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with chronic Chagas' heart disease and sustained ventricular tachycardia (SVT) underwent electrophysiological study to map and ablate that arrhythmia. Fifteen patients had hemodinamically stable SVT reproducible by programmed ventricular stimulation, 9 men and 6 women with ages ranging from 37 to 67 years and ejection fraction varying from 0.17 to 0.64. Endocardial mapping was performed during SVT in all patients. Radiofrequency (RF) current was applied to sites of presystolic activity of at least 30 ms. Entrainment was used to identify reentrant circuits. In both successful and unsuccessful sites of RF current application, electrogram and entrainment were analyzed. RESULTS: Entrainment was obtained during all mapped SVT. In 70.5% of the sites we observed concealed entrainment and ventricular tachycardia termination in the first 15 seconds of RF current application. In the unsuccessful sites, significantly earlier electrical activity was seen than in the successful ones. Concealed entrainment was significantly associated with ventricular tachycardia termination. Bystander areas were not observed. CONCLUSION: The reentrant mechanism was responsible for the genesis of all tachycardias. In 70.5% of the studied sites, the endocardial participation of the slow conducting zone of reentrant circuits was shown. Concealed entrainment was the main electrophysiological parameter associated with successful RF current application. There was no electrophysiological evidence of bystander regions in the mapped circuits of SVT.


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The evolution of the construction caused a need to use more effective equipments, capable of meeting the increasingly demanding deadlines for the completion of works. In this context, the safety and efficiency of equipment have become key aspects in order to optimize the execution time of the works, as well as reducing labor costs and loss of materials. With the evolution of construction and construction processes, cranes have come to represent a signal of the construction of buildings, revealing to be, in most of the cases, the main equipment of construction sites. Currently, some engineers revels some apprehension regarding the use and handling of cranes which is natural and acceptable, since an equipment failure can lead to serious or fatal accidents. The factors affecting safety management of the cranes in construction sites were investigated, identified, classified and evaluated according to their degree of importance, through interviews with representatives of the general contractors of a set of selected construction sites.


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The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb. 2016.00275


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Multiple arterial anomalies characterized by tortuosity and rolling of the pulmonary arteries and aorta were diagnosed on echocardiography in an asymptomatic newborn infant with a phenotype suggesting Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. These changes were later confirmed on angiography, which also showed peripheral vascular abnormalities. The electrocardiogram showed a probable hemiblock of the left anterosuperior branch, and the chest x-ray showed an excavated pulmonary trunk with normal pulmonary flow.


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We report the case of a 42-year-old female with a second recurrence of cardiac myxoma. Her first diagnosis was at the age of 24 years, when cardiac tumors were withdrawn from her right ventricle and left atrium. Her first recurrence was at the age of 36 years, when tumors were removed from the left and right atria, and the right ventricle. Six years later, the patient was admitted to the Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre complaining of sudden dyspnea, dry cough, and pain in the right hypochondrium, which bore no relation to breathing. The transesophageal echocardiography showed a small tumor in the interatrial septum, close to the superior vena cava, and 2 larger tumors in the right ventricle, 1 close to the outflow tract and the other almost completely obstructing the right branch of the pulmonary artery. The patient was referred to surgery, in which myxomas were removed from the right atrium and ventricle with extension to the right pulmonary artery. The postoperative period was uneventful.


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A 59-year-old female patient with mitral valve prolapse and a previous history of lumbosacral spondyloarthrosis and lumbar disk hernia had an episode of infective endocarditis due to Streptococcus viridans, which evolved with peripheral embolism to the left kidney, spleen, and left iliac artery, and intraventricular cerebral hemorrhage. Her clinical manifestations were low back pain and hematuria, which were initially attributed to an osteoarticular condition. Infective endocarditis is a severe polymorphic disease with multiple clinical manifestations and it should always be included in the differential diagnosis by clinicians.


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Lipid nanoballoons integrating multiple emulsions of the type water-in-oil-in-water enclose, at least in theory, a biomimetic aqueous-core suitable for housing hydrophilic biomolecules such as proteins, peptides and bacteriophage particles. The research effort entertained in this paper reports a full statistical 23x31 factorial design study (three variables at two levels and one variable at three levels) to optimize biomimetic aqueous-core lipid nanoballoons for housing hydrophilic protein entities. The concentrations of protein, lipophilic and hydrophilic emulsifiers, and homogenization speed were set as the four independent variables, whereas the mean particle hydrodynamic size (HS), zeta potential (ZP) and polydispersity index (PI) were set as the dependent variables. The V23x31 factorial design constructed led to optimization of the higher (+1) and lower (-1) levels, with triplicate testing for the central (0) level, thus producing thirty three experiments and leading to selection of the optimized processing parameters as 0.015% (w/w) protein entity, 0.75% (w/w) lipophilic emulsifier (soybean lecithin) and 0.50% (w/w) hydrophilic emulsifier (poloxamer 188). In the present research effort, statistical optimization and production of protein derivatives encompassing full stabilization of their three-dimensional structure, has been attempted via housing said molecular entities within biomimetic aqueous-core lipid nanoballoons integrating a multiple (W/O/W) emulsion.


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Con el retroceso de los bosques nativos se pierden hábitats y recursos fitogenéticos. Existen investigaciones científicas, técnicas y rescate de saberes populares sobre el aprovechamiento de especies autóctonas, búsqueda de productos derivados y servicios ambientales. Entre ellos se destacan estudios locales sobre principios activos con actividad pesticida y medicinal y el uso en paisajismo, mejoramiento ambiental y remediación de paisajes degradados. La información para propagar muchas especies nativas cuyo uso se promueve, no existe o no está calibrada para escala de cultivos intensivos. Este proyecto se enfoca sobre cuatro especies endémicas o nativas de Espinal y Chaco, que tienen gran valor de conservación y son promisorias por su potencial simultáneo de aplicación paisajística y para elaboración de pesticidas. La meta es promover la conservación regional de flora nativa a través del uso, con estrategias in situex situ en áreas urbanas, industriales y rurales. Los objetivos específicos son a-Conservar y caracterizar muestras de las especies Flourensia oolepis, Dolichandra cynanchoides, Lepechinia floribunda y Achyrocline satureioides en el Banco Activo de Germoplasma del Jardín Botánico Gaspar Xuárez sj de la UCC; b-Estudiar la propagación y cultivo de dichas especies y c- Transferir información y capacitar recursos humanos en técnicas de cultivo intensivo ambientalmente sustentable. La metodología contempla: a- Recolección georreferenciada de germoplasma a campo, que se conservará acondicionado en el Banco; b- Caracterización y evaluación de calidad de semillas en laboratorio siguiendo normas internacionales ISTA (peso de mil semillas, poder germinativo y viabilidad) y c- Calibración de protocolos de propagación sexual y cultivo en vivero (variables de supervivencia, sustratos, inóculos). La capacitación de recursos humanos se hará mediante pasantías y talleres de capacitación en el marco del Jardín Botánico y transferencia de información a viveristas, emprendedores y paisajistas. Como productos se esperan 40 nuevas accesiones al Banco y su correspondiente evaluación de calidad de semillas, protocolos de métodos de propagación y cultivo, la realización de un taller de capacitación y una pasantía al año y la publicación de resultados. La pertinencia de estudiar la domesticación de estas especies surge frente a su potencial de uso para múltiples fines y frente al poco desarrollo que aún presenta el sector de producción intensiva de especies nativas. Se espera que la información generada sirva de base, tanto para aportar materias primas y avanzar regionalmente en el desarrollo agroindustrial de pesticidas naturales, como para la provisión de ejemplares cultivados con técnicas conservativas de variabilidad y viabilidad genética para intervenciones paisajistas en áreas urbanas y remediación de paisajes, evitando la extracción directa del recurso.


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A partir de las últimas décadas se ha impulsado el desarrollo y la utilización de los Sistemas de Información Geográficos (SIG) y los Sistemas de Posicionamiento Satelital (GPS) orientados a mejorar la eficiencia productiva de distintos sistemas de cultivos extensivos en términos agronómicos, económicos y ambientales. Estas nuevas tecnologías permiten medir variabilidad espacial de propiedades del sitio como conductividad eléctrica aparente y otros atributos del terreno así como el efecto de las mismas sobre la distribución espacial de los rendimientos. Luego, es posible aplicar el manejo sitio-específico en los lotes para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los insumos agroquímicos, la protección del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad de la vida rural. En la actualidad, existe una oferta amplia de recursos tecnológicos propios de la agricultura de precisión para capturar variación espacial a través de los sitios dentro del terreno. El óptimo uso del gran volumen de datos derivado de maquinarias de agricultura de precisión depende fuertemente de las capacidades para explorar la información relativa a las complejas interacciones que subyacen los resultados productivos. La covariación espacial de las propiedades del sitio y el rendimiento de los cultivos ha sido estudiada a través de modelos geoestadísticos clásicos que se basan en la teoría de variables regionalizadas. Nuevos desarrollos de modelos estadísticos contemporáneos, entre los que se destacan los modelos lineales mixtos, constituyen herramientas prometedoras para el tratamiento de datos correlacionados espacialmente. Más aún, debido a la naturaleza multivariada de las múltiples variables registradas en cada sitio, las técnicas de análisis multivariado podrían aportar valiosa información para la visualización y explotación de datos georreferenciados. La comprensión de las bases agronómicas de las complejas interacciones que se producen a la escala de lotes en producción, es hoy posible con el uso de éstas nuevas tecnologías. Los objetivos del presente proyecto son: (l) desarrollar estrategias metodológicas basadas en la complementación de técnicas de análisis multivariados y geoestadísticas, para la clasificación de sitios intralotes y el estudio de interdependencias entre variables de sitio y rendimiento; (ll) proponer modelos mixtos alternativos, basados en funciones de correlación espacial de los términos de error que permitan explorar patrones de correlación espacial de los rendimientos intralotes y las propiedades del suelo en los sitios delimitados. From the last decades the use and development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Satellite Positioning Systems (GPS) is highly promoted in cropping systems. Such technologies allow measuring spatial variability of site properties including electrical conductivity and others soil features as well as their impact on the spatial variability of yields. Therefore, site-specific management could be applied to improve the efficiency in the use of agrochemicals, the environmental protection, and the sustainability of the rural life. Currently, there is a wide offer of technological resources to capture spatial variation across sites within field. However, the optimum use of data coming from the precision agriculture machineries strongly depends on the capabilities to explore the information about the complex interactions underlying the productive outputs. The covariation between spatial soil properties and yields from georeferenced data has been treated in a graphical manner or with standard geostatistical approaches. New statistical modeling capabilities from the Mixed Linear Model framework are promising to deal with correlated data such those produced by the precision agriculture. Moreover, rescuing the multivariate nature of the multiple data collected at each site, several multivariate statistical approaches could be crucial tools for data analysis with georeferenced data. Understanding the basis of complex interactions at the scale of production field is now within reach the use of these new techniques. Our main objectives are: (1) to develop new statistical strategies, based on the complementarities of geostatistics and multivariate methods, useful to classify sites within field grown with grain crops and analyze the interrelationships of several soil and yield variables, (2) to propose mixed linear models to predict yield according spatial soil variability and to build contour maps to promote a more sustainable agriculture.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2011


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Habil.-Schr., 2014