997 resultados para Movimientos juveniles


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The use of leaves for drinking water is a widespread tool-use behavior among chimpanzees. Although this tool-use behavior is widely described as the use of leaf sponges, it can actually be found in three different forms: leaf sponges, leaf-folding, and leaf spoons. Among the chimpanzee community of Bossou, we can observe all three forms, albeit in different frequencies. Here I describe the longitudinal record of manufacture and use of leaf tools for drinking water, highlighting the learning process underlying the acquisition of the skill. The degree of laterality evident in both immature and mature performers is also presented here. The use of leaves for drinking water emerges at the age of 1.5 years old, but the manufacture of leaf tools only starts at 3.5 years of age. Infants and juveniles were observed to use drinking tools that had been discarded by other individuals after use. Concerning handedness in general, the chimpanzees are ambidextrous, with some individuals biased to one side.


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MARQUES, B.P. (2008) “Estrategias Locales de Desarrollo para el Combate a la Pobreza y Exclusión Social en la Región Metropolitana de São Paulo - Brasil”, in Atas do XI Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, Alcalá de Henares, pp. 1-15, ISBN 978-84-8138-792-6.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Relações Internacionais e Ciências Políticas Especialização Globalização e Ambiente


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The geographical distribution of the African Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicusin Suriname is restricted to a narrow strip of land along the Atlantic coast. Within the coastal plain, O. mossambicusoccurs in brackish lagoons, oligohaline canals, and shell-sand pit lakes. Physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton composition of representative Tilapia water bodies are described. Blue-green algae and fine flocculent detritus are dominant food items in the diet of the Tilapia, while Rotifera and microcrustacea are also important in the diet of larvae and juveniles. Intraspecific diet overlap among ontogenetic stages of the Tilapia did not differ significantly from 1, which means that these diets showed complete overlap. Interspecific diet overlap between the Tilapia and the indigenous armoured catfish Hoplosternum littoralewere moderate or low. The results are discussed in relation to recent developments in the Surinamese fisheries and aquaculture sector.


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O volume I desta obra encontra-se disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/35539


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Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is an obligatory air-breathing fish from the Amazon basin. Previous study showed that pirarucu juveniles present a latency period in their response to moderate stress (transportation). Therefore the objective of this study was to verify the effects of a prolonged air exposure stress in lactate, glucose, cortisol, haematocrit, haemoglobin, and liver glycogen in pirarucu. Thirty-six fish were handled by netting and subjected to air exposure for 75-min. Six fish were sampled before handling and at 0, 6, 24, 48, and 96h after handling. Fish cortisol, lactate and haematocrit rose after handling, returning to previous unstressed values on the following sampling (6h after handling). Glucose increased significantly after handling and that was maintained for 24 h. There were no changes in haemoglobin and liver glycogen as a consequence of handling. The results demonstrate a quick response when exposed to an acute stressor and a fast recovery, suggesting that pirarucu does not use their glycogen reserves during an acute stress. The results suggest that pirarucu exhibit physiological stress responses to handling similar in magnitude to those previously documented for many teleostean fishes, including salmonids.


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Fish meal free diets were formulated to contain graded protein levels as 25% (diet 1), 30% (diet 2), 35% (diet 3) and 40% (diet 4). The diets were fed to tambaqui juveniles (Colossoma macropomum) (46.4 ± 6.3g) in randomly designed recirculating systems for 60 days, to determine the optimum protein requirement for the fish. The final weight of the fish, weight gain (28.1, 28.5, 32.2, 28.0g) and specific growth rate increased (P>0.05) consistently with increasing dietary protein up to treatment with 35% protein diet and then showed a declining trend. Feed intake followed the same trend resulting in best feed efficiency (62.5%) in fish fed diet with 35% protein. Similarly, the protein intake increased significantly with increasing dietary protein levels and reduced after the fish fed with 35% protein; while protein efficiency ratio (2.28, 1.99, 1.87, 1.74) decreased with increasing dietary protein levels. Carcass ash and protein had linear relationship with dietary protein levels while the lipid showed a decreasing trend. Ammonia content (0.68, 0.73, 0.81, 1.21 mg L-1) of the experimental waters also increased (P<0.05) with increasing protein levels while pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature remained fairly constant without any clear pattern of inclination. Broken-line estimation of the weight gain indicated 30% protein as the optimum requirement for the fish.


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The effects of dietary short chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) incorporation on hematology, fish immune status, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities, and gut morphology, was evaluated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles reared at 18 °C and 25 °C. For that purpose, fish with 32 g were fed diets including 0, 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% scFOS during 8 weeks. Overall, scFOS had only minor effects on gilthead sea bream immune status. Lymphocytes decreased in fish fed the 0.1% scFOS diet. Fish fed the 0.5% scFOS diet presented increased nitric oxide (NO) production, while total immunoglobulins (Ig) dropped in those fish, but only in the ones reared at 25 °C. Red blood cells, hemoglobin, bactericidal activity and NO were higher at 25 °C, whereas total white blood cells, circulating thrombocytes, monocytes and neutrophils were higher at 18 °C. In fish fed scFOS, lymphocytes were higher at 18 °C. Total Ig were also higher at 18 °C but only in fish fed 0.1% and 0.5% scFOS diets. No differences in gut bacterial profiles were detected by PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) between dietary treatments. However, group's similarity was higher at 25 °C. Digestive enzymes activities were higher at 25 °C but were unaffected by prebiotics incorporation. Gut morphology was also unaffected by dietary prebiotic incorporation. Overall, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities and immunity parameters were affected by rearing temperature whereas dietary scFOS incorporation had only minor effects on these parameters. In conclusion, at the tested levels scFOS does not seem worthy of including it in gilthead sea bream juveniles diets.


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Este trabalho traz uma reflexão sobre a Educação Indígena no Brasil, com base em dados históricos e estatísticos, de forma a melhor compreender e adequar o currículo escolar às diferentes realidades contextuais. Compreender a educação dos índios nos dias atuais requer uma breve recomposição da historicidade desse povo. Exige o reconhecimento dos 500 anos de história do Brasil, onde os povos indígenas foram expostos a um violento processo civilizatório que implicou em transformações na cultura e identidade desses povos. Mesmo com o desenvolvimento de política de proteção ao índio e com leis voltadas para lhes assegurar a cidadania, observa-se um quadro de exclusão social e cultural.. Entretanto, a cidadania indígena vem sendo negada ao mesmo tempo em que se legitimam discursos de respeito à diversidade e a diferença. A Escola indígena específica e diferenciada surge como um projeto pensado pelos movimentos indígenas com a finalidade de reparar a lacuna existente na história da educação nacional.


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Body composition analysis is relevant to characterize the nutritional requirements and finishing phase of fish. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ichthyometric (weight, total and standard length, density and yields), bromatological (fat, protein, ash and water content) and bioelectrical-impedance-analysis (BIA) (resistance, reactance, phase angle and composition indexes) variables in the hybrid tambatinga (Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus brachypomus). In a non-fertilized vivarium, 520 juveniles were housed and fed commercial rations. Then, 136 days after hatching (DAH), 15 fish with an average weight of 37.69 g and average total length of 12.96 cm were randomly chosen, anesthetized (eugenol) and subjected to the first of fourteen fortnightly assessments (BIA and biometry). After euthanasia, the following parts were weighed: whole carcass with the head, fillet, and skin (WC); fillet with skin (FS); and the remainder of the carcass with the head (CH). Together, FS and CH were ground and homogenized for the bromatological analyses. Estimates of the body composition and yields of tambatinga, with models including ichthyometric and BIA variables, showed correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 (for the FS yield) to 1,00 (for the total ash). Similarly, models that included only BIA variables had correlation coefficients ranging from 0.81 (FS and CH yields) to 0.98 (for the total ash). Therefore, in tambatinga, the BIA technique allows the estimation of the yield of the fillet with skin and the body composition (water content, fat, ash, and protein). The best models combine ichthyometric and BIA variables.


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Macrobrachium surinamicum is an indigenous prawn distributed from the lower Amazon and Tocantins river basins to Venezuela in the Orinoco Delta region. It is common bycatch fauna of Macrobrachium amazonicum artisan fishing in the states of Pará and Amapá. The aim of this study was to investigate aspects on reproductive biology (reproductive period, size of sexual maturity population, fecundity, reproductive output and recruitment) of M. surinamicum from four important areas to artisanal prawn fishing located at the Amazon River mouth (Amapá and Pará). The specimens were captured using 20 handcrafted traps called "matapi". A number of 675 prawns were captured, 258 males, 409 females and eight juveniles, resulting in 1:1.6 (Male: Female) sex ratio. The reproductive peak period occurred from March to July, coinciding with the higher rainfall period. The juvenile prawn occurred only in May and July. Total length of egg-bearing females ranged from 12.12 to 38.30 mm, with mean female length at first maturity (L50) of 23.7 mm. Fecundity increased with prawn size and varied between 174 and 1780 eggs per female. Mean egg volume increased gradually from 0.031 (Stage I) to 0.060 mm³ (Stage III) during embryogenesis. Macrobrachium surinamicum depends on brackish water to complete the larval development. Irrespective of female size, reproductive output of M. surinamicum varied between 4.3 % and 35.5 % of their body weight for egg production. The knowledge of the reproductive biology reported in the present study is an important tool to define strategies to preserve M. surinamicum in Amazon River mouth.


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[Excerto] El V Informe del IPCC insiste, de forma más contundente, sobre la existencia y riesgo irreversible del cambio climático. Las declaraciones de los científicos son cada vez más concluyentes, alertando que, para evitar interferencias peligrosas en el sistema climático, no podemos seguir con el statu quo y es preciso un giro copernicano a nivel tecnológico, institucional y humano de inicio inmediato, implicación global y sustanciosas inversiones (comunicado de prensa del IPCC, 13/04/2014). Ante la extralimitación en la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, se impone una reacción de la especie humana íntimamente relacionada con los límites. Límites que también están vinculados al previsible fin de la etapa del petróleo fácil y al agotamiento de recursos. A la par de las advertencias científicas, están surgiendo numerosos movimientos sociales y redes, iniciativas económicas y políticas que proponen y experimentan alternativas que a escala micro se muestran eficaces ante un cambio drástico hacia un futuro bajo en carbono(...).


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Identificación y caracterización del problema objeto del estudio: La necesaria incorporación de los sectores juveniles en riesgo y vulnerabilidad social al sistema educativo demanda investigaciones que sirvan de orientación a la definición de políticas públicas en el sector de juventud. Interesa indagar los recursos simbólicos de los jóvenes en situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad social, respecto de la escuela. Objetivos: - Identificar las representaciones de los jóvenes entre 17 y 20 años de la ciudad de Córdoba que están en situación de riesgo y vulnerabilidad social respecto del significado de la escuela en sus vidas. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa, grupos focales, historias de vida. Resultados esperados: información que permita colaborar con la definición de programas de acción en el ámbito socioeducativo. El establecer los vínculos necesarios con los grupos y actores sociales ya definidos permitirá descubrir y construir científicamente los sentidos y significaciones generadas en la vida cotidiana de las urbes populares. Importancia del proyecto: colaborar con información que permita el diseño de políticas que atiendan a este sector de la población juvenil.


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El objetivo del presente Proyecto es el de posibilitar un ámbito de investigación, de discusión y de crítica, acerca de las Implicaciones éticas y políticas en el discurso sobre el bicentenario de América Latina, acontecimiento que se conmemorará en buena parte de los países de la región a partir del año 2010. Se considera que el problema sobre el cual recae el Proyecto, a saber, Ilustración, Modernidad e identidad social en América Latina, cumple con el objetivo enunciado, en otras palabras, resulta pertinente y relevante. En efecto, resulta pertinente, según consideramos, pues trabaja una problemática que permite comprender y eventualmente explicar los movimientos independentistas que se dieron en varios países de América Latina en las primeras décadas del siglo 19. También es relevante, dado que suministra elementos necesarios para reflexionar y analizar sobre las consecuencias actuales, éticas y políticas, de aquellos acontecimientos. Se trabajan los siguientes aspectos. En primer lugar, se intenta mostrar la relación histórica entre la gesta independentista, el fenómeno de la Ilustración y el problema de la identidad. En segundo lugar, se incluye a la Ilustración como un aspecto central de la Modernidad y se plantean las relaciones entre Modernidad e Identidad en general y en América Latina, en particular, relevándose los antecedentes bibliográficos sobre la cuestión.


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El proyecto es el desarrollo de un manipulador de 8 grados de libertad, su optimización para lograr mayor similitud al brazo humano y poder estudiar su comportamiento y factibilidad de imitar el comportamiento del brazo humano. Con el diseño optimizado en CATIA y la construcción del prototipo se iniciará el modelado de las ecuaciones de movimiento y su simulación en la computadora, se iniciará con la simulación del modelo 3D en tiempo real que contará con un ambiente virtual desarrollado en CATIA de donde será obtenida la información de los movimientos a realizar por el brazo para ser aplicadas luego en un ambiente real similar. Finalmente se procederá al ensamblado de todos los componentes mecánicos y electrónicos para el inicio de las pruebas de laboratorio y sus ensayos de funcionamiento y testeos de acuerdo a los requerimientos previstos. El brazo humano estará diseñado con una mano de dos dedos que pueda tomar objetos.