985 resultados para Motor Neuron differentiation
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Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
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BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of postoperative orthopaedic infections is important in order to rapidly initiate adequate antimicrobial therapy. There are currently no reliable diagnostic markers to differentiate infectious from noninfectious causes of postoperative fever. We investigated the value of the serum procalcitonin level in febrile patients after orthopaedic surgery. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated 103 consecutive patients with new onset of fever within ten days after orthopaedic surgery. Fever episodes were classified by two independent investigators who were blinded to procalcitonin results as infectious or noninfectious origin. White blood-cell count, C-reactive protein level, and procalcitonin level were assessed on days 0, 1, and 3 of the postoperative fever. RESULTS: Infection was diagnosed in forty-five (44%) of 103 patients and involved the respiratory tract (eighteen patients), urinary tract (eighteen), joints (four), surgical site (two), bloodstream (two), and soft tissues (one). Unlike C-reactive protein levels and white blood-cell counts, procalcitonin values were significantly higher in patients with infection compared with patients without infection on the day of fever onset (p = 0.04), day 1 (p = 0.07), and day 3 (p = 0.003). Receiver-operating characteristics demonstrated that procalcitonin had the highest diagnostic accuracy, with a value of 0.62, 0.62, and 0.71 on days 0, 1, and 3, respectively. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, procalcitonin was a significant predictor for postoperative infection on days 0, 1, and 3 of fever with an odds ratio of 2.3 (95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 4.4), 2.3 (95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 5.2), and 3.3 (95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 9.0), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Serum procalcitonin is a helpful diagnostic marker supporting clinical and microbiological findings for more reliable differentiation of infectious from noninfectious causes of fever after orthopaedic surgery.
Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
During spermatogenesis, different genes are expressed in a strictly coordinated fashion providing an excellent model to study cell differentiation. Recent identification of testis specific genes and the development of green fluorescence protein (GFP) transgene technology and an in vivo system for studying the differentiation of transplanted male germ cells in infertile testis has opened new possibilities for studying the male germ cell differentiation at molecular level. We have employed these techniques in combination with transillumination based stage recognition (Parvinen and Vanha-Perttula, 1972) and squash preparation techniques (Parvinen and Hecht, 1981) to study the regulation of male germ cell differentiation. By using transgenic mice expressing enhanced-(E)GFP as a marker we have studied the expression and hormonal regulation of beta-actin and acrosin proteins in the developmentally different living male germ cells. Beta-actin was demonstrated in all male germ cells, whereas acrosin was expressed only in late meiotic and in postmeiotic cells. Follicle stimulating hormone stimulated b-actin-EGFP expression at stages I-VI and enhanced the formation of microtubules in spermatids and this way reduced the size of the acrosomic system. When EGFP expressing spermatogonial stem cells were transplanted into infertile mouse testis differentiation and the synchronized development of male germ cells could be observed during six months observation time. Each colony developed independently and maintained typical stage-dependent cell associations. Furthermore, if more than two colonies were fused, each of them was adjusted to one stage and synchronized. By studying living spermatids we were able to demonstrate novel functions for Golgi complex and chromatoid body in material sharing between neighbor spermatids. Immunosytochemical analyses revealed a transport of haploid cell specific proteins in spermatids (TRA54 and Shippo1) and through the intercellular bridges (TRA54). Cytoskeleton inhibitor (nocodazole) demonstrated the importance of microtubules in material sharing between spermatids and in preserving the integrity of the chromatoid body. Golgi complex inhibitor, brefeldin A, revealed the great importance of Golgi complex i) in acrosomic system formation ii) TRA54 translation and in iii) granule trafficking between spermatids.
Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata alle 1 500 gramman painoisena syntyneiden keskoslasten motorista kehitystä kolmen, kuuden ja kahdentoista kuukauden korjatussa iässä, sekä tuoda esille mahdollisia motorisen kehityksen yhteisiä piirteitä Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) -testistöllä arvioituna. Työ toteutettiin yhteistyössä Lasten ja nuorten sairauksien toimialan fysioterapian yksikön kanssa, jossa keskoslasten motorisen kehityksen arviointi AIMS-testistöllä oli toteutettu vuosina 2005 - 2006. Idea opinnäytetyöhön syntyi yhteisten keskusteluiden pohjalta fysioterapeuttien kanssa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli analysoida ja koota yhteenveto Lasten ja nuorten sairauksien toimialalle heidän tutkimastaan aineistosta. Työ oli luonteeltaan kuvaileva kvantitatiivinen tutkimus valmiiksi saadun aineiston pohjalta. Aineisto koostui yhteensä 109 keskoslapsen AIMS-testistön arviointilomakkeista. Keskoslapsista 54 oli kolmen kuukauden, 42 kuuden kuukauden ja 13 kahdentoista kuukauden korjatussa iässä. Tulokset analysoitiin käyttämällä SPSS 13.0 Windows Release-tilasto-ohjelmaa ja tulokset esitettiin taulukoiden ja kuvioiden avulla. Tiedonkeruumenetelminä käytimme kirjallisuuden lisäksi uusimpia tutkimusartikkeleita sekä asiantuntijahaastattelua. Kolmen kuukauden ikäisistä keskoslapsista 51 sijoittui AIMS-testistön motorista kehitystä kuvaaville käyrille. Kolme lasta jäi käyrien alapuolelle. Kuuden kuukauden ikäisten keskoslasten kokonaispistemäärissä oli enemmän hajontaa. 15 lasta jäi AIMS-testistön motorista kehitystä kuvaavien käyrien alapuolelle. Kahdentoista kuukauden ikäisistä lapsista yhdeksän sijoittui motorista kehitystä kuvaaville käyrille ja neljä lasta jäi käyrien alapuolelle. Yhteisenä piirteenä kaikilta kolmen kuukauden ikäisiltä ja 14 kuuden kuukauden ikäiseltä lapselta puuttui taito tukeutua yläraajoihin istuma-asennossa (Sitting With Propped Arms). Tutkimustulosten perusteella kolmen kuukauden ikäisten keskoslasten motorinen kehitys oli valtaosalla (51/54) ikätasoista. Kuuden ja kahdentoista kuukauden ikäisten keskoslasten motorisessa kehityksessä yksilölliset erot olivat suurempia. Tutkimusjoukkomme keskoslapsista motorinen kehitys oli ikätasoa heikompaa 22 keskoslapsella. Lasten ja nuorten sairauksien toimiala saa käyttöönsä työmme tulokset, joita voidaan hyödyntää keskoslasten motorisen kehityksen seurannassa sekä fysioterapian kehittämisessä. Työmme lisää AIMS-testistön tunnettavuutta ja siitä on myös laajemmin hyötyä lasten parissa työskenteleville fysioterapeuteille.
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o desempenho motor, de acordo com o sexo e o grupo etário, em idosos residentes em comunidade do Nordeste brasileiro. Trata-se de estudo transversal que analisou dados de 316 idosos de uma pesquisa epidemiológica de base domiciliar e populacional realizada em janeiro de 2011. Participaram do estudo 173 mulheres (54,7%) e 143 homens com idade média de 74,2 (± 9,8 anos). As mulheres apresentaram maior declínio funcional com o avanço da idade e mais limitação funcional em testes de força/resistência de membros inferiores e locomoção. Em ambos os sexos, a prevalência de limitação funcional foi mais elevada nos grupos etários de 70-79 anos e > 80 anos, com as mulheres apresentando mais limitação a partir dos 70 anos e os homens, a partir dos 80 anos. Os dados desta pesquisa podem subsidiar o planejamento de medidas para prevenção, manutenção ou melhora da limitação funcional em idosos, proporcionando maiores cuidados integrados.
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) contributes to heart formation during embryogenesis. After birth, despite a high number of studies aimed at understanding by which mechanism(s) BNP reduces myocardial ischemic injury in animal models, the actual role of this peptide in the heart remains elusive. In this study, we asked whether BNP treatment could modulate the proliferation of endogenous cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) and/or their differentiation into cardiomyocytes. CPCs expressed the NPR-A and NPR-B receptors in neonatal and adult hearts, suggesting their ability to respond to BNP stimulation. BNP injection into neonatal and adult unmanipulated mice increased the number of newly formed cardiomyocytes (neonatal: +23 %, p = 0.009 and adult: +68 %, p = 0.0005) and the number of proliferating CPCs (neonatal: +142 %, p = 0.002 and adult: +134 %, p = 0.04). In vitro, BNP stimulated CPC proliferation via NPR-A and CPC differentiation into cardiomyocytes via NPR-B. Finally, as BNP might be used as a therapeutic agent, we injected BNP into mice undergoing myocardial infarction. In pathological conditions, BNP treatment was cardioprotective by increasing heart contractility and reducing cardiac remodelling. At the cellular level, BNP stimulates CPC proliferation in the non-infarcted area of the infarcted hearts. In the infarcted area, BNP modulates the fate of the endogenous CPCs but also of the infiltrating CD45(+) cells. These results support for the first time a key role for BNP in controlling the progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation after birth. The administration of BNP might, therefore, be a useful component of therapeutic approaches aimed at inducing heart regeneration.
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Record of the Fatalities for Motor Vehicle Accidents in Iowa per week.