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This study investigated the influence of genes and environment on the variation of apolipoprotein and lipid levels, which are important intermediate phenotypes in the pathways toward cardiovascular disease. Heritability estimates are presented, including those for apolipoprotein E and All levels which have rarely been reported before. We studied twin samples from the Netherlands (two cohorts; n = 160 pairs, aged 13-22 and n = 204 pairs, aged 34-62), Australia (n = 1362 pairs, aged 28-92) and Sweden (n = 302 pairs, aged 42-88). The variation of apolipoprotein and lipid levels depended largely on the influences of additive genetic factors in each twin sample. There was no significant evidence for the influence of common environment. No sex differences in heritability estimates for any phenotype in any of the samples were observed. Heritabilities ranged from 0.48-0.87, with most heritabilities exceeding 0.60. The heritability estimates in the Dutch samples were significantly higher than in the Australian sample. The heritabilities for the Swedish were intermediate to the Dutch and the Australian samples and not significantly different from the heritabilities in these other two samples. Although sample specific effects are present, we have shown that genes play a major role in determining the variance of apolipoprotein and lipid levels in four independent twin samples from three different countries.


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The orientation relationships between hexagonal Mo2C precipitates (H) in ferrite (B) have been determined by electron diffraction to an accuracy of +/-2degrees. With one exception, the 19 results are consistent with the previously reported Pitsch and Schrader (P/S) orientation relationship. However, these more accurate determinations show clearly that there is a systematic deviation of up to 5.5degrees from the exact P/S relationship and that this deviation consists of a small rotation about the parallel close packed directions-[100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). The long direction of the Mo2C needles has been determined unequivocally in terms of the orientation relationship to be [100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). Moire fringes between precipitate and matrix have been used to improve the accuracy of the orientation relationship results and to determine the lattice parameters of the carbide precipitates investigated. The Moire fringe analysis has shown small systematic departures from the exact parallelism between [100](B) and [2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H) along the length of Mo2C needles and a lowering of the carbide lattice parameter that is consistent with the replacement of Mo by Fe in the carbide. The orientation relationship results, including the observed systematic deviation from the exact P/S relationship, are shown to be consistent with the edge-to-edge model. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis Australia has been committed to the education of general practitioners and the community with a series of updated guidelines on the management of osteoporosis. Since the last series was published in Australian Family Physician (August 2000), there have been further advances in our understanding of the treatments involved in both prevention of bone loss and the management of established osteoporosis. OBJECTIVE: This article represents updated guidelines for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis to assist GPs identify those women at risk and to review current treatment strategies. DISCUSSION: Osteoporosis and its associated problems are major health concerns in Australia, especially with an aging population. While important principles of management are still considered to be maximising peak bone mass and preventing postmenopausal bone loss, new clinical trial data about drugs such as the bisphosphonates, raloxifene and oestrogen have recently become available and the relative role of various agents is gradually becoming clearer. The use of long term hormone replacement therapy has mixed risks and benefits that requires individual patient counselling.


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Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan. The Mt Morgan Au-Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite-trondhjemite-dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au-Cu. ore is associated with a later quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite stock work mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au-Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45-80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 degreesC estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array Of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au-Cu. mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu. originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vfr, a homolog of Escherichia coli cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein, has been shown to regulate quorum sensing, exotoxin A production, and regA transcription in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We identified a twitching motility-defective mutant that carries a transposon insertion in vfr and confirmed that vfr is required for twitching motility by construction of an independent allelic deletion-replacement mutant of vfr that exhibited the same phenotype, as well as by the restoration of normal twitching motility by complementation of these mutants with wild-type vfr. Vfr-null mutants exhibited severely reduced twitching motility with barely detectable levels of type IV pili, as well as loss of elastase production and altered pyocyanin production. We also identified reduced-twitching variants of quorum-sensing mutants (PAK lasl::Tc) with a spontaneous deletion in vfr (S. A. Beatson, C. B. Whitchurch, A. B. T. Semmler, and J. S. Mattick, J. Bacteriol., 184:3598-3604,2002), the net result of which was the loss of five residues (EQERS) from the putative cAMP-binding pocket or Vfr. This allele (VfrDeltaEQERS) was capable of restoring elastase and pyocyanin production to wild-type levels in vfr-null mutants but not their defects in twitching motility. Furthermore, structural analysis of Vfr and VfrDeltaEQERS in relation to E. coli CRP suggests that Vfr is capable of binding both cAMP and cyclic GMP whereas VfrDeltaEQERS is only capable of responding to cAMP. We suggest that Vfr controls twitching motility and quorum sensing via independent pathways in response to these different signals, bound by the same cyclic nucleotide monophosphate-binding pocket.


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Venous thromboembolism is a frequent, life-threatening, postoperative complication of hip-fracture and total-knee-replacement surgery. Fondaparinux is a synthetic polysaccharide that selectively binds to antithrombin, the primary endogenous regulator of blood coagulation. Low molecular weight heparins, such as enoxaparin, are less specific inhibitors of coagulation. In patients undergoing hip-fracture surgery, fondaparinux is more effective than once-daily enoxaparin as prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism. Fondaparinux (25 mg/day s.c.) was also more effective than enoxaparin (30 mg s.c. b.i.d.) as prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in elective knee surgery. These differences may be explained by the fact that there is less prophylaxis cover with enoxaparin, as it has a much shorter duration of action than fondaparinux. Thus, with the present dosing regimens, fondaparinux is probably preferable to enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism.


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Increasingly, cystic fibrosis (CF) is regarded as an inflammatory disorder where the response of the lung to Pseudomonas aeruginosa is exaggerated as a consequence of processes mediated by the product of the CF gene, CFTR. Of importance to any gene-replacement strategy for treatment of CF is the identification of the cell type(s) within the lung milieu that need to be corrected and an indication whether this is sufficient to restore a normal inflammatory response and bacterial clearance. We generated G551D CF mice transgenically expressing the human CFTR gene in two tissue compartments previously demonstrated to mediate a CFTR-dependent inflammatory response: lung epithelium and alveolar macrophages. Following chronic pulmonary infection with P. aeruginosa, CF mice with epithelial-expressed but not macrophage-specific CFTR showed an improvement in pathogen clearance and inflammatory markers compared with control CF animals. Additionally, these data indicate the general role for epithelial cell-mediated events in the response of the lung to bacterial pathogens and the importance of CFTR in mediating these processes.


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A range of lasers. is now available for use in dentistry. This paper summarizes key current and emerging applications, for lasers in clinical practice. A major diagnostic application of low power lasers is the detection of caries, using fluorescence elicited from hydroxyapatite or from bacterial by-products. Laser fluorescence is an effective method for detecting and quantifying incipient occlusal and cervical,carious lesions, and with further refinement could be used in the, same manner for proximal lesions. Photoactivated dye techniques have been developed which use low power lasers to elicit a photochemical reaction, Photoactivated dye techniques' can be used to disinfect root canals, periodontal pockets, cavity preparations and sites of peri-implantitis. Using similar principles, more powerful lasers tan be used for photodynamic therapy in the treatment of malignancies of the oral mucosa. Laser-driven photochemical reactions can also be used for tooth whitening. In combination with fluoride, laser irradiation can improve the resistance of tooth structure to demineralization, and this application is of particular benefit for susceptible sites in high caries risk patients. Laser technology for caries' removal, cavity preparation and soft tissue surgery is at a high state of refinement, having had several decades of development up to the present time. Used in conjunction with or as a replacement for traditional methods, it is expected that specific laser technologies will become an essential component of contemporary dental practice over the next decade.


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The acidic properties of hexagonal mesoporous aluminosilicates synthesized via a new successful short time synthesis route using leached saponite and a low concentration of surfactant are thoroughly investigated. The resulting aluminosilicate mesoporous materials with high Si/Al ratios of around 11 have a maximal surface area of 1130 m(2)/g, a pore volume of 0.92 cm(3)/g, and a narrow pore size distribution at around 3 nm. The replacement of the sodium ions, present as counterions in the synthesized aluminosilicates, with protons imparts useful catalytic acidity. This acidity is extensively studied with FTIR spectroscopy after adsorption of ammonia and cyclohexylamine, while deuterated acetonitrile differentiates between Bronsted and Lewis acidity. Al-27 NMR spectroscopy determined the coordination of the aluminum in the FSM materials. Simultaneously the effect of an additional Al incorporation, utilizing sodium aluminate, aluminum nitrate, and aluminum isopropoxide is studied. From an acidic point of view, the incorporation with Al(NO3)(3) appears to be the most optimal, as the sample has a very high amount of acid sites (1.3 mmol/g). Investigating the nature of the acid sites it is found that in all samples except the one incorporated with Al(NO3)(3), more Bronsted than Lewis sites are present, both sites being quite acidic as they resist desorption temperatures up to 300 degreesC. Probing the coordination and location of the Al atoms, all the catalysts appeared to have mostly tetrahedral aluminum, up to 95% of the total Al amount for the proton exchanged AI(NO3)(3) incorporated sample.


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A questionnaire on lectures was completed by 351 students (84% response) and 35 staff (76% response) from all five years of the veterinary course at the University of Queensland. Staff and students in all five years offered limited support for a reduction in the number of lectures in the course and the majority supported a reduction in the number of lectures in the clinical years. Students in the clinical years only and appropriate staff agreed that the number of lectures in fifth year should be reduced but were divided as to whether lectures in fifth year should be abolished. There was limited support for replacement of some lectures by computer assisted learning (CAL) programs, but strong support for replacement of some lectures by subject-based problem based learning (PBL) and strong support for more self-directed learning by students. Staff and students strongly supported the inclusion of more clinical problem solving in lectures in the clinical years and wanted these lectures to be more interactive. There was little support for lectures in the clinical years to be of the same type as in the preclinical years.


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The chemical properties of deep profile samples ( up to 12 m) of Ferrosols from northern Queensland were investigated to provide an understanding of the accumulation of nitrate ( NO3) within these soil profiles. The influence of other cations and anions present in the soil solution or on the exchange and the charge chemistry of the profiles were examined with respect to the NO3 accumulations. The major ions in the soil solution were Na, NO3, and chloride ( Cl). Distinct regions of anion accumulation were observed; SO4 accumulated in the upper profile of all cores, whereas NO3 and Cl accumulations were restricted to the lower profile of cores with appreciable AEC (> 1 cmol(c)/kg). Gaines-Thomas selectivity coefficients were used to indicate exchange preference for cations and anions, and are as follows: Al > Ca similar to Mg > K > Na and sulfate (SO4) > Cl similar to NO3. The selectivity of SO4 increased and the extractable SO4 decreased in the lower profile of all cores. This has important implications for the adsorption of NO3 and Cl. The NO3 and Cl accumulations were shown to correspond to a region of low SO4 occupancy of the exchange sites in the lower profile. Along with the high SO4 selectivity, this suggests that SO4 may control the positioning of the NO3 accumulations. It was concluded that the NO3 accumulations were relatively stable under current management practices, although the reduction in NO3 inputs would likely see the gradual replacement of NO3 with Cl as a result of their comparable selectivity for exchange sites.


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Aim To assess the effectiveness of a program of computer-generated tailored advice for callers to a telephone helpline, and to assess whether it enhanced a series of callback telephone counselling sessions in aiding smoking cessation. Design Randomized controlled trial comparing: (1) untailored self-help materials; (2) computer-generated tailored advice only, and (3) computer-generated tailored advice plus callback telephone counselling. Assessment surveys were conducted at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Setting Victoria, Australia. Participants A total of 1578 smokers who called the Quitline service and agreed to participate. Measurements Smoking status at follow-up; duration of cessation, if quit; use of nicotine replacement therapy; and extent of participation in the callback service. Findings At the 3-month follow-up, significantly more (chi(2)(2) = 16.9; P < 0.001) participants in the computer-generated tailored advice plus telephone counselling condition were not smoking (21%) than in either the computer-generated advice only (12%) or the control condition (12%). Proportions reporting not smoking at the 12-month follow-up were 26%, 23% and 22%, respectively (NS) for point prevalence, and for 9 months sustained abstinence; 8.2, 6.0, and 5.0 (NS). In the telephone counselling group, those receiving callbacks were more likely than those who did not to have sustained abstinence at 12 months (10.2 compared with 4.0, P < 0.05). Logistic regression on 3-month data showed significant independent effects on cessation of telephone counselling and use of NRT, but not of computer-generated tailored advice. Conclusion Computer-generated tailored advice did not enhance telephone counselling, nor have any independent effect on cessation. This may be due to poor timing of the computer-generated tailored advice and poor integration of the two modes of advice.


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Part replacement and repair is needed in structures with moving parts because of scratchability and wear. In spite of some accumulation of experimental evidence, scratch resistance is still not well understood. We have applied molecular dynamics to study scratch resistance of amorphous polymeric materials through computer simulations. As a first approach, a coarse grain model was created for high density polyethylene at the mesoscale. We have also extended the traditional approach and used real units rather than reduced units (to our knowledge, for the first time), which enable an improved quantification of simulation results. The obtained results include analysis of penetration depth, residual depth and recovery percentage related to indenter force and size. Our results show there is a clear effect from these parameters on the tribological properties. We also discuss a "crooked smile" effect on the scratched surface and the reasons for its appearance.