1000 resultados para Morristown Region (N.J.)--Maps.


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INTRODUCTION: Control strategies to eliminate the transmission of Chagas disease by insect vectors have significantly decreased the number of reported acute cases in Brazil. However, data regarding the incidence and distribution of acute Chagas disease cases in the State of Pernambuco are unavailable in the literature. METHODS: A geographical information system was used to delineate the spatiotemporal distribution profile of the cases from 2002 to 2013 in 185 municipalities of Pernambuco based on the municipality where notification occurred. The results were presented in digital maps generated by the TerraView software (INPE). RESULTS: A total of 302 cases of acute disease were recorded in 37.8% of the municipalities, for a total of 0.13 cases per 1,000,000 inhabitants per year. Out of the 302 cases, 99.3% were reported between 2002 and 2006. The most affected municipalities were Carnaubeira da Penha, Mirandiba and Terra Nova. The risk maps showed a significant decrease in the number of notifications and a concentration of cases in the Midwest region. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights a significant decrease in new cases of acute Chagas disease in Pernambuco starting in 2006 when Brazil received an international certification for the interruption of vectorial transmission by Triatoma infestans. However, control strategies should still be encouraged because other triatomine species can also transmit the parasite; moreover, other transmission modes must not be neglected.


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AbstractINTRODUCTION: The use of the Self-Image Form (SIF) expands the identification of active leprosy cases to neighbors of index cases.METHODS: The SIF was used to screen two groups: case (neighbors of index cases of leprosy) and control (individuals residing next to houses without leprosy) group. A specialist investigated suspected leprosy cases for disease confirmation.RESULTS: New cases of leprosy were diagnosed in the case group (n = 7, 8.6%), but not the control group.CONCLUSIONS: The new surveillance strategy is inexpensive, efficient, and feasible within a primary health strategy. Future studies can help improve the use of the SIF.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: The transmission cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Brazilian Pantanal region has been studied during the last decade. Although considerable knowledge is available regarding the mammalian hosts infected by T. cruzi in this wetland, no studies have investigated its vectors in this region. This study aimed to investigate the presence of sylvatic triatomine species in different habitats of the Brazilian Pantanal region and to correlate their presence with the occurrences of vertebrate hosts and T. cruzi infection.METHODS: The fieldwork involved passive search by using light traps and Noireau traps and active search by visual inspection. The light traps were placed at five selected points along forested areas for seven nights during each of the nine excursions. At each point where a light trap was set, eight Noireau traps were placed in palm trees and bromeliads.RESULTS: In all, 88 triatomine bugs were collected: two and one individuals from light traps and Noireau traps, respectively; three from peridomestic areas; 23 in coati nests; and 59 in thornbird nests. In this study, active search in microhabitats showed higher efficiency than passive search, since 95% of the triatomine bugs were caught in nests. Further, triatomine bugs were only found to be infected by T. cruzi in coati nests.CONCLUSIONS: Coati nests might act as a point of convergence and dispersion for triatomine bugs and mammal hosts infected by T. cruzi, thereby playing an important role in the sylvatic cycle of T. cruziin the Pantanal region.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Serological screening in blood banks does not include all transmittable diseases. American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has a high detection rate in the municipalities of the State of Paraná.METHODS:This study analyzed the presence of anti- Leishmania braziliensisantibodies in 176 blood donors who live in these endemic areas. The variables were analyzed with the χ2 test and Stata 9.1 software. RESULTS: Twenty (11.4%) samples were positive for the presence of anti- L. braziliensisantibodies. CONCLUSIONS: The high percentage of donors with anti- Leishmania spp. antibodies indicates the need to study the risk of ACL transmission through blood donors.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION Risk of schistosomiasis expansion to semi-arid northeastern Brazil under the influence of the Integration Project of the São Francisco River (IPSFR) was assessed. METHODS: Stool examinations of schoolchildren, epidemiological investigation, and survey of the local host snail Biomphalaria straminea were performed in five IPSFR municipalities. RESULTS Six of 4,770 examined schoolchildren were egg-positive for Schistosoma mansoni. Biomphalaria straminea was widespread, but not naturally infected with S. mansoni. Snails experimentally exposed to two laboratory S. mansoni strains yielded infection indices of 1-4.5%. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of active schistosomiasis transmission in the area; thus, intensive surveillance actions are required.


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Clayish earth-based mortars can be considered eco-efficient products for indoor plastering since they can contribute to improve important aspects of building performance and sustainability. Apart from being products with low embodied energy when compared to other types of mortars used for interior plastering, mainly due to the use raw clay as natural binder, earth-based plasters may give a significant contribution for health and comfort of inhabitants. Due to high hygroscopicity of clay minerals, earth-based mortars present a high adsorption and desorption capacity, particularly when compared to other type of mortars for interior plastering. This capacity allows earth-based plasters to act as a moisture buffer, balancing the relative humidity of the indoor environment and, simultaneously, acting as a passive removal material, improving air quality. Therefore, earth-based plasters may also passively promote the energy efficiency of buildings, since they may contribute to decreasing the needs of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning. This study is part of an ongoing research regarding earth-based plasters and focuses on mortars specifically formulated with soils extracted from Portuguese ‘Barrocal’ region, in Algarve sedimentary basin. This region presents high potential for interior plastering due to regional geomorphology, that promote the occurrence of illitic soils characterized by a high adsorption capacity and low expansibility. More specifically, this study aims to assess how clayish earth and sand ratio of mortars formulation can influence the physical and mechanical properties of plasters. For this assessment four mortars were formulated with different volumetric proportions of clayish earth and siliceous sand. The results from the physical and mechanical characterization confirmed the significantly low linear shrinkage of all the four mortars, as well as their extraordinary adsorption-desorption capacity. These results presented a positive correlation with mortars´ clayish earth content and are consistent with the mineralogical analysis, that confirmed illite as the prevalent clay mineral in the clayish earth used for this study. Regarding mechanical resistance, although the promising results of the adhesion test, the flexural and compressive strength results suggest that the mechanical resistance of these mortars should be slightly improved. Considering the present results the mortars mechanical resistance improvement may be achieved through the formulation of mortars with higher clayish earth content, or alternatively, through the addition of natural fibers to mortars formulation, very common in this type of mortars. Both those options will be investigated in future research.


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Larval development of the freshwater palaemonid shrip Pseudopalaemon chryseus Kensley & Walker, 1982 was studied in the laboratory from the offspring oof females collected in a lake of the lower Negro River system. Females carry few (14 to 43), large (1.86 + 0.13 x 1.29 + 0.06 mm), yolk-rich eggs. The species goes throught three larval stages without feeding and the main feature of its larval development is the presence of functional walking legs on hatching. Descriptions and illustrations of the three larval and first juvenile stages are presented.


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The paleontological richness of Morocco has been scientifically known since at least the early 20th century. The region of the Middle Atlas, more specifically the Boulemane area, has been however only sparsely studied since the 60’s when it supplied various vertebrate fossils from the Middle Jurassic.In the beginning of the 2000’s some fossil bones were discovered in a new fossil-site near the village of Taghrout, in the Boulemane area and in September 2013 a Moroccan-Portuguese expedition made excavations in the site with the help locals from the village of Taghrout. The site is Pleistocene in age and is located on a rare bone bearing small high-altitude sedimentary basin, non-charted in previous geological maps. The excavations yielded new bone material from large mammals. The most common findings are elephants ascribed to the genus Elephas, but artiodactyls, turtles, and in-situ hominid Acheulean tools were also collected. During the excavation campaign the Jurassic sites were revisited and new dinosaur trails and possible crocodilomorph bones were discovered. Surface collection of in a cave near Taghrout with Holocene mammal material, including the genera Canis, Capra, Bos, Panthera and Hystrix was also conducted and its fossils elements identified.


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Of eleven proteins analyzed in four Amazonian populations, the esterases showed the greatest variation, with five activity zones. EST1, EST2 and EST5 showed variation in each of the populations studied. EST1 and EST2 are each controlled by two, and EST5 by four, codomi-nant alleles. LAP presented six activity zones, with codominant variation in LAP5and LAP6.oc—GPDH was monomorphic with one activity band on starch gel and two on polyacrylamide gel. 1DH presented two activity zones, with variation in the IDHl region. PGM had a single activity zone, with variation in all populations. The Ariquemes populations showed five alleles and the other populations three, all of then codominant. Three activity zones with two codominant alleles were observed for ODH. Aldehyde Oxidase showed two activity zones, with variation in AOl only in the Ariquemes and Porto Velho/Samuel populations. 6-PGDH showed only one activity zone and variation only in the Ariquemes population. The remaing systems - XDH, G-6-PDH and GDH. was monomorphic.


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Larval development of the freshwater shrimp Pseudopalaemon amazonensis Ramos-Porto was studied in the laboratory based on the offspring of ovigerous females collected in a small “terra-firme” forest stream near Manaus, Brazil. Ovigerous females with a mean total length of 36.5 ± 1.9 mm carried 13-19 eliptical, yolk-rich eggs measuring 2.55 ± 0.16 x 1.64 ± 0.11 mm. The larval period consisted of 3 benthie stages and the larvae accomplished metamorphosis after 7-8 days without feeding. The newly-hatched larva had sessile eyes and all appendages, except for the uropods; chelipeds were present as uniramous buds, but walking legs were fully developed and functional. Descriptions and illustrations of the 3 larval and first juvenile stages are presented.


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In the past decade, the research community has been dedicating considerable effort into indoor positioning systems based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting techniques, mainly due to their capability to exploit existing infrastructures. Crowdsourcing approaches, also known as organic, have been proposed recently to address the problem of creating and maintaining the corresponding radio maps. In these organic systems, the users of the system build the radio map themselves while using it to estimate their own position/location. However, most of these collaborative methods, proposed by several authors, assume that all the users are honest and committed to contribute to a good quality radio map. In this paper we assess the quality of a radio map built collaboratively and propose a method to classify the credibility of individual contributions and the reputation of individual users. Experimental results are presented for an organic indoor location system that has been used by more than one hundred users over a period of around 12 months.


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Several archaeological black earth (ABE) sites occur in the Amazon region. They contain fragments of ceramic artifacts, which are very important for the archaeological purpose. In order to improve the archaeological study in the region we carried out a detailed mineralogical and chemical study of the fragments of ceramic artifacts found in the two ABE sites of Cachoeira-Porteira, in the Lower Amazon Region. Their ceramics comprise the following tempers: cauixi, cariapé, sand, sand +feldspars, crushed ceramic and so on and are composed of quartz, clay equivalent material (mainly burned kaolinite), feldspars, hematite, goethite, maghemite, phosphates, anatase, and minerals of Mn and Ba. Cauixi and cariapé, siliceous organic compounds, were found too. The mineralogical composition and the morphology of their grains indicate a saprolite (clayey material rich on quartz) derived from fine-grained felsic igneous rocks or sedimentary rocks as source material for ceramic artifacts, where silica-rich components such cauixi, cariapé and/or sand (feldspar and rock fragments) were intentionally added to them. The high content of (Al,Fe)-phosphates, amorphous to low crystalline, must be product of the contact between the clayey matrix of pottery wall and the hot aqueous solution formed during the daily cooking of animal foods (main source of phosphor). The phosphate crystallization took place during the discharge of the potteries put together with waste of organic material from animal and vegetal origin, and leaving to the formation of the ABE-soil profile.


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This paper carried out a chemical investigation of archaeological ceramic artifacts found in archaeological sites with Black Earth (ABE) in the Lower Amazon Region at Cachoeira-Porteira, State of Pará, Brazil. The ceramic artifacts, mostly of daily use, belong to Konduri culture (from 900 to 400 years BP). They are constituted of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O and P2O5; SiO2 and Al2O3 together add up to 80 % and indicate influence of acid rocks, transformed into clay minerals basically kaolinite. The relative high contents of P2O5 (2.37 % in average) come out as (Al,Fe)-phosphate, an uncommon fact in primitive red ceramics, but found in some roman and egyptian archaeological sites. The contents of the trace elements are similar or below the Earth's crust average. This chemical composition (except P2O5) detaches saprolite material derived acid igneous rocks or sedimentary ones as the main raw material of the ceramics. The contents of K, Na and Ca represent the feldspars and rock fragments possibly introduced into saprolitic groundmass, indicated by mineralogical studies. The presence of cauixi and cariapé as well as quartz sand was confirmed by optical microscope, SEM analyses and by the high silica contents of ceramic fragments. Phosphorus was possibly incorporated into groundmass during cooking of foods, and ABE soil profile formation developed on yellow Latosols. The raw materials and its tempers (cauixi, or cariapé, feldspar, crushed rocks, old ceramic artifacts and quartz fragments) are found close to the sites and therefore and certainly came from them.


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The complete larval development of the ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 was described and illustrated in detail from specimens reared in the laboratory. Ovigerous females were collected at Canela Island in the northeastern region of the State of Pará. The larvae hatch as a prezoea, in which they persist for less than 3 hours. The larval development consists of three zoeal stages and a megalopa. The zoeal development averaged from 69 to 111 hours. The period in the megalopa stage was about 185 hours (about 8 days). The percentage of individuals succeeding in molt into juvenile stage was 91,8%. The first juvenile stage was reached 254 hours (about 10 days) after hatching. Morphological comparisons and their relationship with larvae of congeneric species are briefly discussed.