1000 resultados para Moraes, Vinicius, 1913-1980 Crítica e interpretação


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Uma leitura atenta da fico de Graciliano Ramos pode revelar uma forma aguda de refletir o mundo atravs de uma reflexo anterior sobre a prpria linguagem da literatura e da sociedade. uma leitura desse teor que se pretende mostrar, apoiada na conhecida teoria das funes da linguagem de Jakobson. Num jogo constante entre as funes ftica e metalingstica, Graciliano Ramos demonstra visvel conscincia dos problemas de linguagem, cujo tratamento moderno aponta uma postura bastante crítica (via linguagem) perante o homem e a vida. An attentive of Graciliano Ramos fiction reveals a deep form of reflection on the world thorough a previous reflection on the very language of literature and society. Such a reading is here attempted based on Jakobsons well known theory of language functions. In a constante play between the fatic and the metalinguistic function, Graciliano Ramos demonstrates a clear awareness of the problems of language, whose modern treatment points at a very critical poise (via language) before man and life.


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A proposta do presente livro oferecer ao leitor uma descrio fonolgica das qualidades voclicas vigentes na primeira fase (perodo trovadoresco) do portugus arcaico a partir da anlise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sbio, Rei de Leo e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do sculo XIII.


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The objective was to analyze the oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics during exercise performed at critical power (CP) in subjects with different aerobic status in cycling. Six trained cyclists (GT) and seven non-trained subjects (GNT) underwent to the following protocols in cyclergometer: (a) incremental to exhaustion to determine VO2max and its respective workload (IVO(2)max); b) three square-wave tests to exhaustion at 95-110% IVO2max to determine CP, and; (c) one square-wave test to exhaustion at 100% CP. During the exercise at CP the slow component expressed as absolute value (GT: 342.4 +/- 165.8 ml.min(-1) vs. GNT: 571.3 +/- 170.1 ml.min(-1)) and as the relative contribution to the increase of VO2 during exercise (GT: 10.0 +/- 4.6% vs. GNT: 26.6 +/- 7.3%) were lower for trained subjects. The VO2 at the end of the exercise at PC (GT: 89.8 +/- 8.4% VO(2)max vs. GNT: 97.4 +/- 2.8% VO(2)max) was significantly lower in GT (rho = 0.045), and similar to VO(2)max in GNT. Therefore, the aerobic level might influence the VO2 responses to exercise at PC


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Ps-graduao em Artes - IA


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Ps-graduao em Artes - IA


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This research aims to analyze, based on the theories of French semiotics (or greimasian), the development of the critical text by Barbara Heliodora and drama criticism, a very popular genre in journalism and therefore of great relevance for scholars in the area. The corpus of this research will analyze nine texts by the author, giving priority to her early career (texts from 1957, 1958 and 1962) and her most recent texts (two from 2007 and one from 2010). The choice for greimasian Semiotics is justified because it is a methodology that provides all the necessary elements for interpretation of textual content and its relationship both in the business of the theater and journalism


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This proposal offers a possibility of approximation of mathematical knowledge at the prospect of Critical Education defended by researchers such as Ole Skovsmose and Paulo Freire. Using storytelling as a methodological resource is intended to develop an activity that allows students to think critically about real-life situations that have democratic questions as ground. The research is part of the branch of mathematics concerned with the education goals of teaching mathematics in basic education. We discuss the relevance of an educational process that enables the development of a democratic competence in the first years of primary education by showing students that their classroom can and should be seen as a community, where everyone has rights and duties. The interpretation and understanding of real situations can be something very complex and uninteresting for students of that age, looking for an attractive feature such as storytelling, which is based on the tendency of Reading and Writing in Mathematics, proposed by Nacarato and Lopes; Cardoso and Fonseca. Adopting a phenomenological attitude in the research seeks to understand if the storytelling can contribute to the formation of the critical student. Assuming this perspective has developed a didactic sequence from the story 'o que os olhos no vem' from writer Ruth Rocha. The student's writing, favored by the proposed sequence, subsidizes the understanding of their thinking and acting on the democratic situations


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The cinematographic language is notedly plural and heterogeneous. There are many filmic elements that narrate all the time, in different ways. Besides enumerating some of them, this study seeks to analyse if the criticism is attentive to all of these tools or if it sticks only to some of them. Its also reflects if this activity uses more objectives or subjectives aspects as basis for its conclusions. Here, a very specific field was chosen: the study is done by a comparative analysis of the reception of Brazilians and Europeans criticism from two Lars Von Triers films, Antichrist and Melancholia. After explaining how the narrative elements are used in the cinema, its demonstrated that, in general, the criticism is negligent and does not analyze all of those tools. In some cases, the analysis of some elements is done in a superficial way, so others aspects can be highlighted


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Este estudo teve por objetivos constituir o ciclo de vida da Revista Educao & Sociedade e apresentar uma discusso sobre a temtica Formao de Professores no interior desse peridico. Optou-se metodologicamente pela pesquisa bibliogrfica, embasada na leitura, anlise e interpretação de artigos presentes no peridico Educao & Sociedade, assim como de outros autores que tiveram seus trabalhos voltados para a formao docente. O trabalho de investigao foi feito na Biblioteca do Instituto de Biocincias da UNESP Campus de Rio Claro. Neste processo identificaram-se 33 peridicos, sendo que dentre eles, escolheuse a Revista EDUCAO & SOCIEDADE, perodo de 1978 a 2005, por ser considerada uma revista quadrimestral (1995), reconhecida como um peridico de nvel internacional, tendo um forte corpo editorial nacional e internacional, publicando textos em portugus, ingls, francs, alemo e espanhol relacionados a rea de Cincia da Educao, divulgando trabalhos que incentivam a pesquisa acadmica e o debate amplo sobre a educao nos diversos prismas de sua relao com a sociedade. Sobre o ciclo de vida do peridico observou-se que este foi publicado, inicialmente, pela Editora UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS em convnio com a Editora CORTEZ & MORAES (1978); depois: de responsabilidade do Centro de Estudos Educao e Sociedade (CEDES), publicada e comercializada pela Editora Cortez & Moraes (1979) e publicada e comercializada pela CORTEZ EDITORA e AUTORES ASSOCIADOS (1980-1981); publicada e comercializada pelo CORTEZ EDITORA (1982-1989); editada e publicada pela EDITORA REVISTA DOS CEDES TRIBUNAIS Ltda (1990-1996); sendo que a partir de 1997 passou a ser publicado via on line e financiada com recurso de Programa de Apoio a Publicaes Cientficas (MCT, CNPq e FINEP) com responsabilidade editorial, de publicao e vendas pelas CEDES, perdurando at o presente. No seu primeiro ano de vida ...


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims at gathering evidences about the reception of Odorico Mendes Greek andRoman translations among his contemporaries. Some of the most celebrated lusophone writersof the 19th Century such as Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, Gonalves Dias and AntnioFeliciano de Castilho left us their reviews on the work of Mendes, the most productiveand controversial Brazilian translator of the time. The analysis of those data provides valuabledocuments of translation criticism that could constitute evidence of translation practices andmethods in an historical period in which Ancient Literature poetic translations were mostlyproduced.


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This article has been generated by the interface between geography and music. Methodologically, we have used a multidisciplinary bibliography that contemplates cultural geography, history, music, linguistics, literature, anthropology, for we understand that, for the understanding of a polysemous code, as it is in music, we need a diversity of looks. Our main document for an analysis of the construction of Braslia is the Sinfonia da Alvorada (Symphony of the Dawn), composed by Antnio Carlos Jobim and Vincius de Moraes. Here, we attempt mainly to do a textual analysis of the work under an external perspective of the symphonic work, we mean, analyzing more its semantics (considering the product between interlocution and interpretation), and less its instrumental aesthetics, although the latter is also present. Finally, we attempt to understand the connection that exists between the actors and the spaces which are metamorphosing along with the construction of the city and which puts into evidence the idea of social circularity, proposed by the Sinfonia da Alvorada. This piece captures social and cultural elements related to the construction of Braslia and repositions and rearranges it through the execution of the music, in such a way that this arrangement can provide a change in the senses which are constructed from the urban experience in Braslia.


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This article seeks to historically contextualize Kracauers aesthetic-political position regarding this successful literary genre among German writers in the early 1930s: the novel report. It is inevitable the reference to the Berlin journal, Die Linkskurve, and to Lukcss critiques developed in the period when he resumes aesthetic questions on the novel as a literary genre in a Marxist interpretation and outlines his thesis on critical realism. Kracauer wrote a critique about the film Kuhle Wampe, directed by S. Dudow with a script by B. Brecht and E. Ottwald and music by H. Eisler, which engendered a discussion full of misunderstandings, but extremely interesting, between E. Bloch and Kracauer and between Kracauer and Brecht. Finally, I comment the journal project Krise und Kritik, which failed with the rise of Hitler.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)