908 resultados para Mohn (The word)


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The enormous impact of crystal engineering in modern solid state chemistry takes advantage from the connection between a typical basic science field and the word engineering. Regrettably, the engineering aspect of organic or metal organic crystalline materials are limited, so far, to descriptive structural features, sometime entangled with topological aspects, but only rarely with true material design. This should include not only the fabrication and structural description at micro- and nano-scopic level of the solids, but also a proper reverse engineering, a fundamental discipline for engineers. Translated into scientific language, the reverse crystal engineering refers to a dedicated and accurate analysis of how the building blocks contribute to generate a given material property. This would enable a more appropriate design of new crystalline material. We propose here the application of reverse crystal engineering to optical properties of organic and metal organic framework structures, applying the distributed atomic polarizability approach that we have extensively investigated in the past few years[1,2].


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Abstract: This investigation of the concept of faith is divided into two parts. Part One evaluates a topical philosophical interpretation of faith as irreducibly disjunctive, collecting the best fragmented ideas as to what constitutes faith in a recent family resemblance exposition as an objective for an adequate essentialist analysis of the concept of faith to achieve. Part Two offers a more extended essentialist analysis of the concept of faith as unconditional patience in the eventuality of a positive future state, and a detailed reduction of six supposedly disparate family resemblance senses of faith to this single definition. Criteria for a satisfactory analysis of faithfulness are considered and defended. In contrast with what has become a standard doxastic-epistemic interpretation of faith as persistent unjustified or even unjustifiable belief, a concept of faith is advanced that appears to satisfy the necessary and sufficient criteria identified. Systematic comparison with a variety of usages of the word “faith” suggests that the analysis agrees with many and arguably most applications of this sometimes loosely understood term. Implications of the analysis of the concept of faith are considered and defended against anticipated objections. Pascal’s wager is critically examined in relation to matters of religious faith, along with positivist meaningfulness requirements that seem to conflict especially with epistemically ungrounded belief, the power of faith, and the metaphorical size of mustard seeds. The inquiry concludes with a synthesis of five aspects of six supposedly distinct senses of faith under the single essentialist reductive umbrella of unconditional patience in the eventuality of a positive future state.


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Background: Semantic memory processes have been well described in literature. However, the available findings are mostly based on relatively young subjects and concrete word material (e.g. tree). Comparatively little information exists about semantic memory for abstract words (e.g. mind) and possible age related changes in semantic retrieval. In this respect, we developed a paradigm that is useful to investigate the implicit (i.e. attentionindependent) access to concrete and abstract semantic memory. These processes were then compared between young and elderly healthy subjects. Methods: A well established tool for investigating semantic memory processes is the semantic priming paradigm, which consists both of semantically unrelated and related word pairs. In our behavioral task these noun-noun word pairs were further divided into concrete, abstract and matched pronounceable non-word conditions. With this premise, the young and elderly participants performed a lexical decision task: they were asked to press a choice of two buttons as an indication for whether the word pair contained a non-word or not. In order to minimize controlled (i.e. attention-dependent) retrieval strategies, a short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 150ms was set. Reaction time (RT) changes and accuracy to related and unrelated words (priming effect) in the abstract vs. concrete condition (concreteness effect) were the dependent variables of interest. Results and Discussion: Statistical analysis confirmed both a significant priming effect (i.e. shorter RTs in semantically related compared to unrelated words) and a concreteness effect (i.e. RT decrease for concrete compared to abstract words) in the young and elderly subjects. There was no age difference in accuracy. The only age effect was a commonly known general slowing in RT over all conditions. In conclusion, age is not a critical factor in the implicit access to abstract and concrete semantic memory.


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An abnormal facilitation of the spreading activation within semantic networks is thought to under-lie schizophrenics' remote associations and referential ideas. In normal subjects, elevated magical ideation (MI) has also been associated with a style of thinking similar to that of schizotypal subjects. We thus wondered whether normal subjects with a higher MI score would judge "loose associations" as being more closely related than do subjects with a lower MI score. In two experiments, we investigated whether judgments of the semantic distance between stimulus words varied as a function of MI. In the first experiment, random word pairs of two word classes, animals and fruits, were presented. Subjects had to judge the semantic distance between word pairs. In the second experiment, sets of three words were presented, consisting of a pair of indirectly related, or unrelated nouns plus a third noun. Subjects had to judge the semantic distance of the third noun to the word pair The results of both experiments showed that higher MI subjects considered unrelated words as more closely associated than did lower MI subjects. We conjecture that for normal subjects high on MI "loose associations" may not be loose after all. We also note that the tendency to link uncommon, nonobvious, percepts may not only be the basis of paranormal and paranoid ideas of reference, but also a prerequisite of creative thinking.


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We define an applicative theory of truth TPT which proves totality exactly for the polynomial time computable functions. TPT has natural and simple axioms since nearly all its truth axioms are standard for truth theories over an applicative framework. The only exception is the axiom dealing with the word predicate. The truth predicate can only reflect elementhood in the words for terms that have smaller length than a given word. This makes it possible to achieve the very low proof-theoretic strength. Truth induction can be allowed without any constraints. For these reasons the system TPT has the high expressive power one expects from truth theories. It allows embeddings of feasible systems of explicit mathematics and bounded arithmetic. The proof that the theory TPT is feasible is not easy. It is not possible to apply a standard realisation approach. For this reason we develop a new realisation approach whose realisation functions work on directed acyclic graphs. In this way, we can express and manipulate realisation information more efficiently.


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The color red has been considered to indicate threat in achievement contexts. Recent studies have used brief confrontations with red — either as the color or as the word red — to prime for implicit threat, and have found a related impairment of cognitive performance. In another line of research, it has been shown that initial self-regulatory efforts cause diminished investment of self-regulatory resources afterwards, leading to a relative shift from a controlled to an automatic mode of information processing. We assume that activation of implicit threat via the color or the word red impairs cognitive performance more strongly during automatic compared to controlled processing of information. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated undergraduates’ (n = 78) momentary processing mode (automatic vs. controlled) by an initial task that required either high or low self-regulatory effort. Afterwards, participants were briefly confronted with red or gray stimuli and were then asked to complete a standardized intelligence measure. As expected, confrontation with red, as opposed to gray, impaired intellectual performance when participants were in an automatic processing mode. In contrast, no color effect emerged when participants were in a relatively controlled processing mode. In a second study, we replicated this finding in a sample of secondary school students (n = 130), using the black-printed word red or gray to experimentally manipulate implicit threat. Among others, the present findings may help to explain occasional difficulties in replicating findings of priming research.


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This is the third paper in a four-part series considering the fundamental question, “what does the word “height” really mean?” The first paper reviewed reference ellipsoids and mean sea level datums. The second paper reviewed the physics of heights culminating in a simple development of the geoid and explained why mean sea level stations are not all at the same orthometric height. This third paper develops the principle notions of height, namely measured, differentially deduced changes in elevation, orthometric heights, Helmert orthometric heights, normal orthometric heights, dynamic heights, and geopotential numbers. We conclude with a more in-depth discussion of current thoughts regarding the geoid.


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Este trabajo analiza cinco creaciones literarias del escritor venezolano Arturo Uslar Pietri, el cuento “Barrabas", la novela El camino de El Dorado, el ensayo “La ciudad de nadie", la obra de teatro “Chuo Gil y las tejedoras", y el poema “Tres leones de plata" para estudiar la relación del poder con la palabra porque estos pueden crear mundos. También observamos su reflexión acerca de la culturas la cuales crean diferentes tipos de expresión que nuestro autor muestra conocer perfectamente. En “Barrabás" (1928) podemos ver que Uslar quiere diferenciarse de la forma como se ha escrito la literatura venezolana del pasado. En El camino de El Dorado (1947) quiere expresar el poder de destrucción que la palabra tiene en la figura del injusto gobernante, Lope de Aguirre. “La ciudad de nadie" (1950) nos habla de las diferentes lenguas y culturas que las personas practican en Nueva York. “Chuo Gil y las tejedoras" nos enseña el chisme como la forma de expresión de los pueblos pequeños (1959) y por último “Tres leones de plata", poema contenido en libro Manoa (1972) expresa la eternidad de las palabras contenidas en el poema. Este artículo quiere demostrar el maravilloso dominio que tenía Arturo Uslar Pietri para expresar las palabras en todos los géneros que la literatura ha tenido hasta hoy. Lo que nos permite concluir que es uno de los mejores escritores que existen en la literatura latinoamericana.


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El artículo cuestiona la interacción y la comunicación en tanto fenómenos intencionales desde una perspectiva ontológica. Recorre críticamente el esencialismo que supone la teoría de la sustancia y las tesis básicas de las vertientes analíticas antimetafísicas, con el fin de descubrir la relación entre la palabra en cuanto signo y la palabra entendida como donación. Así, acentúa el carácter constituible de la persona y la función plenificadora de la coexistencia en su concreción pragmático-lingüística.


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Se parte de las tesis de Parménides y de Franz Rosenzweig para mostrar sus concepciones disímiles de la realidad. Rosenzweig afirma que el pensamiento humano es diálogo, o sea, se constituye desde un yo a un tú, y su tesis se opone al pensamiento lógico occidental hegemónico, impuesto durante siglos. Sin embargo, se argumenta que el pensamiento dialógico no es un a priori, como afirma este filósofo, sino más bien un proyecto que se debe construir en una época en la que la palabra ha perdido credibilidad. El propósito es reflexionar sobre el acontecer histórico actual, a los fines de plantear si están dadas las condiciones a priori para el diálogo, o más bien la tarea como educadores desde la palabra es promover el diálogo que parte de la diversidad, y que busca alcanzar el consenso.


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Al analizar las dimensiones dolorosas, violentas de las palabras y sus momentos de goce y placer, este trabajo pretende poner en relación ciertos fragmentos de la obra Tres Golpes de Timbal, del escritor argentino Daniel Moyano, con otras obras de su corpus. De esta manera establecen una relación dialógica con otros pasajes de la misma, con el contexto sociopolítico, ideológico y cultural, con referencias biográficas del autor, es decir con su contexto de producción.


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Desde hace tiempo se sabía que el nombre griego ij÷qýò (pez) encerraba como acróstico una frase cuyo contenido es una antigua fórmula cristológica: Jesús-Cristo-Hijo de Dios-Salvador que se conservaba en diversos medios poéticos del siglo II. Pero últimamente se ha comprobado la función que el símbolo del pez y la palabra como criptograma desempeñaba en algunos textos de la biblioteca de Nag Hammadi y se ha descubierto su presencia en una versión diferente de la parábola de la red y el pescador, el panorama se amplía notablemente. Porque con estos elementos a disposición es posible comparar estructuras narrativas paralelas y contenidos significativos divergentes que permiten ampliar el horizonte de la investigación de los primeros tiempos cristianos y deducir las diferencias en la interpretación de los mismos motivos religiosos de algunos textos cristianos primitivos.


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Este trabajo analiza las características del gesto ritual propio de la liturgia medieval, en particular su carácter de “eficaz". La gestualidad litúrgica “hace cosas", al decir de John Austin; en tanto produce cambios en sus destinatarios que llevan, incluso, a provocar modificaciones permanentes en sus vidas. ¿En qué consiste esa eficacia? ¿La eficacia la posee la palabra o el gesto litúrgico? La hipótesis que se plantea es que, si bien en el discurso académico la performatividad proviene de la palabra, no sucede lo mismo en el discurso popular puesto que, en este caso, la eficacia proviene del gesto. El trabajo se estructura en cuatro partes. Luego de una introducción y presentación de la problemática, se avanza en una aproximación al tema a partir de propuestas de teorías filosóficas y antropológicas contemporáneas. Se tiene en cuenta, particularmente, a John Austin. Luego, se realiza un análisis de algunos casos en un contexto histórico. En particular se trabajan la formula consecratoria de la eucaristía y el rito del bautismo. Finalmente, se trazan los aspectos conclusivos del artículo.


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Buenaventura, al comentar el Libro de las Sentencias de Pedro Lombardo explica, especialmente a partir de la distinción 23 del libro primero, los distintos matices que adquieren los términos usados en las definiciones dogmáticas, de acuerdo a la compleja elaboración implicada por la traducción al latín del vocabulario filosófico griego. Se muestra muy cuidadoso, por ello, en señalar esas diferencias. El artículo se concentra en delimitar los contrastes entre el vocabulario trinitario expresado en lengua griega y su correspondiente traducción latina, en particular con relación al término ‘persona’.


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Continuando un artículo anterior en el que se definió el concepto de enfermedad, en orden al esclarecimiento del de enfermedad mental, en el presente estudio se desarrolla el tema de aquellas que pueden ser llamadas enfermedades en el estricto sentido del término. En un primer parágrafo, se mencionan los trastornos que son mencionados por Santo Tomás, y se los explica colocándolos en el contexto de la medicina medieval, con particular referencia al Canon de Medicina de Avicena. En un segundo parágrafo, se desarrolla el tema de las enfermedades psicosomáticas, es decir aquellas causadas por una “pasión animal". Se deja para un tercer artículo el esclarecimiento de la naturaleza de lo que el Aquinate llama “aegritudo animalis".