992 resultados para Mobilidade social Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
Realizamos capturas simult��neas de fleb��tomos, no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Org��os, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, utilizando tr��s iscas: homem, gamb�� e galo. Em 298h capturamos 1.155 f��meas de seis esp��cies do g��nero Lutzomya. L. ayrozai e L. hirsuta foram as esp��cies mais numerosas; ambas sugaram somente pr��ximo ao solo, sendo decididamente antropof��licas e mais ativas entre 17 e 24h. L. fischeri foi a esp��cie mais freq��ente na copa e a que demonstrou maior ecletismo quanto ao hospedeiro, hora e local; na copa sugou mais o galo, especialmente entre 0 e 5h e, no solo, picou com maior intensidade o homem, principalmente entre 20 e 24h.
Les Tr��matodes de 35 esp��ces de poissons marins, d'importance commerciale, collect��s dans le littoral de Rio de Janeiro, ont ��t�� ��tudi��s. Dix-sept esp��ces de Tr��matodes appartenant �� 13 familles ont ��t�� recens��es. Quatre de ces esp��ces sont r��f��r��s pour la premi��re fois au Br��sil: Diphtherostomum americanum, Diplomonorchis floridensis, Pancreadium otagoensis et Neomegasolena chaetodipteri, neuf dans de nouveaux h��tes: D. americanum, Diplangus paxillus, Hurleytrema shorti, Lecithochirium microstomum, Morascus filiformis, Neolebouria multilobatus, P. otagoensis, Pleorchis mollis et Opechona bacillaris, une a ��t�� recontr��e dans un h��te mentionn�� pour la premi��re fois au Br��sil: Vitellibaculum spinosum et cinq autres esp��cies sont d��j�� r��pertori��es: Acanthocollaritrema umbilicatum, Bucephalopsis calliocotyle, Bucephalus varicus, Parahemiurus merus et Tergestia pauca. Tergestia selenei est consider�� synonyme de T. pauca. Les principales mesures sont donn��es pour chaque esp��ce.
Culex siphanulatus, sp. n. is described from specimens collected in bromeliads of the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The description includes illustrations of female, male genitalia and chaetotaxy of pupa and larva. This species is easily distinguished from the others of subgenus Microculex and does not belong to any of the four series proposed for the grouping of its species.
Como parte das observa����es que vimos realizando sobre a ecologia dos mosquitos culic��neos no Parque Nacional da Serra dos ��rg��os, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, estudamos nesta oportunidade as prefer��ncias alimentares dos esp��cimens f��meas que ali ocorrem. Atrav��s de amostragens simult��neas a n��vel do solo e nas imedia����es da copa das ��rvores, em diferentes per��odos de 24 horas consecutivas, realizamos a captura da fauna culicideana atra��da para a hematofagia por uma das iscas al�� expostas: ave, gamb��, lagarto e isca humana comparativa. No per��odo de mar��o de 1983 a setembro de 1985, a fauna culicideana apresentou-se bastante ecl��tica, com uma ligeira tend��ncia ao antropofilismo. A ��nica esp��cie nitidamente ornit��fila foi o Culex nigripalpus, enquanto Cx. (Melanoconion) sp. distribuiu-se, em baixas incid��ncias entre o gamb�� e a ave nas suas prefer��ncias. Alguns sabet��neos, como Trichoprosopon similis, Tr. frontosus, Tr. reversus, Tr. thobaldi, Wyeomyia personata, Wy. confusa, Wy. mystes, Phoniomyia pilicauda, Ph. theobaldi e Limatus durhami, foram capturados, em significativos percentuais, realizando o repasto sang����neo na ave. Entretanto, em nenhuma oportunidade, observamos o lagarto sendo utilizado para hematoagia pelos mosquitos.
Immunofluorescence tests (IF) for toxoplasmosis were performed on a total of 608 schoolchildren in elementary and junior high grades. 166 being in the Bonsucesso district (an urban region of Rio de Janeiro) and 442 children from locations within the lowlands of Jacarepagu�� (with rural characteristics). All the IF-IgM were nonreactive, whilst 416 schoolchildren (68.4%) were IF-IgG serum-reactive ([greater than or equal to] 1:16). The percentages of serum-reactives in Jacarepagu�� were significantly higher than in Bonsucesso, both as regards the total number of schoolchildren (p < 0.001), as also when subdivided according to the age-grades from six to eight years (p < 0.001) or from twelve to fourteen (p < 0.05). Both in Jacarepagu�� and in Bonsucesso, the prevalence of reactions in the 12 to 14 year age-grade was significantly greater than in the 6 to 8 year age-grade (p < 0.001 in both cases). Expressively larger prevalences of serum reactions were found in Jacarepagu�� among schoolchildren who preferred eating raw or undercooked meat, as well as among those having cats as pets; this occurred equally in the 6 to 8 year and in the 12 to 14 year age-grades. In Bonsucesso, the only significant difference was in the 6 to 8 year age-grades that had cats as pets. Thus, it has been verified that the risk of infection is greater and more precocious in localities with rural characteristics than in urban regions.
During March 1984 to February 1985, we captured simuliids and biting midges in the National Park of Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. A study on monthly incidence and biting activity and their correlation to air temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall was made.
Em uma ��rea urbana do munic��pio do Rio de Janeiro, foram criados 10.988 d��pteros caliptratos, pertencentes a quatro fam��lias e 22 esp��cies. As cria����es foram efetuadas em quatro etapas durante os anos de 1986 a 1987. Foram utilizados como substratos: peixe, f��gado, carca��a de camundongo, fezes humanas e caninas, camar��o, siri, banana, manga mama��o e tomate. As esp��cies criadas com maior freq����ncia foram: Fania sp (subgrupo pusio), Atherigona orientalis, Phaenicia eximia, Paraphrissopoda chrisostoma, Chrisomyia megacephala, Ophyra solitaria, Musca domestica, Synthesiomyia nudiseta, Phaenicia cuprina, Ophyra aenescens, Sarcophagula occidua, Morellia flavicornis, e Sarcodexia innota.
A dengue outbreak started in March, 1986 in Rio de Janeiro and spread very rapidly to other parts of the country. The great majority of cases presented classical dengue fever but there was one fatal case, confirmed by virus isolation. Dengue type 1 strains were isolated from patients and vectors (Aedes aegypti) in the area by cultivation in A. albopictus C6/36 cell line. The cytopathic effect (CPE) was studied by electron microscopy. An IgM capture test (MAC-ELISA) was applied with clear and reproducible results for diagnosis and evaluation of virus circulation; IgM antibodies appeared soon after start of clinical disease, and persisted for about 90 days in most patients. The test was type-specific in about 50% of the patients but high levels of heterologous response for type 3 were observed. An overall isolation rate of 46,8% (813 virus strains out of 1734 specimens) was recorded. The IgM test increased the number of confirmed cases to 58,2% (1479 out of 2451 suspected cases). The importance of laboratory diagnosis in all regions where the vectors are present is emphasized.
The immunoloical profile of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and chronic lymphadenopathy syndrome (CLAS) in 15 and 11 Brazilian patients, respectively, was studied. The AIDS patients showed reduced percentage of total T (CD3) and T-helper-inducer (CD4) lymphocytes, relative increase in numbers of T-suppressor-cytotoxic (CD8) cells and a marked inversion of T-helper-inducer/suppressor-cytotoxic (CD4/CD8) ratio. Lymphoproliferative responses to PHA, ConA, PPD and PWM were diminished. Hypergamaglobulinemia and high levels of circulating immune complexes were also found. The CLAS patients also showed important immunological alterations, but not so intense as those with AIDS. These data seems to be similar to those observed in other parts of the world.
From July 1984 to September 1986, 105 cases of American cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied in a locality closely situated to an urbanized area of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Settement in this area was established at least 20 years ago but the first cases were noted six months prior to the beginning of this study. Cases were almost exlusively cutaneous and ulcerated, with one to six months of evolution. Montenegro's skin tests were positive in all cases and anti-Leishmania antibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence test in 74.3% of the patients. Parasites were demonstrated in 69.5% of cases. Domestic animals were easily found infected; 32% of the examined dogs and 30.8% of the examined equines were positive to the presence of Leishmania in cutaneous ulcerated lesions. Parasite isolates from human, dog andequines were immunologically characterized and identified as L. b. braziliensis. 73,0% of the sandfly population were Lutzomyia intermedia mainly caught on human baits and on domestic animals. Our observations suggest that this is an area of recent established L. b. braziliensis infection and that transmission probably occurs indoors or outdoors close to the houses.