729 resultados para Missile Attacks
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar a hipótese de que os Hedge Funds, com sua maneira agressiva de operar e de se alavancar nos mercados financeiros, seriam capazes de potencializar os ataques especulativQs so.fIidos por diversos países nos últimos anos. Como referencial teórico, foram apresentados os modelos maIS discutidos de CrIses cambiais de pnmeIra, segunda e terceira geração. Ainda para sustentar a conclusão de que os Hedge Funds potencializam os ataques especulativos, apresentamos o papel desempenhado pelos Hedge Funds nas recentes cnses cambiais como referencial prático. Esta dissertação está estruturada em três seções, além da Introdução, da Conclusão e da Bibliografia. A primeira apresenta a Indústria dos Hedge Funds e seus principais conceitos; a segunda apresenta alguns dos modelos de crises cambiais mais discutidos na literatura e os modelos de Calvo de 1999 e Corsetti et aI. (2000); e a terceira fala sobre as crises cambiais recentes e o papel desempenhado pelos Hedge Funds nestas crises.
A reputação é considerada o ativo mais importante das empresas. Ela permite o estabelecimento de relações comerciais e garante um bom funcionamento da organização. Quando um evento inesperado surge, a reputação pode ser ameaçada. Os gerentes, líderes da organização, têm então que demonstrar reatividade e capacidade em responder as necessidades dos stakeholders, e capacidade de detectar e consertar as falhas dentro da organização através de um processo de aprendizagem, para evitar conseqüências negativas que poderiam danificar a reputação e impactar o desenvolvimento operacional da empresa. Através da comunicação de crise, observamos que depois da queda do avião AF 447, a companhia Air France adotou diferentes posturas adaptadas ao pedido dos stakeholders e ao grau de ameaça sofrido. Logo depois do acidente, a empresa decidiu adotar a estratégia do reconhecimento, assumindo uma responsabilidade simbólica e comunicando prioritariamente para as famílias das vitimas e para a mídia. Nas seguintes semanas ela utilizou a estratégia do silêncio que consiste em não comunicar diretamente a mídia. Finalmente, ela usou a estratégia do “bode expiatório” quando ela foi sujeita a ataques diretos. As reações da empresa somadas ao avanço das investigações judiciais revelaram falhas organizacionais “históricas” dentro da própria empresa, como por exemplo, a falta de comunicação entre pilotos e gerentes ou uma falha de sensibilidade técnica e operacional da parte dos gerentes. Apesar de problemas interno e externo, a Air France demonstrou que uma comunicação de crise bem gerenciada limita os impactos financeiros e de reputação. As conseqüências negativas sofridas pela companhia Air France foram limitadas.
A endometriose caracteriza-se pela presença de tecido endometriótico – glândulas e estroma – fora da cavidade uterina. A doença acomete superfícies peritoniais da pélvis, ovários e septo rectovaginal, sendo mais comum a endometriose pélvica. Embora os dados sobre a prevalência exata de endometriose sejam incertos, as evidências indicam uma prevalência em torno de 5 a 10% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Dor, dismenorréia, dispareunia e infertilidade são sintomas freqüentes da doença. Além de apresentar dependência aos hormônios sexuais, a endometriose está associada a um conjunto de desordens de diferentes etiologias, sendo considerada uma doença multifatorial de caráter genético e imune. Neste sentido, a carência de respostas imunológicas adequadas, aliada a um provável desequilíbrio entre os processos de proliferação e apoptose celular, pode ter um papel importante na instalação e manutenção das lesões endometrióticas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a expressão de genes relacionados aos processos de proliferação e diferenciação celular em implantes endometrióticos e endométrio eutópico de mulheres inférteis sem e com endometriose, através da análise semiquantitativa por RT-PCR. Foram estudadas 34 pacientes consultando por infertilidade e submetidas à laparoscopia diagnóstica. Quinze pacientes (31,7 ± 1,5 anos) apresentavam endometriose e 19 (32,9 ± 0,9 anos) foram consideradas controles inférteis sem endometriose. Os dois grupos apresentaram IMC e SHBG similares. As biópsias de endométrio foram realizadas, em fase folicular, nas pacientes do grupo controle (C) e nas pacientes com endometriose (endométrio eutópico (EUT) e ectópico (ECT)). A presença do mRNA para os receptores de estrogênio e progesterona detectada nos 3 grupos estudados, sustenta a existência de sensibilidade tecidual local aos hormônios sexuais. Nas condições experimentais do presente estudo não foi observada diferença estatística na expressão gênica de bcl2 entre os grupos. A expressão do gene do ER endometrial também foi similar entre os grupos controle, eutópico e ectópico. Contudo, o endométrio ectópico apresentou níveis de mRNA mais elevados para PR-A (0,84 0,02 UA) em relação aos grupos controle e eutópico (0,60 0,04 UA e 0,63 0,04 UA; p < 0,05). A expressão gênica do PR-B não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os grupos do presente trabalho. Porém, houve forte correlação negativa entre a expressão dos genes bcl2 e PR-B nas amostras de endométrio sem e com endometriose (r = - 0,795 e p = 0,018), sugerindo que um papel anti-proliferativo do PR-B possa ser operativo neste modelo de estudo.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a atuação do Superior Tribunal Militar (STM), segunda instância da Justiça Militar brasileira, entre os anos de 1964 e 1980, no processo de construção de uma nova ordem jurídica e no julgamento de crimes militares, políticos e político-militares. Após o golpe de 31 de março de 1964, o STM teve importante participação no processo de punição jurídico-política então instaurado. Com a edição do Ato Institucional nº 2, em 1965, o julgamento de crimes contra a segurança nacional foi transferido para a Justiça Militar, buscando reordenar problemas gerados pelo emaranhado legislativo que definia até então as atribuições do STM e do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) no julgamento de delitos vinculados à conjuntura política “revolucionária”. Segundo a metodologia adotada neste trabalho, a Justiça Militar como um todo, e o STM em particular, atuaram nesse período por meio de três lógicas distintas: como Justiça corporativa (JC), ou seja, julgando crimes militares; como Justiça do regime (JR), direcionada para o processo e julgamento de opositores do regime, em casos de atentado contra a segurança nacional e contra a probidade administrativa; e como justiça político-corporativa (JPC), julgando incriminados em delitos militares, mas por motivação política. Ao longo da tese, buscamos também acompanhar a maneira como o Tribunal se comportou frente às mudanças políticas e jurídicas, que incidiram em sua estrutura e competência. Como demonstramos no trabalho, o impacto da produção legislativa sobre o labor do STM não foi imediato. A morosidade da justiça e a dinâmica processual geraram um descompasso temporal entre as propostas governamentais de modificação da estrutura jurídica e os julgamentos. Uma das consequências diretas desse fenômeno foi o fato de o STM, principalmente ao atuar como Justiça do regime, ter que lidar, ao mesmo tempo, com leis de segurança nacional que se superpunham e coabitavam o mesmo campo jurídico. Verificamos, ainda, que o padrão decisório do STM ao julgar em cada uma das categorias tendia a reproduzir as decisões das Auditorias Militares, dado esse que nos permite relativizar a difundida tese de que o Tribunal atuou como um espaço de maior serenidade e complacência para com os condenados em primeira instância.
Esta pesquisa objetiva verificar de que forma, no Brasil, as políticas públicas relacionadas às ameaças químicas, biológicas, radiológicas, nucleares e explosivas (QBRNE) contribuem para o preparo de resposta a um incidente de tal natureza. No mundo contemporâneo há uma concentração das populações nos centros urbanos, tornando-as vulneráveis a desastres químicos, biológicos, radiológicos e nucleares, os quais podem ser desencadeados por eventos adversos, intencionais ou não, resultando em grandes impactos humanos, ambientais, materiais, sociais e econômicos à nação. O terrorismo é uma das possibilidades de ocorrência de um grande desastre, utilizando-se principalmente de atentados com explosivos e podendo se valer dos efeitos dos agentes contaminantes. Então, foram pesquisadas e apresentadas políticas públicas e ações do governo federal norte-americano para o trato de ameaças QBRNE, as quais são comparadas à situação prospectada no território brasileiro, por meio da legislação, políticas públicas, orçamento, documentos e bibliografia. Diversas instituições foram avaliadas quanto ao papel a ser desempenhado em uma situação emergencial, sendo os dados tratados por análise de conteúdo e historiografia. A literatura sobre política pública é ampla, com rica discussão sobre as boas práticas de gestão pública, a evolução do papel dos servidores públicos para um ser técnico e político simultaneamente e de que maneira é influenciada a concepção de uma política pública. O Modelo de Fluxos Múltiplos e a Teoria de Equilíbrio Pontuado são usados para compreender o processo dinâmico de construção da agenda decisória no governo federal para o tema estudado. Concluiu-se que as políticas públicas de resposta para ameaças QBRNE surgem dispersas em diversas instituições, promovidas pelas equipes técnicas, de maneira descentralizada e sem uma orientação do governo central, o que acarreta sobreposição de atividades, havendo casos de problemas não tratados, desprezando-se a complementação de recursos e efetivos.
We present a continuous time target zone model of speculative attacks. Contrary to most of the literature that considers the certainty case, i.e., agents know for sure the Central Bank behavior in the future, we build uncertainty into the madel in two different ways. First, we consider the case in whicb the leveI of reserves at which the central bank lets the regime collapse is uncertain. Alternatively, we ana1ize the case in which, with some probability, the government may cbange its policy reducing the initially positive trend in domestic credito In both cases, contrary to the case of a fixed exchange rate regime, speculators face a cost of launching a tentative attack that may not succeed. Such cost induces a delay and may even prevent its occurrence. At the time of the tentative attack, the exchange rate moves either discretely up, if the attack succeeds, or down, if it fails. The remlts are consistent with the fact that, typically, an attack involves substantial profits and losses for the speculators. In particular, if agents believed that the government will control fiscal imbalances in the future, or alternatively, if they believe the trend in domestic credit to be temporary, the attack is postponed even in the presence of a signal of an imminent collapse. Finally, we aIso show that the timing of a speculative attack increases with the width of the target zone.
This paper develops a game theoretic model of a "Buy-or-Sell" auction. Participants have to submit both a bid and an offer price for up to one of the many units of the good being auctioned. The bid-ask spread is set in advance by the auctioneer. Such an auction was used by the Central Bank of Brazil to intervene in the foreign exchange market during the exchange rate crawling-peg regime (1995-1999). I investigate whether such mechanism is more effective than standard intervention auctions to prevent speculative attacks in the context of managed exchange rate regimes.
The urban expansion problem of Baía Formosa, a southern edge city of de Rio Grande do Norte eastern coast, which has been presented in other coast Brazilian towns, specially on those with tourist activities increase. Therefore, this situation brings huge concerns to their inhabitants, to their technical /scientific community and to the governments, because of the conflicts of interest and of the growth of urban problems that this has been created. At Baía Formosa, the situation is aggravated because the city is confined, once around it, there are large private proprieties, environmental preservation area and the sea, at the eastern edge. The objectives of this study are the analyses of this city expansion process in order to obtain adequate alternatives and defining methodology to apply in other urban nucleus that are subjected to similar situations. Of course, presents social relations, environmental conditions and promoting local population insertion should be considered in order that enjoin this process and contributing to a better social balance. This case study has used bibliography research, field data, maps and soil occupation recorders and photographs of the area, besides the primary data gathering by surveys carried out with many social actors. The present analysis shows that the urban expansion observed today is featured by a recent unsustainable model, which attacks the environment and brings either farm conflicts. On the other hand, the ecological tourism can represent an alternative in order to achieve an adequate expansion form, without forgetting the several structural parameters necessary to support the sustainable activities
Plodia interpunctella (Indian meal moth) is a cosmopolitan pest that attacks not only a wide range of stored grain as well other food products. Due to its economic importance several researches have focused in a method with ability to control this pest with few or no damage to the environment. The study of digestive enzymes inhibitors, lectins and chitin-binding proteins, has often been proposed as an alternative to reduce insect damage. In this study we report the major classes of digestive enzymes during larval growth in P. Interpunctella, being those proteinases actives at pH 9.5 and optimum temperature of 50 oC to both larvae of the 3rd instar and pre-pupal stage of development. In vitro and zymogram assays presented the effects of several inhibitors, such as SBTI, TLCK and PMSF to intestinal homogenate of 3rd instar larvae of 62%, 92% and 87% of inhibition and In pre-pupal stage of 87%, 62 % and 55% of inhibition, respectively. Zymograms showed inhibition of two low molecular masses protein bands by TLCK and that in presence of SBTI were retarded. These results are indicative of predominance of digestive serine proteinases in gut homogenate from Plodia interpunctella larvae. This serine proteinase was then used as a target to evaluate the effect of SBTI on larvae in in vivo assay. Effect of SBTI on mortality and larval mass was not observed at until 4% of concentration (w/w) in diets. Chitin, another target to insecticidal proteins, was observed by chemical method. Moreover, optic microscopy confirmed the presence of a peritrophic membrane. Established this target, in vivo effect of EvV, a chitin binding vicilin, evaluated during the larval development of P. interpunctella and was obtained a LD50 of 0,23% and WD50 of 0,27% to this protein. Mechanism of action was proposed through of the in vivo digestibility of EvV methodology. During the passage through the larval digestive tract was observed that EvV was susceptible to digestive enzymes and a reactive fragment, visualized by Western blotting, produced by digestion was recovered after dissociation of the peritrophic membrane. The bound of EvV to peritrophic membrane was confirmed by immunohystochemical assays that showed strong immunofluorescent signal of EvV-FITC binding and peritrophic membrane. These results are a indicative that vicilins could be utilized as potential insecticide to Plodia interpunctella and a control methods using EvV as bioinsecticide should be studied to reduce lost caused by storage insect pests
Natural nanoclays are of great interest particularly for the production of polymer-based nanocomposites. In this work, kaolinite clays from two natural deposits in the State of the Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba were purified with thermal treatment and chemical treatments, and characterized. Front to the gotten data, had been proposals methodologies for elimination or reduction of coarse particle texts, oxide of iron and organic substance. These methodologies had consisted of the combination of operations with thermal treatments, carried through in electric oven, and acid chemical attacks with and hydrogen peroxide. The Analyzers Thermogravimetric was used to examine the thermal stability of the nanoclays. The analysis indicated weight losses at temperatures under 110 ºC and over the temperature range of 350 to 550 ºC. Based on the thermal analysis data, the samples were submitted to a thermal treatment at 500 °C, for 8 h, to remove organic components. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that thermal treatment under 500 °C affect the basic structure of kaolinite. The BET surface area measurements ranged from 32 to 38 m2/g for clay samples with thermal treatment and from 36 to 53 m2/g for chemically treated samples. Thus, although the thermal treatment increased the surface area, through the removal of organic components, the effect was not significant and chemical treatment is more efficient, not affect the basic structure of kaolinite, to improve particle dispersion. SEM analysis confirms that the clay is agglomerated forming micron-size particles
The epilepsy is one of the neurological disorders more common in the pediatric period, and which interferes significantly in the psycho and social life of children and teenagers. The objective of this study was analyzing the practice of sedentary practices, physicals, traditional infant fun and games of children and teenagers with and without epilepsy. The study was prospective, transversal descriptive, done with 60 children and teenagers with epilepsy (Epileptic Group - EG) patients from Pediatric Neurology Clinic of the Centre Integrated Health Lineu Araújo and 60 children and teenagers without epilepsy (Control Group - CG) students from municipal public school, both of the two groups paired with the same age (age group 7 to 14 years) of both the genders (female = 25/41,6% and male = 35/58,3%) of the Teresina city Piauí. It was done two pattern questionnaires, one applied to children and teenagers of the EG and CG to identify the sedentary activities, physical and traditional infant games and other to the parents/responsible of the EG about the clinical and demographic information. The results permitted the elaboration of two manuscripts: a) the first one titled The Practice of Sedentary and Physical Activities of Children and Teenagers with Epilepsy which showed significant difference in the sedentary activities of playing with car toy (p=0,021) to the EG and reading to the CG (p=0,001); in the physical activities the school physical education (p=0,001) and riding a bike (p=0,014) to the CG; b) the second one The Practice of Infant Games and Fun the children and teenagers with and without Epilepsy in this one the playing with marble presented significant difference (p=0,016) to the CG, despite the girls of the two groups don t do this activity. Observing the distribution of frequencies, it was verified that in the play catch-up and hide-and-seek and burn the EG plays more than the CG both in female and male gender. The girls of the EG play less skip, 60 while the boys of the two groups don t play. Elastic jump the girls of the two groups play in a same frequency and the boys don t participate of this fun. The seizures were found to occur during: soccer (23,3%); hide-and-seek (6,6%) and running (3,3%). In the sedentary activities, seizures were reported to occur: resting and watching TV (18,3%), sleeping (36,0%); sitting (13,3%) and lying down (11,7%). Our results showed that the epileptic group and the controls group engage in the same activities, although the epileptic group participates less than the controls. Although the EG had presented a bigger percentage of generalized attacks, they don t occur during the practice of formal physical activities. The research was developed by a multidisciplinary team, and this contributed a lot to the realization of this study
This work aims to show that the protection of the employment relation is one of the determining factors to respect the principle of the human dignity. The goal is initially to show the devaluation of work from antiquity to the early twentieth century, when the constitutions began to standardize protective devices. This way, the consecration of the social labor rights in the Constitution of 1988 represents the culmination of the historical achievements. This work demonstrates that such rights can not be reduced or suppressed by political conveniences, once these rights are included in the list of immutable clauses. It is displayed that to achieve the fundamental right to work is not well advised to encourage the creation of jobs that maculates the worker s dignity. The outsourced work is, therefore, a classic example of the advancement of precarious forms of contemporary labor. It is inferred that the presence of various forms of harassment results in a degradation of working environment, bringing about dire consequences on professional and personal life of the worker. Thus, decent work must be the appropriate benchmark for the creation of new jobs. It is also shown that the flexibilization of the propaganda rights by certain pressure groups has as main goal to reduce or eliminate rights, based on fallacious data depicting an increase of competitiveness and jobs. In addition, the flexibility implies a growth of the precarization of the work - a reality felt by many workers subjected to such a situation due to the unemployment phenomenon whose origin is not in the protectionism of the norms. It is necessary to expand and structure the constitutionally legitimate institutions to monitor and curb the precarized work, as well as all practices that go against the dignity of the worker. It is also shown the loss of power of the sindicates in the last few years as a consequence of the pulverization workes and the capital attacks through the productive restructure whose outsourcings and privatizations are notorious examples
The Brazilian Constitution aims to regularize the broadest possible the fundamental grounded in the value and supreme principle of human dignity, supporting a Democratic State of Law, to essentially give basic rights to all for a dignified existence. As the result of a historical development, fundamental rights incorporated by legal order represents a real reaction against acts that ignored the dignity of each person in one of these scenarios, especially inserted into the labor relationship, the principle of protection comes to balance and compose such relationship between employers and workers, raising this principle as axiological essence of this subject, based especially on the protection and guarantee of fundamental rights of the worker. For this study, was developed a literature research using books, legislation, legal websites and articles related to the subject, in order to analyze the principle of protection insert in the legal order, properly authoritative on the principle of equality, the social value of the work of human dignity to confer protection to the most vulnerable and admittedly weak of the labor relationship in order to serve the specific regulations legal practical tools and effective protection, against the employer hierarchical power and steering that can not change into abuses and attacks on the fundamental rights of the worker. In conclusion, is not enough, recognizing the vulnerability of the worker, it is necessary to carry out protective legal instruments in line with the the human dignity, consectário logical fundamental rights of workers, to be held in a proportional manner and sometimes flexible, depending on the case. Protection has a beginning and end to ensure that the human dignity that must presuppose a working relationship achieved by orderly and normative power of constitutional norms, with the aim of designing that labor is not an end in itself, but a means to the achievement of the economic advancement by promoting social development and providing necessary support for the increasingly marked impairment of fundamental rights of the worker
This study aimed to evaluate if Parisoschoenus obesulus Casey only attacks naturally aborting coconuts and, consequently, is not a pest of young fruits of coconut tree. Aiming to test this hypothesis, inflorescences at diverse stages of physiological development were offered to individuals of P. obesulus. The results showed that only aborting fruits were colonized by P. obesulus corroborating the established hypothesis.
The present work evaluated larvae cannibalism of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, originated from eggs exposed to triiodothyronine, in the period of 36 to 72 hours after hatching. Observed parameters were: weight and length of larvae, stomach content, presence of cannibalism and type of attacks. This study was carried out at Centro de Pesquisa e Gestao de Recursos Pesqueiros Continentais (CEPTA/IBAMA), Pirassununga-SP, in November 2004. Three females were hormonally induced to spawn and pooled oocytes were fertilized and separated into four batches that constituted the treatments: L-1 (control - water); L-2 (0.01 ppm T-3); L-3 (0.05 ppm T-3) and L-4 (0.1 ppm T-3). Eggs were exposed during 15 minutes to water or to solutions containing the different concentrations of T3. Eggs were distributed in 12 conic incubators (60 L), with three replicates per treatment. There was stocked 500 mL of eggs per incubator and hatched larvae were counted. Samples of 30 larvae per treatment were colleted during occurrence of cannibalism (36, 48, 60 and 72 hours post hatching). Predator larvae (with rests of larvae in the stomach) were 50% of the total number of larvae and they presented weight 50% higher compared to that of non predator larvae (without rests of larvae in the stomach) and 9% higher regarding length. Coefficient of variation of weight and length did not differ among treatments, showing similarity in relation to the size. The stomach content revealed that cannibalism occurred in around 50-60 % of larvae, regardless the exposure to the triiodothyronine, and attacks were characterized as head-tail and tail-head attacks.