813 resultados para Microstructure fabrication
This thesis presents details on progress made in the fabrication and application of short and novel structure fibre Bragg gratings. The basic theoretical concepts of in-fibre Bragg gratings and photosensitive mechanisms are introduced together with an overview of fabrication methods and applications presented to date. The fabrication of fibre Bragg gratings using a quadrupled Nd:YAG laser is presented and some of the issues of grating fabrication using a fabrication using a phasemask are investigated, including the variation of the separation of the fibre and phasemask, and other alignment issues. A new apodisation technique is presented, enabling the production of gratings with a wide range of spectral profiles. The technique is used to investigate the design and fabrication of length limited fibre Bragg gratings for use in telecommunication systems as filters. Application to devices designed for use in WDM systems is presented. The use of fibre Bragg gratings as high spatial resolution distributed sensors is investigated. Grating sensing arrays comprising very short apodised gratings are demonstrated and Chirped Moiré gratings are implemented as distributed sensors achieving high spatial resolution with miniature point sensing sub-elements. A novel grating sensing element designed to imitate an interferometer is also presented. Finally, the behaviour of gratings fabricated in Boron-Germania-co-doped fibre is investigated, revealing atypical behaviour of the Bragg wavelength during ageing.
This thesis address the creation of fibre Bragg grating based sensors and the fabrication systems which are used to manufacture them. The information is presented primarily with experimental evidence, backed up with the current theoretical concepts. The issues involved in fabricating high quality fibre Bragg gratings are systematically investigated. Sources of errors in the manufacturing processes are detected, analysed and reduced to allow higher quality gratings to be fabricated. The use of chirped Moiré gratings as distributed sensors is explored, the spatial resolution is increased beyond that of any previous work and the use of the gratings as distributed load sensors is also presented. Chirped fibre Bragg gratings are shown to be capable of operating as in-situ wear sensors, capable of accurately measuring the wear or erosion of the surface of a material. Two methods of measuring the wear are compared, giving a comparison between an expensive high resolution method and a cheap lower resolution method. The wear sensor is also shown to be capable of measuring the physical size and location of damage induced on the surface of a material. An array method is demonstrated to provide a high survivability such that the array may be damaged yet operate with minimal degradation in performance.
The consequences of fabricating Bragg gratings in various fibres, with or without hydrogen loading, and with varying laser power levels are explored. Three new techniques for fabricating chirped gratings are presented. Beams with dissimilar wavefront curvatures are interfered to give chirped gratings. With the same aim techniques of writing gratings on tapered fibres and on deformed fibres are also covered. With these techniques, a wide variety of gratings has been fabricated from the 'superbroad' (with bandwidths of up to 180 nm), small to medium bandwidth gratings with linear chirp profiles and quadratic chirped gratings. It is demonstrated that chirped grating can be concatenated to form all-fibre Fabry-Perot and Moiré resonators. These are further concatenated with chirped gratings to produce filters with narrow passbands and very broad stopbands. A number of other applications are also addressed. The use of chirped fibre gratings for dispersion compensation and femtosecond chirped pulse amplification is demonstrated. Chirped gratings are used as dispersive elements in modelocked fibre lasers producing ultrashort pulses. A chirped fibre grating Fabry-Perot transmission filter is used in a continuous wave laser that exhibits eleven simultaneously lasing wavelengths. Finally, the use of grating-coupler devices as variable reflectivity mirrors for laser optimisation and gain clamping is considered.
The fabrication of micro-channels in single-mode optical fibers is demonstrated using focused femtosecond laser processing and chemical etching. Straight line micro-channels are achieved based on a simple technique which overcomes limitations imposed by the fiber curved surface.
The purpose of this thesis is to shed more light in the FX market microstructure by examining the determinants of bid-ask spread for three currencies pairs, the US dollar/Japanese yen, the British pound/US dollar and the Euro/US dollar in different time zones. I examine the commonality in liquidity with the elaboration of FX market microstructure variables in financial centres across the world (New York, London, Tokyo) based on the quotes of three exchange rate currency pairs over a ten-year period. I use GARCH (1,1) specifications, ICSS algorithm, and vector autoregression analysis to examine the effect of trading activity, exchange rate volatility and inventory holding costs on both quoted and relative spreads. ICSS algorithm results show that intraday spread series are much less volatile compared to the intraday exchange rate series as the number of change points obtained from ICSS algorithm is considerably lower. GARCH (1,1) estimation results of daily and intraday bid-ask spreads, show that the explanatory variables work better when I use higher frequency data (intraday results) however, their explanatory power is significantly lower compared to the results based on the daily sample. This suggests that although daily spreads and intraday spreads have some common determinants there are other factors that determine the behaviour of spreads at high frequencies. VAR results show that there are some differences in the behaviour of the variables at high frequencies compared to the results from the daily sample. A shock in the number of quote revisions has more effect on the spread when short term trading intervals are considered (intra-day) compared to its own shocks. When longer trading intervals are considered (daily) then the shocks in the spread have more effect on the future spread. In other words, trading activity is more informative about the future spread when intra-day trading is considered while past spread is more informative about the future spread when daily trading is considered
We measure complex amplitude of scattered wave in the far field, and justify theoretically and numerically solution of the inverse scattering problem. This allows single-shot reconstructing of dielectric function distribution during direct femtosecond laser micro-fabrication.
We report on a new technique to reconstruct the 3D dielectric function change in transparent dielectric materials and the application of the technique for on-line monitoring of refractive index modification in BK7 glass during direct femtosecond laser microfabrication. The complex optical field scattered from the modified region is measured using two-beam, single-shot interferogram and the distribution of the modified refractive index is reconstructed by numerically solving the inverse scattering problem in Born approximation. The optical configuration suggested is further development of digital holographic microscopy (DHM). It takes advantage of high spatial resolution and almost the same optical paths for both interfering beams, and allows ultrafast time resolution.
This work describes the fabrication of nanospheres from a range of novel polyhydroxyalkanoates supplied by Monsanto, St Louis, Missouri, USA for the delivery of selected actives of both pharmaceutical and agricultural interest. Initial evaluation of established microsphere and nanosphere fabrication techniques resulted in the adoption and optimisation of a double sonication solvent evaporation method involving the synperonic surfactant F68. Nanospheres could be consistently generated with this method. Studies on the incorporation and release of the surrogate protein Bovine Serum Albumin V demonstrated that BSA could be loaded with between 10-40% w/w BSA without nanosphere destabilisation. BSA release from nanospheres into Hanks Balanced Salts Solution, pH 7.4, could be monitored for up to 28 days at 37°C. The incorporation and release of the Monsanto actives - the insecticide Admire® ({ 1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyIJ-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine}) and the plant growth hormone potassium salt Gibberellic acid (GA3K) from physico-chemically characterised polymer nanospheres was monitored for up to 37 days and 28 days respectively, at both 4°C and 23°C. Release data was subsequently fitted to established kinetic models to elaborate the possible mechanisms of release of actives from the nanospheres. The exposure of unloaded nanospheres to a range of physiological media and rural rainwater has been used to investigate the role polymer biodegradation by enzymatic and chemical means might play in the in vivo release of actives and agricultural applications. The potential environmental biodegradation of Monsanto polymers has been investigated using a composting study (International Standard ISO/FDIS 14855) in which the ultimate aerobic biodegradation of the polymers has been monitored by the analysis of evolved carbon dioxide. These studies demonstrated the potential of the polymers for use in the environment, for example as a pesticide delivery system.
Investigations concentrated on the styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) latex and formulations included standard carboxylated and special carboxylated latexes. The aqueous component, containing the stabilisers and antifoaming agent but not the polymer solids, was also used. For comparison, limited investigations were carried out using other polymer types e.g. acrylic, ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), and redispersible powders rather than emulsions. The major findings were: 1) All latex systems investigated acted as retarders for cement hydration. The extent of retardation depends on the type of polymer. The mechanism for cement hydration may be changed, and excessive retardation influences properties. 2) Polymer modified cements exhibited either similar or coarser pore structures compared with unmodified cements. Results suggest that polymer mainly exists in a mixture of cement hydrates and polymer phase. Very little evidence was found for the formation of a distinct polymer film phase. 3) During the first few days of curing the polymer solids are removed from the pore solution and concentrations of OH-, Na+ and K+ are reduced. These observations are probably a result of polymer-cement surface interactions since there was no evidence of any chemical reactions or degradation of the polymer. 4) Improved diffusional resistance of modified cements depends on the ability to achieve adequate workability at low w/c ratio, rather than modification of matrix structure.