986 resultados para Menken, Alan: Arabian yöt


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Background Estimates of the disease burden due to multiple risk factors can show the potential gain from combined preventive measures. But few such investigations have been attempted, and none on a global scale. Our aim was to estimate the potential health benefits from removal of multiple major risk factors. Methods We assessed the burden of disease and injury attributable to the joint effects of 20 selected leading risk factors in 14 epidemiological subregions of the world. We estimated population attributable fractions, defined as the proportional reduction in disease or mortality that would occur if exposure to a risk factor were reduced to an alternative level, from data for risk factor prevalence and hazard size. For every disease, we estimated joint population attributable fractions, for multiple risk factors, by age and sex, from the direct contributions of individual risk factors. To obtain the direct hazards, we reviewed publications and re-analysed cohort data to account for that part of hazard that is mediated through other risks. Results Globally, an estimated 47% of premature deaths and 39% of total disease burden in 2000 resulted from the joint effects of the risk factors considered. These risks caused a substantial proportion of important diseases, including diarrhoea (92%-94%), lower respiratory infections (55-62%), lung cancer (72%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (60%), ischaemic heart disease (83-89%), and stroke (70-76%). Removal of these risks would have increased global healthy life expectancy by 9.3 years (17%) ranging from 4.4 years (6%) in the developed countries of the western Pacific to 16.1 years (43%) in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Interpretation Removal of major risk factors would not only increase healthy life expectancy in every region, but also reduce some of the differences between regions, The potential for disease prevention and health gain from tackling major known risks simultaneously would be substantial.


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China holds the key to solving many questions crucial to global control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The disease appears to have originated in Guangdong Province, and the causative agent, SARS coronavirus, is likely to have originated from an animal host, perhaps sold in public markets. Epidemiologic findings, integral to defining an animal-human linkage, may be confirmed by laboratory studies; once animal host(s) are confirmed, interventions may be needed to prevent further animal-to-human transmission. Community seroprevalence studies may help determine the basis for the decline in disease incidence in Guangdong Province after February 2002. China will also be able to contribute key data about how the causative agent is transmitted and how it is evolving, as well as identifying pivotal factors influencing disease outcome.


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Vps4p (End13p) is an AAA-family ATPase that functions in membrane transport through endosomes, sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins to the vacuole, and multivesicular body (MVB) sorting of membrane proteins to the vacuole lumen. In a yeast two-hybrid screen with Vps4p as bait we isolated VPS20 (YMR077c) and the novel open reading frame YLA181c, for which the name VTA1 has recently been assigned (Saccharomyces Genome Database). Vps4p directly binds Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro and binding is not dependent on ATP-conversely, Vps4p binding to Vps20p is partially sensitive to ATP hydrolysis. Both ATP binding [Vps4p-(K179A)] and ATP hydrolysis [Vps4p-(E233Q)] mutant proteins exhibit enhanced binding to Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro. The Vps4p-Vps20p interaction involves the coiled-coil domain of each protein, whereas the Vps4p-Vta1p interaction involves the (non-coiled-coil) C-terminus of each protein. Deletion of either VPS20 (vps20Delta) or VTA1 (vta1Delta) leads to similar class E Vps(-) phenotypes resembling those of vps4Delta, including carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) secretion, a block in ubiquitin-dependent MVB sorting, and a delay in both post-internalisation endocytic transport and biosynthetic transport to the vacuole. The vacuole resident membrane protein Sna3p (whose MVB sorting is ubiquitin-independent) does not appear to exit the class E compartment or reach the vacuole in cells lacking Vps20p, Vta1p or Vps4p, in contrast to other proteins whose delivery to the vacuole is only delayed. We propose that Vps20p and Vta1p regulate Vps4p function in vivo.


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A barracuda implicated in ciguatera fish poisoning in Guadeloupe was estimated to have an overall flesh toxicity of 15 MUg/g using mouse bioassay. A lipid soluble extract was separated into two toxic fractions, FrA and FrB, on a LH20 Sephadex column eluted with dichloromethane/methanol (1:1). When intraperitoneal injected into mice, FrA provoked symptoms characteristic of slow-acting ciguatoxins, whereas FrB produced symptoms indicative of fast-acting toxins (FAT). High performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/radio-ligand binding (HPLC/MS/RLB) analysis confirmed the two fractions were distinct, because only a weak overlap of some compounds was observed. HPLC/MS/RLB analysis revealed C-CTX-1 as the potent toxin present in FrA, and two coeluting active compounds at m/z 809.43 and 857.42 in FrB, all displaying the characteristic pattern of ion formation for hydroxy-polyethers. Other C-CTX congeners and putative hydroxy-polyether-like compounds were detected in both fractions, however, the RLB found them inactive. C-CTX-1 accounted for >90% of total toxicity in this barracuda and was confirmed to be a competitive inhibitor of brevetoxin binding to voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSCs) with a potency two-times lower than P-CTX-1. However, FAT active on VSSCs and


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This study compares the performance of the Quickscreen and Default protocols of the ILO-96 Otodynamics Analyzer in recording transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) from adults using clinical decision analysis. Data were collected from 25 males (mean age = 29.0 years, SD = 6.8) and 35 females (mean age = 28.1 years, SD = 9.6). The results showed that the mean signal-to-noise ratios obtained from the Quickscreen were significantly greater than those from the Default protocol at 1,2, and 4 kHz. The comparison of the performance of the two protocols, based on the results using receiver operating characteristics curves, revealed a higher performance of the Quickscreen than the Default protocol at 1 and 4 kHz but not at 2 kHz. In view of the enhanced performance of the Quickscreen over the Default protocol in general, the routine use of the Default protocol for testing adults in audiology clinics should be reconsidered.


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Over the past decade or so, there has been increasing demand for greater clarity about the major causes of disease and injury, how these differentially affect populations, and how they are changing. In part, this demand has been motivated by resource constraints and a realisation that better health is possible with more informed allocation of resources. At the same time, there has been a change in the way population health and its determinants are quantified, with a much closer integration of the quantitative population sciences (such as epidemiology, demography and health economics) to strengthen and broaden the evidence base for healthcare policy.


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Te??ricos apontam um estreitamento nas rela????es das entidades do terceiro setor com o Estado. Esta aproxima????o, numa perspectiva internacional, est?? inserida no que se convencionou chamar crise do Estado provedor e, portanto, na busca por modelos alternativos de implementa????o de pol??ticas sociais. No ??mbito nacional, a expans??o do terceiro setor ??, em parte, fruto da redemocratiza????o do pa??s, com a prolifera????o e o amadurecimento de iniciativas da sociedade civil. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a reflex??o sobre o contexto onde surgem e se desenvolvem essas rela????es. Parece-nos que lan??ar luz sobre a id??ia de parceria pode colaborar na compreens??o das potencialidades e limites desse modelo de coopera????o intersetorial.


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O presente artigo ?? parte de um estudo explorat??rio cujo objetivo foi analisar as vantagens e desvantagens na aquisi????o de bens e servi??os por meio das modalidades de licita????o preg??o presencial e eletr??nico no servi??o p??blico. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso na Funda????o Nacional de Sa??de da Para??ba. A parte da pesquisa divulgada neste artigo, al??m de uma s??ntese sobre o referencial te??rico, apresenta as caracter??sticas investigadas da modalidade de licita????o preg??o, comparando suas formas presencial e eletr??nica na institui????o estudada. Os resultados apontam aspectos relevantes quanto ??s quest??es: vantagens e desvantagens do preg??o eletr??nico em rela????o ao preg??o presencial e vice-versa; recursos para atendimento de despesas; planejamento anual da FUNASA/PB; economia de pre??o; economia e repasse de recursos para outras necessidades; prazos de fornecimento; treinamento e capacita????o de pessoal. Conclui a exposi????o destacando alguns pontos fortes e fracos do processo, sugerindo medidas a serem avaliadas no que tange a capacita????o de pessoal e planejamento anual na FUNASA/PB.


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As teorias sobre a burocracia governamental e seu comportamento fornecem diferentes abordagens te??ricas e diferentes interpreta????es. A partir da tipologia de agentes burocr??ticos criada por Anthony Downs (1967), esse trabalho analisa os servidores p??blicos federais brasileiros e sua postura face ao trabalho. Com a aplica????o de question??rios a um grupo de servidores, buscou-se verificar a exist??ncia e/ou pertin??ncia dos tipos descritos como alpinistas, conservadores, defensores, militantes e homens de Estado. Os dados obtidos foram tratados pela t??cnica de an??lise de aglomerados. Os resultados encontrados apontam que a tipologia possui limites fluidos entre um perfil de burocrata e outro, acenando para a necessidade de se repensar as concep????es sobre a burocracia governamental e aprofundar os estudos.


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O objetivo deste artigo é compreender o contexto internacional que possibilitou a criação do Mercosul e as condições que favoreceram a definição de seu modelo. Se por um lado esse contexto foi marcado pela globalização, por outro a evolução do regionalismo econômico deixará fortes traços no formato da integração dos países do Cone Sul. As transformações mundiais marcadas pela nova ordem internacional do Pós-guerra e, posteriormente, pelo fim da Guerra Fria não deixarão de influenciar a América Latina. Através de uma abordagem histórico-analítica, os autores buscam mostrar que o Mercosul adotou características de duas gerações distintas do regionalismo, como resultado de uma experiência histórica particular.


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O Brasil é o maior produtor, consumidor e exportador de sementes de espécies forrageiras de clima tropical. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar o desenvolvimento inicial de Brachiaria dictyoneura cv. Llanero, em função da profundidade de semeadura e dos métodos de superação de dormência. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e em esquema de parcela subdividida. Os tratamentos aplicados às parcelas foram cinco, com as profundidades de semeadura de 0,0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0 e 8,0 cm e, nas subparcelas, os métodos de superação da dormência com e sem escarificação. Cada parcela experimental foi constituída de 25 sementes. A partir do 10º dia de semeadura iniciou-se a contagem de plantas emergidas, a fim de se determinar o índice de velocidade de emergência e, aos 35 dias posteriores à semeadura, avaliou-se a emergência das plântulas, a altura de plantas e a matéria seca da parte aérea. As sementes de B. dictioneura semeadas em torno de 4,0 cm de profundidade e submetidas à escarificação mecânica apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento em todos os parâmetros avaliados. A semeadura superficial e aquela em profundidades abaixo de 4,0 cm mostraram-se ineficientes para o desenvolvimento inicial de B. dictioneura.


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ABSTRACT Sorghum arundinaceum (Desv.) Stapf is a weed that belongs to the Poaceae family and is widespread throughout Brazil. Despite the frequent occurrence, infesting cultivated areas, there is little research concerning the biology and physiology of this species. The objective of this research was to evaluate the growth, carbon partitioning and physiological characteristics of the weed Sorghum arundinaceum in greenhouse. Plants were collected at regular intervals of seven days, from 22 to 113 days after transplanting (DAT). In each sample, we determined plant height, root volume, leaf area and dry matter, and subsequently we perfomed the growth analysis, we have determined the dry matter partitioning among organs, the accumulation of dry matter, the specific leaf area, the relative growth rate and leaf weight ratio. At 36, 78 and 113 DAT, the photosynthetic and transpiration rates, stomatal conductance, CO2 concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence were evaluated. The Sorghum arundinaceum reached 1.91 in height, with slow initial growth and allocated much of the biomass in the roots. The photosynthetic rate and the maximum quantum yield of FSII are similar throughout the growth cycle. At maturity the Sorghum arundinaceum presents higher values of transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and non-photochemical quenching coefficient (NPQ).


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RESUMO Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o crescimento de quatro cultivares de alface, nas condições do sul do Piauí, para recomendar os melhores para a região. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em blocos casualizados, com avaliação em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, avaliadas em seis épocas (20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 dias após a semeadura - DAS) e com os tratamentos correspondentes a quatro cultivares (Americana Rafaela(r), Grand Rapids TBR(r), Crespa Repolhuda(r) e Repolhuda Todo ano(r)), com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados área foliar, número de folhas, diâmetro de coleto, massa fresca da parte aérea, massa seca da parte aérea, de raízes e total e os índices fisiológicos da análise de crescimento. Os cultivares de alface interferiram significativamente nos parâmetros estudados, sendo que Americana Rafaela(r) e Repolhuda todo ano(r), nas condições a que foram submetidas, apresentaram melhores desempenhos e maiores índices morfofisiológicos, cultivados em vaso. Os cultivares Americana Rafaela(r) e Repolhuda todo ano(r) podem ser produzidos nas condições do sul do Piauí.