864 resultados para Memory in motion pictures
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty have been reported to alter the mechanical behavior of the treated and adjacent-level segments, and have been suggested to increase the risk for adjacent-level fractures. The intervertebral disc (IVD) plays an important role in the mechanical behavior of vertebral motion segments. Comparisons between normal and degenerative IVD motion segments following cement augmentation have yet to be reported. A microstructural finite element model of a degenerative IVD motion segment was constructed from micro-CT images. Microdamage within the vertebral body trabecular structure was used to simulate a slightly (I = 83.5% of intact stiffness), moderately (II = 57.8% of intact stiffness), and severely (III = 16.0% of intact stiffness) damaged motion segment. Six variable geometry single-segment cement repair strategies (models A-F) were studied at each damage level (I-III). IVD and bone stresses, and motion segment stiffness, were compared with the intact and baseline damage models (untreated), as well as, previous findings using normal IVD models with the same repair strategies. Overall, small differences were observed in motion segment stiffness and average stresses between the degenerative and normal disc repair models. We did however observe a reduction in endplate bulge and a redistribution in the microstructural tissue level stresses across both endplates and in the treated segment following early stage IVD degeneration. The cement augmentation strategy placing bone cement along the periphery of the vertebra (model E) proved to be the most advantageous in treating the degenerative IVD models by showing larger reductions in the average bone stresses (vertebral and endplate) as compared to the normal IVD models. Furthermore, only this repair strategy, and the complete cement fill strategy (model F), were able to restore the slightly damaged (I) motion segment stiffness above pre-damaged (intact) levels. Early stage IVD degeneration does not have an appreciable effect in motion segment stiffness and average stresses in the treated and adjacent-level segments following vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. Placing bone cement in the periphery of the damaged vertebra in a degenerative IVD motion segment, minimizes load transfer, and may reduce the likelihood of adjacent-level fractures.
En este artículo se analiza el grado de persistencia de las fluctuaciones cíclicas en la economía española. En concreto, se estudia si el PIB y el PIB por capita de esta economía presentan una raíz unitaria. Con el fin de evitar el sesgo a aceptar raíces unitarias cuando se producen cambios en la función de tendencia, como el originado por la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939), se han aplicado varios contrastes que tienen en cuenta los cambios en la función de tendencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existe una importante evidencia en el sentido que el logaritmo del PIB presenta una raíz unitaria. La principal implicación de este resultado es que los shocks sobre el producto tienen efectos permanentes en el nivel del PIB de la economía española, aun cuando esta hipótesis es más difícil de aceptar por el PIB por capita vista la evidencia contradictoria encontrada a favor de la misma.
En este artículo se analiza el grado de persistencia de las fluctuaciones cíclicas en la economía española. En concreto, se estudia si el PIB y el PIB por capita de esta economía presentan una raíz unitaria. Con el fin de evitar el sesgo a aceptar raíces unitarias cuando se producen cambios en la función de tendencia, como el originado por la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939), se han aplicado varios contrastes que tienen en cuenta los cambios en la función de tendencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existe una importante evidencia en el sentido que el logaritmo del PIB presenta una raíz unitaria. La principal implicación de este resultado es que los shocks sobre el producto tienen efectos permanentes en el nivel del PIB de la economía española, aun cuando esta hipótesis es más difícil de aceptar por el PIB por capita vista la evidencia contradictoria encontrada a favor de la misma.
Abstract Working memory has been defined as the ability to maintain and manipulate on-line a limited amount of information. A large number of studies have investigated visuospatial working memory in schizophrenia. However, today, the available data concerning the functioning of these processes in schizophrenia are largely controversial. These inconclusive results are due to incomplete knowledge on processes involved in visuospatial working memory tasks. Recent studies suggest that visuospatial working memory processes may be divided into an active monitoring and a storing components. Furthermore, it has been shown that visuospatial working memory processes are strongly interconnected with early encoding processes (perceptual organization). In our view, the two working memory components, and the relationship that they entertain with early encoding processes, may be investigated using dynamic and static visuospatial stimuli in a working memory paradigm. In this thesis we aim at comparing dynamic and static visuospatial working memory processes in patients with schizophrenia and first-episode of psychosis patients. This analysis may clarify the functioning of visuospatial working memory and the dysfunction of these processes in schizophrenia. Our results are in accord with the hypothesis of two visuospatial working memory subcomponents. Dynamic, rather than static, stimuli are strongly involved in the visuospatial working memory encoding process. Indeed, the results are congruent with the idea that static stimuli may be strongly encoded by parallel perceptual organization processes. Patients with schizophrenia show important deficits in both working memory and perceptual organization encoding processes. In contrast, perceptual organization processes seem spared in firstepisodepsychosis patients. Considering our findings, we propose a model to explain the degradation of visuospatial processes involved in a working memory task during schizophrenia. Résumé: La mémoire de travail est définie comme la capacité à maintenir et manipuler « on-line » un nombre limité d'informations pour une courte période de temps (de l'ordre de quelques dizaines de secondes). Un grand nombre d'études a montré que les processus de mémoire de travail visuo spatiale peuvent être affectés dans la schizophrénie. Malgré cela, les données concernant les déficits de ces processus chez des patients qui souffrent de schizophrénie sont contradictoires. La difficulté de comprendre la nature des déficits de mémoire de travail visuospatiale dans la schizophrénie est en grande partie imputable aux connaissances encore lacunaires sur le fonctionnement de ces processus dans un état non pathologique. Dans cette thèse, on cherche à élucider le fonctionnement des processus de mémoire de travail visuospatiale. Pour cela, on a créé un nouveau paradigme qui sollicite ce type de mémoire. Dans ce paradigme, on présente des stimuli dynamiques et statiques. Après un court délai, le sujet doit reconnaître le stimulus qu'il a visualisé parmi six possibilités. Sur la base de récentes études neurophysiologiques, neuroanatomiques et psychologiques, nous avançons l'hypothèse que l'encodage de stimuli dynamiques et statiques repose sur deux processus distincts de mémoire de travail : un processus d'organisation qui manipule les informations sensorielles et un processus dé stockage qui est responsable du maintien de l'information au cours de la manipulation. Ces processus sont en relation directe avec les processus responsables d'une organisation de l'information à un niveau précoce du traitement visuel. Les études présentées dans cette thèse ont pour but de vérifier la pertinence de la distinction entre les processus de mémoire de travail visuospatiale, selon la modalité «dynamique » ou «statique ». L'investigation des processus dynamiques et statiques de mémoire de travail dans la schizophrénie présente deux avantages principaux. Premièrement, 1a pathologie pourrait permettre de mettre en évidence, par les dysfonctionnements qu'elle présente, la pertinence des hypothèses sur le fonctionnement des processus de mémoire de travail visuospatiale et de leur interaction avec les processus sensoriels. Deuxièmement, ces investigations rendent possible une analyse des dysfonctions des différents processus dans la schizophrénie. Dans cette thèse, on analyse aussi les processus de mémoire de travail «dynamiques » et «statiques » chez des sujets dans une phase initiale de la psychose. Les résultats de cette étude permettent de faire une comparaison avec ceux obtenus avec des patients qui souffrent de schizophrénie. Cette comparaison peut apporter des informations intéressantes sur l'évolution des dysfonctions dans les processus impliqués dans les fonctions de mémoire de travail visuospatiale au cours de la schizophrénie. Les résultats obtenus dans les différentes études sont cohérents avec l'hypothèse d'une implication différente des processus d'organisation de la mémoire de travail sur des stimuli dynamiques et statiques. -Nos résultats montrent que les processus de mémoire de travail responsables de l'organisation (manipulation active) des informations est déficitaire dans la schizophrénie. Ce déficit semble jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la dégradation des processus visuospatiaux au cours de la schizophrénie.
The mammalian brain oscillates through three distinct global activity states: wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and REM sleep. The regulation and function of these 'vigilance' or 'behavioural' states can be investigated over a broad range of temporal and spatial scales and at different levels of functional organization, i.e. from gene expression to memory, in single neurons, cortical columns or the whole brain and organism. We summarize some basic questions that have arisen from recent approaches in the quest for the functions of sleep. Whereas traditionally sleep was viewed to be regulated through top-down control mechanisms, recent approaches have emphasized that sleep is emerging locally and regulated in a use-dependent (homeostatic) manner. Traditional markers of sleep homeostasis, such as the electroencephalogram slow-wave activity, have been linked to changes in connectivity and plasticity in local neuronal networks. Thus waking experience-induced local network changes may be sensed by the sleep homeostatic process and used to mediate sleep-dependent events, benefiting network stabilization and memory consolidation. Although many questions remain unanswered, the available data suggest that sleep function will best be understood by an analysis which integrates sleep's many functional levels with its local homeostatic regulation.
The 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan details the state’s role in providing and preserving adequate, safe and efficient rail transportation services to Iowans. The plan is intended to serve as a guide for decision makers and provides a basis for future Iowa DOT policy, funding priorities and programming decisions that affect rail transportation service in Iowa. The primary purpose of the 2009 Iowa Railroad System Plan is to guide the Iowa DOT in pursuing actions that maintain and improve railroad transportation in Iowa. The plan is a component of the Iowa Statewide Transportation Plan known as “Iowa in Motion.” This plan considers railroads from an intermodal perspective. Many commodities that move by rail also move by other modes (principally trucks) during part of their journey from origin to destination. The same is true of persons who use rail passenger service to make trips and who must also rely on other modes to access rail service. Therefore, railroads are part of larger intermodal freight and passenger transportation systems.
A partir de tres ideas -la "impercepción" (el "punctum caecum") en el pensamiento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, la "ceguera" en Jacques Derrida, y la teoría del "no ver" en Maurice Blanchot y Michel de Certeau-, se analizan algunos ejemplos del cine contemporáneo que constituyen imágenes representativas de la confluencia entreexperiencia-límite y representación-límite, del apagamiento místico de los sentidos y del estrecho intervalo entre lo visible y lo invisible: "teología cero" de lo "siempre ausente" (Derrida), "éxtasis blanco" (Certeau). Algunos escritores hablan de cerrar los ojos, de ojos vacíos de mirada, de cegarse para ver (A. Breton, P. Celan, J. Joyce, R. M. Rilke): la visión coincide con el desvanecimiento de las cosas vistas para hacer de esta"ausencia de visión el punto culminante de la mirada" (M. Blanchot). En el cine de Theo Angelopoulos, Robert Bresson, Abbas Kiarostami, Majid Majidi y Aleksandr Sokurov se emplean diversos recursos -el fuera de campo, los fundidos en blanco o en negro, la pantalla a oscuras¿- orientados a expresar -por medio de este espacio vacío- aquello de otro modo inexpresable. Estos recursos reflejan la dialéctica visible-invisible, la contraimagen de la mirada, la "mirada sin mirada" (Angelopoulos) hasta "perder por completo la noción de imagen" (Bresson). Se trata, en definitiva, de "la retirada de lo divino al fondo de una presencia-ausencia" (Jean-Luc Nancy) expresada por medio del eclipse o la extinción de las imágenes.
Today, perhaps without their realization, Iowans are factoring climate change into their lives and activities. Current farming practices and flood mitigation efforts, for example, are reflecting warmer winters, longer growing seasons, warmer nights, higher dew-point temperatures, increased humidity, greater annual stream flows, and more frequent severe precipitation events (Fig. 1) than were prevalent during the past 50 years. Some of the effects of these changes (such as longer growing season) may be positive, while others (particularly the tendency for greater precipitation events that lead to flooding) are negative. Climate change embodies all of these results and many more in a complex manner. The Iowa legislature has been proactive in seeking advice about climate change and its impacts on our state. In 2007, Governor Culver and the Iowa General Assembly enacted Senate File 485 and House File 2571 to create the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council (ICCAC). ICCAC members reported an emissions inventory and a forecast for Iowa’s greenhouse gases (GHGs), policy options for reducing Iowa’s GHG, and two scenarios charting GHG reductions of 50% and 90% by 2050 from a baseline of 2005. Following issuance of the final report in December 2008, the General Assembly enacted a new bill in 2009 (Sec. 27, Section 473.7, Code 2009 amended) that set in motion a review of climate change impacts and policies in Iowa. This report is the result of that 2009 bill. It continues the dialogue between Iowa’s stakeholders, scientific community, and the state legislature that was begun with these earlier reports.
L'objectif de cette recherche est d'explorer l'impact des abus sexuels tel que perçu par des personnes adultes ayant été victimes dans leur enfance. Une attention particulière est portée sur l'évolution de cette perception. A cette fin, deux groupes de personnes ont été sollicités : des patients suivis en thérapie de groupe dans un centre spécialisé et des personnes ayant terminé une thérapie centrée sur les abus sexuels depuis au moins cinq ans.Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés tous les six mois pendant deux ans avec six femmes en thérapie, ainsi qu'avec trois femmes et un homme ayant terminé leur travail thérapeutique à ce sujet.L'analyse qualitative, inspirée de l'IPA, a révélé huit thèmes. A la recherche de la normalité, Vie intime et sexualité, et Du secret à la reconnaissance sont trois des problématiques majeures présentées par les femmes aux premiers entretiens. L'analyse révèle l'évolution de ces thèmes au cours des deux ans et les « témoins de l'après-thérapie » donnent des pistes quant aux suites possibles. Les participants témoignent également de leurs diverses Démarches thérapeutiques. Question de survie est un thème faisant trait à la dissociation structurelle de la personnalité telle qu'elle apparaît dans le discours des participants et telle qu'ils la décrivent. De la réviviscence au souvenir, Attribution de sens et Vivre après amènent chacun des aspects spécifiques liés à la résilience et ultimement à l'épanouissement.Ces résultats font ressortir des thématiques qui se révèlent être particulièrement difficiles pour ces personnes ayant été abusées sexuellement dans leur enfance, tout en soulignant l'évolution possible au fil du temps et à l'aide des thérapies. Ils révèlent également les manières dont le traumatisme est peu à peu intégré par les participants dans leur histoire de vie.This study's aim is to explore how survivors perceive the impact on their adult life of child sexual abuse and how it changes over time. To this effect, two groups of people were solicited: patients involved in group therapy in a specialised treatment centre and people who had finished therapy focused on the trauma caused by the abuse at least five years prior to this study.Semi-structured interviews were conducted at 6-month intervals over two years with six women in therapy. Three women and one man who had finished therapy accepted to share their experience.Qualitative analysis inspired by IPA revealed eight themes. Searching for normality, Tuning feelings with sexual life, and From secrecy to acknowledgment are three of the main issues presented by the women at the initial interviews. The analysis reveals how these themes evolve over the two years, while the participants who have finished their therapy give insights of possible futures. Participants also reflected on their various Therapeutical experiences. A matter of survival relates to structural dissociation of the personality as it appears in the participants' discourse and as they describe it. Placing the memory in the past, Making meaning, and And life goes on each bring out specific aspects linked to resiliency and finally to thriving.These results highlight the issues that are particularly difficult in dealing with the aftermaths of child sexual abuse and underline their possible transformation with time and therapy. They also reveal the ways in which the trauma is gradually integrated by the participants into their life-history.
The report documents the development and installation of an instrumented pavement on I-80 in Iowa for the purposes of demonstration and answering current pavement questions. Its two primary objectives include documentation of the installation and verification of existing design procedures through monitoring of the continuous traffic stream reactions in the pavement. Some 120 instruments were installed in a forty foot segment of reconstructed pavement. The instruments included concrete strain gages, weldable strain gages on dowels, LVDT-deflection gages and temperature sensors in the concrete and base material. Five tubes were placed under three joints and two midslabs to measure the relative moisture and density at the interface between the pavement and base with atomic equipment. The instruments were placed ahead of the paving and over 92% of the instruments responded after paving. Planning requirements, problems encountered and costs of installation are presented. The site will use piezoelectric cables in a weigh-in-motion arrangement to trigger the data collection, a microcomputer controlled data acquisition system to analyze multiple sensors simultaneously, and telemetry to monitor the site remotely. Details provide the first time user of instrumentation with valuable information on the planning, problems, costs and coordination required to establish and operate such a site.
El siguiente artículo consiste en un análisis de la película También la lluvia de Icíar Bollaín centrado en el cuestionamiento de dos géneros cinematográficos pertenecientes al modo de significación realista: el cine épico y el cine social. Por un lado nos encontramos ante un uso crítico de las narrativas fílmicas convencionales sobre la colonización, por otro se plantea una reflexión sobre el cine social como una herramienta de cambio político. Una de las claves interpretativas del filme será el papel de María, un personaje secundario a la sombra de los protagonistas masculinos, que filma un documental sobre el rodaje desviando la mirada hacia la “Guerra del Agua”. Se mostrará cómo Bollaín visibiliza la mirada del “observador ideal”, explorando al mismo tiempo la violencia de la mirada cinematográfica y los límites morales de la creación artística.