974 resultados para Membrana basal
Two experiments evaluated an operant procedure for establishing stimulus control using auditory and electrical stimuli as a baseline for measuring the electrical current threshold of electrodes implanted in the cochlea. Twenty-one prelingually deaf children, users of cochlear implants, learned a Go/No Go auditory discrimination task (i.e., pressing a button in the presence of the stimulus but not in its absence). When the simple discrimination baseline became stable, the electrical current was manipulated in descending and ascending series according to an adapted staircase method. Thresholds were determined for three electrodes, one in each location in the cochlea (basal, medial, and apical). Stimulus control was maintained within a certain range of decreasing electrical current but was eventually disrupted. Increasing the current recovered stimulus control, thus allowing the determination of a range of electrical currents that could be defined as the threshold. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of the operant procedure combined with a psychophysical method for threshold assessment, thus contributing to the routine fitting and maintenance of cochlear implants within the limitations of a hospital setting.
O domínio do Cerrado compreende uma área contínua nos estados centrais do Brasil e áreas disjuntas em outros estados, incluindo São Paulo. Essa vegetação ocupava originalmente 21% do território brasileiro, restando atualmente apenas 21,6% de sua extensão original. A área recoberta por essa vegetação em São Paulo cobria 14% de sua área total e seus remanescentes recobrem menos de 1% da ocorrência original dessa vegetação. Estudos recentes indicam que o valor da produtividade líquida no Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante (SP) constitui um pequeno dreno de carbono e indicou que a sazonalidade foi o fator determinante do valor observado. Os estudos dos fluxos de carbono em ecossistemas terrestres são raramente acompanhados de abordagens ecofisiológicas de modo a explorar a relação funcional das espécies que compõem o ecossistema e os valores líquidos obtidos para o mesmo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar estruturalmente a vegetação presente na área de maior influência da torre de fluxo instalada no Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante, visando possibilitar estudos relacionados à quantificação em longo prazo da dinâmica dos fluxos de água, energia e CO2 na vegetação de Cerrado. Para isso foram levantadas 20 parcelas (10 x 10 m) em 0,2 ha de Cerrado, e amostraram-se todas as plantas com perímetro ao nível do solo >6 cm (exceto lianas e árvores mortas). A distribuição das classes de diâmetro e estrutura vertical, assim como os parâmetros fitossociológicos foram analisados. Encontramos 1451 indivíduos, distribuídos em 85 espécies, 52 gêneros e 31 famílias. A densidade absoluta e área basal foram de 7255 ind. ha-1 e de 7,9 m².ha-1, respectivamente. A família Leguminosae apresentou o maior número de espécies (13). O Índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi 3,27 nats.ind-1. A distribuição em classes de diâmetro mostrou uma curva de "J" invertido, estando a maioria dos indivíduos na primeira classe. Concluímos que a área deve ser classificada como Cerrado denso, devido principalmente à dominância pela espécie arbórea Anadenanthera falcata, cuja ocorrência no estado foi relatada apenas em locais com solos ricos em saturação de bases na região das Cuestas Basálticas, devido também à maior área basal dos indivíduos, comparando com outros fragmentos de Cerrado. Além da espécie citada, Myrcia lingua e Xylopia aromatica, apresentaram os maiores IVI (Valor de importância).
A maioria dos gêneros da subtribo neotropical Galipeinae (tribo Galipeeae, Rutoideae) tem flores tubulosas, com várias formas e graus de conação e adnação. Galipea e outros gêneros na subtribo apresentam apenas duas anteras férteis mais cinco ou mais estaminódios, o que é intrigante porque na tribo predominam flores pentâmeras isostêmones. Visando elucidar a condição anatômica dessas características e estabelecer estados acurados para caracteres em análises filogenéticas, um estudo morfoanatômico de flores de cinco espécies de Galipea foi realizado, buscando os padrões de vascularização, posição, e união dos segmentos da flor. Destacam-se os resultados: 1) um tubo floral genuíno se forma no terço basal da flor por conação dos filetes e adnação desse tubo estaminal às pétalas; 2) as pétalas são distalmente coerentes umas às outras e aderentes aos filetes por meio de entrelaçamento de tricomas densos - um caso de pseudossimpetalia; 3) dentre as cinco (às vezes seis) estruturas tratadas como estaminódios, apenas as três externas são de fato homólogas a estames esterilizados, as demais surgem como ramificações adaxiais das pétalas; 4) os carpelos são peltados, congenitalmente conatos axial e lateralmente da base do ovário até o nível das placentas, e no estilete e estigma; na zona mediana e superior do ovário eles são unidos apenas posgenitalmente, com a epiderme diferenciada de carpelos contíguos e suturas evidentes na região ventral de cada carpelo; 5) a vascularização do disco sugere origem receptacular. As implicações desses dados para o entendimento da evolução das flores tubulosas em Galipea e grupos relacionados são discutidas.
Os efeitos da concentração de ágar no crescimento de explantes e na formação de calos foram avaliados em culturas axênicas de gametófitos femininos de morfos de coloração verde e vermelha de Gracilaria domingensis (Kützing) Sonder ex Dickie. Culturas unialgáceas foram mantidas em água do mar esterilizada (30-32 ups) enriquecida com 25% da solução de von Stosch (VSES 25%), 22 ± 2 °C, fotoperíodo de 14 h, irradiância de 50-80 µmol de fótons m-2 s-1. Para a obtenção de explantes axênicos, segmentos apicais e intercalares dos dois morfos foram cultivados por 48 h em meio VSES 25% com adição de uma solução antibiótica e antifúngica, e submetidos a uma lavagem com uma solução de água do mar esterilizada com 0,5% de hipoclorito de sódio e 200 µL L-1 de detergente por 20 segundos. Para avaliar os efeitos da concentração de ágar, os segmentos axênicos foram inoculados em meio ASP 12-NTA com concentrações distintas de ágar que variaram de zero a 1%. A adição de ágar no meio inibiu o crescimento dos segmentos apicais de ambos os morfos, bem como o crescimento de segmentos intercalares do morfo verde. Observou-se uma tendência geral no crescimento dos explantes, onde a taxa de crescimento foi inversamente proporcional à concentração de ágar. A adição de ágar no meio induziu a formação de três tipos de calo, denominados conforme a região do explante onde se originaram: calo apical, calo basal e calo intermediário. As concentrações de 0,5% e 0,7% de ágar foram as concentrações ótimas para indução de calos basais e calos intermediários no morfo verde, respectivamente. A presença de ágar foi essencial para a formação de calos intermediários e apicais. Os resultados indicam que o ágar apresenta um papel na regulação dos processos morfogenéticos em morfos pigmentares de G. domingensis.
The aim of this work was to determine PAs levels in pith tissues and callus cultures from haploid and diploid tobacco plants, explanted from the apical and basal regions of the stem. These explants were cultured in an RM-64 medium supplied with IAA and kinetin, under light or in the dark, during successive subcultures. PAs levels followed a basipetal decrease in diploid and an increase in haploid, pith tissues. A similar pattern of total PAs (free + conjugated) was observed for the callus of diploid and haploid plants maintained in the light, and for the haploid callus in the dark, whereas the diploid callus in the dark showed a constant increase in total PAs levels until the end of culture. The PA increase in the diploid callus in the dark was related to free Put levels increase. The ploidy status of the plants could express different PA gradients together with the plant pith and in vitro callus cultures.
Gracilaria Greville is a genus of seaweed that is economically explored by the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. One of the biggest problems associated with growing Gracilaria is the discharge of heavy metals into the marine environment. The absorption of heavy metals was investigated with the macroalga Gracilaria tenuistipitata Zhang et Xia, cultivated in a medium containing copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd). In biological samples, EC50 concentrations of 1 ppm for cadmium and 0.95 ppm for copper were used. These concentrations were based on seaweed growth curves obtained over a period of six days in previous studies. ICP-AES was used to determine the amount of metal that seaweeds absorbed during this period. G. tenuistipitata was able to bioaccumulate both metals, about 17% of copper and 9% of cadmium. Basal natural levels of Cu were found in control seaweeds and in G. tenuistipitata exposed to Cd. In addition, the repertoire of other important chemical elements, as well as their concentrations, was determined for G. tenuistipitata and two other important seaweeds, G. birdiae Plastino & Oliveira and G. domingensis (Kützing) Sonder ex Dickie, collected in natural environments on the Brazilian shore.
A karyotype analysis of the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes), a strongly electric fish from northern South America, is presented. Two female specimens were analyzed, one from the Amazon River and one from the Araguaia River. The specimens had a chromosomal number of 2n = 52 (42M-SM + 10A). C-bands were present in a centromeric and pericentromeric position on part of the chromosomes; some interstitial C-bands were also present. Heteromorphic nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were detected in two chromosome pairs of the specimen from the Amazon River. The chromosome number and karyotype characteristics are similar to those of other Gymnotidae species. The genera Electrophorus and Gymnotus are positioned as the basal lineages in the Gymnotiformes phylogeny.
Piperaceae species have been placed among the basal angiosperm and are adapted to a variety of habitats including moist forests, secondary vegetation and dry high lands. The major anatomical/morphology features are of small trees, vines, and shrubs for Piper species, while the epiphytic and succulent characteristics are predominant forms among Peperomia species. Their secondary chemistry can be mostly represented by amides, phenylpropanoids/lignoids, and chromenes in addition to a phletoria of biosynthetically mixed-origin secondary compounds. Although several amides and lignans are known as insecticides, several phytophagous insects, among which some considered pests of economic importance, have been observed feeding vigorously on Piperaceae species. Herein we describe the feeding preferences of fourteen phytophagous species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera over approximately fifty Piperaceae species observed in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in a long-term basis.
A common side effect of radiotherapy used in the treatment of oral cancer is the occurrence of structural and physiological alterations of the salivary glands due to exposure to ionizing radiation, as demonstrated by conditions such as decreased salivary flow. The present study evaluated ultrastructural alterations in the parotid glands of rats receiving a fractionated dose (1,500-cGy) of radiation emitted by a Cesium-137 source and rats that were not subjected to ionizing radiation. After sacrifice, the parotid glands were removed and examined by transmission electron microscopy. Damage such as cytoplasmic vacuolization, dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and destruction of mitochondria, as well as damage to the cellular membrane of acinar cells, were observed. These findings lead to the conclusion that ionizing radiation promotes alterations in the glandular parenchyma, and that these alterations are directly related to the dose level of absorbed radiation. Certain phenomena that appear in the cytoplasm and nuclear material indicate that ionizing radiation causes acinar cell death (apoptosis).
The objectives of the present study were to identify the cis-elements of the promoter absolutely required for the efficient rat NHE3 gene transcription and to locate positive and negative regulatory elements in the 5’-flanking sequence (5’FS), which might modulate the gene expression in proximal tubules, and to compare this result to those reported for intestinal cell lines. We analyzed the promoter activity of different 5’FS segments of the rat NHE3 gene, in the OKP renal proximal tubule cell line by measuring the activity of the reporter gene luciferase. Because the segment spanning the first 157 bp of 5’FS was the most active it was studied in more detail by sequential deletions, point mutations, and gel shift assays. The essential elements for gene transcription are in the region -85 to -33, where we can identify consensual binding sites for Sp1 and EGR-1, which are relevant to NHE3 gene basal transcription. Although a low level of transcription is still possible when the first 25 bp of the 5’FS are used as promoter, efficient transcription only occurs with 44 bp of 5’FS. There are negative regulatory elements in the segments spanning -1196 to -889 and -467 to -152, and positive enhancers between -889 and -479 bp of 5’FS. Transcription factors in the OKP cell nuclear extract efficiently bound to DNA elements of rat NHE3 promoter as demonstrated by gel shift assays, suggesting a high level of similarity between transcription factors of both species, including Sp1 and EGR-1.
Embora o hormônio do crescimento (GH) seja um dos hormônios mais estudados, vários de seus aspectos fisiológicos ainda não estão integralmente esclarecidos, incluindo sua relação com o exercício físico. Estudos mais recentes têm aumentado o conhecimento a respeito dos mecanismos de ação do GH, podendo ser divididos em: 1) ações diretas, mediadas pela rede de sinalizações intracelulares, desencadeadas pela ligação do GH ao seu receptor na membrana plasmática; e 2) ações indiretas, mediadas principalmente pela regulação da síntese dos fatores de crescimento semelhantes à insulina (IGF). Tem sido demonstrado que o exercício físico é um potente estimulador da liberação do GH. A magnitude deste aumento sofre influência de diversos fatores, em especial, da intensidade e do volume do exercício, além do estado de treinamento. Atletas, normalmente, apresentam menor liberação de GH induzida pelo exercício que indivíduos sedentários ou pouco treinados. Evidências experimentais demonstram que o GH: 1) favorece a mobilização de ácidos graxos livres do tecido adiposo para geração de energia; 2) aumenta a capacidade de oxidação de gordura e 3) aumenta o gasto energético.
Drag reduction by polyethylene glycol in the tail arterial bed of normotensive and hypertensive rats
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of drag reducer polymers (DRP) on arteries from normotensive (Wistar) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000 at 5000 ppm) was perfused in the tail arterial bed with (E+) and without endothelium (E-) from male, adult Wistar (N = 14) and SHR (N = 13) animals under basal conditions (constant flow at 2.5 mL/min). In these preparations, flow-pressure curves (1.5 to 10 mL/min) were constructed before and 1 h after PEG 4000 perfusion. Afterwards, the tail arterial bed was fixed and the internal diameters of the arteries were then measured by microscopy and drag reduction was assessed based on the values of wall shear stress (WSS) by computational simulation. In Wistar and SHR groups, perfusion of PEG 4000 significantly reduced pulsatile pressure (Wistar/E+: 17.5 ± 2.8; SHR/E+: 16.3 ± 2.7%), WSS (Wistar/E+: 36; SHR/E+: 40%) and the flow-pressure response. The E- reduced the effects of PEG 4000 on arteries from both groups, suggesting that endothelial damage decreased the effect of PEG 4000 as a DRP. Moreover, the effects of PEG 4000 were more pronounced in the tail arterial bed from SHR compared to Wistar rats. In conclusion, these data demonstrated for the first time that PEG 4000 was more effective in reducing the pressure-flow response as well as WSS in the tail arterial bed of hypertensive than of normotensive rats and these effects were amplified by, but not dependent on, endothelial integrity. Thus, these results show an additional mechanism of action of this polymer besides its mechanical effect through the release and/or bioavailability of endothelial factors.
The genus Brycon, the largest subunit of the Bryconinae, has 42 valid species distributed from southern Mexico to the La Plata River in Argentina. Henochilus is a monotypic genus, comprising a single species (H. wheatlandii) found in the upper Rio Doce basin. In the present study, partial sequences of the mitochondrial gene 16S were obtained for fifteen species of Brycon and for Henochilus wheatlandii. The results showed that the genus Brycon is paraphyletic, since Henochilus is the sister-group of B. ferox and B. insignis. The most basal species analyzed were the trans-Andean species B. henni, B. petrosus, and B. chagrensis.
Electrochemical removals of color and organic load from solutions containing the dye reactive orange 16 (RO16) were performed in an electrochemical flow-cell, using a platinum working electrode. The influence of the process variables flow-rate, such as NaCl concentration, applied potential and solution pH, were studied. The best color removal achieved was 93% (λ = 493 nm) after 60 min at 2.2 V vs. RHE electrolysis, using 1.00 g L-1 NaCl as supporting electrolyte. The rises in the concentration of NaCl and applied potential increased the color removal rate. The best total organic carbon removal (57%) was obtained at 1.8 V, without the separating membrane, indicating that the ideal conditions for the color removal are not necessarily the same as those to remove the total organic carbon. The degradation efficiency decreased with the solution pH decrease.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the corneal vascularization (CV) and the clinical aspects induced by interlamellar graft with native (NCM) and anionic (ACM) collagen membranes in rabbits corneas. METHODS: An interlamellar graft with a 0.25 x 0.25 cm NCM (group 1) or ACM (group 2) fragment was performed in the right eye (treated eye). In the left eye, an estromal tunnel was done (control eye). Sixteen rabbits were used, and they were subdivided into two experimental groups of eight animals each. The clinical evaluation was performed at the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15th and 30th postoperative days. Corneal vascularization analysis was performed after 30 days by the Images Analizator System Leica Qwin-550®. RESULTS: After 7 days, corneal vascularization was observed at about 2.25 ± 0.71 mm (NCM) and at about 1.0 ± 1.69 mm (ACM), respectively, from the limbus in direction to the central cornea. After 15 days, CV increased in both groups (5.25 ± 1.03 mm - NCM; 2.0 ± 2.39 mm - ACM) and then progressively decreased until day 30 (2.25 ± 2.10 mm - NCM; 0.75 ± 2.12 mm - ACM). The statistical analysis indicated that the averages of the distances from the limb vessels to the grafts observed after 7 and 15 days had not differed statistically (p=0.17), and after 15 and 30 postoperative days had a tendency to differ statistically (p=0.09). The control eyes did not present any changes. CONCLUSION: The interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes induced corneal vascularization when applied to rabbit corneas, but anionic collagen membrane induced a smaller corneal vascularization when compared to native collagen membrane. Although further studies are required, the results found in this study demonstrated the usefulness of interlamellar graft with native and anionic collagen membranes in keratoplasties. These membranes consists in one more graft option for the surgical treatment of corneal repair in rabbits and others animals, when other forms of medical and surgical treatment are not effective.