1000 resultados para Meier-Graefe, Julius


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AIM: We investigated the prognostic significance of intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDC-P) in biopsies and transurethral resections prior to external beam radiotherapy with or without androgen deprivation. METHODS: Cohort 1 consisted of 118 intermediate risk prostate cancer patients treated by radiotherapy, with biochemical relapse as primary end-point (median follow-up 6.5 years). Cohort 2 consisted of 132 high risk patients, enrolled in a phase III randomised trial (EORTC 22863) comparing radiotherapy alone to radiotherapy with long-term androgen deprivation (LTAD) with clinical progression free survival as primary end-point (median follow-up 9.1 years). Presence of IDC-P was identified after central review. Multivariable regression modelling and Kaplan-Meier analysis were performed with IDC-P as dichotomous variable. RESULTS: IDC-P was a strong prognosticator for early (<36 months) biochemical relapse (HR 7.3; p = 0.007) in cohort 1 and for clinical disease-free survival in both arms of cohort 2 (radiotherapy arm: HR 3.5; p < 0.0001; radiotherapy plus LTAD arm: HR 2.8, p = 0.018). IDC-P retained significance after stratification for reviewed Gleason score in the radiotherapy arm (HR 2.3; p = 0.03). IDC-P was a strong prognosticator for metastatic failure rate (radiotherapy arm: HR 5.3; p < 0.0001; radiotherapy plus LTAD arm: HR 3.6; p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: IDC-P in diagnostic samples of patients with intermediate or high risk prostate cancer is an independent prognosticator of early biochemical relapse and metastatic failure rate after radiotherapy. We suggest that the presence of IDC-P in prostate biopsies should routinely be reported.


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Background Demand for home care services has increased considerably, along with the growing complexity of cases and variability among resources and providers. Designing services that guarantee co-ordination and integration for providers and levels of care is of paramount importance. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a new case-management based, home care delivery model which has been implemented in Andalusia (Spain). Methods Quasi-experimental, controlled, non-randomised, multi-centre study on the population receiving home care services comparing the outcomes of the new model, which included nurse-led case management, versus the conventional one. Primary endpoints: functional status, satisfaction and use of healthcare resources. Secondary endpoints: recruitment and caregiver burden, mortality, institutionalisation, quality of life and family function. Analyses were performed at base-line, and at two, six and twelve months. A bivariate analysis was conducted with the Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney's U, and the chi squared test. Kaplan-Meier and log-rank tests were performed to compare survival and institutionalisation. A multivariate analysis was performed to pinpoint factors that impact on improvement of functional ability. Results Base-line differences in functional capacity – significantly lower in the intervention group (RR: 1.52 95%CI: 1.05–2.21; p = 0.0016) – disappeared at six months (RR: 1.31 95%CI: 0.87–1.98; p = 0.178). At six months, caregiver burden showed a slight reduction in the intervention group, whereas it increased notably in the control group (base-line Zarit Test: 57.06 95%CI: 54.77–59.34 vs. 60.50 95%CI: 53.63–67.37; p = 0.264), (Zarit Test at six months: 53.79 95%CI: 49.67–57.92 vs. 66.26 95%CI: 60.66–71.86 p = 0.002). Patients in the intervention group received more physiotherapy (7.92 CI95%: 5.22–10.62 vs. 3.24 95%CI: 1.37–5.310; p = 0.0001) and, on average, required fewer home care visits (9.40 95%CI: 7.89–10.92 vs.11.30 95%CI: 9.10–14.54). No differences were found in terms of frequency of visits to A&E or hospital re-admissions. Furthermore, patients in the control group perceived higher levels of satisfaction (16.88; 95%CI: 16.32–17.43; range: 0–21, vs. 14.65 95%CI: 13.61–15.68; p = 0,001). Conclusion A home care service model that includes nurse-led case management streamlines access to healthcare services and resources, while impacting positively on patients' functional ability and caregiver burden, with increased levels of satisfaction.


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Background and objectives Despite modern treatment, the case fatality rate of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury (HA-AKI) is still high. We retrospectively described the prevalence and the outcome of HA-AKI without nephrology referral (nrHA-AKI) and late referred HA-AKI patients to nephrologists (lrHA-AKI) compared with early referral patients (erHA-AKI) with respect to renal function recovery, renal replacement therapy (RRT) requirement, and in-hospital mortality of HA-AKI. Design, setting, participants, & measurements Noncritically ill patients admitted to the tertiary care academic center of Lausanne, Switzerland, between 2004 and 2008 in the medical and surgical services were included. Acute kidney injury was defined using the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) classification. Results During 5 years, 4296 patients (4.12% of admissions) experienced 4727 episodes of HA-AKI during their hospital stay. The mean ± SD age of the patients was 61 ± 15 years with a 55% male predominance. There were 958 patients with nrHA-AKI (22.3%) and 2504 patients with lrHA-AKI (58.3%). RRT was required in 31% of the patients with lrHA-AKI compared with 24% of the patients with erHA-AKI. In the multiple risk factor analysis, compared with erHA-AKI, nrHA-AKI and lrHA-AKI were significantly associated with worse renal outcome and higher in-hospital mortality. Conclusions These data suggest that HA-AKI is frequent and the patients with nrHA-AKI or lrHA-AKI are at increased risk for in-hospital morbidity and mortality.


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Background: To describe the overall and disease-free survival at five and ten years after breast cancer diagnosis in women from a previous case-control study, and establish related prognostic factors. Methods: We followed up 202 patients diagnosed between 1996 and 1998 in three public hospitals in Granada and Almeria provinces in Spain. Survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan and Meier method, and the Cox proportional hazards model was applied to identify the most significant variables contributing to survival. Results: Mean age at diagnosis was 54.27±10.4 years. Mean follow-up for overall survival was 119.91 months (95%CI 113.65126.17); the five-year survival rate was 83.9% (95%CI: 78.13-89.66) and the ten-year rate was 71% (95%CI: 63.25-78.74). Mean followup for disease-free survival was 118.75 months (95%CI 111.86125.65); the five-year disease-free survival rate was 81% (95%CI: 74.52-87.47) and the ten-year rate was 71.3% (95%CI: 63.33-79.26). The mortality rate of the study population was 33.17%. Conclusions: Disease characteristics are similar in our population to those in other Spanish and European regions, while the overall survival is higher than the mean rate during the same period in Europe (5-yr rate of 79%) and similar to that in Spain (83%).


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PURPOSE: To evaluate and validate mRNA expression markers capable of identifying patients with ErbB2-positive breast cancer associated with distant metastasis and reduced survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Expression of 60 genes involved in breast cancer biology was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) in 317 primary breast cancer patients and correlated with clinical outcome data. Results were validated subsequently using two previously published and publicly available microarray data sets with different patient populations comprising 295 and 286 breast cancer samples, respectively. RESULTS: Of the 60 genes measured by qrt-PCR, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA or PLAU) mRNA expression was the most significant marker associated with distant metastasis-free survival (MFS) by univariate Cox analysis in patients with ErbB2-positive tumors and an independent factor in multivariate analysis. Subsequent validation in two microarray data sets confirmed the prognostic value of uPA in ErbB2-positive tumors by both univariate and multivariate analysis. uPA mRNA expression was not significantly associated with MFS in ErbB2-negative tumors. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed in all three study populations that patients with ErbB2-positive/uPA-positive tumors exhibited significantly reduced MFS (hazard ratios [HR], 4.3; 95% CI, 1.6 to 11.8; HR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2 to 6.2; and, HR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.1 to 7.1; all P < .02) as compared with the group with ErbB2-positive/uPA-negative tumors who exhibited similar outcome to those with ErbB2-negative tumors, irrespective of uPA status. CONCLUSION: After evaluation of 898 breast cancer patients, uPA mRNA expression emerged as a powerful prognostic indicator in ErbB2-positive tumors. These results were consistent among three independent study populations assayed by different techniques, including qrt-PCR and two microarray platforms.


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Introduction : La diminution de la fraction d'éjection après infarctus du myocarde est-elle suffisante pour justifier l'implantation prophylactique de défibrillateur ? Introduction: La diminution de la fraction d'éjection (FE) est un facteur prédictif majeur de mortalité cardiaque chez les patients avec ancien infarctus du myocarde (IM). Les plus récentes études, pour la plupart conduites à la fin des années 90, montrent une diminution de la mortalité post-hospitalière à 10 à 20% par année. Une amélioration de la survie par implantation prophylactique de défibrillateurs a été démontrée chez les patients avec dysfonction myocardique avancée après ancien IM dans la cadre de l'étude MADIT II (Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial) et est depuis lors, considérée comme une thérapie recommandée. Le bénéfice de l'implantation prophylactique de défibrillateurs en terme de nombre nécessaire de patients à traiter pour prévenir un évènement est d'un intérêt primordial en raison des complications potentielles liées à la procédure et l'appareillage, des implications psychologiques ainsi qu'en raison de l'analyse coût-efficacité. Le nombre de patients à traiter est corrélé au risque actuel de mortalité rythmique, probablement influencé par les récentes avancées thérapeutiques dans la prise en charge aigue de l'IM (notamment par angioplastie primaire) et de l'insuffisance cardiaque. Or, dans '' l'étude MADIT II, le recrutement des patients était effectué entre 1997 et 2001 et l'intervalle moyen entre l'IM et le recrutement était de plus de 6 ans. Le but de l'étude était donc d'évaluer, dans la pratique générale, la mortalité actuelle de patients ayant survécu à un IM avec diminution consécutive significative de la FE. La stratification du risque sur la base des variables hospitalières a de même été explorée. Méthode: Une analyse de cohorte de patients avec infarctus aigu du myocarde admis de 1999 à 2000 a été effectuée dans 2 centres hospitaliers (un universitaire et un cantonal). Tous les dossiers cliniques des patients sortis d'hôpital avec FE documentée ≤ 0.40 ont été inclus. Les caractéristiques des patients, les procédures diagnostiques et thérapeutiques ainsi que la médication étaient reportées. La période de suivi débutait à la sortie d'hôpital. Les end-points primaires étaient la mortalité globale, la mortalité cardiaque et les morts subites. Une analyse bivariée et multivariée a été effectuée. Résultats: 165 patients ont été inclus. Durant un suivi médian de 30 mois (interquartile range 22-36), 18 patients sont décédés (5 morts classifiées comme cardiaques, 8 comme subites, 5 de causes non cardiaques). Les taux de mortalité à un et deux ans selon analyse de Kaplan-Meier étaient de 6.7 et 8.6%, respectivement. Les variables reflétant l'atteinte coronarienne et sa prise en charge (antécédent d'IM, reperfusion aigue, revascularisation complète) étaient plus significativement associées à la mortalité comparées aux variables reflétant la dysfonction myocardique (FE, classe Killip à l'admission). Conclusion : La mortalité des patients ayant survécu à un IM avec dysfonction myocardique avancée a diminué de façon substantielle depuis la fin des années 90. La diminution de la mortalité rythmique implique une augmentation proportionnelle du nombre de patients à traiter par implantation de défibrillateur pour prévenir un évènement. Par ailleurs, une stratification du risque après IM basée uniquement sur la FE semble être inappropriée au vu de son impact mineur sur la mortalité comparé aux autres facteurs de risque identifiés dans notre étude. Les patients sans antécédents d'infarctus et ceux ayant bénéficié d'une revascularisation aigue ou complète avait une mortalité cumulée à 2 ans de, respectivement, 2.5%, 3.9% et 2.3%. Pour ce type de patients à bas risque le bénéfice de l'implantation prophylactique de défibrillateur doit être remis en question. Au vu de cette étude, une stratification additionnelle du risque avant implantation de défibrillateur est à considérer.


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BACKGROUND We studied anomalous extracellular mRNAs in plasma from patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and their survival implications. mRNAs studied have been reported in the literature as markers of poor (BCL2, CCND2, MYC) and favorable outcome (LMO2, BCL6, FN1) in tumors. These markers were also analyzed in lymphoma tissues to test possible associations with their presence in plasma. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS mRNA from 42 plasma samples and 12 tumors from patients with DLBCL was analyzed by real-time PCR. Samples post-treatment were studied. The immunohistochemistry of BCL2 and BCL6 was defined. Presence of circulating tumor cells was determined by analyzing the clonality of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes by PCR. In DLBCL, MYC mRNA was associated with short overall survival. mRNA targets with unfavorable outcome in tumors were associated with characteristics indicative of poor prognosis, with partial treatment response and with short progression-free survival in patients with complete response. In patients with low IPI score, unfavorable mRNA targets were related to shorter overall survival, partial response, high LDH levels and death. mRNA disappeared in post-treatment samples of patients with complete response, and persisted in those with partial response or death. No associations were found between circulating tumor cells and plasma mRNA. Absence of BCL6 protein in tumors was associated with presence of unfavorable plasma mRNA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Through a non-invasive procedure, tumor-derived mRNAs can be obtained in plasma. mRNA detected in plasma did not proceed from circulating tumor cells. In our study, unfavorable targets in plasma were associated with poor prognosis in B-cell lymphomas, mainly MYC mRNA. Moreover, the unfavorable targets in plasma could help us to classify patients with poor outcome within the good prognosis group according to IPI.


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BACKGROUND Taxanes are among the most active drugs for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, and, as a consequence, they have also been studied in the adjuvant setting. METHODS After breast cancer surgery, women with lymph node-positive disease were randomly assigned to treatment with fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC) or with FEC followed by weekly paclitaxel (FEC-P). The primary endpoint of study-5-year disease-free survival (DFS)-was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Secondary endpoints included overall survival and analysis of the prognostic and predictive value of clinical and molecular (hormone receptors by immunohistochemistry and HER2 by fluorescence in situ hybridization) markers. Associations and interactions were assessed with a multivariable Cox proportional hazards model for DFS for the following covariates: age, menopausal status, tumor size, lymph node status, type of chemotherapy, tumor size, positive lymph nodes, HER2 status, and hormone receptor status. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS Among the 1246 eligible patients, estimated rates of DFS at 5 years were 78.5% in the FEC-P arm and 72.1% in the FEC arm (difference = 6.4%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.6% to 11.2%; P = .006). FEC-P treatment was associated with a 23% reduction in the risk of relapse compared with FEC treatment (146 relapses in the 614 patients in the FEC-P arm vs 193 relapses in the 632 patients in the FEC arm, hazard ratio [HR] = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.62 to 0.95; P = .022) and a 22% reduction in the risk of death (73 and 95 deaths, respectively, HR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.57 to 1.06; P = .110). Among the 928 patients for whom tumor samples were centrally analyzed, type of chemotherapy (FEC vs FEC-P) (P = .017), number of involved axillary lymph nodes (P < .001), tumor size (P = .020), hormone receptor status (P = .004), and HER2 status (P = .006) were all associated with DFS. We found no statistically significant interaction between HER2 status and paclitaxel treatment or between hormone receptor status and paclitaxel treatment. CONCLUSIONS Among patients with operable breast cancer, FEC-P treatment statistically significantly reduced the risk of relapse compared with FEC as adjuvant therapy.


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BACKGROUND Waist circumference (WC) is a simple and reliable measure of fat distribution that may add to the prediction of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but previous studies have been too small to reliably quantify the relative and absolute risk of future diabetes by WC at different levels of body mass index (BMI). METHODS AND FINDINGS The prospective InterAct case-cohort study was conducted in 26 centres in eight European countries and consists of 12,403 incident T2D cases and a stratified subcohort of 16,154 individuals from a total cohort of 340,234 participants with 3.99 million person-years of follow-up. We used Prentice-weighted Cox regression and random effects meta-analysis methods to estimate hazard ratios for T2D. Kaplan-Meier estimates of the cumulative incidence of T2D were calculated. BMI and WC were each independently associated with T2D, with WC being a stronger risk factor in women than in men. Risk increased across groups defined by BMI and WC; compared to low normal weight individuals (BMI 18.5-22.4 kg/m(2)) with a low WC (<94/80 cm in men/women), the hazard ratio of T2D was 22.0 (95% confidence interval 14.3; 33.8) in men and 31.8 (25.2; 40.2) in women with grade 2 obesity (BMI≥35 kg/m(2)) and a high WC (>102/88 cm). Among the large group of overweight individuals, WC measurement was highly informative and facilitated the identification of a subgroup of overweight people with high WC whose 10-y T2D cumulative incidence (men, 70 per 1,000 person-years; women, 44 per 1,000 person-years) was comparable to that of the obese group (50-103 per 1,000 person-years in men and 28-74 per 1,000 person-years in women). CONCLUSIONS WC is independently and strongly associated with T2D, particularly in women, and should be more widely measured for risk stratification. If targeted measurement is necessary for reasons of resource scarcity, measuring WC in overweight individuals may be an effective strategy, since it identifies a high-risk subgroup of individuals who could benefit from individualised preventive action.


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BACKGROUND: The aromatase inhibitor letrozole, as compared with tamoxifen, improves disease-free survival among postmenopausal women with receptor-positive early breast cancer. It is unknown whether sequential treatment with tamoxifen and letrozole is superior to letrozole therapy alone. METHODS: In this randomized, phase 3, double-blind trial of the treatment of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women, we randomly assigned women to receive 5 years of tamoxifen monotherapy, 5 years of letrozole monotherapy, or 2 years of treatment with one agent followed by 3 years of treatment with the other. We compared the sequential treatments with letrozole monotherapy among 6182 women and also report a protocol-specified updated analysis of letrozole versus tamoxifen monotherapy in 4922 women. RESULTS: At a median follow-up of 71 months after randomization, disease-free survival was not significantly improved with either sequential treatment as compared with letrozole alone (hazard ratio for tamoxifen followed by letrozole, 1.05; 99% confidence interval [CI], 0.84 to 1.32; hazard ratio for letrozole followed by tamoxifen, 0.96; 99% CI, 0.76 to 1.21). There were more early relapses among women who were assigned to tamoxifen followed by letrozole than among those who were assigned to letrozole alone. The updated analysis of monotherapy showed that there was a nonsignificant difference in overall survival between women assigned to treatment with letrozole and those assigned to treatment with tamoxifen (hazard ratio for letrozole, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.75 to 1.02; P=0.08). The rate of adverse events was as expected on the basis of previous reports of letrozole and tamoxifen therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Among postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, sequential treatment with letrozole and tamoxifen, as compared with letrozole monotherapy, did not improve disease-free survival. The difference in overall survival with letrozole monotherapy and tamoxifen monotherapy was not statistically significant. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00004205.)