995 resultados para Material recovery


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Os meios semi-sólidos são os mais utilizados em trabalhos de micropropagação, mas há indícios de que o estado físico dos meios de cultura influencia a multiplicação dos cultivos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um protocolo para a multiplicação de material propagativo de batata em meio de cultura líquido. Explantes de batata da cultivar Eliza, com uma gema axilar, foram cultivados em seis diferentes meios de cultura, com (semi-sólido) ou sem (líquido) a adição do solidificante ágar. Após 21 dias de cultivo, o meio de cultura que proporcionou os melhores resultados para crescimento e taxa de multiplicação teve sua composição modificada com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência de multiplicação de cinco cultivares em meio líquido. Foi também avaliada a necessidade de agitação dos cultivos em meio líquido. Houve ganho na eficiência de multiplicação in vitro da batata, quando se utiliza meio de cultura líquido. Os melhores resultados são obtidos quando o material é cultivado em meio constituído pelos sais de MS na concentração plena, acrescido de ácido pantotênico (5,0 mg L-1), tiamina (1,0 mg L-1), ácido giberélico (0,25 mg L-1) e sacarose (20 g L-1), sob agitação constante.


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BACKGROUND: Enhanced recovery protocols have been proven to decrease complications and hospital stay following elective colorectal surgery. However, these principles have not yet been reported for urgent surgery procedures. We aimed to assess our initial experience with urgent colectomies performed within an established enhanced recovery pathway. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, all patients undergoing colonic resection between April 2012 and March 2013 were treated according to a standardized enhanced recovery protocol. Urgent surgeries were compared with the elective procedures with regards to baseline characteristics, compliance with enhanced recovery items, and clinical outcome. RESULTS: Patients (N = 28) requiring urgent colonic resection were included and compared with patients undergoing elective colectomy (N = 63). Overall compliance with the protocol was 57% for the urgent compared with 77% for the elective procedures (p = 0.006). The pre-operative compliance was 64 versus 96% (p < 0.001), the intra-operative compliance was 77 versus 86% (p = 0.145), and the post-operative compliance was 49 versus 67% (p = 0.015), for the urgent and elective resections, respectively. Overall, 18 urgent patients (64%) and 32 elective patients (51%) developed postoperative complications (p = 0.261). Median postoperative length of stay was 8 days in the urgent setting compared with 5 days in the elective setting (p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Many of the intra-operative and post-operative enhanced recovery items can also be applied to urgent colectomy, entailing outcomes that approach the results achieved in the elective setting.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of spatial statistical analysis in the selection of genotypes in a plant breeding program and, particularly, to demonstrate the benefits of the approach when experimental observations are not spatially independent. The basic material of this study was a yield trial of soybean lines, with five check varieties (of fixed effect) and 110 test lines (of random effects), in an augmented block design. The spatial analysis used a random field linear model (RFML), with a covariance function estimated from the residuals of the analysis considering independent errors. Results showed a residual autocorrelation of significant magnitude and extension (range), which allowed a better discrimination among genotypes (increase of the power of statistical tests, reduction in the standard errors of estimates and predictors, and a greater amplitude of predictor values) when the spatial analysis was applied. Furthermore, the spatial analysis led to a different ranking of the genetic materials, in comparison with the non-spatial analysis, and a selection less influenced by local variation effects was obtained.


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We propose a compressive sensing algorithm that exploits geometric properties of images to recover images of high quality from few measurements. The image reconstruction is done by iterating the two following steps: 1) estimation of normal vectors of the image level curves, and 2) reconstruction of an image fitting the normal vectors, the compressed sensing measurements, and the sparsity constraint. The proposed technique can naturally extend to nonlocal operators and graphs to exploit the repetitive nature of textured images to recover fine detail structures. In both cases, the problem is reduced to a series of convex minimization problems that can be efficiently solved with a combination of variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian methods, leading to fast and easy-to-code algorithms. Extended experiments show a clear improvement over related state-of-the-art algorithms in the quality of the reconstructed images and the robustness of the proposed method to noise, different kind of images, and reduced measurements.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate Zn use efficiency by upland rice genotypes. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with ten upland rice genotypes grown on an Oxisol (Typic Hapludox) with no application, and with application of 10 mg kg-1 Zn, applied as zinc sulfate. Shoot dry weight, grain yield, Zn harvest index, Zn concentration in shoot and in grain were significantly influenced by soil Zn levels and genotypes. However, panicle number and grain harvest index were significantly affected only by genotype. Genotypes CNA8557, CNA8540 and IR42 produced higher grain yield than other genotypes. Genotypes showed significant variability in Zn recovery efficiency. On average, 13% of the applied Zn was recovered by upland rice genotypes. Genotypes with high Zn recovery efficiency could be used in breeding of Zn efficient upland rice cultivars. Higher level of soil Zn (10 mg kg-1) increased significantly the concentrations of plant Cu and Mn. However, Fe concentrations in plant (shoot and grain) were not influenced by soil Zn levels.


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In June 2008, the University of Iowa (UI) campus experienced severe flooding and major damage to campus facilities. This report summarizes information provided by the UI on flood recovery as of August 2012.


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La presència de pesticides en el medi ambient pot comportar efectes nocius pel propi medi i la salut humana, fet que, en alguns casos, converteix en necessària la seva eliminació. Un dels mètodes utilitzats per dur a terme aquesta eliminació és la sorció de contaminats sobre materials adsorbents. Per tal de fer d’aquest mètode un procés sostenible cal investigar nous materials capaços de retenir els contaminants. El suro és la part més externa de l’escorça de l’alzina surera: Quercus Suber L. S’extreu cada 5- 10 anys depenent de la regió i es caracteritza per ser una font natural, renovable i biodegradable amb una heterogènia composició química que el converteix en un material potencialment apte com a adsorbent d’un ampli rang de contaminants. En aquest context, l’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és investigar l’afinitat d’adsorció del suro amb quatre pesticides de diferent hidrofobicitat i estructura química i estudiar el paper que hi juguen els seus compostos químics (extractius, suberina, lignina i polisacàrids) en aquest procés de sorció. Els pesticides investigats han estat: Metamitron: poc hidrofòbic (logKow = 0.83) i de caràcter molecular, Alaclor: moderadament hidrofòbic (logKow = 2.80) i de caràcter iònic (pKa = 0.62), 2,4-D: moderadament hidrofòbic (logKow = 2.81) i de caràcter iònic (pKa = 2.64) i Clorpirifos: molt hidrofòbic (logKow = 4.92) i de caràcter molecular


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Síntesis actualizada de los estudios monográficos realizados sobre las cerámicas comunes y ánforas de la ciudad de Tarraco desde finales del s. IV hasta inicios del s. VIII. Se hace especial hincapié en los últimos hallazgos del siglo VII que reflejan una intensificación de la presencia de materiales orientales en la ciudad.


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INTRODUCTION: Osteoset(®) T is a calcium sulphate void filler containing 4% tobramycin sulphate, used to treat bone and soft tissue infections. Despite systemic exposure to the antibiotic, there are no pharmacokinetic studies in humans published so far. Based on the observations made in our patients, a model predicting tobramycin serum levels and evaluating their toxicity potential is presented. METHODS: Following implantation of Osteoset(®) T, tobramycin serum concentrations were monitored systematically. A pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using a non-linear mixed effects model based on a one compartment model with first-degree absorption. RESULTS: Data from 12 patients treated between October 2006 and March 2008 were analysed. Concentration profiles were consistent with the first-order slow release and single-compartment kinetics, whilst showing important variability. Predicted tobramycin serum concentrations depended clearly on both implanted drug amount and renal function. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Despite the popularity of aminoglycosides for local antibiotic therapy, pharmacokinetic data for this indication are scarce, and not available for calcium sulphate as carrier material. Systemic exposure to tobramycin after implantation of Osteoset(®) T appears reassuring regarding toxicity potential, except in case of markedly impaired renal function. We recommend in adapting the dosage to the estimated creatinine clearance rather than solely to the patient's weight.


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This Implementation Package summarizes the result of an effort to develop a more durable traffic marking material-Epoxy Thermoplastic (ETP). The report includes background information on the development of ETP, a discussion of the field tests and evaluations, the material composition and equipment modifications for applying ETP. The package also includes material specifications for purchasing ETP and specifications for the application of ETP by contract.


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Since the 1980s, the Iowa Department of Transportation has increased its use of recycled Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) as drainable base material below some new pavements. Water flowing out of the longitudinal drains on projects having recycled PCC drainable bases was found to have a high pH value. The high pH water impedes vegetation growth and becomes a contributing factor to soil erosion at the drain outlet. In addition, the high pH water contributes to the growth of crystalline deposits on the drain outlet wire mesh rodent guard and in some cases caused it to become completely blocked. This research determined which of three choices of recycled PCC drainable base material, gradation, and design would give the lowest pH value in the drain discharge water. The drainable base material having its fines separated out and placed as a 2-in. (5.1-mm) bottom layer, below the remaining coarse material, generally gave pH values around 11.2 while other designs tested gave pH values around 11.5.


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En este trabajo se recoge información útil que se debe tener en cuenta para desarrollar un serious game pertinente para el entrenamiento de profesionales de la salud, que aporte destrezas y habilidades necesarias para afrontar las cirugías reales. Se propone un serious game a modo de simulador de diferentes operaciones quirúrgicas traumatológicas, que permite al usuario las etapas preoperatorias, intraoperatorias y postoperatorias de una cirugía, en las que se debe describir qué acciones se llevan a cabo, quiénes la realizan y si es necesario algún material específico.


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Background Efforts to identify novel therapeutic options for human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have failed to result in a clear improvement in patient survival to date. Pancreatic cancer requires efficient therapies that must be designed and assayed in preclinical models with improved predictor ability. Among the available preclinical models, the orthotopic approach fits with this expectation, but its use is still occasional. Methods An in vivo platform of 11 orthotopic tumor xenografts has been generated by direct implantation of fresh surgical material. In addition, a frozen tumorgraft bank has been created, ensuring future model recovery and tumor tissue availability. Results Tissue microarray studies allow showing a high degree of original histology preservation and maintenance of protein expression patterns through passages. The models display stable growth kinetics and characteristic metastatic behavior. Moreover, the molecular diversity may facilitate the identification of tumor subtypes and comparison of drug responses that complement or confirm information obtained with other preclinical models. Conclusions This panel represents a useful preclinical tool for testing new agents and treatment protocols and for further exploration of the biological basis of drug responses.