885 resultados para Matemática - História - 1960-1980


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Na década de 1980 a questão urbana no Brasil ganhou visibilidade a partir de uma gama de ocupações de imóveis ociosos que ocorreram em diversas cidades importantes do país. Às mobilizações pela redemocratização somou-se a luta pela reforma urbana. Com o advento do Processo Constituinte, ganhou importância a intervenção dos movimentos populares na esfera institucional, cuja principal ferramenta foi a apresentação da Emenda Popular da Reforma Urbana, convertida numa espécie de manifesto-programa pelos defensores da causa. Com a Constituição já promulgada, o movimento pela reforma urbana celebrou o fato de, pela primeira vez na História Constitucional brasileira, a questão urbana ter sido contemplada. O Capítulo de Política Urbana necessitou, contudo, de regulamentação para ter efeitos práticos, o que veio a acontecer com a aprovação do Estatuto da Cidade em 2001. Fazer um balanço da luta pela reforma urbana no Brasil e a da influência do movimento popular no delineamento da legislação urbanística desde o Processo Constituinte é o objetivo primeiro deste trabalho. A intenção de fundo é refletir acerca do modelo de democracia brasileira, tendo por pressuposto a ideia de que a participação popular modelou um regime democrático que avança em relação ao clássico modelo da democracia representativa vigente no mundo ocidental.


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Analisa o processo de organização dos diretórios regionais do Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB) e do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) no Distrito Federal (DF). Analisa também o movimento pela autonomia política do DF e inclui pesquisa com filiados para levantar informações de caráter socioeconômico e político. As pesquisas documentais, consultas à literatura e entrevistas demonstram que a atividade político-partidária ocorreu no DF, apesar das proibições vigentes ao longo da década de 1970 até meados da década de 1980. Inicialmente, as atividades eram realizadas sob a coordenação de entidades de caráter suprapartidário. O trabalho apresenta ainda a evolução histórica do pensamento político e do conceito de democracia. Desde Sócrates, Platão e Aristóteles até luminares da teoria política, como Maquiavel, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu e Rousseau. Um relato histórico mostra também como surgiram as primeiras agremiações partidárias em países como a Inglaterra, França, Alemanha e Itália e também nos Estados Unidos. Outra parte apresenta a evolução da vida partidária no Brasil ao longo dos anos.


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José Antonio Marinho nasceu em Minas Gerais, em 1803, e morreu no Rio de Janeiro, em 1853. Em 1823, de passagem pela Bahia, envolveu-se nas lutas políticas daquele ano. Seguiu depois para Pernambuco, onde tomou parte, em 1824, na Confederação do Equador. Entrou para o Seminário de Olinda, mas denúncias de sua participação nos acontecimentos de 1824 impediram sua ordenação. Voltou, então, para Minas Gerais e conseguiu concluir sua formação sacerdotal. Ordenado em 1829, voltou às lides políticas, tornando-se advogado, jornalista e deputado provincial. Em 1836m elegeu-se deputado-geral por Minas Gerais, em 1842, tomou parte na Revolução Liberal, da qual foi primeiro historiador. Apesar de ter participado dos acontecimentos que historiou, tendo sido, por isso, acusado de parcial, o autor primou “pela verdade da exposição dos fatos”, como disse o Barão Homem de Melo. Com a autoridade de historiador da Revolução Liberal de 1842, Aluísio de Almeida afirmou que, sem a Historia do movimento politico, que no anno de 1842 teve lugar na Provincia de Minas Geraes, seria impossível escrever sobre aquele movimento. Obra rara, valorizada por treze litografias, que Aluísio de Almeida considera, com razão, “preciosas” : nove retratos, quatro vistas e uma planta, estas desdobradas. As litografias do primeiro volume se constituem de retratos do autor e de J. Feliciano, J. P. Dias de Carvalho e T. B. Ottoni, vistas da Praça de Barbacena, da Vila de Queluz e do Arraial da Lagoa Santa e planta do Arraial de Santa Luzia e suas imediações; e as do segundo volume de retratos de R. T. d’Aguiar, D.J. C. de Mendonça Franco, J. G. Teixeira de Carvalho, Diogo Antônio Feijó e Manuel Alves Branco e vista de Sabará.


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The Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park was established in 1960 and the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary in 1975. Field studies, funded by NOAA, were conducted in 1980 - 1981 to determine the state of the coral reefs and surrounding areas in relation to changing environmental conditions and resource management that had occurred over the intervening years. Ten reef sites within the Sanctuary and seven shallow grass and hardbottom sites within the Park were chosen for qualitative and quantitative studies. At each site, three parallel transects not less than 400 m long were run perpendicular to the reef or shore, each 300 m apart. Observations, data collecting and sampling were done by two teams of divers. Approximately 75 percent of the bottom within the 18-m isobath was covered by marine grasses, predominantly turtle grass. The general health of the seagrasses appeared good but a few areas showed signs of stress. The inner hardbottom of the Park was studied at the two entrances to Largo Sound. Though at the time of the study the North Channel hardbottom was subjected to only moderate boat traffic, marked changes had taken place over the past years, the most obvious of which was the loss of the extensive beds of Sargassum weed, one of the most extensive beds of this alga in the Keys. Only at this site was the green alga Enteromorpha encountered. This alga, often considered a pollution indicator, may denote the effects of shore run off. The hardbottom at South Channel and the surrounding grass beds showed signs of stress. This area bears the heaviest boat traffic within the Park waters causing continuous turbidity from boat wakes with resulting siltation. The offshore hardbottom and rubble areas in the Sanctuary appeared to be in good health and showed no visible indications of deterioration. Damage by boat groundings and anchors was negligible in the areas surveyed. The outer reefs in general appear to be healthy. Corals have a surprising resiliency to detrimental factors and, when conditions again become favorable, recover quickly from even severe damage. It is, therefore, a cause for concern that Grecian Rocks, which sits somewhat inshore of the outer reef line, has yet to recover from die-off in 1978. The slow recovery, if occurring, may be due to the lower quality of the inshore waters. The patch reefs, more adapted to inshore waters, do not show obvious stress signs, at least those surveyed in this study. It is apparent that water quality was changing in the keys. Water clarity over much of the reef tract was observed to be much reduced from former years and undoubtedly plays an important part in the stresses seen today over the Sanctuary and Park. (PDF contains 119 pages)


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Charles-Marie de La Condamine nasceu em Paris, em 1701, e morreu, em 1774, na mesma cidade. Foi militar enquanto jovem, carreira que abandonou para dedicar-se ao estudo das ciências, sobretudo da Matemática, da Física, da História Natural e da Medicina. Seu interesse por novos conecimentos levou-o a participar de expedições científicas, entre as quais, a que descreve nesta obra.


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ENGLISH: Comparison of physical and biological environmental factors affecting the aggregation of tunas with the success of fishing by the commercial fleets, requires that catch and effort data be examined in greater detail than has been presented in these publications. Consequently, the United States Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, San Diego, to serve the needs of its program of research on causes of variations in tuna abundance, made arrangements with the Tuna Commission to summarize these catch and effort data by month, by one-degree area, by fishing vessel size-class, for the years 1951-1960 for bait boats and 1953-1960 for purse-seiners. The present paper describes the techniques employed in summarizing these data by automatic data processing methods. It also presents the catch and effort information by months, by five-degree areas and certain combinations of five-degree areas for use by fishermen, industry personnel, and research agencies. Because of space limitations and other considerations, the one-degree tabulations are not included but are available at the Tuna Commission and Bureau laboratories. SPANISH: La comparación de los factores ambientales físicos y biológicos que afectan la agrupación del atún, con el éxito obtenido en la pesca por las flotas comerciales, requiere que los datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo sean examinados con mayor detalle de lo que han sido presentados en estas publicaciones. En consecuencia, el Laboratorio Biológico del Buró de Pesquerías Comerciales de los Estados Unidos, situado en San Diego, a fin de llenar los requisitos de su programa de investigación sobre las causas de las variaciones en la abundancia del atún, hizo arreglos con la Comisión del Atún para sumarizar esos datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de un grado, por clases de tamaño de las embarcaciones de pesca durante los años 1951-1960 en lo que concierne a los barcos de carnada y durante el período 1953-1960 en lo que respecta a los barcos rederos. El presente trabajo describe la técnica empleada en la sumarización de dichos datos mediante métodos automáticos de manejo de datos. También se da aquí la información sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de cinco grados y ciertas combinaciones de áreas de cinco grados para el uso de los pescadores, del personal de la industria y de las oficinas de investigación. Por falta de espacio y otras razones, las tabulaciones de las áreas de un grado no han sido incluídos en este trabajo, pero están a la disposición de quien tenga interés en los laboratorios de la Comisión del Atún y del Buró.


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This report presents oceanographic data supporting the detailed chemical studies in the VERTEX Particle Interceptor Trap (PIT) experiment off the central California coast. Prior to the deployment of the PITs, an oceanographic survey of the intended study area was made on R/V CAYUSE from 17 to 21 August 1980. During this cruise, twenty CTD stations (Fig. 1) were occupied in a grid centered about the PIT site selected earlier based on archival oceanographic data. During the second leg of the VERTEX experiment from 25 August to 3 September, CTO profiles were taken as time permitted. In addition, a short survey near the PITs was made on 2 September. The intent of the pre-deployment cruise was to obtain data characterizing the vertical and horizontal variability of physical and chemical properties and to map the geostrophic flow field. Toward this end, vertical profiles of salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen were made using a Plessey 9040 CTOa profiler. Considerable effort was expended to make vertical beam attenuation profiles to


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The following series of fishery publications produced in calendar years 1980-85 by the Scientific Publications OffIce of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), are listed numerically and indexed by author and subject: Circular, Fishery BuUetin, Marine Fisheries Review, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries, and Technical Report NMFS. Also included is an alphanumeric listing of the NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS series published in calendar years 1972-85 by NMFS regional offices and fisheries centers. Authors and subjects for the Memoradum series are indexed with the other publication series. (PDF file contains 156 pages.)


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This workshop was organized because of the increase between 1978 and 1980 in coastwide landings of widow rockfish, from less than 1,000 mt to more than 20,000 mt, and because of scientists' concern with the lack of knowledge both of the fishery and biology of the species. Most scientists active in research on Pacific groundfish, as well as some members of the fishing industry and fishery managers, attended the workshop. These proceedings contain the report of the workshop discussion panel, status reports on California, Oregon, and Washington fisheries through 1980, and a collection of seven papers presented at the workshop. The status reports provide an historical perspective of the development of an important fishery. The papers present a fairly complete survey of biological knowledge of widow rockfish, economic status of the fishery, and fishery-independent methods for estimation of abundance. The papers also contain some information developed after the workshop. Since the workshop, the fishery has matured. Largest landings were made in 1981, when more than 28,000 mt were landed. Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is estimated to be slightly less than 10,000 mt, and the stock appeared to be at about the MSY level in 1985. The Pacific Fishery Management Council and National Marine Fisheries Service have implemented regulations that have maintained landings since 1983 at approximately the maximum sustainable yield level. Fishery-dependent stock assessments are being made on an annual basis for the Pacific Fishery Management Council. While these assessments are considered to be the best possible with available data, scientists responsible for the assessment have chosen to delay their publication in the formal scientific literature until more data are obtained. However, the stock assessment reports are available from the Pacific Fishery Management Council. In addition to the papers in this collection, three papers have been published on widow rockfish since 1980. BoehIert, Barss, and Lamberson (1982) estimate fecundity of the species off Oregon; Gunderson (1984) describes the fishery and management actions; and Laroche and Richardson (1981) describe the morphology and distribution of juvenile widow rockfish off Oregon. During the past decade, the fishery for widow rockfish has developed from a minor fishery to one of the more important on the Pacific Coast. Our knowledge of the biology and dynamics of the species has progressed from minimal to relatively extensive for a groundfish species. It is our intention in preparing this collection of papers to make this knowledge readily available to the scientific community. (PDF file contains 63 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The map method, the Jones method, the variance-covariance method, and the Skellam method were used to study the migrations of tagged yellowfin tuna released off the southern coast of Mexico in 1960 and 1969. The first three methods are all useful, and each presents information which is complementary to that presented by the others. The Skellam method, as used in this report, is less useful. The movements of the tagged fish released in 1960 appeared to have been strongly directed, but this was probably caused principally by the distribution of the fishing effort. The effort was much more widely distributed in 1970, and the movements of the fish released in 1969 appeared to have been much less directed. The correlation coefficients derived from the variance-covariance method showed that it was not random, however. The small fish released in the Acapulco and 10°N-100°W areas in 1969 migrated to the Manzanillo area near the beginning of February 1970. The medium and large fish released in the same areas in the same year tended to migrate to the southeast throughout the first half of 1970, however. SPANISH: El método de mapas, el de Jones, el de la variancia-covariancia y el de Skellam fueron empleados para estudiar las migraciones del atún aleta amarilla marcado y liberado frente a la costa meridional de México en 1960 y 1969. Los tres primeros métodos son todos útiles, y cada uno presenta información que complementa la presentada por los otros. El método de Skellam, conforme se usa en este informe, es menos útil. Parece que los desplazamientos de los peces marcados y liberados en 1960 hubieran sido fuertemente orientados, pero ésto probablemente fue causado principalmente por la distribución del esfuerzo de pesca. El esfuerzo se distribuyó más extensamente en 1970, y parece que los desplazamientos de los peces liberados en 1969 fueran menos orientados. Los coeficientes de correlación derivados del método variancia-covariancia indicaron, sin embargo, que no eran aleatorios. Los peces pequeños liberados en las áreas de Acapulco y los 10°N-100°W en 1969 migraron al área de Manzanillo a principios de febrero 1970. Los peces medianos y grandes liberados en las mismas áreas en el mismo año tuvieron, sin embargo, la tendencia a desplazarse al sudeste durante el primer semestre de 1970. (PDF contains 64 pages.)


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1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 228x234mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 24


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1 nota y 3 cartas (manuscritas) ; entre 155x047mm y 210x295mm. Caja 1 - Carpeta 47


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10 cartas (mecanografiadas y manuscritas) ; entre 210x230mm y 230x170mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 66