995 resultados para Marjavaara, Roger


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An antigen capture immunoassay to detect West Nile (WN) virus antigen in infected mosquitoes and avian tissues has been developed. With this assay purified WN virus was detected at a concentration of 32 pg/0.1 ml, and antigen in infected suckling mouse brain and laboratory-infected mosquito pools could be detected when the WN virus titer was 10(2.1) to 10(3.7) PFU/0.1 ml. In a blindly coded set of field-collected mosquito pools (n = 100), this assay detected WN virus antigen in 12 of 18 (66.7%) TaqMan-positive pools, whereas traditional reverse transcriptase PCR detected 10 of 18 (55.5%) positive pools. A sample set of 73 organ homogenates from naturally infected American crows was also examined by WN virus antigen capture immunoassay and TaqMan for the presence of WN virus. The antigen capture assay detected antigen in 30 of 34 (88.2%) TaqMan-positive tissues. Based upon a TaqMan-generated standard curve of infectious WN virus, the limit of detection in the antigen capture assay for avian tissue homogenates was approximately 10(3) PFU/0.1 ml. The recommended WN virus antigen capture protocol, which includes a capture assay followed by a confirmatory inhibition assay used to retest presumptive positive samples, could distinguish between the closely related WN and St. Louis encephalitis viruses in virus-infected mosquito pools and avian tissues. Therefore, this immunoassay demonstrates adequate sensitivity and specificity for surveillance of WN virus activity in mosquito vectors and avian hosts, and, in addition, it is easy to perform and relatively inexpensive compared with the TaqMan assay.


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Vfr, a homolog of Escherichia coli cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein, has been shown to regulate quorum sensing, exotoxin A production, and regA transcription in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We identified a twitching motility-defective mutant that carries a transposon insertion in vfr and confirmed that vfr is required for twitching motility by construction of an independent allelic deletion-replacement mutant of vfr that exhibited the same phenotype, as well as by the restoration of normal twitching motility by complementation of these mutants with wild-type vfr. Vfr-null mutants exhibited severely reduced twitching motility with barely detectable levels of type IV pili, as well as loss of elastase production and altered pyocyanin production. We also identified reduced-twitching variants of quorum-sensing mutants (PAK lasl::Tc) with a spontaneous deletion in vfr (S. A. Beatson, C. B. Whitchurch, A. B. T. Semmler, and J. S. Mattick, J. Bacteriol., 184:3598-3604,2002), the net result of which was the loss of five residues (EQERS) from the putative cAMP-binding pocket or Vfr. This allele (VfrDeltaEQERS) was capable of restoring elastase and pyocyanin production to wild-type levels in vfr-null mutants but not their defects in twitching motility. Furthermore, structural analysis of Vfr and VfrDeltaEQERS in relation to E. coli CRP suggests that Vfr is capable of binding both cAMP and cyclic GMP whereas VfrDeltaEQERS is only capable of responding to cAMP. We suggest that Vfr controls twitching motility and quorum sensing via independent pathways in response to these different signals, bound by the same cyclic nucleotide monophosphate-binding pocket.


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This paper presents the notion of a virtual faculty as a viable alternative to extending and maintaining learner opportunities for students in regional universities or at universities where specialisations in which they are interested may not be offered. Staff from a number of Australian Universities participated in a CUTSD project to explore the viability of establishing a virtual faculty using videoconferencing as the medium of delivery. The success of this project was the result of close collaboration at a number of levels within the participating institutions and a willingness to explore effective approaches to teaching and learning for a videoconference environment.


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This article contains the proceedings of a symposium at the 2002 RSA/ISBRA Meeting in San Francisco, organized and chaired by Clive Harper and co-chaired by Izuru Matsumoto. The presentations were (1) Introduction, by Clive Harper; (2) The quality of tissue-a critical issue, by Therese Garrick; (3) The first systematic brain tissue donor program in Japan, by Izuru Matsumoto; (4) Brain scans after death-really! by Adolf Pfefferbaum, Elfar Adalsteinsson, and Edith Sullivan; (5) Capture that (genial) expression, by Joanne Lewohl and Peter Dodd; and (6) Neurochemical/pharmacological studies: experimental design and limitations, by Roger Butterworth.


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Background: Glucose-insulin-potassium (GIK) infusion improves cardiac function and outcome during acute ischaemia. Objective: To determine whether GIK infusion benefits patients with chronic ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction, and if so whether this is related to the presence and nature of viable myocardium. Methods: 30 patients with chronic ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction had dobutamine echocardiography and were given a four hour infusion of GIK. Segmental responses were quantified by improvement in wall motion score index (WMSI) and peak systolic velocity using tissue Doppler. Global responses were assessed by left ventricular volume and ejection fraction, measured using a three dimensional reconstruction. Myocardial perfusion was determined in 15 patients using contrast echocardiography. Results: WMSI (mean (SD)) improved with dobutamine (from 1.8 (0.4) to 1.6 (0.4), p < 0.001) and with GIK (from 1.8 (0.4) to 1.7 (0.4) p < 0.001); there was a similar increment for both. Improvement in wall motion score with GIK was observed in 55% of the 62 segments classed as viable by dobutamine echocardiography, and in 5% of 162 classed as non-viable. There was an increment in peak systolic velocity after both doputamine echocardiography (from 2.5 (1.8) to 3.2 (2.2) cm/s, p < 0.01) and GIK (from 3.0 (1.6) to 3.5 (17) cm/s, p < 0.001). The GlK effects were not mediated by changes in pulse, mean arterial pressure, lactate, or catecholamines, nor did they correlate with myocardial perfusion. End systolic volume improved after GlK (p = 0.03), but only in 25 patients who had viable myocardium on dobutom ne echocardiography. Conclusions: In patients with viable myocardium and chronic left ventricular dysfunction, GlK improves wall motion score, myocardial velocity, and end systolic volume, independent of effects on haemodynamics or catecholamines. The response to GlK is observed in areas of normal and abnormal perfusion assessed by contrast echocardiography.


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Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] used a simple phytoplanktonzooplankton-nutrient model and a genetic algorithm to determine the parameter values that would maximize the value of certain goal functions. These goal functions were to maximize biomass, maximize flux, maximize flux to biomass ratio, and maximize resilience. It was found that maximizing goal functions maximized resilience. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] result was indicative of a general ecosystem principle, or peculiar to the model and parameter ranges used. This study successfully replicated the Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] experiment for a number of different model types, however, a different interpretation of the results is made. A new metric, concordance, was devised to describe the agreement between goal functions. It was found that resilience has the highest concordance of all goal functions trialled. for most model types. This implies that resilience offers a compromise between the established ecological goal functions. The parameter value range used is found to affect the parameter versus goal function relationships. Local maxima and minima affected the relationship between parameters and goal functions, and between goal functions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Propõe-se um estudo acerca da recepção da obra de Paulo Coelho pela crítica literária e pelo leitor, envolvendo a indústria cultural, sob a perspectiva da Sociologia da Literatura. A pesquisa justifica-se pela grande proporção de leitores que a obra atinge: traduzida para 81 idiomas e lida em 168 países, tendo boa aceitação por diferentes perfis de leitores e por muitos críticos literários de outros países. No Brasil, a produção do escritor é recebida com uma certa reserva pela crítica literária. As intervenções da indústria cultural são discutidas por meio de um diálogo estabelecido entre Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Pierre Bourdieu, Umberto Eco, Luiz Costa Lima e Muniz Sodré. Em seguida, estabelece-se uma discussão sobre valor estético em relação à literatura contemporânea. Posteriormente, são mostradosos elementos temáticos recorrentes e a proximidade da narrativa coelhana com a oralidade, a partir da influência das canções compostas em parceria com Raul Seixas e da operação dos gêneros parábola e fábula.A recepção da crítica é analisada, baseando-se em estudos de Mário Maestri, Eloésio Paulo, teses e dissertações, artigos, entre outros. A recepção do leitor tem como aporte teórico Antonio Candido e Roger Chartier, dentre outros, apoiando-se na Estética da Recepção, especificamente nos estudos de Hans Robert Jauss e Regina Zilberman. É analisada a recepção da obra de Paulo Coelho pelos leitores da rede social Skoob, a fim de verificar o gênero, a idade,o nível de escolaridade, a condição socioeconômica e cultural e as impressões de leitura destes. Compreendendo esses sujeitos-leitores, historicamente, e valendo-se de outros aspectos (em vez dos estéticos) apontados pela Sociologia da Literatura, é possível estabelecer diálogos entre as preferências desses leitores com obras já legitimadas pela teoria e crítica literárias, ampliando o repertório destes e contribuindo para a mediação e a promoção da leitura, no Brasil.


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Esta pesquisa tematizou o ensino inicial da leitura na escola primária, no estado do Espírito Santo, nos anos de 1960, com o objetivo de analisar princípios que fundamentam o “método global” e sua apropriação no campo da política educacional, para justificar a representação desse método como eficaz para a alfabetização de crianças. Para tanto, nos debruçamos sobre manuais didáticos elaborados para o ensino inicial da leitura, que propõem o “método global” por meio de contos e historietas, que circularam em escolas capixabas. Desse modo a questão central que norteou esta investigação foi: Que apropriações foram feitas de princípios que fundamentavam o “método global” pelas professoras autoras de manuais didáticos (de contos e historietas) que circularam no Estado do Espírito Santo, nos anos de 1960? Os manuais didáticos que integram o corpus documental da análise compreendem: as mais belas histórias: pré-livro, parte do mestre [196?]; as mais belas histórias: pré-livro (1964) e as mais belas histórias: pré-livro, bloco de atividades [196?], de autoria Lúcia Casasanta. O livro de Lilí: método global, manual da professora (1940) e o livro de Lilí: cartilha (1961), de Anita Fonseca e o circo do Carequinha, manual do professor (1969), de Maria Serafina de Freitas. Além dessas fontes privilegiamos outras como revista pedagógica, correspondências oficiais, ata de reunião pedagógica, jornal, orientações/prescrições para prática pedagógica. Consideramos na análise o esquema conceitual apresentado por Roger Chartier: circulação, representação, apropriação e práticas culturais e, ainda o conceito de cultura escolar de Dominique Julia. Compreende-se que foram feitas apropriações inventivas, dos princípios teóricos formulados por Jean-Ovide Decroly, pelas autoras dos manuais didáticos e estes puseram em circulação a representação de método e de ensino da leitura que foi apropriada e legitimada pela política educacional capixaba. Entende-se que a proposta do “método global” não provocou significativas modificações na condição de passividade do aluno no processo de aprendizagem da leitura, tendo em vista a naturalização dos processos de desenvolvimento da criança e permanência de procedimentos mecanicista e reducionista da língua.