993 resultados para Marble sculpture


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A sculptural goblet inspired by the water sprite found in Czech Fairytales. The work is hand-blown, with added cast elements. This piece represents scene one in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by the water sprite found in Czech Fairytales. The work is hand-blown, with added cast elements. This piece represents scene two in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by the White Lady found in Czech Fairytales. The work is hand-blown, with added cast elements. This piece represents scene one in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by the White Lady found in Czech Fairytales. The work is hand-blown, with added cast elements. This piece represents scene three in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by the White Lady found in Czech Fairytales. The work is hand-blown, with added cast elements. This piece represents scene two in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by childhood experiences and how they equate to contemporary fairytales. The work is hand-blown and engraved. This piece represents scene two in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by childhood experiences and how they equate to contemporary fairytales. The work is hand-blown and engraved. This piece represents scene one in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by childhood experiences and how they equate to contemporary fairytales. The work is hand-blown and engraved. This piece represents scene two in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by childhood experiences and how they equate to contemporary fairytales. The work is hand-blown and engraved. This piece represents scene one in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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The work consists of a set of six, utilitarian wine glasses. Each glass features the engraving of a bird silhouette; the six engravings represent a flock of birds and also six key-poses in the animated flight-cycle of one bird. Beside the array of wine glasses sits a screen on which is displayed a looped animation of this same bird in flight. In a way, the six wine glasses represent the six animation cels of the displayed animation. Additionally, each engraved glass serves as a sight-trigger for a smart-phone or other mobile device. If one has the Aurasma app on their device and holds it up to ‘look at’ any one of the engravings, the animation of the flying bird will also be displayed on their device’s screen.


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A sculptural goblet inspired by childhood experiences and how they equate to contemporary fairytales. The work is hand-blown and engraved. This piece represents scene three in the narrative. It is a work that condenses the animated moving image into a sculptural form.


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O setor de mármore e granito do Espírito Santo constitui-se no maior pala industrial brasileiro do setor, sendo líder na comercialização dos produtos dele derivados, tanto no mercado interno como externo. Apesar do crescimento significativo observado nas exportações nos últimos anos, em peso e valor, bem como de estar comercializando a cada ano, produtos com maior valor agregado, convive com problemas de naturezas diversas, os quais se solucionados, proporcionarão maior participação nos mercados em que atua. Em termos sociais o reflexo será imediato, pois com os investimentos decorrentes, haverá geração de quantidade considerável de novos postos de trabalho, visto que trata-se de atividade altamente geradora de empregos. Por outro lado, os benefícios decorrentes do aumento de produção, proporcionarão a geração de renda e divisas para o país. Entre os problemas a serem solucionados encontra-se o alto índice de acidentes ocorridos no setor, conforme mostram as estatísticas apresentadas na presente dissertação. O estabelecimento de ações que visem a redução desses índices constitui o objetivo deste trabalho, tendo como meta principal, proporcionar a preservação da saú- de e segurança do trabalhador, e a implementação das mesmas, trarão como conseqüência natural, ganhos de produtividade e redução de custos, na medida que os acidentes implicam no surgimento de custos adicionais. A globalização da economia e a política econômica vigente no país, impuseram aos setores econô- micos uma competição cada vez mais acirrada, obrigando-os a buscarem alternativas que os viabilizem. A redução de custos por meio da prevenção de acidentes Vll no trabalho se constitui numa das alternativas. Esta dissertação, apresenta a partir de diagnóstico realizado nas diversas atividades do setor, ou seja, extração, serragem e beneficiamento, as tendências das ocorrências dos acidentes, caso não haja no futuro, nenhum tipo de intervenção. É estabelecida uma comparação com os demais setores da economia capixaba, através das respectivas curvas de tendências, na qual fica caracterizada a gravidade da situação e a importância da redução dos acidentes no setor de mármore e granito do Espírito Santo. Em fun- ção da dimensão com que o problema se apresenta, surge a necessidade de intervenções, as quais são classificadas como imediatas e de médio prazo. A observância à legislação vigente, representada pelas Normas Regulamentadoras, proporcionará maior segurança aos trabalhadores, possibilitando a esses, exercer suas atividades em ambiente onde os riscos referentes a lesões, com ou sem afastamentos, e morte, sejam minimizados, na medida que eles são inerentes ao setor e sempre existirão. Como metodologia é utilizado pesquisa de campo, através de entrevistas com empresários, trabalhadores, sindicatos patronal e dos trabalhadores, representantes da DRT e INSS, com as quais é possível o levantamento estatístico, consultas a revistas especializadas, jornais, Internet, disserta- ções e Normas Regulamentadoras. É ainda utilizado referencial teórico de diversos autores, na busca de dar sustentação conceitual ao tema abordado. Como resultado, é apresentado proposta que se constitui em uma série de ações a serem implementadas, para o atingimento do objetivo procurado.


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This thesis aimed at designing and developing a system that can a) infer individuals’ need for a break from sedentary behaviour in the workplace, and b) persuade them to take a break through the use of different techniques from persuasive psychology. We postulated three variables, namely, individuals’ posture, stress levels and involvement in their computer mediated activity. We developed and field-studied a system that could infer these using a web camera and a key presses and mouse clicks log. We found that the system could predict posture from viewing depth and stress from the movement detected. We then created a general formula that predicts individuals’ need for a break using only the posture and stress predictors. Once the first objective was set, we built and field-studied a system that used three ways to communicate a recommendation for a break to a user: implicit, just-in time and ambient feedback. The implicit feedback was operationalized through changes in the users’ computer wallpaper that provided subtle visual cues. The just-in time feedback employed prompting at the bottom right side of the user’s screen. In addition, we implemented an intuitive behind-screen interaction technique where people can snooze a notification using simple gestures. The ambient feedback mechanism employed an origami sculpture sitting on the user’s desk. This prototype was continuously reflecting the user’s posture and performed rhythmic movements when to recommend breaks. A field study demonstrated the overall success of the system, with 69% of the break recommendations received by users were accepted. The study further revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the three persuasive mechanisms.


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The epilepsy is one of the neurological disorders more common in the pediatric period, and which interferes significantly in the psycho and social life of children and teenagers. The objective of this study was analyzing the practice of sedentary practices, physicals, traditional infant fun and games of children and teenagers with and without epilepsy. The study was prospective, transversal descriptive, done with 60 children and teenagers with epilepsy (Epileptic Group - EG) patients from Pediatric Neurology Clinic of the Centre Integrated Health Lineu Araújo and 60 children and teenagers without epilepsy (Control Group - CG) students from municipal public school, both of the two groups paired with the same age (age group 7 to 14 years) of both the genders (female = 25/41,6% and male = 35/58,3%) of the Teresina city Piauí. It was done two pattern questionnaires, one applied to children and teenagers of the EG and CG to identify the sedentary activities, physical and traditional infant games and other to the parents/responsible of the EG about the clinical and demographic information. The results permitted the elaboration of two manuscripts: a) the first one titled The Practice of Sedentary and Physical Activities of Children and Teenagers with Epilepsy which showed significant difference in the sedentary activities of playing with car toy (p=0,021) to the EG and reading to the CG (p=0,001); in the physical activities the school physical education (p=0,001) and riding a bike (p=0,014) to the CG; b) the second one The Practice of Infant Games and Fun the children and teenagers with and without Epilepsy in this one the playing with marble presented significant difference (p=0,016) to the CG, despite the girls of the two groups don t do this activity. Observing the distribution of frequencies, it was verified that in the play catch-up and hide-and-seek and burn the EG plays more than the CG both in female and male gender. The girls of the EG play less skip, 60 while the boys of the two groups don t play. Elastic jump the girls of the two groups play in a same frequency and the boys don t participate of this fun. The seizures were found to occur during: soccer (23,3%); hide-and-seek (6,6%) and running (3,3%). In the sedentary activities, seizures were reported to occur: resting and watching TV (18,3%), sleeping (36,0%); sitting (13,3%) and lying down (11,7%). Our results showed that the epileptic group and the controls group engage in the same activities, although the epileptic group participates less than the controls. Although the EG had presented a bigger percentage of generalized attacks, they don t occur during the practice of formal physical activities. The research was developed by a multidisciplinary team, and this contributed a lot to the realization of this study


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of food type on growth performance and water quality of angelfish juvenile. A total of 168 angelfish Pterophyllum scalare var. marble (w(i) = 151.3 +/- 37.9 mg e l(i) = 2.2 +/- 0.07 cm) were distributed in 12 aquaria 14 L (1.0 fish L(-1)). The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with three treatments and four replicates. Foods evaluated were: Artemia nauplii, commercial flakes diet and commercial powder diet. Fish weight and length were recorded in the beginning and the end of 60 experimental days. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and total ammonia were monitored during experiment. Best averages of final weight, final length, weight gain and condition factor were observed on fish fed powder diet. Specific growth rate, weight uniformity and survival were not influenced (p > 0.05) by food type. Just on length uniformity fish fed Artemia showed better averages than fish fed flakes diet and powder diet. Foods evaluated did not influenced (p > 0.05) on water quality parameters. In conclusion, for juvenile angelfish, the food type influences growth performance without affect water quality parameters. Powder diet resulted in better growth performance.