982 resultados para Macro-zoning
AbstractIn the last 15 years, different types of Triatominae resistance to different insecticides have been reported; thus, resistance may be more widespread than known, requiring better characterization and delimitation, which was the aim of this review. This review was structured on a literature search of all articles from 1970 to 2015 in the PubMed database that contained the keywords Insecticide resistance and Triatominae . Out of 295 articles screened by title, 33 texts were selected for detailed analysis. Insecticide resistance of Triatomines is a complex phenomenon that has been primarily reported in Argentina and Bolivia, and is caused by different factors (associated or isolated). Insecticide resistance of Triatominae is a characteristic inherited in an autosomal and semi-dominant manner, and is polygenic, being present in both domestic and sylvatic populations. The toxicological profile observed in eggs cannot be transposed to different stages of evolution. Different toxicological profiles exist at macro- and microgeographical levels. The insecticide phenotype has both reproductive and developmental costs. Different physiological mechanisms are involved in resistance. Studies of Triatomine resistance to insecticides highlight three deficiencies in interpreting the obtained results: I) the vast diversity of methodologies, despite the existence of a single guiding protocol; II) the lack of information on the actual impact of resistance ratios in the field; and III) the concept of the susceptibility reference lineage. Research on the biological and behavioral characteristics of each Triatominae species that has evolved resistance is required in relation to the environmental conditions of each region.
A prospective study was conducted to determine if standardized vancomycin doses could produce adequate serum concentrations in 25 term newborn infants with sepsis. Purpose: The therapeutic response of neonatal sepsis by Staphylococcus sp. treated with vancomycin was evaluated through serum concentrations of vancomycin, serum bactericidal titers (SBT), and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). METHOD: Vancomycin serum concentrations were determined by the fluorescence polarization immunoassay technique , SBT by the macro-broth dilution method, and MIC by diffusion test in agar . RESULTS: Thirteen newborn infants (59.1%) had adequate peak vancomycin serum concentrations (20--40 mg/mL) and one had peak concentration with potential ototoxicity risk (>40 µg/mL). Only 48% had adequate trough concentrations (5--10 mg/mL), and seven (28%) had a potential nephrotoxicity risk (>10 µg/mL). There was no significant agreement regarding normality for peak and trough vancomycin method (McNemar test : p = 0.7905). Peak serum vancomycin concentrations were compared with the clinical evaluation (good or bad clinical evolution) of the infants, with no significant difference found (U=51.5; p=0.1947). There was also no significant difference between the patients' trough concentrations and good or bad clinical evolution (U = 77.0; p=0.1710). All Staphylococcus isolates were sensitive to vancomycin according to the MIC. Half of the patients with adequate trough SBT (1/8), also had adequate trough vancomycin concentrations and satisfactory clinical evolution. CONCLUSIONS: Recommended vancomycin schedules for term newborn infants with neonatal sepsis should be based on the weight and postconceptual age only to start antimicrobial therapy. There is no ideal pattern of vancomycin dosing; vancomycin dosages must be individualized. SBT interpretation should be made in conjunction with the patient's clinical presentation and vancomycin serum concentrations. Those laboratory and clinical data favor elucidation of the probable cause of patient's bad evolution, which would facilitate drug adjustment and reduce the risk of toxicity or failing to achieve therapeutic doses.
O presente trabalho tem como principal propósito selecionar novas metodologias de intervenção a aplicar na obra “Livro de Consultas e Decretos da Rainha D. Maria I” pertencente à Chancelaria Régia do Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa. Para tal, desenvolveu-se a contextualização histórica do livro e do Fundo e realizou-se o levantamento das problemáticas como as tintas ferrogálicas, manchas causadas por macro e microorganismos no papel, e reforços com papéis transparentes resultantes de restauros antigos nos manuscritos do livro. Realizou-se ainda a caracterização material dos substratos presentes no livro recorrendo a diferentes métodos de exame e análise. A escolha dos métodos para a remoção dos reforços teve como principal preocupação a substituição de métodos aquosos tradicionais, que não são controláveis, por novas metodologias de intervenção mais controladas. Estes métodos consistem na aplicação de humidade controlada através de técnicas como: humidificador ultrasónico com temperatura, Gore-tex, géis rígidos, cataplasma enzimático, e um ensaio experimental com dióxido de carbono supercrítico (CO2). Os resultados mais relevantes incidem na identificação do tipo de adesivo utilizado nos restauros antigos, e na operabilidade dos géis rígidos e cataplasma que se revelaram favoráveis no tratamento deste tipo de manuscritos. Tendo-se seleccionado os métodos com melhor operabilidade, realizaram-se intervenções de restauro em apenas alguns fólios, a partir do método mais adequado para cada tipo de substrato, tendo em conta o estado de conservação. Por fim desenvolveram-se propostas de intervenção para os restantes manuscritos e encadernação, assim como a execução de um acondicionamento adequado, proposta de conservação preventiva e uma ficha de restrição de acesso à obra.
The unique proprieties exhibited by nanoscale particles compared to their macro size counterparts allow for the creation of novel neural activity manipula-tion procedures. In this sense, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can be used to stimu-late the electrical activity of neuron by converting light into heat. During this dissertation, AuNPs are synthesized by the citrate reduction method, resulting in a hydrodynamic diameter of approximately 16 nm and an absorbance peak of 530 nm. A system to control a 532 nm laser and measure the temperature variation was custom built from scratch specifically for this project. Temperature is then measured with recourse to a thermocouple and through changes in impedance. The built system had in consideration the necessities pre-sented by in vivo tests. Trials were performed by measuring the temperature rise of colloidal AuNP solutions, having the temperature variation reached a maximum of ap-proximately 18 ºC relative to control trials; successfully showing that light is ef-fectively transduced into heat when AuNPs are present. This novel approach enables an alternative to optogenetics, which require the animal to be genetically modified in order to allow neuron stimulation.
Neste trabalho, objetivou-se a caracterização de uma enfermidade ainda nova para o Estado do Acre, na castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia. excelsa), onde, após, exames macro e microscópios, foi constatado que tal doença era causada pelo fungo do gênero Colletotrichumsp. Em pesquisas de laboratório, foi testada a eficiência de quatro produtos químicos: MONCOZEB, BENOMYL, TIABENDAZOLE e PCNB, na inibição do desenvolvimento micelial "in vitro" do fungo Colletotrichumsp. Os resultados indicaram que apenas o Moncozeb não apresentou efeito inibidor sobre o crescimento do fungo. Os demais inibiram totalmente o crescimento micelial do fungo estudado.
Os autores apresentam neste trabalho o estudo dos caracteres anatômicos das madeiras de 7 espécies do gênero Dimorphandra(leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae) e para cada uma delas são apresentadas ainda informações sobre: a) daárvore.:descrição botânica, distribuição geográfica e nomes vulgares; b) da madeira:características gerais, descrição macro e microscópica, 7 macro e 14 microfotografias estruturais do lenho. As espécies estudadas foram: Dimon.phandAa conjugata(Splitgerber) Sandw., D.gardnerianaTut., V. giganteaDucke, D. mollísBenth., D.multifloraDucke, D. palleiAmsh. e D, unijagaTul. Um quadro sinótico com as principais características anatômicas diferenciais das, espécies é também apresentado.
Dispersion of returns has gained a lot of attention as a measure to distinguish good and bad investment opportunities time. In the following dissertation, the cross-sectional returns volatility is analyzed over a fifteen year period across the S&P100 Index composition. The main inference drawn from the data sample is that the canonical measure of dispersion is highly macro-risk driven and therefore more biased towards returns volatility rather than its correlation component.
This study presents an empirical investigation of the determinants of net interest margins and spreads in the Russian and Japanese banking sectors with a particular focus on commercial banks. Net interest mar-gins and spreads serve as indicators of financial intermediation efficiency. This paper employed a bank-level unbalanced panel dataset prolonging from 2005 to 2014. My main empirical results show that bank characteristics explain the most of the variation in not only net interest margins but also in spreads. Capi-talization, liquidity risk, inflation, economic growth, private and government debt are important determi-nants of margin in Russia. In Japan to the contrary loan and deposit market concentration along with bank size do predominate. Common significant variables in both countries are the substitution effect, cost effi-ciency and profitability. Turning to net interest spreads, micro- and macro-specific variables are the main significant drivers in Russia. I reach the conclusion that there are no significant determinants of net interest spreads in Japan within the original selection of variables, but operating efficiency and deposits to total funding seem to prevail. In both countries, there are solid differences in the net interest margins as well as spreads once the pre- and the post-crisis periods are considered.
Neste trabalho, é feito o estudo dos caracteres anatômicos de 1 (uma) espécie do gênero Anlsophylleae de 2 (duas) espécies do gênero Polygonanthus(Rhizophoraceae) e para cada espécie são apresentadas: características gerais, descrição macro e microscópía, macro e microfotografias dos cortes transversal, tangencial e radial, histogramas da variação de freqüência de fibras e elementos vasculares, um quadro slinóptico com as principais características de cada espécie e uma ficha biométrlca dos elementos anatômicos, para cada espécie. As espécies estudadas foram: Anlisophylea manausensisPires & Rodrigues, Polygonanthus amazonicusDucke e P. punctulatusKuhlmann.
Science4you, a Portuguese developer, producer and seller of scientific and educational toys, leveraged the worldwide growth of this category to successfully expand its operations abroad. Following a recent entry into the United States market, the purpose of this report is to help the company define the next step in its international expansion. A customized scoring model, based on a set of relevant macro and micro-criteria was developed for Anglo-Saxon and Asian countries, yielding Canada as the market with the highest potential. The recommended entry mode is direct exporting via an independent distributor, being complemented with a financial and risk analysis.
Frutaformas is a Portuguese micro-enterprise, specialized in the production of premium dehydrated-fruit, an emerging snack category fostered by the increasing trend for healthier alimentary habits in developed countries. The relatively small size of the domestic market and the growing competition led Frutaformas to consider Europe as an attractive for export market. A scoring model based on a set of macro and micro-level criteria suggested the United Kingdom as the preferential target country at this stage. Recommendations on the entry mode and the associated risks were elaborated taking into account the country and industry analysis as well as Frutaformas’ unique organizational platform.
Foram analisadas amostras de frutas, raízes, tubérculos, hortaliças, peixes, carnes de animais silvestres e ovos adquiridos nas feiras e mercados das cidades de Manaus, Borba, Novo Airão e Tefé, no Amazonas, com objetivo de elaborar uma tabela de composição centesimal dos alimentos da Amazônia. Esta tabela permite aos profissionais da área realizar balanços macro nutritivos para avaliar o consumo alimentar, bem como desenvolver pesquisas sobre a relação dieta e doença. Adicionalmente, dará apoio a indústria de alimentos, adaptada a nossa realidade.
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of humble leadership on team voice. Although the relationship between leadership styles and voice is widely investigated, humble leadership and team voice, both relatively new constructs, remained out of sight. Drawing upon social interdependence theory, information exchange, team psychological safety, and team-efficacy are proposed to mediate the relationship between humble leadership and team voice. Research is conducted at the team-level analysis and involved 209 team members from 52 teams in 21 companies collected through a snowball sample. Results were provided by the SPSS macro PROCESS using the regression-based approach and bootstrapping techniques. Findings showed that humble leadership is positively related to team voice. Furthermore, findings supported the mediating effect of information exchange. However, no support was given for the mediating effects of team psychological safety and team-efficacy. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are addressed.
Marine ecosystem can be considered a rather exploited source of natural substances with enormous bioactive potential. In Mexico macro-algae study remain forgotten for research and economic purposes besides the high amount of this resource along the west and east coast. For that reason the Bioferinery Group of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, have been studying the biorefinery concept in order to recover high value byproducts of Mexican brown macro-algae including polysaccharides and enzymes to be applied in food, pharmaceutical and energy industry. Brown macroalgae are an important source of fucoidan, alginate and laminarin which comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a wide range of important biological properties such as anticoagulant, antioxidant, antitumoral and antiviral and also as rich source of fermentable sugars for enzymes production. Additionally, specific enzymes able to degrade algae matrix (fucosidases, sulfatases, aliginases, etc) are important tools to establish structural characteristics and biological functions of these polysaccharides. The aims of the present work were the integral study of bioprocess for macroalgae biomass exploitation by the use of green technologies as hydrothermal extraction and solid state fermentation in order to produce polysaccharides and enzymes (fucoidan and fucoidan hydrolytic enzymes). This work comprises the use of the different bioprocess phases in order to produce high value products with lower time and wastes.
Na Amazônia encontra-se um grande número de espécies florestais, muitas delas já com reconhecido valor econômico, como a Abiurana (Eremoluma williamií), Andiroba (Carapa guianensis), Cardeiro (Scleronema micranthum), Cedrorana (Cedrelinga catenaeformis), Cumarú (Dipterix odorata), Jacareúba (Calophyllum angulare), Marupá (Simaruba amara) e Piquiá (Caryocar villosum). Pouco se sabe sobre suas características nutricionais e infecções por micorrizas arbusculares (MA) quando em solos ácidos e de baixa fertilidade da região. Com o objetivo de obter informações neste sentido, foi realizada uma avaliação de campo com estas espécies em fase adulta. Foram coletadas amostras de solos (rizosfera), raízes e folhas das espécies, de plantios experimentais na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical do INPA, Manaus, AM, em dois solos podzólicos. Todas as espécies apresentaram infecções por MA, mas diferiram quanto às colonizações, bem como nas concentrações de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas. Foram encontradas algumas correlações significativas (oito de um total de 64) entre as colonizações por micorrizas nas raízes e os teores de Ca, P, Cu, Fe, Mn c Zn nas folhas das espécies. Estas correlações estatisticamente significativas indicam que as endomicorrizas estão contribuindo para a absorção de nutrientes pelas plantas nas condições de terra firme da Amazônia Central.