991 resultados para Luís da Câmara Cascudo. House. Spaces. Biography. Memory
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
The implementation of smart homes allows the domestic consumer to be an active player in the context of the Smart Grid (SG). This paper presents an intelligent house management system that is being developed by the authors to manage, in real time, the power consumption, the micro generation system, the charge and discharge of the electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, and the participation in Demand Response (DR) programs. The paper proposes a method for the energy efficiency analysis of a domestic consumer using the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM) system. The main goal of the present paper is to demonstrate the economic benefits of the implemented method. The case study considers the consumption data of some real cases of Portuguese house consumption over 30 days of June of 2012, the Portuguese real energy price, the implementation of the power limits at different times of the day and the economic benefits analysis.
RESUMO: Desde 1640 até data extrema de 1834, os Irmãos Hospitaleiros de S. João de Deus foram os responsáveis, directa e indirectamente, pela administração e corpo de enfermagem dos Reais Hospitais Militares em Portugal, actividades que analisamos ao longo dos séculos, desenvolvendo pressupostos temáticos relativamente a sua actuação no tempo e no espaço. É durante o séc. XVII até ao séc. XIX, que vemos os cuidados da corte para com a assistência aos soldados enfermos e doentes, ao publicar inúmera legislação relativamente à complexidade assistencial na área militar, a qual foi por nós compilada para melhor contextualização da importância dos Hospitais Militares em Portugal. Os Regimentos, os Alvarás, os Regulamentos e as Ordens do Dia, constituem um objecto fundamental de pesquisa e análise para caracterizar o quotidiano nesses mesmos locais. Os Hospitais Militares desde a sua fundação, dos primórdios das Guerras da Aclamação em 1640, até ao advento do liberalismo em 1834, eram centros de conhecimento técnico e científico com um corpo assistencial especializado, onde um conjunto pluridisciplinar de profissionais zelava qualitativamente pelos assistidos, e onde os Irmãos Hospitaleiros de S. João de Deus desempenhavam funções de administradores, enfermeiros e capelães. Nesse sentido elaboramos uma listagem cronológica para inter relacionar os Irmãos Hospitaleiros e os Hospitais Militares, pois é impossível separar a Ordem de S. João de Deus da componente assistencial aos enfermos e doentes militares em Portugal. A importância urbana e arquitectónica, que os Reais Hospitais Militares tiveram no contexto orgânico e defensivo nas Praças de Guerra, é realçado pela forma como estes se encontravam implantados e construídos, demarcando-se esteticamente da globalidade edificada, pois constituíam parte integrante dos equipamentos militares, como era teorizado pelos técnicos militares. Assim analisamos a localização dos imóveis, para além do próprio edifício hospitalar, com o meio, ou seja com a urbanidade das Praças de guerra. A sobriedade arquitectónica dos Hospitais Militares, integrada nos grandes ciclos das correntes culturais europeia e nacional, associada à riqueza decorativa e iconoclasta desenvolvida nesses locais, dá-nos uma dimensão da importância científica que esses núcleos assistenciais tiveram, contribuindo para a difusão do culto e circulação da imaginária de S. João de Deus em Portugal e dos Santos venerados nos Hospitais Militares. Desta forma compreendemos o alicerçar devocional que o reino tinha por este Santo, como o fundador do conceito assistencial do hospital moderno. Estando intrinsecamente ligado a este facto vemos o proliferar do culto e da imaginária de S. João de Deus em Portugal, centrando-se a iconografia artística do Santo em torno das localidades onde se enraizaram os Hospitais Militares. Hoje, nos imóveis hospitalares, não é difícil analisar uma lenta evolução da funcionalidade dos seus espaços, gravitando o desenvolvimento estrutural assistencial em torno das enfermarias e salas de cirurgia, mantendo-se perene este arquétipo arquitectónico desde o séc. XVII até meados do séc. XIX, as quais foram levantadas, comparadas e analisadas. Foi com a exclaustração das Ordens Religiosas, pelo Decreto de 29 de Maio de 1834, que acabou a extraordinária e valorosa acção administrativa, tutelar e corpo de enfermagem dos Irmãos Hospitaleiros de S. João de Deus, na área específica da assistência militar em Portugal, extinguindo-se, nalguns casos, os Hospitais Militares, pois o reino não estava preparado para substituir esses profissionais de saúde. O nosso estudo desenvolve-se por cerca de 295 anos, espaço temporal em que os Hospitais Militares foram administrados e fundados pelos Irmãos de S. João de Deus em Portugal.---------ABSTRACT: Since 1640 until 1834 the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God were the responsibles, direct and indirectly, for the administration and nursing body of the Royal Military Hospitals in Portugal, activities that we analyse throughout the centuries, developing thematic presuppositions regarding its performance in time and in space. It is during the 17th century until the 19th century, that we see the court’s care with the assistance of the wounded and sick by the publishing of much legislation regarding the assistance complexity in the military area, which was compiled by us in order to achieve a better comprehension of the importance of the Military Hospitals in Portugal. The Regiments, Charters, Regulations and Orders of Day constitute a fundamental object of research and analysis to characterise the quotidian of these locations. The Military Hospitals, since its foundation, in the beginning of the Wars of Acclamation in 1640, until the advent of liberalism in 1834, were centres of technical and scientific knowledge with a specialized assistance body, were a multidisciplinary set of professionals took qualitatively care of the attended, and where the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God performed the tasks of administrators, nurses and chaplains. In this perspective, we created a chronological listing in order to relate the Hospitaller Brothers with the Military Hospitals, since it is impossible to separate the Hospitaller Order of S. John of God from the component of assistance to the military sick and wounded in Portugal. The urban and architectural importance that the Royal Military Hospitals had in the organic and defensive context of the War Fortifications is emphasized by the way these were implanted and built and by its architectural demarcation of the edified whole, since they constituted an integrant part of the military equipments, as it was theorized for the military architecture. Therefore we analyse the location of the real estate, analysing not only the hospital building itself, but also its relation with the environment, i. e. with the urbanism of the war fortifications. The architectural sobriety of Military Hospitals, integrated in the big cycles of cultural streams in Europe and Portugal, associated to the decorative and iconoclastic wealth developed in these locations, give us a dimension of the scientific importance that these hospitals had, contributing to the diffusion of the cult and circulation of sculptures and paintings of S. John of God in Portugal and of the Saints revered in the Hospitals. In this way, we understand the consolidation of the devotion that the kingdom had for this Saint, the founder of the assistance concept of the modern hospital. The proliferation of the cult and iconography of S. John of God is intrinsically connected to this fact, the artistic iconography concentrating itself around the localities were the Military Hospitals were built. Today, in the assistance buildings, it is not difficult to analyse a slow evolution of the functionality of its spaces, gravitating the structural assistance development around the infirmaries and surgery rooms, this architectural archetype being perennial from the 17th century until the middle of the 19th century. These infirmaries were pointed out, compared and analysed. It was the expulsion of the Religious Orders, by the Decree of May 29th 1834, that ended with the extraordinary and valorous administrative and tutelary action and nursing body of the Hospitaller Brothers of S. John of God, in the specific area of military assistance in Portugal, extinguishing, in some cases, the Military Hospitals, since the kingdom wasn’t prepared to substitute these health professionals. Our study is developed in a timeframe of 295 years, period in which the Military Hospitals were administrated and founded by the Brothers of S. John of God in Portugal.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
For the purpose of research a large quantity of anti-measles IgG working reference serum was needed. A pool of sera from five teenagers was prepared and named Alexandre Herculano (AH). In order to calibrate the AH serum, 18 EIA assays were performed testing in parallel AH and the 2nd International Standard 1990, Anti-Measles Antibody, 66/202 (IS) in a range of dilutions (from 1/50 to 1/25600). A method which compared parallel lines resulting from the graphic representation of the results of laboratory tests was used to estimate the power of AH relative to IS. A computer programme written by one of the authors was used to analyze the data and make potency estimates. Another method of analysis was used, comparing logistic curves relating serum concentrations with optical density by EIA. For that purpose an existing computer programme (WRANL) was used. The potency of AH relative to IS, by either method, was estimated to be 2.4. As IS has 5000 milli international units (mIU) of anti-measles IgG per millilitre (ml), we concluded that AH has 12000 mIU/ml.
A satisfação das necessidades energéticas mundiais, cada vez mais exigentes, bem como a necessidade urgente de procurar caminhos que permitam usufruir de energia, da forma menos poluente possível, levam à necessidade de serem explorados caminhos que permitam cumprir estes pressupostos. A escolha da utilização das energias renováveis na produção de energia, torna-se cada vez mais interessante, quer do ponto de vista ambiental quer económico. O fundamento da lógica difusa está associado à recolha de informações vagas, que são no fundo uma linguagem falada por seres humanos, possibilitando a passagem deste tipo de linguagem para formato numérico, permitindo assim uma manipulação computacional. Elementos climáticos como o sol e o vento, podem ser descritos em forma de variáveis linguísticas, como é o caso de vento forte, temperatura baixa, irradiação fraca, etc. Isto faz com que a aplicação de um controlo a partir destes fenómenos, justifique ser realizado com recurso a sistemas de inferência difusa. Para a realização do trabalho proposto, foram consumados estudos relativos às energias renováveis, com particular enfoque na solar e na eólica. Também foi realizado um estudo dos conceitos pertencentes à lógica difusa e a sistemas de inferência difusa com o objetivo de perceber os diversos parâmetros constituintes desta matéria. Foi realizado o estudo e desenvolvimento de um sistema de aquisição de dados, bem como do controlador difuso que é o busílis do trabalho descrito neste relatório. Para tal, o trabalho foi efetuado com o recurso ao software MATLAB, a partir do qual foram desenvolvidas aplicações que possibilitaram a obtenção de dados climáticos, com vista à sua utilização na toolbox Fuzzy Logic a qual foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento de todo o algoritmo de controlo. Com a possibilidade de aquisição de dados concluída e das variáveis que iriam ser necessárias definidas, foi implementado o controlador difuso que foi sendo sintonizado ao longo do trabalho por forma a garantir os melhores resultados possíveis. Com o recurso à ferramenta Guide, também do MATLAB, foi criada a interface do sistema com o utilizador, sendo possível a averiguação da energia a ser produzida, bem como das contribuições de cada uma das fontes de energia renováveis para a obtenção dessa mesma energia. Por último, foi feita uma análise de resultados através da comparação entre os valores reais esperados e os valores obtidos pelo controlador difuso, bem como assinaladas conclusões e possibilidades de desenvolvimentos futuros deste trabalho.
The goal of this study was to propose a new functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) paradigm using a language-free adaptation of a 2-back working memory task to avoid cultural and educational bias. We additionally provide an index of the validity of the proposed paradigm and test whether the experimental task discriminates the behavioural performances of healthy participants from those of individuals with working memory deficits. Ten healthy participants and nine patients presenting working memory (WM) deficits due to acquired brain injury (ABI) performed the developed task. To inspect whether the paradigm activates brain areas typically involved in visual working memory (VWM), brain activation of the healthy participants was assessed with fMRIs. To examine the task's capacity to discriminate behavioural data, performances of the healthy participants in the task were compared with those of ABI patients. Data were analysed with GLM-based random effects procedures and t-tests. We found an increase of the BOLD signal in the specialized areas of VWM. Concerning behavioural performances, healthy participants showed the predicted pattern of more hits, less omissions and a tendency for fewer false alarms, more self-corrected responses, and faster reaction times, when compared with subjects presenting WM impairments. The results suggest that this task activates brain areas involved in VWM and discriminates behavioural performances of clinical and non-clinical groups. It can thus be used as a research methodology for behavioural and neuroimaging studies of VWM in block-design paradigms.
The last decade has witnessed a major shift towards the deployment of embedded applications on multi-core platforms. However, real-time applications have not been able to fully benefit from this transition, as the computational gains offered by multi-cores are often offset by performance degradation due to shared resources, such as main memory. To efficiently use multi-core platforms for real-time systems, it is hence essential to tightly bound the interference when accessing shared resources. Although there has been much recent work in this area, a remaining key problem is to address the diversity of memory arbiters in the analysis to make it applicable to a wide range of systems. This work handles diverse arbiters by proposing a general framework to compute the maximum interference caused by the shared memory bus and its impact on the execution time of the tasks running on the cores, considering different bus arbiters. Our novel approach clearly demarcates the arbiter-dependent and independent stages in the analysis of these upper bounds. The arbiter-dependent phase takes the arbiter and the task memory-traffic pattern as inputs and produces a model of the availability of the bus to a given task. Then, based on the availability of the bus, the arbiter-independent phase determines the worst-case request-release scenario that maximizes the interference experienced by the tasks due to the contention for the bus. We show that the framework addresses the diversity problem by applying it to a memory bus shared by a fixed-priority arbiter, a time-division multiplexing (TDM) arbiter, and an unspecified work-conserving arbiter using applications from the MediaBench test suite. We also experimentally evaluate the quality of the analysis by comparison with a state-of-the-art TDM analysis approach and consistently showing a considerable reduction in maximum interference.
Accepted in 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
This article describes the standardization and evaluation of an in-house specific IgG avidity ELISA for distinguishing recent primary from long-term human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. The test was standardized with the commercial kit ETI-CYTOK G Plus (Sorin Biomedica, Italy) using 8 M urea in phosphate-buffered saline to dissociate low-avidity antibodies after the antigen-antibody interaction. The performance of the in-house assay was compared to that of the commercial automated VIDAS CMV IgG avidity test (bioMérieux, France). Forty-nine sera, 24 from patients with a recent primary HCMV infection and 25 from patients with a long-term HCMV infection and a sustained persistence of specific IgM antibodies, were tested. Similar results were obtained with the two avidity methods. All 24 sera from patients with recently acquired infection had avidity indices compatible with acute HCMV infection by the VIDAS method, whereas with the in-house method, one serum sample had an equivocal result. In the 25 sera from patients with long-term infection, identical results were obtained with the two methods, with only one serum sample having an incompatible value. These findings suggest that our in-house avidity test could be a potentially useful tool for the immunodiagnosis of HCMV infection.
This paper analyzes several natural and man-made complex phenomena in the perspective of dynamical systems. Such phenomena are often characterized by the absence of a characteristic length-scale, long range correlations and persistent memory, which are features also associated to fractional order systems. For each system, the output, interpreted as a manifestation of the system dynamics, is analyzed by means of the Fourier transform. The amplitude spectrum is approximated by a power law function and the parameters are interpreted as an underlying signature of the system dynamics. The complex systems under analysis are then compared in a global perspective in order to unveil and visualize hidden relationships among them.
The effects of eucalyptol were evaluated against the house fly, Musca domestica L., and blow fly, Chrysomya megacephala (F.). The bioassay of adults, using topical application, indicated that M. domestica males were more susceptible than females, with the LD50 being 118 and 177 µg/fly, respectively. A higher LD50 of C. megacephala was obtained; 197 µg/fly for males and 221 µg/fly for females. Living flies of both species yielded a shorter life span after being treated with eucalyptol. The bioassay of larvae, using the dipping method on the third instar, showed that M. domestica was more susceptible than C. megacephala, with their LC50 being 101 and 642 µg/µl, respectively. The emergence of adults, which had been treated with eucalyptol in larvae, decreased only in M. domestica. Having the volatile property, fumigation or impregnated paper test of eucalyptol or the efficacy of repellence or attractiveness merits further investigations to enhance bio-insecticidal efficacy.