879 resultados para Long-Life Fatigue


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Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention in improving cancer-related fatigue. Patients and Methods This randomized controlled trial involved 109 women commencing adjuvant chemotherapy for stage I or II breast cancer in five chemotherapy treatment centers. Intervention group patients received an individualized fatigue education and support program delivered in the clinic and by phone over three 10- to 20-minute sessions 1 week apart. Instruments included a numeric rating scale assessing confidence with managing fatigue; 11-point numeric rating scales measuring fatigue at worst, average, and best; the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue and Piper Fatigue Scales; the Cancer Self-Efficacy Scale; the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30; and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. For each outcome, separate analyses of covariance of change scores between baseline (T1) and the three follow-up time points (T2, T3, and T4) were conducted, controlling for the variable's corresponding baseline value. Results Compared with the intervention group, mean difference scores between the baseline (T1) and immediate after the test (T2) assessments increased significantly more for the control group for worst and average fatigue, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue, and Piper fatigue severity and interference measures. These differences were not observed between baseline and T3 and T4 assessments. No significant differences were identified for any pre- or post-test change scores for confidence with managing fatigue, cancer self-efficacy, anxiety, depression, or quality of life. Conclusion Preparatory education and support has the potential to assist women to cope with cancer-related fatigue in the short term. However, further research is needed to identify ways to improve the potency and sustainability of psychoeducational interventions for managing cancer-related fatigue.


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Most adverse environmental impacts result from design decisions made long before manufacturing or usage. In order to prevent this situation, several authors have proposed the application of life cycle assessment (LCA) at the very first phases of the design of a process, a product or a service. The study in this paper presents an innovative thermal drying process for sewage sludge called fry-drying, in which dewatered sludge is directly contacted in the dryer with hot recycled cooking oils (RCO) as the heat medium. Considering the practical difficulties for the disposal of these two wastes, fry-drying presents a potentially convenient method for their combined elimination by incineration of the final fry-dried sludge. An analytical comparison between a conventional drying process and the new proposed fry-drying process is reported, with reference to some environmental impact categories. The results of this study, applied at the earliest stages of the design of the process, assist evaluation of the feasibility of such system compared to a current disposal process for the drying and incineration of sewage sludge.


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Changes in residential accommodation models for adults with intellectual disability (ID) over the last 20 years in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States have involved relocation from institutions primarily into dispersed homes in the community. But an evolving alternative service style is the cluster centre. This paper reports on the relocation of a matched group of 30 pairs of adults with moderate and severe IDs and challenging behaviour who were relocated from an institution into either dispersed housing in the community or cluster centres but under the same residential service philosophy. Adaptive and maladaptive behaviour, choice-making and objective life quality were assessed prior to leaving the institution and then after 12 and 24 months of living in the new residential model. Adaptive behaviour, choice-making and life quality increased for both groups and there was no change in level of maladaptive behaviour compared with levels exhibited in the institution. However, there were some significant differences between the community and cluster centre group as the community group increased some adaptive skills, choice-making and objective life quality to a greater extent than the cluster centre group. Both cluster centre and dispersed community living offer lifestyle and skill development advantages compared with opportunities available in large residential institutions. Dispersed community houses, however, offer increased opportunities for choice-making, acquisition of adaptive behaviours and improved life quality for long-term institutionalized adults with IDs.


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Background: In 1992, Frisch et al (Psychol Assess. 1992;4:92- 10 1) developed the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) to measure the concept of quality of life (QOL) because it has long been thought to be related to both physical and emotional well-being. However, the psychometric properties of the QOLI in clinical populations are still in debate. The present study examined the factor structure of QOLI and reported its validity and reliability in a clinical sample. Method: Two hundred seventeen patients with anxiety and depressive disorders completed the QOLI and additional questionnaires measuring symptoms (Zung Self-rating Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Fear Questionnaire, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-Stress) and subjective well-being (Satisfaction With Life Scale) were also used. Results: Exploratory factor analysis via the principal components method, with oblique rotation, revealed a 2-factor structure that accounted for 42.73% of the total variance, and a subsequent confirmatory factor analysis suggested a moderate fit of the data to this model. The 2 factors appeared to describe self-oriented QOL and externally oriented QOL. The Cronbach alpha coefficients were 0.85 for the overall QOLI score, 0.81 for the first factor, and 0.75 for the second factor. Conclusion: Consistent evidence was also found to support the concurrent, discriminant, predictive, and criterion-related validity of the QOLI. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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La presente Tesi ha per oggetto lo sviluppo e la validazione di nuovi criteri per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di componenti strutturali metallici . In particolare, i nuovi criteri formulati risultano applicabili a componenti metallici, soggetti ad un’ampia gamma di configurazioni di carico: carichi multiassiali variabili nel tempo, in modo ciclico e random, per alto e basso/medio numero di cicli di carico. Tali criteri costituiscono un utile strumento nell’ambito della valutazione della resistenza/vita a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici, essendo di semplice implementazione, e richiedendo tempi di calcolo piuttosto modesti. Nel primo Capitolo vengono presentate le problematiche relative alla fatica multiassiale, introducendo alcuni aspetti teorici utili a descrivere il meccanismo di danneggiamento a fatica (propagazione della fessura e frattura finale) di componenti strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi variabili nel tempo. Vengono poi presentati i diversi approcci disponibili in letteratura per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di tali componenti, con particolare attenzione all'approccio del piano critico. Infine, vengono definite le grandezze ingegneristiche correlate al piano critico, utilizzate nella progettazione a fatica in presenza di carichi multiassiali ciclici per alto e basso/medio numero di cicli di carico. Il secondo Capitolo è dedicato allo sviluppo di un nuovo criterio per la valutazione della resistenza a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali ciclici e alto numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico ed è formulato in termini di tensioni. Lo sviluppo del criterio viene affrontato intervenendo in modo significativo su una precedente formulazione proposta da Carpinteri e collaboratori nel 2011. In particolare, il primo intervento riguarda la determinazione della giacitura del piano critico: nuove espressioni dell'angolo che lega la giacitura del piano critico a quella del piano di frattura vengono implementate nell'algoritmo del criterio. Il secondo intervento è relativo alla definizione dell'ampiezza della tensione tangenziale e un nuovo metodo, noto come Prismatic Hull (PH) method (di Araújo e collaboratori), viene implementato nell'algoritmo. L'affidabilità del criterio viene poi verificata impiegando numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura. Nel terzo Capitolo viene proposto un criterio di nuova formulazione per la valutazione della vita a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali ciclici e basso/medio numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico, ed è formulato in termini di deformazioni. In particolare, la formulazione proposta trae spunto, come impostazione generale, dal criterio di fatica multiassiale in regime di alto numero di cicli discusso nel secondo Capitolo. Poiché in presenza di deformazioni plastiche significative (come quelle caratterizzanti la fatica per basso/medio numero di cicli di carico) è necessario conoscere il valore del coefficiente efficace di Poisson del materiale, vengono impiegate tre differenti strategie. In particolare, tale coefficiente viene calcolato sia per via analitica, che per via numerica, che impiegando un valore costante frequentemente adottato in letteratura. Successivamente, per validarne l'affidabilità vengono impiegati numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura; i risultati numerici sono ottenuti al variare del valore del coefficiente efficace di Poisson. Inoltre, al fine di considerare i significativi gradienti tensionali che si verificano in presenza di discontinuità geometriche, come gli intagli, il criterio viene anche esteso al caso dei componenti strutturali intagliati. Il criterio, riformulato implementando il concetto del volume di controllo proposto da Lazzarin e collaboratori, viene utilizzato per stimare la vita a fatica di provini con un severo intaglio a V, realizzati in lega di titanio grado 5. Il quarto Capitolo è rivolto allo sviluppo di un nuovo criterio per la valutazione del danno a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali random e alto numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico ed è formulato nel dominio della frequenza. Lo sviluppo del criterio viene affrontato intervenendo in modo significativo su una precedente formulazione proposta da Carpinteri e collaboratori nel 2014. In particolare, l’intervento riguarda la determinazione della giacitura del piano critico, e nuove espressioni dell'angolo che lega la giacitura del piano critico con quella del piano di frattura vengono implementate nell'algoritmo del criterio. Infine, l’affidabilità del criterio viene verificata impiegando numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura.


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Animals and plants in temperate regions must adapt their life cycle to pronounced seasonal variation. The research effort that has gone into studying these cyclical life history events, or phenological traits, has increased greatly in recent decades. As phenological traits are often correlated to temperature, they are relevant to study in terms of understanding the effect of short term environmental variation as well as long term climate change. Because of this, changes in phenology are the most obvious and among the most commonly reported responses to climate change. Moreover, phenological traits are important for fitness as they determine the biotic and abiotic environment an individual encounters. Fine-tuning of phenology allows for synchronisation at a local scale to mates, food resources and appropriate weather conditions. On a between-population scale, variation in phenology may reflect regional variation in climate. Such differences can not only give insights to life cycle adaptation, but also to how populations may respond to environmental change through time. This applies both on an ecological scale through phenotypic plasticity as well as an evolutionary scale through genetic adaptation. In this thesis I have used statistical and experimental methods to investigate both the larger geographical patterns as well as mechanisms of fine-tuning of phenology of several butterfly species. The main focus, however, is on the orange tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines, in Sweden and the United Kingdom. I show a contrasting effect of spring temperature and winter condition on spring phenology for three out of the five studied butterfly species. For A. cardamines there are population differences in traits responding to these environmental factors between and within Sweden and the UK that suggest adaptation to local environmental conditions. All populations show a strong negative plastic relationship between spring temperature and spring phenology, while the opposite is true for winter cold duration. Spring phenology is shifted earlier with increasing cold duration. The environmental variables show correlations, for example, during a warm year a short winter delays phenology while a warm spring speeds phenology up. Correlations between the environmental variables also occur through space, as the locations that have long winters also have cold springs. The combined effects of these two environmental variables cause a complex geographical pattern of phenology across the UK and Sweden. When predicting phenology with future climate change or interpreting larger geographical patterns one must therefore have a good enough understanding of how the phenology is controlled and take the relevant environmental factors in to account. In terms of the effect of phenological change, it should be discussed with regards to change in life cycle timing among interacting species. For example, the phenology of the host plants is important for A. cardamines fitness, and it is also the main determining factor for oviposition. In summary, this thesis shows that the broad geographical pattern of phenology of the butterflies is formed by counteracting environmental variables, but that there also are significant population differences that enable fine-tuning of phenology according to the seasonal progression and variation at the local scale.


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Whole life costing (WLC) has become the best practice in construction procurement and it is likely to be a major issue in predicting whole life costs of a construction project accurately. However, different expectations from different organizations throughout a project's life and the lack of data, monitoring targets, and long-term interest for many key players are obstacles to be overcome if WLC is to be implemented. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to investigate a set of ten common factors and 188 individual factors. These were grouped into eight critical categories (project scope, time, cost, quality, contract/administration, human resource, risk, and health and safety) by project phase, as perceived by the clients, contractors and subcontractors in order to identify critical success factors for whole life performance assessment (WLPA). Using a relative importance index, the top ten critical factors for each category, from the perspective of project participants, were analyzed and ranked. Their agreement on those categories and factors were analyzed using Spearman's rank correlation. All participants identify “Type of Project” as the most common critical factor in the eight categories for WLPA. Using the relative index ranking technique and weighted average methods, it was found that the most critical individual factors in each category were: “clarity of contract” (scope); “fixed construction period” (time); “precise project budget estimate” (cost); “material quality” (quality); “mutual/trusting relationships” (contract/administration); “leadership/team management” (human resource); and “management of work safety on site” (health and safety). There was relatively a high agreement on these categories among all participants. Obviously, with 80 critical factors of WLPA, there is a stronger positive relationship between client and contactor rather than contractor and subcontractor, client and subcontractor. Putting these critical factors into a criteria matrix can facilitate an initial framework of WLPA in order to aid decision making in the public sector in South Korea for evaluation/selection process of a construction project at the bid stage.


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Cadbury showed concern for the welfare of its labour force in a variety of ways and not least in the provision of educational and educative-recreational facilities. The firm regarded the education of employees as having a positive effect on the efficiency of the business at the same time as being of benefit to the individual, the local community and the nation. The life-long education of people was seen as essential for personal fulfilament, social improvement, economic competitiveness and the proper functioning of democratic procedures. The educational system built up at Cadbury, and the philosophy on which it was founded, acquired both a domestic and international reputation. Its main components were the day continuation education of juniors; the Bournville Works Evening Institute; vocational and non-vocational scholarships; emphasis on the primary importance of general education as a basis for life, work and technical training; stress on equality of educational opportunity for females; and leisure and sporting amenities which the firm felt to be educative in the sense that they contributed to personal psychological and physical development and social skills. The system was primarily shaped and constructed in the first three decades of the twentieth century and went into decline and eventual demise in the 1960's and 1970's as a result of economic pressures, social changes, enhanced state arrangements for education, shifts in Cadbury management thinking and the merger with Schweppes in 1969.


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A study has been made of the effect of single extensions and continuous fatigue on the structures of various natural rubber networks. The change in network structure of a conventional vulcanisate on a single extension manifests itself as permanent set. The change in network structure has been assessed by the use of the chemical probes, propan-2-thiol/piperidine, hexane-thiol/piperidine and triphenyl phosphine, which determine the polysulphide and disulphide crosslink densities and main chain modification respectively. The permanent set induced on a single extension of a conventional sulphur vulcanisate has been shown to result from the destruction and reformation of polysulphide crosslinks. The magnitude of the effect was dependent upon the degree of extension and showed a maximum at extensions corresponding to the onset of stress-induced crystallisation. The incorporation of a reinforcing filler, HAF-carbon black, magnified the effect. Vulcanisates that possessed only mono and disulphide crosslinks did not show any significant permanent set. The continuous changes in network structure during fatigue have also been determined, and the effects of carbon black and antioxidants on these changes and the fatigue life have been assessed. During fatigue the overall crosslink density increased slightly, which resulted from the destruction of polysulphide crosslinks. and their replacement by principally disulphide crosslinks. Antioxidants reduced the rate of destruction of polysulphide crosslinks and increased the fatigue life of the rubber network. The fatigue life of the network also depended upon the concentration of free chain ends. These chain ends were incorporated into the network by masticating rubber under nitrogen in the presence of bis (diisopropyl)thiophosphoryl disulphide, which improved the fatigue resistance by up to 9%.


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The fatigue behaviour of the cold chamber pressure-die-cast alloys: Mazak3, ZA8, ZA27, M3K, ZA8K, ZA27K, K1, K2 and K3 was investigated at temperature of 20°C. The alloys M3K, ZA8K and ZA27K were also examined at temperatures of 50 and 100°C. The ratio between fatigue strength and tensile strength was established at 20°C at 107 cycles. The fatigue life prediction of the alloys M3K, ZA8K and ZA27K was formulated at 20, 50 and 100°C. The prediction formulae were found to be reasonably accurate. All of the experimental alloys were heterogeneous and contained large but varying amounts of pores. These pores were a major contribution and dominated the alloys fatigue failure. Their effect, however, on tensile failure was negligible. The ZA27K possessed the highest tensile strength but the lowest fatigue strength. The relationship between the fracture topography and the microstructure was also determined by the use of a mixed signal of a secondary electron and a back-scattered electron on the SEM. The tensile strength of the experimental alloys was directly proportional to the aluminium content within the alloys. The effect of copper content was also investigated within the alloys K1, K2, ZA8K and K3 which contained 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% respectively. It was determined that the fatigue and tensile strengths improved with higher copper contents. Upon ageing the alloys Mazak3, ZA8 and ZA27 at an ambient temperature for 5 years, copper was also found to influence and maintain the metastable Zn-Al (αm) phase. The copper free Mazak3 upon ageing lost this metastable phase. The 1.0% copper ZA8 alloy had lost almost 50% of its metastable phase. Finally the 2.0% copper ZA27 had merely lost 10% of its metastable phase. The cph zinc contained a limited number of slip systems, therefore twinning deformation was unavoidable in both fatigue and tensile testing.


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Korea has increasingly adopted design-build for public construction projects in the last few years. There is a much greater awareness of the need to change a system based on ‘Value for Money’ which is high on the government's agenda. A whole life performance bid evaluation model is proposed to aid decision makers in the selection of a design-builder. This is based on the integration of a framework using an analytic hierarchy process as the bid awarding system is being changed from one based on lowest price, to one based on best value over the life-cycle. Key criteria like whole life cost, service life planning and design quality are important through the key stages of evaluation process. The model uses a systematic and holistic approach which enables a public sector to make better decisions in design-builder selection, which will deliver whole life benefits, based on long term cost-effectiveness and whole life.


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Summary: This paper focuses on the role of personality at different stages of people's working lives. We begin by reviewing the research in industrial, work, and organizational (IWO) psychology regarding the longitudinal and dynamic influences of personality as an independent variable at different career stages, structuring our review around a framework of people's working lives and careers over time. Next, we review recent studies in the personality and developmental psychology domain regarding the influence of changing life roles on personality. In this domain, personality also serves as a dependent variable. By blending these two domains, it becomes clear that the study of reciprocal effects of work and personality might open a new angle in IWO psychology's long-standing tradition of personality research. To this end, we outline various implications for conceptual development (e.g., trait stability) and empirical research (e.g., personality and work incongruence). Finally, we discuss some methodological and statistical considerations for research in this new research domain. In the end, our review should enrich the way that IWO psychologists understand personality at work, focusing away from its unidirectional predictivist influence on job performance toward a more complex longitudinal reciprocal interplay of personality and working life. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pulsating; tension fatigue tests have been carried out on edge notched specimens of a mild steel. An electrical potential drop technique was used to determine the number of cycles taken to initiate cracks and the rate at which the cracks grew across the specimen. The results could be described by the range of stress intensity factor, which for crack initiation was modified to take account of the notch root radius. Analysis of elastic stress distributions at cracks and notches and models of plasticity at crack tips are used to discuss the results. Limited evidence in the literature indicates that the fracture mechanics approach may provide a general description of crack initiation and growth in notched specimens, and a simple graphical method of calculating fatigue lives is described. The results are used to illustrate the effects of specimen size and geometry on the fatigue life of notched specimens. The relevance of the work to the assessment of the significance of defects in welds is discussed.


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Some aspects of fatigue failure in rubbers have been examined. Scanning electron micrographs of the surface exposed by the failure confirm the incremental, crack-propagation nature, of the fatigue process. Many other features of the failure surface have been identified and related to this process. The complicating effect of a reinforcing filler has also been investigated. The fatigue resistance of rubber test-pieces deformed in simple tension was measured as a function of frequency and temperature. This showed that an increase in frequency was equivalent to a decrease in temperature; for an amorphous unfilled rubber the time and temperature effects of crystallisation and fillers on the validity of this transformation is considered. This transformation indicates that hysteresis plays an important part in the fatigue process. Torsional pendulum measurements were used to demonstrate the dependence of the fatigue life on the mechanical damping. An apparatus was developed to measure the hysteresial energy loss directly at deformations, rates of deformation and temperatures consistent with a typical fatigue test. Measurements made with this apparatus are compared with fatigue values and a quantitative relationship is suggested describing fatigue, in terms of the energy lost per unit energy input in a cycle of a fatigue test.


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The isothermal fatigue behavior of a high-activity aluminide-coated single-crystal superalloy was studied in air at test temperatures of 600 °C, 800 °C, and 1000 °C. Tests were performed using cylindrical specimens under strain control at ∼0.25 Hz; total strain ranges from 0.5 to 1.6 pet were investigated. At 600 °C, crack initiation occurred at brittle coating cracks, which led to a significant reduction in fatigue life compared to the uncoated alloy. Fatigue cracks grew from the brittle coating cracks initially in a stage II manner with a subsequent transition to crystallographic stage I fatigue. At 800 °C and 1000 °C, the coating failed quickly by a fatigue process due to the drastic reduction in strength above 750 °C, the ductile-brittle transition temperature. These cracks were arrested or slowed by oxidation at the coating-substrate interface and only led to a detriment in life relative to the uncoated material for total strain ranges of 1.2 pet and above 800 °C. The presence of the coating was beneficial at 800 °C for total strain rangesless than 1.2 pet. No effect of the coating was observed at 1000 °C. Crack growth in the substrate at 800 °C was similar to 600 °C; at 1000 °C, greater plasticity and oxidationrwere observed and cracks grew exclusively in a stage II manner.