852 resultados para Localizzazione, Guasti, Trazione Elettrica, Ferrovia
Gait analysis allows to characterize motor function, highlighting deviations from normal motor behavior related to an underlying pathology. The widespread use of wearable inertial sensors has opened the way to the evaluation of ecological gait, and a variety of methodological approaches and algorithms have been proposed for the characterization of gait from inertial measures (e.g. for temporal parameters, motor stability and variability, specific pathological alterations). However, no comparative analysis of their performance (i.e. accuracy, repeatability) was available yet, in particular, analysing how this performance is affected by extrinsic (i.e. sensor location, computational approach, analysed variable, testing environmental constraints) and intrinsic (i.e. functional alterations resulting from pathology) factors. The aim of the present project was to comparatively analyze the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the performance of the numerous algorithms proposed in the literature for the quantification of specific characteristics (i.e. timing, variability/stability) and alterations (i.e. freezing) of gait. Considering extrinsic factors, the influence of sensor location, analyzed variable, and computational approach on the performance of a selection of gait segmentation algorithms from a literature review was analysed in different environmental conditions (e.g. solid ground, sand, in water). Moreover, the influence of altered environmental conditions (i.e. in water) was analyzed as referred to the minimum number of stride necessary to obtain reliable estimates of gait variability and stability metrics, integrating what already available in the literature for over ground gait in healthy subjects. Considering intrinsic factors, the influence of specific pathological conditions (i.e. Parkinson’s Disease) was analyzed as affecting the performance of segmentation algorithms, with and without freezing. Finally, the analysis of the performance of algorithms for the detection of gait freezing showed how results depend on the domain of implementation and IMU position.
Il locus CYYR1 identificato e clonato sul cromosoma 21 umano è stato caratterizzato dal punto di vista molecolare come un sistema multitrascritto, esclusivo dei vertebrati che ad oggi è orfano di una funzione specifica. Dati presenti in lettura e rintracciati mostrano una possibile relazione tra il gene CYYR1 e il pathway di Sonic Hedgehog (SHH). In questo progetto di tesi è stato utilizzato il modello animale Danio rerio per indagare il ruolo funzionale dell’ortologo (cyyr1), attraverso esperimenti di gain e loss of function che hanno permesso di dimostrare un suo coinvolgimento nello sviluppo del sistema nervoso centrale, del cuore e del tessuto muscolare. Lo studio dell’ortologo in zebrafish è stato associato all’utilizzo di linee cellulari di rabdomiosarcoma umano. I risultati ottenuti dall’induzione al differenziamento miogenico di queste linee, insieme ai dati ottenuti in Danio rerio, confermano il possibile coinvolgimento del gene CYYR1 nella miogenesi. Lo studio delle relazione tra il pathway di SHH e l’espressione del gene CYYR1 è stato condotto in entrambi i modelli con l’utilizzo di differenti inibitori della via di segnalazione. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che sistemi inibitori agenti direttamente sul recettore SMO riducono l’espressione del gene. Un dato inaspettato in Danio rerio ottenuto durante questi esperimenti di inibizione, ha aperto una nuova linea di ricerca in collaborazione con l’Università di Warwick tesa a verificare la relazione tra il gene cyyr1 e il gene lefty1. Gli esperimenti condotti presso il laboratorio della Prof.ssa Sampath hanno dimostrato la localizzazione del prodotto proteico cyyr1 in Danio rerio e indagato co-localizzazioni con la proteina lefty1. Infine, in collaborazione con Dr. Deflorian e della Prof.ssa Pistocchi, è stato generato un mutante di Danio rerio deleto per il gene cyyr1 con la tecnica CRISPR/Cas9. La caratterizzazione del mutante cyyr1 -/- ha confermato alcuni dei dati ottenuti attraverso esperimenti di loss of function.
This thesis aims at investigating the evolution of physico-chemical and electrical properties relevant to low-voltage power cables for nuclear application when subjected to typical nuclear power plant (NPP) environments i.e., to gamma radiation and high temperature. This research is part of the European Project Horizon 2020 TeaM Cables, which aims at providing a novel methodology for efficient and reliable NPP cable aging management to NPP operators. The analyzed samples consist of both coaxial and twisted pair cables with different polymeric compounds used as primary insulation. Insulating materials are based on the same silane cross-linked polyethylene matrix with different additives and fillers. In order to characterize the material response to the environmental stresses, various experimental techniques have been used. These characterizations range from the microscale chemical response e.g. by FTIR, OIT and DSC, to the macroscale electrical and mechanical behavior. A significant part of this Thesis is given to the correlation of the response to aging among the different measured properties. It has been shown that it could be possible to connect both the chemical and mechanical properties of the investigated XLPE cables with the electrical ones. In particular, the high-frequency dielectric response allows an effective monitoring of both the early periods of aging, controlled by the antioxidant consumption kinetics, and then the subsequent oxidation of the polymer matrix. Therefore, dielectric spectroscopy showed to be capable of assessing the LV cable aging state and, it might be used as an aging marker for cable diagnostic. The last part of the manuscript focuses on the building of a predictive modelling approach of LV cable conditions subjected to radio-chemical aging. It resulted into obtaining a lifetime curve which relates the aging factor to which the cable is subjected to, namely the dose rate, with the limit value of the considered electrical property (tanδ).
Recent years observed massive growth in wearable technology, everything can be smart: phones, watches, glasses, shirts, etc. These technologies are prevalent in various fields: from wellness/sports/fitness to the healthcare domain. The spread of this phenomenon led the World-Health-Organization to define the term 'mHealth' as "medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, personal digital assistants, and other wireless devices". Furthermore, mHealth solutions are suitable to perform real-time wearable Biofeedback (BF) systems: sensors in the body area network connected to a processing unit (smartphone) and a feedback device (loudspeaker) to measure human functions and return them to the user as (bio)feedback signal. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this transformation of the healthcare system has been dramatically accelerated by new clinical demands, including the need to prevent hospital surges and to assure continuity of clinical care services, allowing pervasive healthcare. Never as of today, we can say that the integration of mHealth technologies will be the basis of this new era of clinical practice. In this scenario, this PhD thesis's primary goal is to investigate new and innovative mHealth solutions for the Assessment and Rehabilitation of different neuromotor functions and diseases. For the clinical assessment, there is the need to overcome the limitations of subjective clinical scales. Creating new pervasive and self-administrable mHealth solutions, this thesis investigates the possibility of employing innovative systems for objective clinical evaluation. For rehabilitation, we explored the clinical feasibility and effectiveness of mHealth systems. In particular, we developed innovative mHealth solutions with BF capability to allow tailored rehabilitation. The main goal that a mHealth-system should have is improving the person's quality of life, increasing or maintaining his autonomy and independence. To this end, inclusive design principles might be crucial, next to the technical and technological ones, to improve mHealth-systems usability.
Nowadays robotic applications are widespread and most of the manipulation tasks are efficiently solved. However, Deformable-Objects (DOs) still represent a huge limitation for robots. The main difficulty in DOs manipulation is dealing with the shape and dynamics uncertainties, which prevents the use of model-based approaches (since they are excessively computationally complex) and makes sensory data difficult to interpret. This thesis reports the research activities aimed to address some applications in robotic manipulation and sensing of Deformable-Linear-Objects (DLOs), with particular focus to electric wires. In all the works, a significant effort was made in the study of an effective strategy for analyzing sensory signals with various machine learning algorithms. In the former part of the document, the main focus concerns the wire terminals, i.e. detection, grasping, and insertion. First, a pipeline that integrates vision and tactile sensing is developed, then further improvements are proposed for each module. A novel procedure is proposed to gather and label massive amounts of training images for object detection with minimal human intervention. Together with this strategy, we extend a generic object detector based on Convolutional-Neural-Networks for orientation prediction. The insertion task is also extended by developing a closed-loop control capable to guide the insertion of a longer and curved segment of wire through a hole, where the contact forces are estimated by means of a Recurrent-Neural-Network. In the latter part of the thesis, the interest shifts to the DLO shape. Robotic reshaping of a DLO is addressed by means of a sequence of pick-and-place primitives, while a decision making process driven by visual data learns the optimal grasping locations exploiting Deep Q-learning and finds the best releasing point. The success of the solution leverages on a reliable interpretation of the DLO shape. For this reason, further developments are made on the visual segmentation.
Several decision and control tasks in cyber-physical networks can be formulated as large- scale optimization problems with coupling constraints. In these "constraint-coupled" problems, each agent is associated to a local decision variable, subject to individual constraints. This thesis explores the use of primal decomposition techniques to develop tailored distributed algorithms for this challenging set-up over graphs. We first develop a distributed scheme for convex problems over random time-varying graphs with non-uniform edge probabilities. The approach is then extended to unknown cost functions estimated online. Subsequently, we consider Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILPs), which are of great interest in smart grid control and cooperative robotics. We propose a distributed methodological framework to compute a feasible solution to the original MILP, with guaranteed suboptimality bounds, and extend it to general nonconvex problems. Monte Carlo simulations highlight that the approach represents a substantial breakthrough with respect to the state of the art, thus representing a valuable solution for new toolboxes addressing large-scale MILPs. We then propose a distributed Benders decomposition algorithm for asynchronous unreliable networks. The framework has been then used as starting point to develop distributed methodologies for a microgrid optimal control scenario. We develop an ad-hoc distributed strategy for a stochastic set-up with renewable energy sources, and show a case study with samples generated using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We then introduce a software toolbox named ChoiRbot, based on the novel Robot Operating System 2, and show how it facilitates simulations and experiments in distributed multi-robot scenarios. Finally, we consider a Pickup-and-Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem for which we design a distributed method inspired to the approach of general MILPs, and show the efficacy through simulations and experiments in ChoiRbot with ground and aerial robots.
La ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare strumenti e metodi per l’applicazione dell’H-BIM comprendendone le criticità e fornendo soluzioni utili in questo campo. Al contempo la finalità non è circoscrivibile alla semplice produzione di modelli 3D semanticamente strutturati e parametrici a partire da una nuvola di punti ottenuta con un rilievo digitale, ma si propone di definire i criteri e le metodiche di applicazione delle H-BIM all’interno dell’intero processo. L’impostazione metodologica scelta prevede un processo che parte dalla conoscenza dello stato dell’arte in tema di H-BIM con lo studio dell’attuale normativa in materia e i casi studio di maggior rilevanza. Si è condotta una revisione critica completa della letteratura in merito alla tecnologia BIM e H-BIM, analizzando esperienze di utilizzo della tecnologia BIM nel settore edile globale. Inoltre, al fine di promuovere soluzioni intelligenti all’interno del Facility Management è stato necessario analizzare le criticità presenti nelle procedure, rivedere i processi e i metodi per raccogliere e gestire i dati, nonché individuare le procedure adeguate per garantire il successo dell’implementazione. Sono state evidenziate le potenzialità procedurali e operative legate all’uso sistematico delle innovazioni digitali nell’ottica del Facility Management, oltre che allo studio degli strumenti di acquisizione ed elaborazione dei dati e di post-produzione. Si è proceduto al testing su casi specifici per l’analisi della fase di Scan-to-BIM, differenziati per tipologia di utilizzo, data di costruzione, proprietà e localizzazione. Il percorso seguito ha permesso di porre in luce il significato e le implicazioni dell’utilizzo del BIM nell’ambito del Facility Management, sulla base di una differenziazione delle applicazioni del modello BIM al variare delle condizioni in essere. Infine, sono state definite le conclusioni e formulate raccomandazioni riguardo al futuro utilizzo della tecnologia H-BIM nel settore delle costruzioni. In particolare, definendo l’emergente frontiera del Digital Twin, quale veicolo necessario nel futuro della Costruzione 4.0.
Atrial fibrillation is associated with a five-fold increase in the risk of cerebrovascular events,being responsible of 15-18% of all strokes.The morphological and functional remodelling of the left atrium caused by atrial fibrillation favours blood stasis and, consequently, stroke risk. In this context, several clinical studies suggest that stroke risk stratification could be improved by using haemodynamic information on the left atrium (LA) and the left atrial appendage (LAA). The goal of this study was to develop a personalized computational fluid-dynamics (CFD) model of the left atrium which could clarify the haemodynamic implications of atrial fibrillation on a patient specific basis. The developed CFD model was first applied to better understand the role of LAA in stroke risk. Infact, the interplay of the LAA geometric parameters such as LAA length, tortuosity, surface area and volume with the fluid-dynamics parameters and the effects of the LAA closure have not been investigated. Results demonstrated the capabilities of the CFD model to reproduce the real physiological behaviour of the blood flow dynamics inside the LA and the LAA. Finally, we determined that the fluid-dynamics parameters enhanced in this research project could be used as new quantitative indexes to describe the different types of AF and open new scenarios for the patient-specific stroke risk stratification.
Quantitative imaging in oncology aims at developing imaging biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of cancer aggressiveness and therapy response before any morphological change become visible. This Thesis exploits Computed Tomography perfusion (CTp) and multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (mpMRI) for investigating diverse cancer features on different organs. I developed a voxel-based image analysis methodology in CTp and extended its use to mpMRI, for performing precise and accurate analyses at single-voxel level. This is expected to improve reproducibility of measurements and cancer mechanisms’ comprehension and clinical interpretability. CTp has not entered the clinical routine yet, although its usefulness in the monitoring of cancer angiogenesis, due to different perfusion computing methods yielding unreproducible results. Instead, machine learning applications in mpMRI, useful to detect imaging features representative of cancer heterogeneity, are mostly limited to clinical research, because of results’ variability and difficult interpretability, which make clinicians not confident in clinical applications. In hepatic CTp, I investigated whether, and under what conditions, two widely adopted perfusion methods, Maximum Slope (MS) and Deconvolution (DV), could yield reproducible parameters. To this end, I developed signal processing methods to model the first pass kinetics and remove any numerical cause hampering the reproducibility. In mpMRI, I proposed a new approach to extract local first-order features, aiming at preserving spatial reference and making their interpretation easier. In CTp, I found out the cause of MS and DV non-reproducibility: MS and DV represent two different states of the system. Transport delays invalidate MS assumptions and, by correcting MS formulation, I have obtained the voxel-based equivalence of the two methods. In mpMRI, the developed predictive models allowed (i) detecting rectal cancers responding to neoadjuvant chemoradiation showing, at pre-therapy, sparse coarse subregions with altered density, and (ii) predicting clinically significant prostate cancers stemming from the disproportion between high- and low- diffusivity gland components.
OPA3 è una proteina codificata dal genoma nucleare che, grazie a una sequenza di targeting mitocondriale, viene indirizzata ai mitocondri dopo la sua sintesi. Le mutazioni nel gene OPA3 sono associate a due patologie neurodegenerative: la Sindrome di Costeff, causata da mutazioni recessive, e una forma di atrofia ottica dominante che si manifesta con cataratta e spesso sordità. L’esatta funzione e regolazione della proteina non sono ancora state completamente chiarite, così come la sua localizzazione nella membrana mitocondriale esterna o interna. Lo scopo di questa tesi era quello di fare luce sulla funzione della proteina OPA3, con particolare interesse alla dinamica mitocondriale e all’autofagia, sulla sua localizzazione subcellulare ed infine di definire il meccanismo patogenetico nelle patologie neurodegenerative causate da mutazioni in questo gene. A questo scopo abbiamo utilizzato sia una linea di neuroblastoma silenziata stabilmente per OPA3 che linee cellulari primarie derivate da pazienti. I risultati del presente studio dimostrano che la riduzione di OPA3, indotta nelle cellule del neuroblastoma e presente nei fibroblasti derivati dai pazienti, produce alterazioni nel network mitocondriale con uno sbilanciamento a favore della fusione. Questo fenomeno è probabilmente dovuto all’aumento della forma long della proteina OPA1 che è stato riscontrato in entrambi i modelli cellulari. Inoltre, seppur con direzione apparentemente opposta, in entrambi i modelli abbiamo osservato un’alterata regolazione dell’autofagia. Infine, abbiamo confermato che OPA3 localizza nella membrana mitocondriale interna ed è esposta per gran parte nella matrice. Inoltre, un segnale della proteina è stato trovato anche nelle mitochondrial associated membranes, suggerendo un possibile ruolo di OPA3 nel trasferimento dei lipidi tra i mitocondri e il reticolo endoplasmatico. Abbiamo rilevato un’interazione della proteina OPA3 con l’acido fosfatidico che non era mai stata evidenziata fino ad oggi. Queste osservazioni sono compatibili con le alterazioni della dinamica mitocondriale e la disregolazione dell’autofagia documentate nei modelli studiati.
Safe collaboration between a robot and human operator forms a critical requirement for deploying a robotic system into a manufacturing and testing environment. In this dissertation, the safety requirement for is developed and implemented for the navigation system of the mobile manipulators. A methodology for human-robot co-existence through a 3d scene analysis is also investigated. The proposed approach exploits the advance in computing capability by relying on graphic processing units (GPU’s) for volumetric predictive human-robot contact checking. Apart from guaranteeing safety of operators, human-robot collaboration is also fundamental when cooperative activities are required, as in appliance test automation floor. To achieve this, a generalized hierarchical task controller scheme for collision avoidance is developed. This allows the robotic arm to safely approach and inspect the interior of the appliance without collision during the testing procedure. The unpredictable presence of the operators also forms dynamic obstacle that changes very fast, thereby requiring a quick reaction from the robot side. In this aspect, a GPU-accelarated distance field is computed to speed up reaction time to avoid collision between human operator and the robot. An automated appliance testing also involves robotized laundry loading and unloading during life cycle testing. This task involves Laundry detection, grasp pose estimation and manipulation in a container, inside the drum and during recovery grasping. A wrinkle and blob detection algorithms for grasp pose estimation are developed and grasp poses are calculated along the wrinkle and blobs to efficiently perform grasping task. By ranking the estimated laundry grasp poses according to a predefined cost function, the robotic arm attempt to grasp poses that are more comfortable from the robot kinematic side as well as collision free on the appliance side. This is achieved through appliance detection and full-model registration and collision free trajectory execution using online collision avoidance.
The present thesis is focused on wave energy, which is a particular kind of ocean energy, and is based on the activity carried out during the EU project SEA TITAN. The main scope of this work is the design of a power electronic section for an innovative wave energy extraction system based on a switched-reluctance machine. In the first chapter, the general features of marine wave energy harvesting are treated. The concept of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is introduced as well as the mathematical description of the waves, their characterization and measurement, the WEC classification, the operating principles and the standardization framework. Also, detailed considerations on the environmental impact are presented. The SEA TITAN project is briefly described. The second chapter is dedicated to the technical issues of the SEA TITAN project, such as the operating principle, the performance optimization carried out in the project, the main innovations as well as interesting demonstrations on the behavior of the generator and its control. In the third chapter, the power electronics converters of SEA TITAN are described, and the design choices, procedures and calculations are shown, with a further insight into the application given by analyzing the MATLAB Simulink model of the system and its control scheme. Experimental tests are reported in the fourth chapter, with graphs and illustrations of the power electronic apparatus interfaced with the real machine. Finally, the conclusion in the fifth chapter offers a global overview of the project and opens further development pathways.
Le fonti di energia rinnovabili rappresentano una forma di energia indispensabile al sostentamento dell’attuale sistema produttivo mondiale. L’energia eolica e fotovoltaica ricoprono un ruolo fondamentale nel panorama rinnovabile, e portano con se l’inevitabile svantaggio derivato dall’impossibilita di controllare la fonte primaria di energia. I sistemi di accumulo ed immagazzinamento di energia assumeranno un ruolo strategico nel prossimo scenario energetico, in particolare nell’elaborato viene posta l’attenzione sui sistemi Power-to-Gas. La tecnologia Power-to-Gas consente di produrre gas ad alta potenza specifica (idrogeno o metano sintetico), usando elettricità proveniente da fonti rinnovabili. L’elettrolisi è il metodo più efficiente per convertire energia elettrica in idrogeno. Tra le varie tecnologie, gli elettrolizzatori di tipologia PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane), sono considerati i più adatti all’accoppiamento con fonti di energia rinnovabile, per via della loro risposta alle variazioni di carico e dell’ampio campo di funzionamento. Il lavoro di tesi si concentra sull’analisi delle prestazioni di elettrolizzatori tipo PEM, ed in particolare sull’elettrolizzatore inserito all’interno del “Laboratorio di Microreti di Generazione ed Accumulo” del Tecnopolo di Ravenna. Il laboratorio ha lo scopo di studiare e testare sistemi per la produzione di energia elettrica da fonte rinnovabile e per l’accumulo. L’impianto è costituito principalmente da due pannelli fotovoltaici con il compito di produrre energia, due batterie per accumulare l’energia prodotta dai pannelli, un elettrolizzatore e tre bombole a idruri metallici per lo stoccaggio di idrogeno. Dai dati sperimentali ottenuti dalle prove in laboratorio si è ricavato un modello matematico black-box dell’elettrolizzatore. Il modello gestisce le equazioni della curva caratteristica (P;η). In seguito il modello ottenuto è stato confrontato con un caso analogo presente in letteratura.
In questo elaborato è presentato uno studio che riguarda lo sviluppo di nuovi materiali compositi fibro-rinforzati a matrice uretano-acrilato termoindurente. Lo studio è basato sulla ricerca di un diluente reattivo alternativo a stirene e vinil toluene, attualmente utilizzati in industria, in grado di migliorare l’aspetto di sicurezza e pericolosità legato alla manipolazione e all’utilizzo dei diluenti, mantenendo o migliorando le proprietà finali della resina. I diluenti selezionati sono circa 30, in base a indicazioni di pericolo EH&S, proprietà chimico fisiche, funzionalità e odore. Sono stati caratterizzati sia i diluenti reattivi puri che i rispettivi formulati uretano acrilato formati da resina addizionata di diluente reattivo. Le proprietà studiate sono state: reattività e comportamento reologico (viscosità e gel time), temperatura di transizione vetrosa (Tg), assorbimento d’acqua, ritiro volumetrico e proprietà meccaniche di resistenza a flessione (3-point bending) e impatto (Charpy). Sulla base dei risultati di screening, sono stati selezionati i diluenti reattivi più performanti e sono stati utilizzati per creare materiali compositi a matrice uretan acrilato rinforzati con fibra di vetro unidirezionale, ottenuti con tecnica di infusione sotto vuoto. Infine sono state caratterizzate le proprietà dei materiali compositi per valutarne la resistenza a flessione, a trazione, all’impatto, l’interlaminar shear strenght (ILSS) e l’assorbimento d’acqua.
Lo scopo del lavoro è stato progettare una scheda di controllo in grado di concedere una buona flessibilità per il controllo di azionamenti elettrici, capace di interfacciarsi con configurazioni multi-livello, multifase e dual-motor. La progettazione è stata sviluppata con supporto di CAD elettronici commerciali. La scheda presenta tre parti fondamentali. Due unità di controllo identiche per permettere l’interfacciamento con più configurazioni, nelle quali sono realizzate tutte le funzioni di controllo, ed un’unità chiamata PL2 per la rielaborazione dati di tipologia unicamente automobilistica. E’ stato inoltre realizzato l’interfacciamento e l’assemblaggio con altre due schede elettroniche dedite all’attuazione dei segnali di controllo e alla gestione e rielaborazione dei segnali di veicolo.