938 resultados para Livestock factories


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The integration of agriculture and aquaculture as a means of intensifying resource use and improving the productivity of many current farming practices in Southeast Asian and African countries is discussed. A brief account is given of work undertaken by ICLARM in Malawi and India regarding the improved use of marginal lands to integrate crops, vegetables, trees, livestock and fish, outlining also the various problems involved in the extension of such integrated fish farming systems.


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Technology Assessment and Refinement through the Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) is the latest participatory extension model successfully undertaken by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in India. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has been implementing IVLP since 2001 to assess and refine the technologies of the coastal agro ecosystems at Elamkunnapuzha village (Vypeen Island) in the Ernakulam District of Kerala. A series of need based location specific technology intervention plans have been introduced to overcome the social and biological constraints on farming practices in fisheries, livestock and agriculture, and implemented with the active participation of the stakeholders. The inferences drawn from IVLP ultimately form a package suitable for enhanced production in the costal agro ecosystem for replication to other areas with similar characteristics. This paper gives a brief account of the treatment packages applied in fisheries through various technological interventions and discusses the consequent yield and benefits obtained. The ‘integrated whole village development’ through the involvement of multi institutional teams and a participatory approach was accorded prime importance in the IVLP of Elamkunnapuzha, with a greater emphasis on marginal and small farmers and specifically focusing on women for poverty alleviation and equity under the coastal agro ec


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The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England and Long Island, N.Y., made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has given consumers a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Tabasco leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certified beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.


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The northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, ranges along the Atlantic Coast of North America from the Canadian Maritimes to Florida, while the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, ranges mostly from Florida to southern Mexico. The northern quahog was fished by native North Americans during prehistoric periods. They used the meats as food and the shells as scrapers and as utensils. The European colonists copied the Indians treading method, and they also used short rakes for harvesting quahogs. The Indians of southern New England made wampum from quahog shells, used it for ornaments and sold it to the colonists, who, in turn, traded it to other Indians for furs. During the late 1600’s, 1700’s, and 1800’s, wampum was made in small factories for eventual trading with Indians farther west for furs. The quahoging industry has provided people in many coastal communities with a means of earning a livelihood and has provided consumers with a tasty, wholesome food whether eaten raw, steamed, cooked in chowders, or as stuffed quahogs. More than a dozen methods and types of gear have been used in the last two centuries for harvesting quahogs. They include treading and using various types of rakes and dredges, both of which have undergone continuous improvements in design. Modern dredges are equipped with hydraulic jets and one type has an escalator to bring the quahogs continuously to the boats. In the early 1900’s, most provinces and states established regulations to conserve and maximize yields of their quahog stocks. They include a minimum size, now almost universally a 38-mm shell width, and can include gear limitations and daily quotas. The United States produces far more quahogs than either Canada or Mexico. The leading producer in Canada is Prince Edward Island. In the United States, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island lead in quahog production in the north, while Virginia and North Carolina lead in the south. Connecticut and Florida were large producers in the 1990’s. The State of Campeche leads in Mexican production. In the northeastern United States, the bays with large openings, and thus large exchanges of bay waters with ocean waters, have much larger stocks of quahogs and fisheries than bays with small openings and water exchanges. Quahog stocks in certifi ed beds have been enhanced by transplanting stocks to them from stocks in uncertified waters and by planting seed grown in hatcheries, which grew in number from Massachusetts to Florida in the 1980’s and 1990’s.


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Os rios em todo o mundo estão ameaçados através da alteração do uso e cobertura do solo. Nesse contexto, o perifíton é sugerido como indicador biológico devido ao seu ciclo de vida curto, à comunidade autótrofa e à riqueza de espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar mudanças em parâmetros estruturais e funcionais da assembleia perifitica em relação aos diferentes tipos de cobertura do solo (pristino, perturbação intermediária e perturbado); em especial na limitação nutricional, crescimento e acúmulo, composição taxonômica e estequiometria da comunidade. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três rios (Santa Maria, Itaperiti, Anil) da bacia Guapi-Macacu, RJ, Brasil. A limitação nutricional foi acessada através de Substratos Difusores de Nutrientes alocados in situ; estes substratos consistem em potes com agar-agar, enriquecidos com nutrientes (N, P, N+P), ou não (controle), que difundem até o filtro, servindo de substrato para o crescimento perifítico. Ainda, o crescimento foi acessado através da colonização de azulejos, amostrados em datas diferentes; na última data, a amostragem também foi feita para a verificação da composição taxonômica e estequiométrica da assembleia. Os resultados mostraram que a comunidade perifítica é limitada primariamente por luz nos pontos pristinos; já nos pontos perturbados, há limitação por nitrogênio ou fósforo, dependendo do uso do solo predominante agricultura com maior aporte de nitrogênio, causando limitação por fósforo, e pecuária com maior aporte de fósforo, causando limitação por nitrogênio. Os trechos perturbados apresentaram maior biomassa perifítica em termos de clorofila a; além disso, também mostraram as maiores taxas de crescimento da comunidade. Também, houve mudanças na composição taxonômica da comunidade no gradiente de perturbação, com o aumento de gêneros tolerantes à poluição e diminuição de gêneros não tolerantes e da diversidade e a equitabilidade. A intensidade luminosa foi determinante na presença dos táxons, e a concentração de fosfato, nas suas abundâncias. Por fim, as razões estequiométricas - C:N, C:P and N:P - diminuíram em função da concentração de nutrientes na água, indicando o potencial de remoção de nutrientes em córregos poluídos. O presente trabalho foi inovador na área limnológica devido à abordagem estequiométrica em conjunto com o grande número de outras variáveis biológicas. Em tempo, a dificuldade de separação dos efeitos das variáveis ambientais neste estudo in situ faz com que seja sugerido o uso de experimentos controlados em mesocosmos posteriormente


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Over the years, aquaculture has developed as one of the fastest growing food production sectors in Nepal. However, local fish supplies have been extremely inadequate to meet the ever increasing demand in the country. Nepal imports substantial quantities of fish and fish products from India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and elsewhere. Integration of pond aquaculture in existing crop-livestock-based farming system is believed to be effective in increasing local fish supply and diversifying livelihood options of a large number of small-holder farmers in southern plains (terai) and mid-hill valleys, thereby also increasing resilience of rural livelihoods. There is growing appreciation of the role of small-scale aquaculture in household food and nutrition security, income generation, and empowerment of women and marginalized communities. This book includes a total of 25 papers presented at the ‘Symposium on Small-scale Aquaculture for Increasing Resilience of Rural Livelihoods in Nepal’, held in Kathmandu on 5-6 February 2009. The papers cover technological, social, economic and environmental aspects of small-scale aquaculture development emerged from research and development initiatives of governmental, non-governmental and international research organizations in recent decad


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Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are diverse production and livelihood systems where families cultivate a range of crops, raise livestock, farm or catch fish, gather fruits and other tree crops, and harness natural resources such as timber, reeds, and wildlife. Aquatic agricultural systems occur along freshwater floodplains, coastal deltas, and inshore marine waters, and are characterized by dependence on seasonal changes in productivity, driven by seasonal variation in rainfall, river flow, and/or coastal and marine processes. Despite this natural productivity, the farming, fishing, and herding communities who live in these systems are among the poorest and most vulnerable in their countries and regions. This report provides an overview of the scale and scope of development challenges in coastal aquatic agricultural systems, their significance for poor and vulnerable communities, and the opportunities for partnership and investment that support efforts of these communities to secure resilient livelihoods in the face of multiple risks.


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This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.


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This report presents the findings and recommendations of a strategic planning mission to reevaluate the feasibility of WorldFish implementing a fish value chain research program in Uganda under the CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish (L&F). The over-arching goal of L&F is to increase productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems so as to increase availability and affordability of meat, milk and fish for poor consumers and, in doing so, to reduce poverty through greater participation by the poor along animal source food value chains. This will be achieved by making a small number of carefully selected animal source food value chains function better, for example by identifying and addressing key constraints and opportunities (from production to consumption), improving institutional arrangements and capacities, and supporting the establishment of enabling pro-poor policy and institutional environments.


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Esta dissertação discute os possíveis delineamentos epidemiológicos e estratégias de análise de dados capazes de apreender as funções de ocorrência de interesse nos estudos de fatores de risco para a prescrição médica inadequada as crianças com infecção respirat6ria aguda, atendidas na rede ambulatorial. Para tal, os principais marcos teóricos que devem nortear a construção de um desenho de estudo epidemiológico são apresentados, assim como as diferentes etapas que devem ser consideradas quando se esta planejando um processo de analise estatística de dados em estudos epidemiológicos. A partir da elaboração de um modelo teórico-conceitual que represente as relações entre os diversos fatores que parecem estar envolvidos com a prescrição e o consumo de medicamentos, diferentes estratégias de pesquisa e pianos de analise são discutidos, alertando-se para os principais problemas a serem evitados quando se busca um estudo com validade e precisão entre satisfatórias.


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Modelos de evolução populacional são há muito tempo assunto de grande relevância, principalmente quando a população de estudo é composta por vetores de doenças. Tal importância se deve ao fato de existirem milhares de doenças que são propagadas por espécies específicas e conhecer como tais populações se comportam é vital quando pretende-se criar políticas públicas para controlar a sua proliferação. Este trabalho descreve um problema de evolução populacional difusivo com armadilhas locais e tempo de reprodução atrasado, o problema direto descreve a densidade de uma população uma vez conhecidos os parâmetros do modelo onde sua solução é obtida por meio da técnica de transformada integral generalizada, uma técnica numérico-analítica. Porém a solução do problema direto, por si só, não permite a simulação computacional de uma população em uma aplicação prática, uma vez que os parâmetros do modelo variam de população para população e precisam, portanto, ter seus valores conhecidos. Com o objetivo de possibilitar esta caracterização, o presente trabalho propõe a formulação e solução do problema inverso, estimando os parâmetros do modelo a partir de dados da população utilizando para tal tarefa dois métodos Bayesianos.


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There is nothing mysterious about how coastal rivers, their estuaries, and their relationship with the sea all work to satisfy many of our greatest needs, including drinkable water, fish and shellfish, and soils essential for sustaining the production of food and fiber. Nor are the methods that have proved successful in the protection and restoration of watershed health difficult to understand. It is difficult, however, to imagine how we are to survive without healthy watersheds. Each watershed along California’s coast shows signs of increasing abuse from road construction and maintenance, livestock grazing, residential development, timber harvesting, and a dozen other human activities. In some cases whole streams have simply been wiped away. This document has been created to guide and support every person in the community, from homemaker to elected official, who wants her or his watershed to provide clean water, harvestable fish resources and other proof that life in the watershed cannot only be maintained but also enjoyed. It is based on years of experience with watershed protection and restoration in California. If citizen involvement is to be effective, it must draw not only on scientific knowledge but also on an understanding of how to translate individual views into commitments and capable group action. This guide briefly reviews the condition of California’s coastal watersheds, identifies the kinds of concerns that have led citizens to successful watershed protection efforts, explains why citizen, in addition to government, effort is essential for watershed protection and restoration to succeed, and puts in the reader’s hands both the technical and organizational “tools of the trade” in the hope that those who use this guide will be encouraged to join in efforts to make their watershed serve this and future generations better.


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Concerns about perceived loss of indigenous materials emerged from multiple stakeholders during consultations to plan and design the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems for the Borotse hub in Zambia’s Western Province. To come to grips with and address the concerns, the AAS Borotse hub program of work included an assessment of agrobiodiversity to inform community-level and program initiatives and actions. The agrobiodiversity assessment comprised three components: key informant and expert surveys complemented by review of grey and published literature, focus group discussions in the communities, and individual household surveys. This working paper reports the findings from assessments of agrobiodiversity resources in the Borotse hub by key informants and local experts working in government ministries, departments and agencies, and non-governmental organizations operating in the communities. This working paper covers the following topics: agriculture in the Borotse flood plain; major agricultural land types in the Borotse flood plain; soils and their uses; production systems; crops, including the seed sector and ex-situ resources; indigenous materials collected from the wild, including non-perennial and perennial plants, aquatic plants, and forest biodiversity; fish resources, including both capture fisheries and aquaculture; livestock resources; dietary diversity; and indigenous and local knowledge on management systems.


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Investigations were conducted to find the variability of processed shrimps with respect to two quality characteristics, namely, the numbers of deteriorated and discoloured pieces. Samples were collected for three days from two arbitrarily selected processing factories from Cochin at the pre-freezing stages. Results show that both the quality characteristics vary significantly between different size-grades, but while the variation in the number of deteriorated pieces between days is not significant, the variation in the number of discoloured pieces between days is significant.


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The paper presents the results of a bacteriological survey carried out on 2,917 samples of frozen prawn, 55 samples of raw material, 35 samples of water, 4 samples of ice and 42 samples of various equipment used for processing. The survey covered a period of three years (1960-63) and comprised of samples collected from five of the leading processing factories in Cochin. Frozen products tested consisted of headless (marine and fresh water), peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Statistical analysis of the data shows that there is no significant variation between samples and between factories with respect to product quality. The standard plate count varied between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(6 superscript) per gram for headless and between 1.0x10(4 superscript) and 1.0x10(7 superscript) for peeled and deveined and cooked frozen samples. Majority of the samples had bacterial load well within the limits prescribed for such products.