952 resultados para Linhas de produtos de software


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This paper describes how urban agriculture differs from conventional agriculture not only in the way it engages with the technologies of growing, but also in the choice of crop and the way these are brought to market. The authors propose a new model for understanding these new relationships, which is analogous to a systems view of information technology, namely Hardware-Software- Interface.
The first component of the system is hardware. This is the technological component of the agricultural system. Technology is often thought of as equipment, but its linguistic roots are in ‘technis’ which means ‘know how’. Urban agriculture has to engage new technologies, ones that deal with the scale of operation and its context which is different than rural agriculture. Often the scale is very small, and soils are polluted. There this technology in agriculture could be technical such as aquaponic systems, or could be soil-based agriculture such as allotments, window-boxes, or permaculture. The choice of method does not necessarily determine the crop produced or its efficiency. This is linked to the biotic that is added to the hardware, which is seen as the ‘software’.
The software of the system are the ecological parts of the system. These produce the crop which may or may not be determined by the technology used. For example, a hydroponic system could produce a range of crops, or even fish or edible flowers. Software choice can be driven by ideological preferences such as permaculture, where companion planting is used to reduce disease and pests, or by economic factors such as the local market at a particular time of the year. The monetary value of the ‘software’ is determined by the market. Obviously small, locally produced crops are unlikely to compete against intensive products produced globally, however the value locally might be measured in different ways, and might be sold on a different market. This leads to the final part of the analogy - interface.
The interface is the link between the system and the consumer. In traditional agriculture, there is a tenuous link between the producer of asparagus in Peru and the consumer in Europe. In fact very little of the money spent by the consumer ever reaches the grower. Most of the money is spent on refrigeration, transport and profit for agents and supermarket chains. Local or hyper-local agriculture needs to bypass or circumvent these systems, and be connected more directly to the consumer. This is the interface. In hyper-localised systems effectiveness is often more important than efficiency, and direct links between producer and consumer create new economies.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) is continuing to evolve and develop as the construction industry progresses towards level 2 maturity. However, one of the core barriers in this progression is the aspect of interoperability between software packages. This research and paper stems from a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) where both industry and academia come together to address this shortcoming within the sector. One of the core objectives of this partnership and the aim of this study is investigating potential solutions to this barrier, while also developing best working practices to be applied in industry. Using one of the case studies from this partnership (a temporary steel structure), this paper demonstrates a potential solution to addressing interoperability within structural analysis and detailing packages, MasterSeries and Revit respectively. The findings of the research indicate that a process based approach rather than that of additional software coding as being the preferred solution. The results of this preliminary research will aid in the development of the topic of interoperability within the sector, while also developing the knowledge and competencies of the parties within the KTP. The findings are explored further, by providing an overview of the resolution process adopted in this case study, in overcoming the interoperability that arose as the project progressed. It is envisaged that this study will assist the construction sector and its adoption of BIM technologies, while also addressing the critical aspect of operability between software.


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The upcoming IEEE 802.11ac standard boosts the throughput of previous IEEE 802.11n by adding wider 80 MHz and 160 MHz channels with up to 8 antennas (versus 40 MHz channel and 4 antennas in 802.11n). This necessitates new 1-8 stream 256/512-point Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) / inverse FFT (IFFT) processing with 80/160 MSample/s throughput. Although there are abundant related work, they all fail to meet the requirements of IEEE 802.11ac FFT/IFFT on point size, throughput and multiple data streams at the same time. This paper proposes the first software defined FFT/IFFT architecture as a solution. By making use of a customised soft stream processor on FPGA, we show how a software defined FFT architecture can meet all the requirements of IEEE 802.11ac with low cost and high resource efficiency. When compared with dedicated Xilinx FFT core, our implementation exhibits only one third of the resources also up to three times of resource efficiency.


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BACKGROUND: Smart tags attached to freely-roaming animals recording multiple parameters at infra-second rates are becoming commonplace, and are transforming our understanding of the way wild animals behave. Interpretation of such data is complex and currently limits the ability of biologists to realise the value of their recorded information.

DESCRIPTION: This work presents Framework4, an all-encompassing software suite which operates on smart sensor data to determine the 4 key elements considered pivotal for movement analysis from such tags (Endangered Species Res 4: 123-37, 2008). These are; animal trajectory, behaviour, energy expenditure and quantification of the environment in which the animal moves. The program transforms smart sensor data into dead-reckoned movements, template-matched behaviours, dynamic body acceleration-derived energetics and position-linked environmental data before outputting it all into a single file. Biologists are thus left with a single data set where animal actions and environmental conditions can be linked across time and space.

CONCLUSIONS: Framework4 is a user-friendly software that assists biologists in elucidating 4 key aspects of wild animal ecology using data derived from tags with multiple sensors recording at high rates. Its use should enhance the ability of biologists to derive meaningful data rapidly from complex data.


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PURPOSE: To describe and evaluate a new method for measuring anterior chamber volume (ACV). DESIGN: Observational case series. METHODS: The authors measured ACV using the anterior chamber (AC) optical coherence tomographer (OCT) and applied image-processing software developed by them. Repeatability was evaluated. The ACV was measured in patient groups with normal ACs, shallow ACs, and deep ACs. The volume difference before and after laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) was analyzed for the shallow and deep groups. RESULTS: Coefficients of repeatability for intraoperator, interoperator, and interimage measurements were 0.406%, 0.958%, and 0.851%, respectively. The limits of agreement for intraoperator and interoperator measurement were -0.911 microl to 1.343 microl and -7.875 microl to -2.463 microl, respectively. There were significant ACV differences in normal, shallow, and deep AC eyes (P < .001) and before and after LPI in shallow AC (P < .001) and deep AC (P = .008) eyes. CONCLUSIONS: The ACV values obtained by this method were repeatable and in accord with clinical observation.


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Network management tools must be able to monitor and analyze traffic flowing through network systems. According to the OpenFlow protocol applied in Software-Defined Networking (SDN), packets are classified into flows that are searched in flow tables. Further actions, such as packet forwarding, modification, and redirection to a group table, are made in the flow table with respect to the search results. A novel hardware solution for SDN-enabled packet classification is presented in this paper. The proposed scheme is focused on a label-based search method, achieving high flexibility in memory usage. The implemented hardware architecture provides optimal lookup performance by configuring the search algorithm and by performing fast incremental update as programmed the software controller.


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Recent trends, such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN), introduce programmability to the network with the opportunity to dynamically route traffic based on flow descriptions. Packet header lookup is the first phase in this process. In this paper, we illustrate improved header lookup and flow rule update speeds over conventional lookup algorithms. This is achieved by performing individual packet header field searches and combining the search results. We propose that individual algorithms should be selected for packet classification based on the application requirements. Improving the network processing performance with our configurable solution will directly support the proposed capability of programmability in SDN.


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PURPOSE: To provide a tool to enable gamma analysis software algorithms to be included in a quality assurance (QA) program.

METHODS: Four image sets were created comprising two geometric images to independently test the distance to agreement (DTA) and dose difference (DD) elements of the gamma algorithm, a clinical step and shoot IMRT field and a clinical VMAT arc. The images were analysed using global and local gamma analysis with 2 in-house and 8 commercially available software encompassing 15 software versions. The effect of image resolution on gamma pass rates was also investigated.

RESULTS: All but one software accurately calculated the gamma passing rate for the geometric images. Variation in global gamma passing rates of 1% at 3%/3mm and over 2% at 1%/1mm was measured between software and software versions with analysis of appropriately sampled images.

CONCLUSION: This study provides a suite of test images and the gamma pass rates achieved for a selection of commercially available software. This image suite will enable validation of gamma analysis software within a QA program and provide a frame of reference by which to compare results reported in the literature from various manufacturers and software versions.


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Virtual Reality techniques are relatively new, having experienced significant development only during the last few years, in accordance with the progress achieved by computer science and hardware and software technologies. The study of such advanced design systems has led to the realization of an immersive environment in which new procedures for the evaluation of product prototypes, ergonomics and manufacturing operations have been simulated. The application of the environment realized to robotics, ergonomics, plant simulations and maintainability verifications has allowed us to highlight the advantages offered by a design methodology: the possibility of working on the industrial product in the first phase of conception; of placing the designer in front of the virtual reproduction of the product in a realistic way; and of interacting with the same concept. The aim of this book is to present an updated vision of VM through different aspects. We will describe the trends and results achieved in the automotive, aerospace and railway fields, in terms of the Digital Product Creation Process to design the product and the manufacturing process.


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O vinagre é obtido por dupla fermentação alcoólica e acética de substâncias de origem agrícola, possuindo cada tipo um flavour particular, função dos substratos e tecnologia usados, mantendo gosto sui generis ácido. A sua aptidão tecnológica viabiliza o fabrico de múltiplos produtos, macerando especiarias, plantas, etc, conduzindo ao enriquecimento da matriz, cujo perfil químico ganha complexidade e novas características sensoriais/funcionais. A picklagem fresh pack é um processo alternativo de conservação em vinagre, sem fermentação. Com vinagres de fermentação submergida, desenvolveram-se na ESAS (2009-2013), dois vinagres e um vinagrete com adições e um pickles de frutos doces, articulando ensaios tecnológicos, laboratoriais e sensoriais. Concebidos como produtos gourmet, pretendeu-se oferecer inovação e conveniência. Além do longo tempo de vida de prateleira, evidencia-se: 1) no vinagre de vinho branco com mirtilo –a mais-valia de preservar o fruto inteiro, por efeito de picklagem; 2) no vinagre agridoce, de vinho tinto Touriga Nacional com mel e especiarias –uma tónica agridoce equilibrada e actual; 3) no vinagrete de laranja aromatizado –a complexidade aromática aliada à sensação de frescura na boca; 4) no pickles fresh pack de pera-abacaxi agridoce –novidade e dupla utilização: consumida a fruta, a infusão utiliza-se como vinagre de mesa (aptidão incomum em pickles).---Vinegar is obtained by double fermentation alcoholic and acetic of substances from agricultural origin, each type having one particular flavor, due to the technology and the substrates used, while maintaining sui generis acid taste. Its technological aptitude enables the manufacture of multiple products, macerating spices, plants, leading to the enrichment of the matrix whose chemical profile becomes increasingly complex with new sensory/functional characteristics. The fresh pack process is an alternative process of pickling, without fermentation. With submerged fermentation vinegar, two vinegars and a vinaigrette with additions and pickled sweet fruits were developed in ESAS (2009-2013), articulating technological, laboratory and sensory tests. Designed as gourmet products, intended to provide innovation and convenience. In addition to the long shelf life, stands out: 1) in white wine vinegar with blueberries – the added value of preserving the whole fruit by pickling effect, 2) in bittersweet red wine vinegar, Touriga Nacional with honey and spices – the sweet and sour taste, balanced and fashionable; 3) in flavored orange vinaigrette – the aromatic complexity coupled with the fresh sensation in the mouth, 4) in the fresh pack sweet and sour pickles with pear-pineapple – the innovation and dual-use: consumed the fruit, infusion is used as table vinegar (unusual application for pickles).


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O presente estudo tem como objetivos analisar a estratégia competitiva das adegas cooperativas do Alentejo, através da análise das ações que têm sido por elas desenvolvidas, propor linhas adicionais de ação estratégica e perspectivar as suas possibilidades de sucesso. A inovação e a flexibilidade das adegas cooperativas para se adaptarem ao crescente dinamismo dos contextos empresariais, conduziu a uma gestão mais profissional e a encarar a estratégia como necessária para uma maior competitividade. Nesse sentido, a cooperação entre as adegas cooperativas é vista como um meio de aumentar a competitividade no mercado internacional. A investigação permitiu constatar que o sector vitivinícola a nível mundial esta na fase de maturidade, com excesso de capacidade produtiva, procura global decrescente e queda de pregos, apresenta, no entanto, alterações significativas nos hábitos de consumo. As adegas cooperativas utilizam estratégias de diferenciação, apostam em produtos de qualidade e com elevados índices de notoriedade entre os consumidores. As principais diferenças competitivas entre elas estão relacionadas com a dimensão e a relação entre esta e a capacidade de recursos para investir ao nível do Marketing-Mix por forma a construir vantagens competitivas duradouras através da notoriedade dos seus vinhos. Para além disso, verifica-se também nas adegas de maior dimensão uma gestão estratégica mais orientada para a competitividade sustentável e maior visão estratégica. O método utilizado (estudo de caso comparativo, de natureza exploratória e, essencialmente qualitativo) não permite uma generalização extensiva dos seus resultados para além das cooperativas estudadas. Os resultados devem ser entendidos, de forma ponderada, no seu contexto específico e para os casos em concreto, pois, cada organização tem características únicas que influenciam o funcionamento da gestão. ABSTRACT - The present study has has been to analyse the competitive strategy of the Alentejo cooperative cellars, through the analysis of the shares that have been developed for the cooperative cellars, propose additional lines of strategic action and preview their possibility of success. The innovation and the flexibility of the cooperative cellars to the dynamic growth of the business contexts, accelerated shattering process of the enterprise contexts, lead to a more professional management and to face the strategy as necessary for a bigger competitiveness. In this direction, the cooperation between the cooperative cellars is seen as a way to increase the competitiveness in the international market. The inquiry allowed to evidence a world industry in maturity phase, with excess of productive capacity, presents a decreasing demand, alteration of the consumption habits and fall of the prices. The cooperative cellars use differentiation strategies, bet in products of quality and with raised indices of notoriety between the consumers. The main competitive differences between them are related with the dimension and the relation between this and the capacity of resources to invest to the level of Marketing-Mix for form to construct lasting competitive advantages through the notoriety of its wines. For moreover, a strategic management more guided for the sustainable competitiveness is also verified in the cellars of bigger dimension and bigger strategic vision. Due to the applied method (comparative case study, in searching manner and, essencialy qualitative) it cannot be purposed an extensive generalization of the results to another non-studied population. The results must be understood in a balanced way, in their Enterprise Strategy: Contribution for the Strategic Analysis of the Alentejo Wines Cooperatives specific context, and for real cases, since each company has its own features that influences the management work.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo contribuir para o aprofundamento de estudos vocacionados para a evolução do mundo material enquanto factor determinante para o futuro do Planeta, do Homem e dos seus artifícios. Sendo o tema central da investigação o Design Industrial enquanto mediador incontornável dessa relação, os conceitos de Design Biónico, de Design Natural, de Biodesign e de Design Simbiótico, assim como as metodologias a si inerentes, assumem-se como protagonistas do estudo desenvolvido. A tese é composta por um primeiro capítulo introdutório onde se define o seu objecto de estudo e se apresentam as linhas condutoras da investigação. O segundo capítulo é dedicado ao enquadramento teórico dos temas a abordar, nomeadamente o conceito de “artifício” considerando os seus tradicionais e novos significados e aplicações e a História do Design Industrial numa perspectiva que considera a evolução da indústria e da disciplina nesse contexto. No terceiro capítulo desenvolve-se a análise das propostas conceptuais e metodológicas dos designers Victor Papanek, Luigi Colani e Paulo Parra, por recurso específico, respectivamente, aos pressupostos inscritos em Design Biónico, Design Natural, Biodesign e Design Simbiótico, perseguindo-se como objectivo a sua sistematização em conteúdos passíveis de contribuírem para novas investigações/aplicações, nomeadamente no âmbito daquilo que a autora designa como Inovação Tecnológica na Concepção e EcoBio-Inovação.


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A valorização de diferentes resíduos industriais provenientes dosector de tratamento/revestimento de superfícies metálicas pode ser obtida utilizando-os como matérias-primas na formulação de pigmentos cerâmicos, sintetizados pelo método cerâmico convencional. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a viabilidade de incorporar lamas geradas pelos processos de (i) anodização, ricas em alumínio, (ii) de niquelagem e cromagem de torneiras, usadas como fonte de níquel e crómio, e (iii) da decapagem química de aços de uma trefilaria, ricas em ferro, utilizadas por si só, ou em conjunto com matérias-primas comerciais, para a obtenção depigmentos cerâmicos que coram, de forma estável, diversas matrizes cerâmicas e vítreas. Esta solução assegura ainda a inertização de potenciaisespécies perigosas presentes nos resíduos, resultando produtos inócuospara a saúde pública. Procedeu-se à caracterização de cada resíduo, em termos de composição química e mineralógica, comportamento térmico, grau de toxicidade, distribuição granulométrica, teor de humidade, etc. Verificou-se a constância das características das lamas, recorrendo à análise de lotes recolhidos em momentos distintos. Os resíduos são essencialmente constituídos por hidróxidos metálicos e foram utilizados após secagem e desagregação. No entanto, a lama de anodização de alumínio sofreu um tratamento térmico suplementar a 1400ºC. O método de síntese dos pigmentos englobou as seguintes etapas: (i) doseamento; (ii) homogeneização; (iii) calcinação; (iv) lavagem e moagem.Procedeu-se à caracterização dos pigmentos, avaliando a cor por espectroscopia de reflectância difusae pelo método CIELAB e determinando as características físico-químicas relevantes. Posteriormente, testou-se o seu desempenho em produtos cerâmicos distintos (corpos e vidrados), aferindo o desempenho cromático e a estabilidade. Numa primeira fase, desenvolveram-se e caracterizaram-se tipos distintos de pigmentos: (i) com base na estrutura do corundo (ii) verde Victória deuvarovite (iii) violeta de cassiterite com crómio (iv) pigmento carmim de malaiaíte; (v)pretos e castanhos com base na estrutura da espinela. Aprofundaram-se depois os estudos do pigmento carmim de malaiaítee do pigmento preto com base na estrutura da espinela. O pigmento carmim de malaiaíte, CaSnSiO5:Cr2O3, é formulado coma lama gerada no processo de niquelagem e cromagem. Avaliou-se a influência do teor de lama na temperatura de síntese e na qualidade cromática, em comparação com um pigmento formulado com reagentes puros. O pigmento preto com estrutura de espinela de níquel, crómio e ferro, foii formulado exclusivamente a partir das lamas geradas nos processos de cromagem/niquelagem e de decapagem química do aço. Avaliaram-se as características cromáticas e o grau de inertização dos elementos tóxicospresentes, em função da estequiometria e do tratamento térmico. Estudou-se ainda um novo sistema com base na estrutura da hibonite(CaAl12O19), que permite a obtenção de pigmentos azuis e que utiliza a lama de cromagem e niquelagem. As espécies cromóforas (Ni2+ ou Co2+) assumem coordenação tetraédrica quando substituem os iões Al3+ que ocupam as posições M5 da rede da hibonite. A formação simultânea de anortite permite reduzir a temperatura de síntese.Para além do carácter inovador deste pigmento de dissolução sólida, a qualidade cromática e a sua estabilidade são interessantes. Além disso, os teores de cobalto ou níquel são reduzidosrelativamente aos utilizados em formulações comerciais de pigmentos azuis, o que se traduz em importantes vantagens económicas e ambientais.