911 resultados para Linguistic interferences
Presentado en las II. Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskal-Erromantze Linguistika II. Jardunaldietan aurkeztua (Bilbo, 2007)
Presentado en el IX Workshop F.E.R.C.A.N (Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Aantiquarum)
[EN]This paper undertakes the study of the occurrence of non-corresponding demonstrative forms in Spanish, Basque and English in exactly the same linguistic context. It is proposed that the differenccs in the choice of the demonstratives result from the differences in the kind of iniormation that must be coded in each of the languages. Thus, I will argue that in Spanish and Basque the obligatory coding of the aspectual categories of the imperfect and the preterit has the function of imposing specific viewing arrangements onto the situations they designate. By contrast, in English, where the aspectual distinction is not overtly coded, the demonstrativcs are proposed to fulfil this function.
[EN]In the newEuropean higher education space, Universities in Europe are exhorted to cultivate and develop multilingualism. The European Commission’s 2004–2006 action plan for promoting language learning and diversity speaks of the need to build an environment which is favourable to languages. Yet reality indicates that it is English which reigns supreme and has become the main foreign language used as means of instruction at European universities. Internationalisation has played a key role in this process, becoming one of the main drivers of the linguistic hegemony exerted by English. In this paper we examine the opinions of teaching staff involved in English-medium instruction, from pedagogical ecologyof-language and personal viewpoints. Data were gathered using group discussion. The study was conducted at a multilingual Spanish university where majority (Spanish), minority (Basque) and foreign (English) languages coexist, resulting in some unavoidable linguistic strains. The implications for English-medium instruction are discussed at the end of this paper.
Ponencia invitada presentada en las Terceras Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskara-Erromantze Linguistikaren III. Jardunaldiak (Bilbao, 2010)
Astarloa's Discursos filosóficos is the most extensive and detailed apology of the Basque language as the first language of mankind. The text was finished in 1805 but the first edition was published in 1883. In this paper I attempt to sketch the main linguistic and philosophic ideas that could have an influence in Astarloa's thought. Then I deal with Astarloa's characterization of the first language, and the three principles he used to verify that Basque was that first language of human beings.
Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memoriam of R. L. Trask - R. L. Trasken oroitzapenetan ikerketak Euskalaritzaz eta Hizkuntzalaritza Historikoaz
Materiales vascos del legado de Wilhelm von Humboldt: la relevancia de Astarloa y el Plan de Lenguas
Este artículo es traducción del original alemán «Zum Stellenwert Astarloas und des Plan de Lenguas», publicado en B. Hurch (ed.), Die baskischen Materialien aus dem Nachlaß Wilhelm von Humboldts. Astarloa, Charpentier, Fréret, Aizpitarte und anderes. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 21-42. La traducción al español es obra de Oroitz Jauregi y ha sido revisada por Ricardo Gómez y Bernhard Hurch.
[EN] In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. Aizkibel in 1856. The preliminary study focuses on a survey of the sources extensively used by Aizkibel, which are mainly two: Schleicher's Die Sprachen Europas (1850 [1852]) and Champollion-Figeac's Égypte ancienne (1840). Moreover, the comparison with the sources reveals us that Aizkibel intended to adapt Schleicher’s and Champollion-Figeac's analyses to attest that Basque was originally a very ancient monosyllabic language, and that it was spoken by cultured people. Some other linguistic ideas of Aizkibel are also discussed.