979 resultados para Leucine Zipper


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Introduction La maladie « Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ; NAFLD » et l'obésité provoque la résistance à l'insuline, un symptôme caractéristique du syndrome métabolique. La fréquence de ces maladies a augmenté de manière importante durant ces dernières décennies. Cette augmentation est étroitement liée à la surcharge énergétique dans notre culture modernisée. Pour combattre cette situation, des régimes riches en protéines semblent être bénéfiques, en particulier parce que l'acide aminé leucine stimule la satiété. Cependant l'effet des protéines alimentaires sur la stéatose hépatique reste peu connu. Résultats : Pour étudier cette question, nous avons nourri des souris C57B6/J (âgées de 5 semaines) avec un régime standard (10% kcal graisse, 20% kcal protéine), un régime riche en graisse (45% kcal graisse, 20% kcal protéine) ou un régime riche en graisse et enrichi en protéines (45% kcal graisse, 40% kcal protéine) pendant 10 semaines. Nous avons ainsi montré que l'addition de protéines au régime gras permet de prévenir la stéatose hépatique. Dans un deuxième temps nous avons testé si cet effet bénéfique des protéines alimentaires provient des acides aminés ramifiés (Branched-chain amino acids= BCAA : leucine, isoleucine, valine), composants majeurs de protéines alimentaires. Pour ce faire, nous avons ajouté un groupe de souris nourries au régime riche en graisses + BCAA (45% kcal graisse, 23% kcal protéine). Nos résultats montrent que l'addition des BCAA ne protège pas contre la stéatose hépatique, mais, au contraire, aggrave l'obésité et l'hyperinsulinémie. De manière intéressante, nous avons observé que la supplémentation en protéines ou en BCAA induit des effets différents sur la prise alimentaire et la dépense énergétique. Conclusion : Notre étude suggère clairement que les protéines alimentaires protègent contre l'obésité et la stéatose hépatique. Elle confirme également que les composants majeurs des protéines alimentaires (BCAA) n'exercent pas cet effet protecteur, mais qu'il aggrave le syndrome métabolique. Etant donné que l'ingestion importante et chronique de protéines alimentaires est délétère pour le rein, il serait très intéressant d'identifier les acides aminés spécifiques qui induiraient le même effet protecteur que les protéines alimentaires, mais sans perturber le fonctionnement rénal.


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During cell proliferation, growth must occur to maintain homeostatic cell size. Here we show that E2F1 is capable of inducing growth by regulating mTORC1 activity. The activation of cell growth and mTORC1 by E2F1 is dependent on both E2F1's ability to bind DNA and to regulate gene transcription, demonstrating that a gene induction expression program is required in this process. Unlike E2F1, E2F3 is unable to activate mTORC1, suggesting that growth activity could be restricted to individual E2F members. The effect of E2F1 on the activation of mTORC1 does not depend on Akt. Furthermore, over-expression of TSC2 does not interfere with the effect of E2F1, indicating that the E2F1-induced signal pathway can compensate for the inhibitory effect of TSC2 on Rheb. Immunolocalization studies demonstrate that E2F1 induces the translocation of mTORC1 to the late endosome vesicles, in a mechanism dependent of leucine. E2F1 and leucine, or insulin, together affect the activation of S6K stronger than alone suggesting that they are complementary in activating the signal pathway. From these studies, E2F1 emerges as a key protein that integrates cell division and growth, both of which are essential for cell proliferation.


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In a greenhouse pot experiment with kohlrabi, variety Luna, we explored the joint effect of N (0.6 g N per pot = 6 kg of soil) and S in the soil (25-35-45 mg kg-1 of S) on yields, on N, S and NO3- content in tubers and leaves, and on alterations in the amino acids concentration in the tubers. S fertilisation had no effect on tuber yields. The ranges of N content in tubers and leaves were narrow (between 1.42-1.48 % N and 1.21-1.35 % N, respectively) and the effect of S fertilisation was insignificant. S concentration in the tubers ranged between 0.59 and 0.64 % S. S fertilisation had a more pronounced effect on the S concentration in leaf tissues where it increased from 0.50 to 0.58 or to 0.76 % S under the applied dose. The NO3- content was higher in tubers than in leaves. Increasing the S level in the soil significantly reduced NO3- concentrations in the tubers by 42.2-53.6 % and in the leaves by 8.8-21.7 %. Increasing the S content in the soil reduced the concentration of cysteine + methionine by 16-28 %. The values of valine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and serine were constant. In the S0, S1, and S2 treatments the levels of threonine, isoleucine, leucine, arginine, the sum of essential amino acids and alanine decreased from 37 to 9 %. The histidine concentration increased with increasing S fertilisation. S fertilisation of kohlrabi can be recommended to stabilize the yield and reduce the undesirable NO3- contained in the parts used for consumption.


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The gap-junction protein connexin36 (Cx36) contributes to control the functions of insulin-producing cells. In this study, we investigated whether the expression of Cx36 is regulated by glucose in insulin-producing cells. Glucose caused a significant reduction of Cx36 in insulin-secreting cell lines and freshly isolated pancreatic rat islets. This decrease appeared at the mRNA and the protein levels in a dose- and time-dependent manner. 2-Deoxyglucose partially reproduced the effect of glucose, whereas glucosamine, 3-O-methyl-D-glucose and leucine were ineffective. Moreover, KCl-induced depolarization of beta-cells had no effect on Cx36 expression, indicating that glucose metabolism and ATP production are not mandatory for glucose-induced Cx36 downregulation. Forskolin mimicked the repression of Cx36 by glucose. Glucose or forskolin effects on Cx36 expression were not suppressed by the L-type Ca(2+)-channel blocker nifedipine but were fully blunted by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) inhibitor H89. A 4 kb fragment of the human Cx36 promoter was identified and sequenced. Reporter-gene activity driven by various Cx36 promoter fragments indicated that Cx36 repression requires the presence of a highly conserved cAMP responsive element (CRE). Electrophoretic-mobility-shift assays revealed that, in the presence of a high glucose concentration, the binding activity of the repressor CRE-modulator 1 (CREM-1) is enhanced. Taken together, these data provide evidence that glucose represses the expression of Cx36 through the cAMP-PKA pathway, which activates a member of the CRE binding protein family.


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La douleur est définie par l'International association for the study of pain (IASP) comme une expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle désagréable, associée à une lésion tissulaire réelle ou à une lésion potentielle, ou décrite en des termes évoquant une telle lésion. Sa fonction est de signaler une menace potentielle pour l'intégrité de l'organisme. Mais ce ressenti peut persister ou être présent en l'absence d'une telle menace. Il s'agit dans ce cas d'une douleur pathologique dont les mécanismes étiologiques et physiopathologiques ne sont pas encore bien compris.¦Ce travail de maîtrise a pour objectif l'étude d'une mutation génétique responsable d'un syndrome douloureux chronique. Cette mutation génétique a été décelée chez une famille de patients lausannois atteints de PEPD (paroxysmal extreme pain disorder) et touche le canal sodique Nav1.7. Ce canal est exprimé principalement dans les neurones des ganglions sensitifs et des ganglions sympathiques. Il est considéré comme responsable de la transmission de la douleur vers le SNC car des mutations « perte de fonction » de ce canal sont à l'origine d'une insensibilité congénitale à la douleur. Les mutations « gain de fonction » de ce canal sont à l'origine de syndromes douloureux chroniques tel le syndrome PEPD ou l'érythromélalgie. La mutation présente chez les patients lausannois est située entre les segments transmembranaires S4 et S5 sur le 4ème domaine de la sous-unité α du canal sodique Nav1.7. Cette mutation ne touche qu'un seul acide aminé, en position 1612 où une leucine est remplacée par une proline.¦Les méthodes employées dans ce travail sont la mutagenèse pour générer des plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté (T4835C) codant pour le canal Nav1.7 muté (L1612P), l'amplification de ces plasmides dans des bactéries et la transfection de cellules HEK293 avec les plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté (T4835C). Nous avons ainsi pu induire l'expression du canal muté dans des cellules HEK293. Ces cellules pourront être utilisées par la suite pour enregistrer les courants ioniques transitant à travers les canaux exprimés à la membrane plasmique. Cela permettra de comparer les propriétés électrophysiologiques du canal Nav1.7 muté L1612P avec celles du canal non muté. Nous avons également recherché l'expression d'ARNm codant pour les composants des canaux sodiques (sous-unités α et β) dans les cellules HEK293 non transfectées par la technique de qRT-PCR. Ceci afin de répertorier les composants des canaux sodiques exprimés constitutivement par les cellules HEK293 qui pourraient avoir une influence sur les mesures électrophysiologiques qui seront effectuées sur ces cellules.¦Ce travail a permis de générer des plasmides contenant le gène SCN9A muté T4835C qui sont des outils nécessaires à la réalisation d'études plus détaillées sur le fonctionnement et les propriétés du canal Nav1.7 muté L1612P. Ce travail a également permis, par la méthode de la qRT-PCR, une analyse de l'expression d'ARNm codant pour la sous-unité α du canal Nav1.7 et des sous-unités β 1 à 4 par les cellules HEK293. Les résultats ainsi obtenus permettent de mieux caractériser le transcriptome des cellules HEK293 et seront utiles pour interpréter avec plus de précisions les expérimentations électrophysiologiques utilisant ces cellules. L'étude électrophysiologique des cellules HEK293 exprimant le canal Nav1.7 muté par la technique du patch clamp est en cours. Elle sera poursuivie dans le cadre d'un travail de recherche dépassant le cadre de ce travail de maîtrise. Les cellules HEK293 exprimant le canal Nav1.7 muté (L1612P) pourront être également utilisées pour tester l'effet de divers médicaments sur ce canal. Ce qui pourrait d'une part permettre d'optimiser le traitement des patients souffrant de PEPD et d'autre part être utile pour tout traitement à but antalgique.


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Nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat containing receptors (NLRs) are intracellular proteins mainly involved in pathogen recognition, inflammatory responses, and cell death. Until recently, the function of the family member NLR caspase recruitment domain (CARD) containing 5 (NLRC5) has been a matter of debate. It is now clear that NLRC5 acts as a transcriptional regulator of the major-histocompatibility complex class I. In this review we detail the development of our understanding of NLRC5 function, discussing both the accepted and the controversial aspects of NLRC5 activity. We give insight into the molecular mechanisms, and the potential implications, of NLRC5 function in health and disease.


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We provide the first evidence that point mutations can constitutively activate the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (AR). Leucine 322 of the beta(1)-AR in the C-terminal portion of its third intracellular loop was replaced with seven amino acids (I, T, E, F, C, A and K) differing in their physico-chemical properties. The beta(1)-AR mutants expressed in HEK-293 cells displayed various levels of constitutive activity which could be partially inhibited by some beta-blockers. The results of this study might have interesting implications for future studies aiming at elucidating the activation process of the beta(1)-AR as well as the mechanism of action of beta-blockers.


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Numerous epidemiological studies and some pharmacological clinical trials show the close connection between Alzheimer disease (AD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and thereby, shed more light into the existence of possible similar pathogenic mechanisms between these two diseases. Diabetes increases the risk of developing AD and sensitizers of insulin currently used as diabetes drugs can efficiently slow cognitive decline of the neurological disorder. Deposits of amyloid aggregate and hyperphosphorylation of tau, which are hallmarks of AD, have been also found in degenerating pancreatic islets beta-cells of patients with T2D. These events may have a causal role in the pathogenesis of the two diseases. Increased c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) activity is found in neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) of AD and promotes programmed cell death of beta-cells exposed to a diabetic environment. The JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP-1), also called islet brain 1 (IB1) because it is mostly expressed in the brain and islets, is a key regulator of the JNK pathway in neuronal and beta-cells. JNK, hyperphosphorylated tau and IB1/JIP-1 all co-localize with amyloids deposits in NFT and islets of AD and patients with T2D. This review discusses the role of the IB1/JIP-1 and the JNK pathway in the molecular pathogenesis of AD and T2D.


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Corneal integrity and transparency are indispensable for good vision. Cornea homeostasis is entirely dependent upon corneal stem cells, which are required for complex wound-healing processes that restore corneal integrity following epithelial damage. Here, we found that leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 (LRIG1) is highly expressed in the human holoclone-type corneal epithelial stem cell population and sporadically expressed in the basal cells of ocular-surface epithelium. In murine models, LRIG1 regulated corneal epithelial cell fate during wound repair. Deletion of Lrig1 resulted in impaired stem cell recruitment following injury and promoted a cell-fate switch from transparent epithelium to keratinized skin-like epidermis, which led to corneal blindness. In addition, we determined that LRIG1 is a negative regulator of the STAT3-dependent inflammatory pathway. Inhibition of STAT3 in corneas of Lrig1-/- mice rescued pathological phenotypes and prevented corneal opacity. Additionally, transgenic mice that expressed a constitutively active form of STAT3 in the corneal epithelium had abnormal features, including corneal plaques and neovascularization similar to that found in Lrig1-/- mice. Bone marrow chimera experiments indicated that LRIG1 also coordinates the function of bone marrow-derived inflammatory cells. Together, our data indicate that LRIG1 orchestrates corneal-tissue transparency and cell fate during repair, and identify LRIG1 as a key regulator of tissue homeostasis.


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A fluorescent oligopeptide substrate for the promastigote surface protease (PSP) of Leishmania was designed using the data reported for the substrate specificity of the enzyme (Bouvier, J., Schneider, P., Etges, R. J., and Bordier, C. 1990. Biochemistry 29, 10113-10119). The indole fluorescence of the tryptophan residue was efficiently quenched through resonance energy transfer by an N-terminal dansyl group located five amino acid residues away. The heptapeptide, dansyl-A-Y-L-K-K-W-V-NH2, was cleaved by PSP between the tyrosine and leucine residues with a kcat/Km ratio of 8.8 x 10(6) M-1sec-1. Hydrolysis by the enzyme results in a time-dependent increase of fluorescence intensity of 3.7-fold. Assays can be designed based on the tryptophan fluorescence at 360 nm or by individual product analyses using thin-layer chromatography. The synthetic substrate is readily cleaved by the metalloprotease at the surface of fixed promastigotes. The specificity and sensitivity of such internally quenched fluorescent peptide substrate will facilitate the identification of novel inhibitors for the enzyme and aid in detailed studies on its enzymology.


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The RuvABC proteins of Escherichia coli process recombination intermediates during genetic recombination and DNA repair. RuvA and RuvB promote branch migration of Holliday junctions, a process that extends heteroduplex DNA. Together with RuvC, they form a RuvABC complex capable of Holliday junction resolution. Branch migration by RuvAB is mediated by RuvB, a hexameric ring protein that acts as an ATP-driven molecular pump. To gain insight into the mechanism of branch migration, random mutations were introduced into the ruvB gene by PCR and a collection of mutant alleles were obtained. Mutation of leucine 268 to serine resulted in a severe UV-sensitive phenotype, characteristic of a ruv defect. Here, we report a biochemical analysis of the mutant protein RuvBL268S. Unexpectedly, the purified protein is fully active in vitro with regard to its ATPase, DNA binding and DNA unwinding activities. It also promotes efficient branch migration in combination with RuvA, and forms functional RuvABC-Holliday junction resolvase complexes. These results indicate that RuvB may perform some additional, and as yet undefined, function that is necessary for cell survival after UV-irradiation.


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The neuronal-specific protein complexin I (CPX I) plays an important role in controlling the Ca(2+)-dependent neurotransmitter release. Since insulin exocytosis and neurotransmitter release rely on similar molecular mechanisms and that pancreatic beta-cells and neuronal cells share the expression of many restricted genes, we investigated the potential role of CPX I in insulin-secreting cells. We found that pancreatic islets and several insulin-secreting cell lines express high levels of CPX I. The beta-cell expression of CPX I is mediated by the presence of a neuron restrictive silencer element located within the regulatory region of the gene. This element bound the transcriptional repressor REST, which is found in most cell types with the exception of mature neuronal cells and beta-cells. Overexpression of CPX I or silencing of the CPX I gene (Cplx1) by RNA interference led to strong impairment in beta-cell secretion in response to nutrients such as glucose, leucine and KCl. This effect was detected both in the early and the sustained secretory phases but was much more pronounced in the early phase. We conclude that CPX I plays a critical role in beta-cells in the control of the stimulated-exocytosis of insulin.


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The effect of amino acid and/or glucose administration before and during exercise on protein metabolism in visceral tissues and skeletal muscle was examined in mongrel dogs. The dogs were subjected to treadmill running (150 minutes at 10 km/h and 12% incline) and intravenously infused with a solution containing amino acids and glucose (AAG), amino acids (AA), glucose (G) or saline (S) in randomized order. The infusion was started 60 minutes before exercise and continued until the end of the exercise period. An arteriovenous-difference technique was used to estimate both tissue protein degradation and synthesis. When S was infused, the release of leucine (Leu) from the gut and phenylalanine (Phe) from the hindlimb significantly increased during exercise, thus indicating that exercise augmented proteolysis in these tissues. The balance of Leu across the gut during exercise demonstrated a net uptake with both AAG and AA, whereas a net release was observed for G and S. In addition, Leu uptake in the gut during the last 90 minutes of the exercise period tended to be greater with AAG versus AA (P = .06). Phe balance across the hindlimb during the late exercise period showed a significant release with S, AA, and G, whereas the balance with AAG did not show a significant release. These results suggest that exercise-induced proteolysis in the gut may be reduced by supplementation with AA, and this effect may be enhanced by concomitant G administration. However, in skeletal muscle, both AA and G may be required to prevent net protein degradation during exercise. G provided without AA did not achieve net protein synthesis in either tissue.


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Anàlisi de les interaccions, a nivell neuronal, que tenen lloc durant el desenvolupament embrionari entre el receptor Unc5B (receptor present a la membrana) i les proteïnes Netrin-1 i FLRT3 (fibronectin and leucine-rich transmembrane proteins). La interacció entre aquest receptor i Netrin-1 ha estat profundament estudiada fins al moment, de manera que es coneix que aquesta promou una repulsió en la guia d’axons durant el desenvolupament embrionari. A més, la interacció està implicada en la senyalització per a diferents processos com l’angiogènesi i la supervivència cel·lular. Per altra banda, la interacció entre neurones Unc5B positives i FLRT3, promou un retard en la migració de les neurones. Diversos estudis demostren que aquest retard en la migració està relacionat amb certes patologies mentals.


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Inflammasomes are caspase-1-activating multiprotein complexes. The mouse nucleotide-binding domain and leucine rich repeat pyrin containing 1b (NLRP1b) inflammasome was identified as the sensor of Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin (LT) in mouse macrophages from sensitive strains such as BALB/c. Upon exposure to LT, the NLRP1b inflammasome activates caspase-1 to produce mature IL-1β and induce pyroptosis. Both processes are believed to depend on autoproteolysed caspase-1. In contrast to human NLRP1, mouse NLRP1b lacks an N-terminal pyrin domain (PYD), indicating that the assembly of the NLRP1b inflammasome does not require the adaptor apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC). LT-induced NLRP1b inflammasome activation was shown to be impaired upon inhibition of potassium efflux, which is known to play a major role in NLRP3 inflammasome formation and ASC dimerization. We investigated whether NLRP3 and/or ASC were required for caspase-1 activation upon LT stimulation in the BALB/c background. The NLRP1b inflammasome activation was assessed in both macrophages and dendritic cells lacking either ASC or NLRP3. Upon LT treatment, the absence of NLRP3 did not alter the NLRP1b inflammasome activity. Surprisingly, the absence of ASC resulted in IL-1β cleavage and pyroptosis, despite the absence of caspase-1 autoprocessing activity. By reconstituting caspase-1/caspase-11(-/-) cells with a noncleavable or catalytically inactive mutant version of caspase-1, we directly demonstrated that noncleavable caspase-1 is fully active in response to the NLRP1b activator LT, whereas it is nonfunctional in response to the NLRP3 activator nigericin. Taken together, these results establish variable requirements for caspase-1 cleavage depending on the pathogen and the responding NLR.