988 resultados para Landwirthschaftlicher Central-Verein der Provinz Sachsen
hrsg. vom Verein z. Abwehr d. Antisemitismus
von Dionysius [Dénes] Friedman
von Guido Kisch
von Louis Lewin
Peat deposits from an ombrotrophic bog (north-eastern Poland) were analysed to reconstruct peatland development and environmental changes. This paper presents reconstructions of hydrological changes and plant succession over the last 6000 years. The methods included the high-resolution analysis of plant macrofossils, pollen and testate amoebae, supported by radiocarbon dating. Three main phases were identified in the history of the bog and surrounding woodland vegetation: 4000–400 BC, 400 BC–AD 1700 and AD 1700–2011. Except for terrestrialisation and the fen-to-bog transition phase, the development of bog vegetation was mainly dependent on the climate until approximately AD 1700. The dominant taxon in Gązwa bog was Sphagnum fuscum/rubellum. Woodland development was significantly affected by human activity at several time periods. The most visible human activity, manifested by the decline of deciduous species, occurred ca. 350 BC, ca. AD 250, ca. AD 1350 and after AD 1700. These events correspond to phases of human settlement in the area. During 400–300 BC, the decline of deciduous trees, primarily Carpinus, coincided with an increase in indicators of human activity and fire frequency. At ca. AD 200, Carpinus and Tilia abundance decreased, corresponding to an increased importance of cereals (Secale and Triticum). Since ca. AD 1350, the impact of Teutonic settlement is apparent, and after AD 1700, deciduous forests largely disappeared.
von L. Lewin
[Der Frankfurter Mekor Chajim] : Festschrift zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen des Vereins, 1874 - 1924
zusammengestellt im Auftrage des Vorstandes des Mekor Chajim von S. Schachnowitz
Aus: Mittheilungen aus d. Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus
hrsg. vom Zionist. Zentralverein in Wien
In der Nordwestecke der St. Katharinenkirche zu Salzwedel (Sachsen-Anhalt) wurden zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts zwei Erbbegräbnisse angelegt, die von bürgerlichen Familien als Begräbnisplatz genutzt wurden. Insgesamt konnten acht Holzsärge aus den Nischen geborgen werden, die noch Reste der Bestattungen und der Sargausstattung enthielten. Die Befunde bieten einen einzigartigen Einblick in das Totenbrauchtum des 18. Jahrhunderts in der Altmark.
The process by which young talents develop to become topclass players once they reach the age of maximum performance is influenced by numerous factors. Among the exogenous factors, the family plays a central role. In the context of a research project carried out in cooperation with the Swiss Football Association SFV, 159 former members of the national youth football team were interviewed retrospectively, among other things concerning their family circumstances. The study is interested in understanding two issues: 1) It examines which family conditions – compared with average Swiss families – lead to success in adolescence (nomination for a national youth team). 2) Since success in adolescence by no means guarantees top-level performance at the age of maximum performance, the heterogeneity of the sample’s adult level of performance is used to compare players who later achieve greater success to the less successful players. It is found that these players come from families with many children and a strong affinity to sports. Those players who are particularly successful at the age of maximum performance also felt they received more support from their parents and siblings during childhood and adolescence than the players who went on to be less successful.
von A. Berliner