908 resultados para Land, Nationalization of


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Indenture regarding land sold by David Secord of St. Davids to George Shaw, Richard Woodruff, Timothy Street and Josiah Brown, all of Niagara Township and Reverend Henry Pope of York. The land includes part of Lot no. 90 in the Township of Niagara. September 5, 1820.


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Indenture regarding land sold by Solomon Quick of Niagara Township to Henry Woodruff from London District consisting of 1/4 acre and 4 perches in the Village of St. Davids. This was registered on February 2, 1826 - instrument no. 6761, February 3, 1821.


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Indenture regarding land sold by John Robertson of Niagara to John Jackson of Niagara. This transaction is for part of Lot no. 93 in Niagara Township. This document was registered in the Lincoln and Haldimand Registry on September 10, 1823 in Book J folio 322 - instrument no. 6357. Date of transaction was May 5, 1823.


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Indenture stating that David Secord of the Township of Niagara leased the dam of the sawmill pond in St. Davids to Richard and William Woodruff for 25 shillings per year for their mill business, May 2, 1824.


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Indenture stating that George Shaw of Niagara sold 1 acre, 2 roods and 1 perch in the Village of St. Davids to Richard and William Woodruff. The price was 66 pounds - instrument no. 6926, June 9, 1824.


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Clipping of an advertisement for Thomas Steers and Abraham Steers, Land Agency and Conveyancing Offices, July 17, 1844.


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Indenture of Agreement for Sale of Land between Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines to Calvin and Ezekiel Cudney of the Township of Niagara regarding a footpath and parts of the lots 9 and 10 on the Welland River (78 acres), Oct. 30, 1883.


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Indenture of Agreement for Sale of Land between Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines to Calvin and Ezekiel Cudney of the Township of Niagara. This is a copy of the previous document but there is an additional note on this document about an “agreement for cutting timber”. This is signed by S.D. Woodruff, Jan. 1885.


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Ledger of land sales (soft cover ledger book). This notebook has the name S.D. Woodruff written within the front cover. It is filled with handwritten descriptions of land transactions which took place in Lincoln and Grantham Counties, 1864-1867, 1869-1872, 1875 1881, 1890.


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Plan of levels of marsh land on the line of the proposed ditch from Lyons Creek Culvert on the Welland Canal to lot no. 32 in the 2nd concession of Wainfleet (1 page, hand drawn), n.d.


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Chart of land drainage for the Welland Canal final estimate of work done on sections no.1, 2 and 3 on the road below lock no. 2 leading to Port Dalhousie. Work commenced Nov. 1846 and finished July 1847. Road work and the waste weir no.1 to Port Dalhousie work commenced Aug. 1847 and finished Sept. 1847, Nov.1, 1847.


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Indenture of between Joseph Kingsmill, sheriff and Joseph Augustus Woodruff of the Town of Clifton for 4 acres of land in part of Lot no. 12 in the 5th Concession of Wainfleet – instrument no. 9998, May 23, 1857.


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Incomplete indenture of Joseph Kingsmill, regarding 4 acres of land. This is not made out to anyone, nor signed to anyone and most of the writing is illegible, n.d.


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Dans Ce Texte Nous Examinons les Effets de la Loi du Zonage Agricole du Quebec, Proclame En Decembre 1978 Sur le Prix du Sol Dans une Banlieu de Montreal. a L'aide de Donnees Sur les Transactions Normales Faites a Carignan et Saint-Mathias de 1975 a 1981, Nous Estimons, a L'aide des Moindres Carrees Ordinaires, une Equation de Determination du Prix Par Acre Avec Comme Variables Independantes la Dimension du Lot, la Distance de Montreal, les Services Disponibles (Egouts,...) et le Zonage Agricole (Ou Non) du Sol. Nos Resultats Nous Indiquent Que le Zonage Agricole Reduit le Prix D'un Acre de Sol.


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Entre 1988 et 2008, les Philippines ont mis en oeuvre le Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) qui visait à redistribuer 9 million d‟hectares de terres agricoles aux paysans sans terre. En dépit des échappatoires du programme et d‟une structure sociale très inégale qui freinent sa mise en oeuvre, ce modèle de réforme agraire présente des résultats surprenants alors que 82% des terres ont été redistribuées. Concernant les terres plus litigieuses appartenant à des intérêts privés, Borras soutient que le succès surprenant de plusieurs cas de luttes agraires s‟explique par l‟utilisation de la stratégie bibingka qui consiste à appliquer de la pression par le bas et par le haut afin de forcer la redistribution. Sa théorie cependant ne donne que peu de détails concernant les éléments qui rendent un cas plus ou moins litigieux. Elle ne traite pas non plus de la manière dont les éléments structurels et l‟action collective interagissent pour influencer le résultat des luttes agraires. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous attardons d‟abord à la manière dont certains éléments structurels – le type de récolte et le type de relation de production - influencent le degré de résistance des propriétaires terriens face aux processus du CARP, contribuant ainsi à rendre les cas plus ou moins litigieux. Ensuite nous analysons l‟influence du contexte structurel et des stratégies paysannes sur le résultat de la mise en oeuvre du programme de réforme agraire. Pour répondre à nos deux questions de recherche, nous présentons quatre études de cas situés dans la province de Cebu.