1000 resultados para Kurki, Tommi: Yksilön ja ryhmän kielen reaaliaikainen muuttuminen
The Jaú National Park is the largest protected forested area in the world. The Vitória Amazônica Foundation is working towards understanding its ecosystem, to which this paper contributes. Wood density was analysed in 27 common tree species growing in the blackwater flood-plains of the Rio Jaú, an affluent of the Rio Negro (Amazonia, Brazil). Wood was sampled with an increment borer. Mean wood density of the analysed species ranged from 0.35 to 0.87 g cm-3. The mean of all sampled species was 0.67 g cm-3 (st. dev. 0.13). Lowest density was found for Hevea spruceana with 0.32 g cm-3 and highest for Crudia amazonica with 0.9 g cm-3.
Foi realizado no Parque Nacional do Jaú (1999) estudo transversal, onde avaliou-se o estado nutricional de 49 pré-escolares e 130 escolares, adotando-se os critérios propostos pela OMS (1986). Segundo estes critérios, 23,9% dos pré-escolares e 9,4% dos escolares apresentavam inadequação no indicador "altura/idade" (desnutrição crônica). A inadequação no indicador "peso/altura" (desnutrição aguda) foi constatada em apenas 2,2% dos pré-escolares e 1,6% dos escolares. Estes resultados evidenciam as precárias condições de saúde e nutrição da referida população.
Besouros dinastíneos foram coletados no Parque Nacional do Jaú, Estado do Amazonas, entre julho de 1993 a junho 1996, em dias de Lua minguante e nova, em 5 localidades diferentes, abrangendo principalmente a região dos baixos cursos dos rios Jaú, Carabinani e Unini. Utilizou-se para as coletas luz mista de mercúrio de 250 W e duas lâmpadas ultra-violeta, black-light (BL) e black-light blue (BLB), sobre um lençol branco em períodos diários de 12 horas consecutivas. Foram identificadas 34 espécies de 14 gêneros, sendo as espécies da tribo Cyclocephalini as mais representadas (19 espécies), seguidas por Oryetini (6 spp.), Phileurini (4 spp.), Pentodontini (3 spp.) e Dynastini com 2 espécies.
A fauna de esfingídeos (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) foi estudada no Parque Nacional do Jaú e arredores, Amazonas, Brasil, durante o período de julho de 1993 a junho de 1996. O método empregado para as coletas foi luz mista de mercúrio e luz negra UV montadas sobre um lençol branco em períodos de 12 horas consecutivas. Foram coletados 2362 espécimes de 25 gêneros e 79 espécies, com a predominância de espécies das tribos Dilophonotini (45 espécies), seguida por Sphingini (13 spp.), Macroglossini (8 spp.), Philampelini (7 spp.) e Ambulycini (6 spp.). Os dados são comparados a outras áreas da Amazônia brasileira: Município de Itacoatiara (AM), Ilha de Maracá e Pacaraima (RR). Apresenta-se uma lista das espécies de esfingídeos incluindo 16 registros novos para o Estado do Amazonas e igualmente para todas as localidades em que foram coletadas.
Foi realizado um estudo da flora perifítica de diatomáceas (Bacillariophyceae) existente no Rio Jaú, tributário do Rio Negro, Amazônia (2º57'S e 61º49'W). As coletas foram realizadas manualmente nas cheias de 1995, 1996 e 1997, e as lâminas permanentes encontram-se depositadas no Herbário FLOR, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Foram identificados 60 táxons específicos e infra-específicos, distribuidos em 16 gêneros e 13 famílias. Eunotiaceae foi a família melhor representada, com 43,3% do total dos táxons inventariados, seguida de Pinnulariaceae com 21,6% e Surirellaceae com 11,6%. O gênero Eunotia destacou-se dentre os demais com 20 táxons. Eunotia e Pinnularia foram os gêneros mais abundantes da flora diatomológica e os que apresentaram maior variação morfológica. Para cada táxon identificado foi feita uma revisão de literatura que incluem diversos aspectos ecológicos.
A composição de Hybotinae do Parque Nacional do Jaú foi estudada. Dezesseis espécies de Hybotinae são registradas e cinco espécies novas de Syneches Walker são descritas e ilustradas: Syneches hispidus sp. nov., S. jauensis sp. nov., S. longiflagellatus sp. nov., S. rafaeli sp. nov. e S. vidali sp. nov.
This final thesis focused on experimental knowledge of working in the group. The topic was approached from the perspective of the theatre group director. The thesis itself contains two practical theatre group examples. One is a youngsters' theatre group called La Drama, directed by the author during 2004/2005. The other one is the author's own final artistic production, named Protasio - Kohtaamisia Afrikassa (Protasio - Meeting in Africa), which opened in January 2006. The group leader's role is presented as an important personal tool in theatre, and one that it is important to develop in a professional way. The director's role is to be the promoter of the process, the inspirer and a strong group leader. A person who is in this role will lead the group through the creative process using the community. The thesis identifies and advocates good practice, and ideas of how to create theatre with a group-based method. These analyses can offer useful ideas and knowledge to the beginner in the field of theatre direction.
This thesis concerns organizing a workshop about interaction in the various communities represented by Helsinki city's social welfare department. There were seventeen workshops altogether and they were organized in different communities; for example, in a children's daycare centre. The aim was to gain experience in the planning and organizing of these kinds of workshop. The workshops focused on dealing with interactive quetions arising out of the very community which was taking part in the workshop. These questions were discussed and handled using a technique called forum-statues. This means that the problems arising from the community were presented as living pictures to the group. There was also a short theoretical element concerning interactions between people, self-esteem, the different phases in developing a group, and the effects of conflicts in groups. There was a high degree of interest in the research and places were soon filled. The workshops consisted of a warming part with a lot of playing, a deepening part with questions arising out of the group, and a relaxation and feedback part at the end. The basis of the workshop was similar for all seventeen workshops. The athmosphere in workshops was discussive and open. The participants were engouraged to express there opinions and point of views. Feedback from the participantswas very positive. The participants obtained new points of view, according there fellow workers, and the community spirit improved. Shortage of time was, unfortunately, a problem. With more time, it would have been possible to go deeper into the problems of interaction within the community. Ceratinly, the research proved that there would be great demand for this kind of workshop in future.
My final project presents the directing process of my experimental production based on King Lear by William Shakespeare. I describe the process from the first visions of the beginning to the completed performance and finally the feedback from the audience. I concentrate on the special qualities of the production, such as interaction, small and moveable audience, cinematic qualities, polyphonic dramaturgy, and use of the video. The Project is divided into six parts. The first part introduces the project as a whole. The second part concentrates on the process before the beginning of the rehearsals. The third part focuses on the rehearsals and co-operation with the actors, whereas the fourth part deals with the performance and its special qualities. Following this, in the fifth part I study the interaction of the performance with the help of the audience feedback. In the final part conclusions are drawn. The focus of this work is the use of intuition even as a starting point of the theatre directing process. My conclusions drawn from the description of the process suggest that the starting point of the theatre production may be an intuitive vision as well as some conscious subject or message.
In my thesis I discuss the elements of my professional identity from the perspective of an actor, a director and a team. What are acting and directing to me? What are the problems in the symbiosis of acting and directing? What are the difficulties in acting and directing and how important are the issues related to responsibility, power, trust and confidence in my work? I also discuss the consept of self-confidence. Behind all of this, there is also the thought of my ancestry and its dualism, how my roots from my father's and mother's side are struggling against each other or supporting each other, and how they affect my professional identity. The basic idea in the present thesis is the perspective of the traditional theatre and a professional team. Also the childhood influence on my professional identity is being considered. Education is discussed at the end. Moreover, a discussion on the kind of future theatre maker I want to be considered as, is included. I also try to handle all these topics through Harri Virtanen's Kiinteistövälittäjä vastoin tahtoaan (2005), which I directed, and my latest role in Arto Paasilinna's and Kristian Smeds' Jäniksen vuosi (2006). The conclusion of the present thesis is that it is very important for me to be a member of different communities, in which I can express my professional identity. My professional identity is formed by many elements that support each other. Such elements in their own right form an inticate relationship, which at the end, makes me what I am. In conclusion, I am a theatre maker, who in an alternative field of theater has opportunities to form the professional identity, as different situations and projects require.