936 resultados para Kronborg (Castle), Denmark.


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Através do estudo da obra de Salvador Dali, pontuamos algumas questões importantes que envolvem a conexão da arte com a psicanálise. Os pontos assinalados da teoria freudiana sobre a temática da angústia e sua relação com a arte praticada por Dali se baseiam no ensaio O estranho (1919) e no Seminário lacaniano, livro 10. Dali escreveu vários artigos e um ensaio teórico sobre o que ele entendeu por método paranóico-crítico de conhecimento da realidade. Por conta disso, revisamos alguns dos textos freudianos que tocam no tema da paranóia e da realidade psíquica. Esse método aplicado à sua própria arte nos ensinou que uma obra de arte pode funcionar como objeto pequeno a para o observador cuja realidade psíquica tenha sido tocada por uma dada tela. Outro tema importante refere-se ao que resolvemos chamar de o Outro Geográfico de Dali. Baseamos essa pesquisa na noção lacaniana do grande Outro como tesouro dos significantes e a relação disso com a região nordeste da Catalunha, na Espanha. Notamos que os lugares onde Dali viveu e onde construiu suas casas-museu foram extremamente importantes para ele, o que fica claro pelo fato dele repetir insistentemente partes da natureza dessa região ao longo de toda sua obra, como significantes que insistem em ser reescritos. Conhecido como o triângulo daliniano por seus biógrafos, os lugares que compõem essa estrutura são: Figueres, sua cidade natal; Cadaqués, no litoral nordeste da Catalunha onde o menino Dali passava as férias de verão e onde construiu sua morada conjugal com sua adorada Gala; e Púbol, no interior da Catalunha, onde restaurou um Castelo para sua mulher morar. Supomos que esses três lugares, tal qual o tempo para o psiquismo, funcionaram, para Dali, dentro da lógica própria do inconsciente. Além disso, falaremos sobre a influência dos pintores favoritos de Dali, em especial daqueles que funcionaram para ele como grandes mestres.


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In the international Baltic Sea trout tagging experiment 27 753 hatchery reared sea trout smolts were tagged in Denmark, Finland, Poland and Sweden in 1979 and 1980. The fish were tagged with the original Carlin tag, two modified Carlin tag types (Canadian and Finnish polythene), streamer and Floy tags and Polish tags attached with Monel metal wire. The tag returns were affected by the place of release and smolt quality. The best results were obtained in the case of tags attached with double wire or thread -original Carlin, Canadian and Finnish polythene. The poorest results were obtained with streamer tags.


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O uso de modelos de estudo dentários faz parte tanto da prática quanto da pesquisa odontológica e ortodôntica. Com a introdução dos scanners 3D e dos tomógrafos CBCT (cone beam computer tomography) tornou-se possível a obtenção de modelos dentários tridimensionais virtuais das arcadas dentárias. Foram selecionados 56 modelos dentários superiores e escaneados em três tipos diferentes de scanners: Maestro 3D Dental Scanner (AGE Solutions, Potedera, Italia), 3Shape R700 3D Scanner (3Shape, Copenhagen, Dinamarca) e o scanner 3Shape TRIOS (3Shape, Copenhagen, Dinamarca). Doze medidas foram realizadas nos modelos dentários de gesso e comparadas com as mesmas medidas realizadas nos modelos dentários digitais por meio do teste de Análise de Variância (ANOVA). Estatisticamente não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as medições tradicionais nos modelos dentários de gesso e as medidas realizadas nos modelos dentários digitais. Os três tipos de métodos de aquisição de modelos dentários digitais foram considerados confiáveis para as medições horizontais, transversais e verticais. Os modelos dentários virtuais podem ser indicados como substitutos dos modelos dentários de gesso.


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The Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (IDAF) was initiated in 1983 to help some 20 coastal states from Mauritiana to Angola which wished to develop and manage their artisanal fisheries through participatory and integrated approaches. IDAF was initially financed by Denmark and Norway. The second phase of the programme which started in January 1989 and its third phase, July 1984 are entirely financed by Denmark through the Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA). IDAF objectives and activities to meet its goals are briefly discussed together with its beneficiaries and accomplishments.


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During the 1990s, sea otter (Enhydra lutris) counts in the Aleutian archipelago decreased by 70% throughout the archipelago between 1992 and 2000. Recent aerial surveys in the Aleutians did not identify the eastward extent of the decline; therefore we conducted an aerial survey along the Alaska Peninsula for comparison with baseline information. Since 1986, abundance estimates in offshore habitat have declined by 27– 49% and 93 –94% in northern and southern Alaska Peninsula study areas, respectively. During this same time period, sea otter density has declined by 63% along the island coastlines within the south Alaska Peninsula study area. Between 1989 and 2001, sea otter density along the southern coastline of the Alaska Peninsula declined by 35% to the west of Castle Cape but density increased by 4% to the east, which may indicate an eastward extent of the decline. In all study areas, sea otters were primarily concentrated in bays and lagoon, whereas historically, large rafts of otters had been distributed offshore. The population declines observed along the Alaska Peninsula occurred at roughly the same time as declines in the Aleutian islands to the east and the Kodiak archipelago to the west. Since the mid-1980s, the sea otter population throughout southwest Alaska has declined overall by an estimated 56–68%, and the decline may be one of the most significant sea otter conservation issues in our time.


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Development of a high-speed and high-yield water-powered fish evisceration system (FES) to efficiently preprocess small fish and bycatch for producing minced fish meat is described. The concept of the system is propelling fish in a stream of water through an arrangement of cutting blades and brushes. Eviscerated fish are separated from the viscera and water stream in a dual screen rotary sieve. The FES processed head off fish, weighing 170–500 g, at the rate of 300 fish/min when used with an automatic heading machine. Yields of mince produced from walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma; and Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus; processed by the FES ranged between 43% and 58%. The maximum yield of minced muscle from fish weighing over 250 g was 52%, and the yield of 250 g was 58%. Test results indicated that surimi made from minced meat recovered from fish processed with the FES was comparable in quality to commercial grade surimi from conventional systems. Redesigned for commercial operation in the Faeroe Islands (Denmark), the system effectively processed North Atlantic blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou, with an average weight of 110 g at a constant rate of 500–600 fish/min, producing deboned mince feeding a surimi processing line at a rate of 2.0 t/h. Yields of mince ranged from 55% to 63% from round fish. Surimi made from the blue whiting mince meat produced by the FES was comparable to surimi commercially produced from blue whiting by Norway and France and sold into European markets.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 13th January 1976. The report contains information on the land drainage representation on local committees, fisheries activities report, salmon stocking on the River Eden, status of Haweswater and Castle Carrock Reservoir, fisheries byelaws, licensing provisions for the River Esk and progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the 'Taking Stock' publication. The section on fisheries activities reported by area fisheries officers looks at fishing, spawning disease and poaching of migratory fish and coarse fishing. It also contains description of ova obtained at Holmwrange hatchery and provisions of new equipment, biological work carried on Eden and Blackrack Beck and suggestions for new fish counters and traps. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.