947 resultados para Kodak Approval XP4


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[ES] Los graves problemas territoriales existentes en Canarias han motivado un continuo desarrollo normativo autonómico desde los ochenta que culminó con la aprobación en 2000 de un Texto Refundido de las leyes de ordenación del territorio en el que se intentó estructurar jerárquicamente la ordenación territorial, el planeamiento urbanístico y la protección de los espacios naturales. Además de dotarse con instrumentos propios de ordenación, la presente década se ha caracterizado por la definición normativa de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible a través de la formulación de unas Directrices de ordenación. En este artículo abordamos el análisis de las características de la ordenación territorial en Canarias y del modelo de desarrollo promulgado, con el fin de manifestar su escasa capacidad de intervención al mismo tiempo que aportamos una reflexión sobre las nuevas orientaciones anti-cíclicas aprobadas recientemente y que pueden suponer el desmoronamiento de parte del modelo de desarrollo construido en la presente década.


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[ES]This paper describes some simple but useful computer vision techniques for human-robot interaction. First, an omnidirectional camera setting is described that can detect people in the surroundings of the robot, giving their angular positions and a rough estimate of the distance. The device can be easily built with inexpensive components. Second, we comment on a color-based face detection technique that can alleviate skin-color false positives. Third, a simple head nod and shake detector is described, suitable for detecting affirmative/negative, approval/dissaproval, understanding/disbelief head gestures.


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L’oggetto di studio dela tesi sono proprio le relazioni esistenti tra la Politica e la Pubblica Amministrazione dalla prospettiva dei dirigenti pubblici. Ancora più concretamente, l’analisi proposta si basa sull’articolazione di tale rapporto nel modello di funzione pubblica adottato in Italia e in Spagna. La tesi è strutturata in tre grandi capitoli. Il primo di essi verte, in generale, sullo studio delle relazioni tra la Politica e la Pubblica Amministrazione in Spagna. Il secondo capitolo, sarà destinato allo studio del rapporto tra politica e pubblica amministrazione in Italia, affrontato secondo una prospettiva storica. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo viene affrontato in modo dettagliato il regime giuridico del personale dirigente in vigore, così come appare delineato dopo la riforma realizzata dalla legge n. 15/2009, sviluppata attraverso il d.lgs. n. 150/2009, ovvero la cosiddetta riforma “Brunetta”.


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Il lavoro di ricerca descrive il percorso che ha portato alla redazione del Piano Strutturale del Verde del Comune di Senigallia (AN), quale strumento capace di migliorare la qualità di vita ed il benessere della città, intesa come ecosistema, e dei cittadini, quali parte integrante e, al tempo stesso, fruitori di suddetto ecosistema. Lo studio ha pertanto previsto dapprima un'analisi approfondita e dettagliata dell’intero territorio comunale e, successivamente, la stesura di linee guida e la definizione di soluzioni progettuali tipo indirizzate ad una pianificazione e gestione sostenibile del territorio. Il lavoro svolto non si limita alla descrizione del Piano Strutturale del Verde, ma illustra anche un caso studio francese, quale modello di analisi dell'iter successivo, che è consigliabile seguire dopo l'approvazione di questo tipo di Piani, al fine di renderli concreti ed operativi ed attuare, quindi, le linee guida da essi definite. L’obiettivo risulta dunque quello di evitare che questo importante strumento di pianificazione e gestione del territorio sia dimenticato in un cassetto degli Uffici Comunali.


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Nel corso degli anni diverse sono le tecniche proposte per il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali, da quelle mini-invasive con stimolazione midollare fino a quelle più aggressive basate sul trapianto di tessuti autologhi o eterologhi. Tutti questi metodi hanno comunque dei difetti ed è questo il motivo per cui il trattamento delle lesioni osteocondrali rappresenta tuttora una sfida per il chirurgo ortopedico, in considerazione dell’alta specializzazione e del basso potere di guarigione del tessuto cartilagineo. Buoni risultati sono stati ottenuti con innesti bioingegnerizzati o matrici polimeriche impiantati nei siti danneggiati. La quantità di scaffolds in uso per la riparazione condrale ed osteocondrale è molto ampia; essi differiscono non solo per il tipo di materiali usati per la loro realizzazione, ma anche per la presenza di promotori di una o più linee cellulari , su base condrogenica o osteogenica. Quando ci si approccia ad una lesione condrale di grandi dimensioni, l’osso sub-condrale è anch’esso coinvolto e necessita di trattamento per ottenere il corretto ripristino degli strati articolari più superficiali. La scelta più giusta sembra essere un innesto osteocondrale bioingegnerizzato, pronto per l’uso ed immediatamente disponibile, che consenta di effettuare il trattamento in un unico tempo chirurgico. Sulla base di questo razionale, dopo uno studio preclinico animale e previa autorizzazione del comitato etico locale, abbiamo condotto uno studio clinico clinico pilota utilizzando un nuovo innesto biomimetico nanostrutturato per il trattamento di lesioni condrali ed osteocondrali del ginocchio; la sua sicurezza e maneggevolezza, così come la facile riproducibilità della tecnica chirurgica ed i risultati clinici ottenuti sono stati valutati nel tempo a 6, 12, 24, 36 e 48 mesi dall’impianto in modo da testare il suo potenziale intrinseco senza l’aggiunta di alcuna linea cellulare.


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Obiettivo principale della ricerca è quello di aggiungere un tassello mancante, attraverso una nuova chiave di lettura, alla complessa attività artistico-teorica dell’artista futurista Enrico Prampolini (1894-1956). Questa tesi, oltre a riordinare e raccogliere tutto ciò che riguarda l’architettura e il rapporto di quest’ultima con le arti nell'opera di Prampolini, coglie l’occasione per puntualizzarne aspetti ancora poco esplorati, grazie anche all'analisi inedita dei documenti originali dell'artista conservati presso il CRDAV del Museo d’arte contemporanea di Roma. Partendo dall'analisi dei rapporti dell’artista modenese con le avanguardie straniere, la ricerca prosegue con la presa in esame dei manifesti, degli scritti e degli articoli noti e inediti legati alla teoria architettonica nella produzione dell’artista modenese. Il nucleo centrale della ricerca è costituito dagli elementi inediti emersi presso l’Archivio Prampolini consistenti in relazioni di progetti architettonici per un Piano urbanistico del Centro Alberghiero di Castel Fusano (1938) e per due alberghi nel centro di Roma (1938-1939). La seconda parte della ricerca si concentra sull'analisi del rapporto tra arte e architettura nel Futurismo e sul fondamentale contributo dato in tal senso da Prampolini, in particolare attraverso la “plastica murale”, come completamento dell’architettura futurista e fascista e la concezione dell’Arte Polimaterica. Nell'ultima parte della ricerca si affronta infine l'analisi del rapporto tra arte e architettura gestito in ambito istituzionale in Italia tra le due guerre, con l’emanazione, nel 1942, della legge detta “del 2%”. Aspetto finora inedito delle vicende legate alla “legge del 2%” è l'emergere del ruolo centrale di Prampolini nel contribuire al dibattito che portò alla sua approvazione, e non secondariamente nella ricerca di migliori condizioni economiche e maggiori occasioni di lavoro per gli artisti. La figura di Enrico Prampolini emerge dunque, da questa ricerca, come un nodo fondamentale per comprendere alcuni degli aspetti ancora inesplorati della cultura artistico-architettonica italiana degli anni Venti-Quaranta.


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En esta tesis doctoral he encontrado un enorme problema en la regulación de los Acuerdos de Refinanciación en la Ley Concursal. Impide el derecho de defensa de los acreedores y de cualquier otro interesado. Por ello en aplicación de la Ley Concursal Italiana (modelo elegido por el legislador español) los problemas serían solucionados. La solución la encontramos mediante la inserción del proceso de homologación de los Acuerdos de Refinanciación en la Ley Concursal Española.


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The physico-chemical characterization, structure-pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies of new semi synthetic analogues of natural bile acids (BAs) drug candidates have been performed. Recent studies discovered a role of BAs as agonists of FXR and TGR5 receptor, thus opening new therapeutic target for the treatment of liver diseases or metabolic disorders. Up to twenty new semisynthetic analogues have been synthesized and studied in order to find promising novel drugs candidates. In order to define the BAs structure-activity relationship, their main physico-chemical properties (solubility, detergency, lipophilicity and affinity with serum albumin) have been measured with validated analytical methodologies. Their metabolism and biodistribution has been studied in “bile fistula rat”, model where each BA is acutely administered through duodenal and femoral infusion and bile collected at different time interval allowing to define the relationship between structure and intestinal absorption and hepatic uptake ,metabolism and systemic spill-over. One of the studied analogues, 6α-ethyl-3α7α-dihydroxy-5β-cholanic acid, analogue of CDCA (INT 747, Obeticholic Acid (OCA)), recently under approval for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases, requires additional studies to ensure its safety and lack of toxicity when administered to patients with a strong liver impairment. For this purpose, CCl4 inhalation to rat causing hepatic decompensation (cirrhosis) animal model has been developed and used to define the difference of OCA biodistribution in respect to control animals trying to define whether peripheral tissues might be also exposed as a result of toxic plasma levels of OCA, evaluating also the endogenous BAs biodistribution. An accurate and sensitive HPLC-ES-MS/MS method is developed to identify and quantify all BAs in biological matrices (bile, plasma, urine, liver, kidney, intestinal content and tissue) for which a sample pretreatment have been optimized.


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Since its approval by FDA in 2001, capsule endoscopy revolutionized the study of small bowel. One of the main limitations of its diffusion has been the high cost. More recently, a new videocapsule system (OMOM CE) has been developed in China and obtained the CE mark. Its cost is approximately half that of other capsule systems. However, there are few studies regarding the clinical experience with this new videocapsule system and none of them has been performed in the western world. Among the limitations of capsule endoscopy, there is also one linked to the diagnostic yield. The rapid transit of the device in the proximal segments implies a high risk of false negatives; an indirect confirmation of this limit is offered by the poor ability to identify the papilla of Vater. In addition, recent studies show that in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, the negative outcome of capsule endoscopy is correlated to a significant risk of recurrence of anemia in the short term, as well as the presence of small bowel lesions documented by a second capsule endoscopy. It was recently approved the use of a new device called "CapsoCam" (CapsoVision, Inc. Saratoga) characterized by four side cameras that offer a panoramic view of 360 degrees, instead of the front to 160°. Two recent pilot studies showed comparable safety profiles and diagnostic yield with the more standardized capsule. Namely, side vision has made possible a clear visualization of the papilla in 70% of cases. The aim of our study is to evaluate the feasibility and diagnostic yield of these two new devices, which first may allow a reduction in costs. Moreover, their complementary use could lead to a recovery diagnostic in patients with false negative results in an initial investigation.


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L'elaborato, dopo aver esaminato le modifiche operate dalla legge n. 190 del 2012, svolge una dettagliata analisi della giurisprudenza intervenuta in seguito all'approvazione della riforma.


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In dieser Masterarbeit wird die Frage untersucht, ob sich in den mittel- und osteuropäischen EU-Mitgliedsländern der Erweiterungsrunde von 2004 (Estland, Litauen, Polen, Slowakei, Slowenien, Ungarn, Tschechien) in der Befürwortung verschiedener normativer Demokratiemodelle Unterschiede zwischen der jüngsten und den älteren Generationen finden lassen. Diese demokratischen Wertorientierungen spielen für die Persistenz der noch jungen Demokratien eine entscheidende Rolle. Eine Inkongruenz des mehrheitlich favorisierten Demokratiemodells einerseits und der institutionellen Struktur andererseits kann zu Spannungen und Instabilität des politischen Systems führen. Theoretisch werden zwei Demokratiekonzeptionen unterschieden: Das Modell der liberalen Demokratie und das Modell der sozialistischen Demokratie. Dem Sozialisationsansatz folgend, sollte die jüngste Generation ein liberales Demokratiemodell eher und ein sozialistisches Demokratiemodell weniger befürworten als die älteren Generationen. In der empirischen Analyse auf Basis der Daten der sechsten Welle des European Social Survey von 2012 wird zunächst durch konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen die konzeptuelle Trennung beider Modelle bestätigt. In der Regressionsanalyse wird der Fokus durch die Untersuchung verschiedener Kohorten gelegt, zusätzlich wird für situative Faktoren und mögliche Alterseffekte kontrolliert. Die Ergebnisse der Modellschätzungen zeichnen ein heterogenes Bild. In keinem der untersuchten Länder zeigt sich eine signifikant höhere Zustimmung zum liberalen Demokratiemodell durch die jüngste Generation, wie es der theoretischen Erwartung entsprechen würde. Stattdessen finden sich entweder keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Generationen oder sogar signifikant niedrigere Zustimmungswerte durch die jüngste Generation. Bei der Befürwortung eines sozialistischen Demokratiemodells entsprechen die Ergebnisse teilweise der theoretischen Erwartung: In einigen Ländern finden sich signifikant niedrigere Zustimmungswerte in der jüngsten Generation.


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Purpose: To prospectively determine on T2 cartilage maps the effect of unloading during a clinical magnetic resonance (MR) examination in the postoperative follow-up of patients after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) of the knee joint. Materials and Methods: Ethical approval for this study was provided by the local ethics commission, and written informed consent was obtained. Thirty patients (mean age, 35.4 years +/- 10.5) with a mean postoperative follow-up period of 29.1 months +/- 24.4 were enrolled. A multiecho spin-echo T2-weighted sequence was performed at the beginning (early unloading) and end (late unloading) of the MR examination, with an interval of 45 minutes. Mean and zonal region of interest T2 measurements were obtained in control cartilage and cartilage repair tissue. Statistical analysis of variance was performed. Results: The change in T2 values of control cartilage (early unloading, 50.2 msec +/- 8.4; late unloading, 51.3 msec +/- 8.5) was less pronounced than the change in T2 values of cartilage repair tissue (early unloading, 51.8 msec +/- 11.7; late unloading, 56.1 msec +/- 14.4) (P = .024). The difference between control cartilage and cartilage repair tissue was not significant for early unloading (P = .314) but was significant for late unloading (P = .036). Zonal T2 measurements revealed a higher dependency on unloading for the superficial cartilage layer. Conclusion: Our results suggest that T2 relaxation can be used to assess early and late unloading values of articular cartilage in a clinical setting and that the time point of the quantitative T2 measurement affects the differentiation between native and abnormal articular cartilage. (c) RSNA, 2010.


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Deposition and clearance studies are used during product development and in fundamental research. These studies mostly involve radionuclide imaging, but pharmacokinetic methods are also used to assess the amount of drug absorbed through the lungs, which is closely related to lung deposition. Radionuclide imaging may be two-dimensional (gamma scintigraphy or planar imaging), or three-dimensional (single photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography). In October 2009, a group of scientists met at the "Thousand Years of Pharmaceutical Aerosols" conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, to discuss future research in key areas of pulmonary drug delivery. This article reports the session on "Deposition, imaging and clearance." The objective was partly to review our current understanding, but more importantly to assess "what remains to be done?" A need to standardize methodology and provide a regulatory framework by which data from radionuclide imaging methods could be compared between centers and used in the drug approval process was recognized. There is also a requirement for novel radiolabeling methods that are more representative of production processes for dry powder inhalers and pressurized metered dose inhalers. A need was identified for studies to aid our understanding of the relationship between clinical effects and regional deposition patterns of inhaled drugs. A robust methodology to assess clearance from small conducting airways should be developed, as a potential biomarker for therapies in cystic fibrosis and other diseases. The mechanisms by which inhaled nanoparticles are removed from the lungs, and the factors on which their removal depends, require further investigation. Last, and by no means least, we need a better understanding of patient-related factors, including how to reduce the variability in pulmonary drug delivery, in order to improve the precision of deposition and clearance measurements.


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Summary The first part of this review examined ISO approval requirements and in vitro testing. In the second part, non-standardized test methods for composite materials are presented and discussed. Physical tests are primarily described. Analyses of surface gloss and alterations, as well as aging simulations of dental materials are presented. Again, the importance of laboratory tests in determining clinical outcomes is evaluated. Differences in the measurement protocols of the various testing institutes and how these differences can in?uence the results are also discussed. Because there is no standardization of test protocols, the values determined by different institutes cannot be directly compared. However, the ranking of the tested materials should be the same if a valid protocol is applied by different institutes. The modulus of elasticity, the expansion after water sorption, and the polishability of the material are all clinically relevant, whereas factors measured by other test protocols may have no clinical correlation. The handling properties of the materials are highly dependent on operators' preferences. Therefore, no standard values can be given.


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Degeneration of intervertebral discs (IVD) is one of the main causes of back pain and tissue engineering has been proposed as a treatment. Tissue engineering requires the use of highly expensive growth factors, which might, in addition, lack regulatory approval for human use. In an effort to find readily available differentiation factors, we tested three molecules – dexamethasone, triiodothyronine (T3) and insulin – on human IVD cells isolated after surgery, expanded in vitro and transferred into alginate beads. Triplicates containing 40 ng/ml dexamethasone, 10 nM T3 and 10 µg/ml insulin, together with a positive control (10 ng/mL transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1), were sampled weekly over six weeks and compared to a negative control. Furthermore, we compared the results to cultures with optimized chondrogenic media and under hypoxic condition (2% O2). Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) determination by Alcian Blue assay and histological staining showed dexamethasone to be more effective than T3 and insulin, but less than TGF-beta1. DNA quantification showed that only dexamethasone stimulated cell proliferation. qPCR demonstrated that TGF-beta1 and the optimized chondrogenic groups increased the expression of collagen type II, while aggrecan was stimulated in cultures containing dexamethasone. Hypoxia increased GAG accumulation, collagen type II and aggrecan expression, but had no effect on or even lowered cell number. In conclusion, dexamethasone is a valuable and cost-effective molecule for chondrogenic and viability induction of IVD cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, while insulin and T3 did not show significant differences.