991 resultados para King George V


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We have generated a new digital elevation model for entire King George Island, Antarctica, using summer TanDEM-X bistatic SAR satellite data. The data was processed using differential SAR interferometry with an older DEM as reference. 4 TanDEM-X scenes from January 2012 were used as input. The new DEM was referenced to and validated against DGPS measurements. Height values are given in reference to ellipsoid (WGS84).


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Recent rapid changes of air temperature on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula results in increased sediment discharge and ice scouring frequencies in coastal regions. These changes are bound to especially affect slow growing, sessile filter feeders such as the Antarctic bivalve, Laternula elliptica, a long-lived and abundant key species with circumpolar distribution. We investigated the effect of sedimentation and ice scouring on small/young and large/old individuals at two closely located stations, distinctly influenced by both types of disturbance. Small individuals dealt better with disturbance in terms of their respiratory response to sediment exposure, reburrowing ability, and survival after injury, compared to larger animals. At the more disturbed station L. elliptica population density was lower, but larger animals reburrowed faster after iceberg disturbance and reduced their metabolic rate under strong sediment coverage, compared to larger animals of the less disturbed station, indicating that an adaptation or learning response to both types of disturbance may be possible. Smaller individuals were not influenced. Laternula elliptica seems capable of coping with the rapidly changing environmental conditions. Due to a decrease in population density and mean population lifespan, L. elliptica could however lose its key role in the bentho-pelagic carbon flux in areas of high sediment deposition.


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Antarctic meiofauna is still strongly understud- ied, and so is its trophic position in the food web. Primary producers, such as phytoplankton, and bacteria may repre- sent important food sources for shallow water metazoans, and the role of meiobenthos in the benthic-pelagic coupling represents an important brick for food web understanding. In a laboratory, feeding experiment 13C-labeled freeze- dried diatoms (Thalassiosira weissflogii) and bacteria were added to retrieved cores from Potter Cove (15-m depth, November 2007) in order to investigate the uptake of 3 main meiofauna taxa: nematodes, copepods and cumaceans. In the surface sediment layers, nematodes showed no real difference in uptake of both food sources. This outcome was supported by the natural delta 13C values and the community genus composition. In the first centimeter layer, the dominant genus was Daptonema which is known to be opportunistic, feeding on both bacteria and diatoms. Copepods and cumaceans on the other hand appeared to feed more on diatoms than on bacteria. This may point at a better adaptation to input of primary production from the water column. On the other hand, the overall carbon uptake of the given food sources was quite low for all taxa, indicating that likely other food sources might be of relevance for these meiobenthic organisms. Further studies are needed in order to better quantify the carbon requirements of these organisms.


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During the late 2007 austral summer, 20 sediment samples were collected in Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetlands, West Antarctica) from 8 down to 254 m water-depth (mwd). The samples yielded abundant assemblage of monothalamous benthic foraminifera, belonging to at least 40 morphospecies. They constituted the first such collection from Antarctic Peninsula fjords and provided a new insight into this group's diversity and distribution. Among organic-walled taxa, Psammophaga sp., Allogromia cf. crystallifera, and three morphotypes of Gloiogullmia were especially abundant. Agglutinated forms were dominated by Hippocrepinella hirudinea, Psammosphaera spp., Lagenammina spp., and various mudballs. Although, the majority of the morphotypes were known from other high?latitude locations, somewere reported for the first time. Our quantitative data (>125 µm) showed the greatest differences between monothalamous foraminifera assemblages at shallowest water depths above 50 mwd. The deepest assemblages from between 179 and 254 mwd, were most similar, suggesting uniform near-bottom conditions at ~200 mwd throughout the Admiralty Bay.


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Thermogenic hydrocarbons, formed by the thermal alteration of organic matter, are encountered in several piston core stations in the King George Basin, Anatarctica. These hemipelagic sediments are being deposited in an area of active hydrothermalism, associated with the back-arc spreading in the Bransfield Strait. The lateral extent of sediments infiltrated by the hydrothermally influenced interstitial fluids is characterized by basalt diapiric intrusions and is delineated by an acoustically turbid zone in the sediments of the eastern part of the basin. Iron-sulphide-bearing veins and fractures cut across the sediment in several cores; they appear to be conduits for flow of hydrothermally altered fluids. These zones have the highest C2+ and ethene contents. The thermogenic hydrocarbons have molecular C1/(C2 + C3) ratios typically < 50 and delta13CH4 values between -38? and -48?, indicating an organic source which has undergone strong thermal stress. Several sediment cores also have mixed gas signatures, which indicate the presence of substantial amounts of bacterial gas, predominantly methane. Hydrocarbon generation in the King George Basin is thought to be a local phenomenon, resulting from submarine volcanism with temperatures in the range 70-150°C. There are no apparent seepages of hydrocarbons into the water column, and it is not believed that significant accumulation of thermogenic hydrocarbons reside in the basin.


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A box commemorating King George V's silver jubilee in 1935.


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This British War Medal was issued to those who had to leave their native shore in any part of the British Empire while they were on service. This is a silver circular medal, 3 1/2 cm in diameter. King George V is depicted on the front and St. George is on the back. This is accompanied by a watered silk ribbon which has a central band of gold and stripes of white, black and blue on both sides. "Lieut S. D. Woodruff" is engraved on the rim. This was issued 1914-1918.


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Notice from Buckingham Palace from King George V stating his gratitude for a brave life given.