980 resultados para Ions Ti3 and Ti4


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Solid Ln-OHCO3-DMCP compounds, where Ln represents lanthanides (III) and yttrium (III) ions and DMCP is the anion 4-dimethylaminocinnamylidenepyruvate, have been prepared. Thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry (TG, DTG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), x-Ray diffraction powder patterns and elemental analysis have been used to characterize the compounds. The thermal stability as well as the thermal decomposition of these compounds were studied using an alumina crucible in an air atmosphere.


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A flow injection spectrophotometric procedure with on-line solid-phase reactor containing ion triiodide immobilized in an anion-exchange resin is proposed for the determination of adrenaline (epinephrine) in pharmaceutical products. Adrenaline is oxidized by triiodide ion immobilized in an anionic-exchange resin yielding adrenochrome which is transported by the carrier solution and detected at a wavelength of 488 nm. Adrenaline was determined in three pharmaceutical products in the 6.4 x 10-6 to 3.0 x 10-4 mol L-1 concentration range with a detection limit of 4.8 x 10-7 mol L-1. The recovery of this analyte in three samples ranged from 96.0 to 105 %. The analytical frequency was 80 determinations per hour and the RSDs were less than 1 % for adrenaline concentrations of 6.4 x 10-5 and 2.0 x 10-4 mol L-1 (n=10). A paired t-test showed that all results obtained for adrenaline in commercial formulations using the proposed flow injection procedure and a spectrophotometric batch procedure agree at the 95% confidence level.


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Silica gel chemically modified with 2-Aminotiazole groups, abbreviated as SiAT, was used for preconcentration of copper, zinc, nickel and iron from kerosene, normally used as a engine fuel for airplanes. Surface characteristics and surface area of the silica gel were obtained before and after chemical modification using FT-IR, Kjeldhal and surface area analysis (B.E.T.). The retention and recovery of the analyte elements were studied by applying batch and column techniques. The experimental parameters, such as shaking time in batch technique, flow rate and concentration of the eluent (HCl- 0.25-2.00 mol L-1) and the amount of silica, on retention and elution, have been investigated. Detection limits of the method for copper, iron, nickel and zinc are 0.77, 2.92, 1.73 and 0.097 mg L-1, respectively. The sorption-desorption of the studied metal ions made possible the development of a preconcentration method for metal ions at trace level in kerosene using flame AAS for their quantification.


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The porous mixed oxide SiO2/TiO2/Sb2O5 obtained by the sol-gel processing method presented a good ion exchange property and a high exchange capacity towards the Li+, Na+ and K+ ions. In the H+/M+ ion exchange process, the H+ / Na+ could be described as presenting an ideal character. The ion exchange equilibria of Li+ and K+ were quantitatively described with the help of the model of fixed tetradentate centers. The results of simulation evidence that for the H+ / Li+ exchange the usual situation takes place: the affinity of the material to the Li+ ions is decreased with increasing the degree of ion exchange. On the contrary, for K+ the effects of positive cooperativity, that facilitate the H+ / K+ exchange, were revealed.


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The lability of Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) complexed by humic substances (HSs) was investigated by means of ion exchange on cellulose modified with p-aminobenzoic groups (Cell-PAB), using a batch procedure. The HSs were extracted from water samples using adsorption in a column packed with XAD 8 resin. The metal-HS complexes were prepared by adding solutions containing all the aforementioned metal ions ( Cd(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) ). The results indicated that the distribution coefficients (Kd) of Cell-PAB decreased with the presence of HSs, and that the lability of metal fractions complexed by HSs decreases in pH values > 4.0, complexation time > 10 h and HS concentration > 500 mg L-1. The metal exchange between HSs and Cell-PAB exhibited the following order of metal ion lability: Cd < Pb < Mn <FONT FACE=Symbol>@</FONT> Cr < Cu.


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The possibility of using thiocyanate to determine iron(II) and/or iron(III) in water-acetone mixture has been re-examined as part of a systematic and comparative study involving metallic complexes of pseudohalide ligands. Some parameters that affect the complete oxidation of the ferrous cations, their subsequent complexation and the system stability have been studied to optimize the experimental conditions. Our results show the viability and potentiality of this simply methodology as an alternative analytical procedure to determine iron cations with high sensitivity, precision and accuracy. Studies on the calibration, stability, precision, and effect of various different ions have been carried out by using absorbance values measured at 480 nm. The analytical curve for the total iron determination obeys Beer's law (r = 0.9993), showing a higher sensitivity (molar absorptivity of 2.10x10(4) L cm-1 mol-1) when compared with other traditional systems (ligands) or even with the "similar" azide ion [1.53x10(4) L cm-1 mol-1, for iron-III/azide complexes, in 70% (v/v) tetrahydrofuran/water, at 396 nm]. Under such optimized experimental conditions, it is possible to determine iron in the concentration range from 0.5 to 2 ppm (15-65% T for older equipments, quartz cells of 1.00 cm). Analytical applications have been tested for some different materials (iron ores), also including pharmaceutical products for anemia, and results were compared with atomic absorption determinations. Very good agreement was obtained with these two different techniques, showing the potential of the present experimental conditions for the total iron spectrophotometric determinations (errors < 5%). The possibility of iron speciation was made evident by using another specific and auxiliary method for iron(II) or (III).


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The complexes of 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid anion with ions of Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) have been synthesized as polycrystalline solids, and characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopy, magnetic studies, and also by X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric measurements. The analysed complexes have following colours: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II), and blue for Cu(II) compounds. The carboxylate group binds as monodentate, and bidentate bridging and chelating ligands. On heating in air to 1173 K the complexes decompose in four, three or two steps. At first, they dehydrate in one or two steps to anhydrous salts, that next decompose to oxides of the respective metals. The solubility of the investigated dimethoxybenzoates in water at 293 K is of the order of 10-2 mol/dm3. Their magnetic moments were determined in the temperature range of 76-303 K. The results reveal the compounds of Co(II) and Ni(II) to be high-spin complexes and that of Cu(II) to form dimer.


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Complexes of Ni(II) 2,3-, 3,5- and 2,6-dimethoxybenzoates have been synthesized, their physico-chemical properties have been compared and the influence of the position of -OCH3 substituent on their properties investigated. The analysed compounds are crystalline, hydrated salts with green colour. The carboxylate ions show a bidentate chelating or bridging coordination modes. The thermal stabilities of Ni(II) dimethoxybenzoates were investigated in air in the range of 293-1173 K. The complexes decompose in three steps, yelding the NiO as the final product of decomposition. Their solubilities in water at 293 K are in the order of 10-2-10-4 mol<FONT FACE=Symbol>&times;</FONT>dm-3. The magnetic susceptibilities for the analysed dimethoxybenzoates of Ni(II) were measured over the range of 76-303 K and the magnetic moments were calculated. The results reveal that the complexes are the high-spin ones and the ligands form the weak electrostatic field in the octahedral coordination sphere of the central Ni(II) ion. The various position -OCH3 groups in benzene ring cause the different steric, mesomeric and inductive effects on the electron density in benzene ring.


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Physico-chemical properties of 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) were synthesized and studied. The complexes were obtained as mono- and dihydrates with a metal ion to ligand ratio of 1 : 2. All analysed 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates are polycrystalline compounds with colours depending on the central ions: pink for Co(II), green for Ni(II) and blue for Cu(II) complexes. Their thermal decomposition was studied in the range of 293 &shy; 523 K, because it was found that on heating in air above 523 K 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates decompose explosively. Hydrated complexes lose crystallization water molecules in one step and anhydrous compounds are formed. The final products of their decomposition are the oxides of the respective transition metals. From the results it appears that during dehydration process no transformation of nitro group to nitrite takes place. The solubilities of analysed complexes in water at 293 K are of the order of 10-4 &shy; 10-2 mol / dm³. The magnetic moment values of Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions in 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoates experimentally determined at 76 &shy; 303 K change from 3.67µB to 4.61µB for Co(II) complex, from 2.15µB to 2.87µB for Ni(II) 3-chloro-2-nitrobenzoate and from 0.26µB to 1.39µB for Cu(II) complex. 3-Chloro-2-nitrobenzoates of Co(II) and Ni(II) follow the Curie-Weiss law. Complex of Cu(II) forms dimer.


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An amperometric sensor was constructed, by using humic acids to immobilize Fe3+ ions on a carbon paste electrode (CPE-HA-Fe), and used for ascorbic acid (H2A) determination. The cyclic voltammogram of the electrode showed electrochemical response due to the Fe3+/Fe2+ couple at E1/2=+0.78 V vs SCE, using 0.5 mol L-1 KCl and 0.2 mol L-1 acetate/0.020 mol L-1 phosphate buffer, at pH = 5.4, as supporting electrolyte. When H2A is added to the electrolyte solution it is observed an oxidation process. The oxidation current, obtained by chronoamperommetry at +0.87 V vs SCE, is proportional to the concentration, represented by the equation I(&micro;A) = 7.6286 [H2A] (mmol L-1) + 1.9583, r = 0.9996, for concentrations between 0.0 and 1.4 mmol L-1. The electrode showed high stability and was used for H2A determination in a natural orange juice.


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The performance of silica gel, modified by the impregnation with a high molecular weight quaternary amine (triethyl octadecyl ammonium iodide), used for the concentration of heavy metals occurring in water is studied. The material under study captures Cd, Pb, which are capable of forming stable complexes with I- ions.The results obtained about the metal capture, under dynamic conditions, are described and metal ions are removed by desorption with EDTA and quantified by AAS.


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The crystal and molecular structures of [bis(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate)tetraaquamanganese(II)], [pentaaqua(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoato)cobalt(II)] (5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate), [pentaaqua(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoato)nickel(II)] (5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate) and [aquabis(5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoate)zinc(II)] monohydrate were determined by a single-crystal X-ray analysis. Mn(H2O)4L2 (where L = C8H6ClO3) crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c. [Co(H2O)5L]L and [Ni(H2O)5L]L both are isostructural, space group P212121. The crystals of [Zn(H2O)L2] H2O are monoclinic, space group Pc. Mn(II) ion is positioned at the crystallographic symmetry center. Mn(II) and Co(II) ions adopt the distorted octahedral coordination but Zn(II) tetrahedral one.The carboxylate groups in the complexes with M(II) cations function as monodentate, bidentate and/or free COO-groups. The ligands exist in the crystals as aquaanions. The complexes of 5-chloro-2-methoxybenzoates with Mn(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) form bilayer structure.


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Physico-chemical properties of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoates of Co(II), Cu(II), La(III) and Nd(III) were studied. The complexes were obtained as hydrated or anhydrous polycrystalline solids with a metal ion-ligand mole ratio of 1 : 2 for divalent ions and of 1 : 3 in the case of trivalent cations. Their colours depend on the kind of central ion: pink for Co(II) complex, blue for Cu(II), white for La(III) and violet for Nd(III) complexes. The carboxylate groups in these compounds are monodentate, bidentate bridging or chelating and tridentate ligands. Their thermal decomposition was studied in the range of 293-1173 K. Hydrated complexes lose crystallization water molecules in one step and form anhydrous compounds, that next decompose to the oxides of respective metals. 3,4 - Dimethoxybenzoates of Co(II) is directly decomposed to the appropriate oxide and that of Nd(III) is also ultimately decomposed to its oxide but with the intemediate formation of Nd2O2CO3.. The magnetic moment values of 3,4-dimethoxybenzoates determined in the range of 76-303 K change from 4.22 µB to 4.61 µB for Co(II) complex , from 0.49 µB to 1.17 µB for Cu(II) complex , and from 2.69 µB to 3.15 µB for Nd(III) complex.


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The physicochemical properties of 2,4-, and 3,4- dimethoxybenzoates of Cu(II), Co(II) and Nd(III) were studied and compared to observe the -OCH3 substituent positions in benzene ring on the character of complexes. The analysed compounds are crystalline hydrated or anhydrous salts with colours depending on the kind of central ions: blue for Cu(II), pink for Co(II) and violet for Nd(III) complexes. The carboxylate groups bind as monodentate, bidentate bridging or chelating and even tridentate ligands. Their thermal stabilities were studied in air at 293-1173K. When heated the hydrated complexes release the water molecules and form anhydrous compounds which are then decomposed to the oxides of respective metals. Their magnetic moment values were determined in the range of 76-303K. The results reveal the compounds of Nd(III) and Co(II) to be the high-spin and that of Cu(II) forms dimer. The various positions of -OCH3 groups in benzene ring influence some of physicochemical properties of analysed compounds.


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A procedure for separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Zn(II) from aqueous media is proposed. The procedure is based on the adsorption of Zn2+ on octadecyl bonded silica membrane disk modified with N,N'-disalicylidene-1,2-phenylendiamine at pH 7. The retained zinc ions were then stripped from the disk with a minimal amount of 1.5 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid solution as eluent, and determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum capacity of the membrane disk modified with 5 mg of the ligand was found to be 226 µg Zn2+. The relative standard deviation of zinc for ten replicate extraction of 10 µg zinc from 1000 mL samples was 1.2%. The limit of detection of the proposed method was 14 ng of Zn2+ per 1000 mL. The method was successfully applied to the determination of zinc in natural water samples and accuracy was examined by recovery experiments and independent analysis by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS).