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The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the spectral behavior of different soil classes obtained by orbital and terrestrial sensors. For this, an area of 184 ha in Rafard (SP) Brazil was staked on a regular grid of 100x100 m and soil samples were collected and georeferenced. After that, soil spectral curves were obtained with IRIS sensor and the sample points were overlaid at Landsat and ASTER images for spectral data collection. The soil samples were classified and mean soil curves for all sensors were generated by soil classes. The soil classes were differentiated by texture, organic matter and total iron for all sensors studied, the orbital sensors despite the lower spectral resolution, maintained the characteristics of the soil and the curves of reflectance intensity.
In Brazil, during the XX century, dozens of Spiritist psychiatric hospitals emerged seeking to integrate conventional medical treatment with complementary spiritual therapy. This combined inpatient treatment is largely found in Brazil, where many psychiatric hospitals stem from the Spiritist movement. The present report describes the use of these spiritual practices, their operating structure, health professionals involved, modalities of care, and institutional difficulties in integrating spiritual practices with conventional treatment in six leading Brazilian Spiritist psychiatric hospitals. These hospitals combine conventional psychiatric treatment with voluntary-based spiritual approaches such as laying on of hands ("fluidotherapy"), lectures regarding spiritual and ethical issues, intercessory prayer, spirit release therapy ("disobsession") and "fraternal dialogue". The non-indoctrination and optional nature of these spiritual complementary therapies seem to increase acceptance among patients and their family members. In conclusion, the Spiritist psychiatric hospitals in Brazil have, for more than half a century, provided an integrative approach in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, associating conventional and spiritual treatments, more specifically Spiritist therapy. The lack of standardized treatment protocols and scientific studies remain a barrier to assessing the impact of this integrative approach on patients' mental health, quality of life, adherence, and perceived quality of treatment.
Produced water in oil fields is one of the main sources of wastewater generated in the industry. It contains several organic compounds, such as benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (BTEX), whose disposal is regulated by law. The aim of this study is to investigate a treatment of produced water integrating two processes, i.e., induced air flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton. The experiments were conducted in a column flotation and annular lamp reactor for flotation and photodegradation steps, respectively. The first order kinetic constant of IAF for the wastewater studied was determined to be 0.1765 min(-1) for the surfactant EO 7. Degradation efficiencies of organic loading were assessed using factorial planning. Statistical data analysis shows that H2O2 concentration is a determining factor in process efficiency. Degradations above 90% were reached in all cases after 90 min of reaction, attaining 100% mineralization in the optimized concentrations of Fenton reagents. Process integration was adequate with 100% organic load removal in 20 min. The results of the integration of the IAF with the photo-Fenton allowed to meet the effluent limits established by Brazilian legislation for disposal. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The spectral reflectance of the sea surface recorded using ocean colour satellite sensors has been used to estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations for decades. However, in bio-optically complex coastal waters, these estimates are compromised by the presence of several other coloured components besides chlorophyll, especially in regions affected by low-salinity waters. The present work aims to (a) describe the influence of the freshwater plume from the La Plata River on the variability of in situ remote sensing reflectance and (b) evaluate the performance of operational ocean colour chlorophyll algorithms applied to Southwestern Atlantic waters, which receive a remarkable seasonal contribution from La Plata River discharges. Data from three oceanographic cruises are used, in addition to a historical regional bio-optical dataset. Deviations found between measured and estimated concentrations of chlorophyll-a are examined in relation to surface water salinity and turbidity gradients to investigate the source of errors in satellite estimates of pigment concentrations. We observed significant seasonal variability in surface reflectance properties that are strongly driven by La Plata River plume dynamics and arise from the presence of high levels of inorganic suspended solids and coloured dissolved materials. As expected, existing operational algorithms overestimate the concentration of chlorophyll-a, especially in waters of low salinity (S<33.5) and high turbidity (Rrs(670)>0.0012 sr−1). Additionally, an updated version of the regional algorithm is presented, which clearly improves the chlorophyll estimation in those types of coastal environment. In general, the techniques presented here allow us to directly distinguish the bio-optical types of waters to be considered in algorithm studies by the ocean colour community.
Abstract Background The study and analysis of gene expression measurements is the primary focus of functional genomics. Once expression data is available, biologists are faced with the task of extracting (new) knowledge associated to the underlying biological phenomenon. Most often, in order to perform this task, biologists execute a number of analysis activities on the available gene expression dataset rather than a single analysis activity. The integration of heteregeneous tools and data sources to create an integrated analysis environment represents a challenging and error-prone task. Semantic integration enables the assignment of unambiguous meanings to data shared among different applications in an integrated environment, allowing the exchange of data in a semantically consistent and meaningful way. This work aims at developing an ontology-based methodology for the semantic integration of gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The proposed methodology relies on software connectors to support not only the access to heterogeneous data sources but also the definition of transformation rules on exchanged data. Results We have studied the different challenges involved in the integration of computer systems and the role software connectors play in this task. We have also studied a number of gene expression technologies, analysis tools and related ontologies in order to devise basic integration scenarios and propose a reference ontology for the gene expression domain. Then, we have defined a number of activities and associated guidelines to prescribe how the development of connectors should be carried out. Finally, we have applied the proposed methodology in the construction of three different integration scenarios involving the use of different tools for the analysis of different types of gene expression data. Conclusions The proposed methodology facilitates the development of connectors capable of semantically integrating different gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The methodology can be used in the development of connectors supporting both simple and nontrivial processing requirements, thus assuring accurate data exchange and information interpretation from exchanged data.
Nowadays, in Ubiquitous computing scenarios users more and more require to exploit online contents and services by means of any device at hand, no matter their physical location, and by personalizing and tailoring content and service access to their own requirements. The coordinated provisioning of content tailored to user context and preferences, and the support for mobile multimodal and multichannel interactions are of paramount importance in providing users with a truly effective Ubiquitous support. However, so far the intrinsic heterogeneity and the lack of an integrated approach led to several either too vertical, or practically unusable proposals, thus resulting in poor and non-versatile support platforms for Ubiquitous computing. This work investigates and promotes design principles to help cope with these ever-changing and inherently dynamic scenarios. By following the outlined principles, we have designed and implemented a middleware support platform to support the provisioning of Ubiquitous mobile services and contents. To prove the viability of our approach, we have realized and stressed on top of our support platform a number of different, extremely complex and heterogeneous content and service provisioning scenarios. The encouraging results obtained are pushing our research work further, in order to provide a dynamic platform that is able to not only dynamically support novel Ubiquitous applicative scenarios by tailoring extremely diverse services and contents to heterogeneous user needs, but is also able to reconfigure and adapt itself in order to provide a truly optimized and tailored support for Ubiquitous service provisioning.
Il presente studio si concentra sulle diverse applicazioni del telerilevamento termico in ambito urbano. Vengono inizialmente descritti la radiazione infrarossa e le sue interazioni con l’atmosfera terrestre, le leggi principali che regolano lo scambio di calore per irraggiamento, le caratteristiche dei sensori e le diverse applicazioni di termografia. Successivamente sono trattati nel dettaglio gli aspetti caratteristici della termografia da piattaforma satellitare, finalizzata principalmente alla valutazione del fenomeno dell'Urban Heat Island; vengono descritti i sensori disponibili, le metodologie di correzione per gli effetti atmosferici, per la stima dell'emissività delle superfici e per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale dei pixels. Viene quindi illustrata la sperimentazione effettuata sull'area di Bologna mediante immagini multispettrali ASTER: i risultati mostrano come sull'area urbana sia riscontrabile la presenza dell'Isola di Calore Urbano, anche se la sua quantificazione risulta complessa. Si procede quindi alla descrizione di potenzialità e limiti della termografia aerea, dei suoi diversi utilizzi, delle modalità operative di rilievo e degli algoritmi utilizzati per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale delle coperture edilizie. Tramite l’analisi di alcune esperienze precedenti vengono trattati l’influenza dell’atmosfera, la modellazione dei suoi effetti sulla radianza rilevata, i diversi metodi per la stima dell’emissività. Viene quindi introdotto il progetto europeo Energycity, finalizzato alla creazione di un sistema GeoWeb di supporto spaziale alle decisioni per la riduzione di consumi energetici e produzione di gas serra su sette città dell'Europa Centrale. Vengono illustrate le modalità di rilievo e le attività di processing dei datasets digitali per la creazione di mappe di temperatura superficiale da implementare nel sistema SDSS. Viene infine descritta la sperimentazione effettuata sulle immagini termiche acquisite nel febbraio 2010 sulla città di Treviso, trasformate in un mosaico georiferito di temperatura radiometrica tramite correzioni geometriche e radiometriche; a seguito della correzione per l’emissività quest’ultimo verrà trasformato in un mosaico di temperatura superficiale.
Abstract Originalsprache (englisch) Visual perception relies on a two-dimensional projection of the viewed scene on the retinas of both eyes. Thus, visual depth has to be reconstructed from a number of different cues that are subsequently integrated to obtain robust depth percepts. Existing models of sensory integration are mainly based on the reliabilities of individual cues and disregard potential cue interactions. In the current study, an extended Bayesian model is proposed that takes into account both cue reliability and consistency. Four experiments were carried out to test this model's predictions. Observers had to judge visual displays of hemi-cylinders with an elliptical cross section, which were constructed to allow for an orthogonal variation of several competing depth cues. In Experiment 1 and 2, observers estimated the cylinder's depth as defined by shading, texture, and motion gradients. The degree of consistency among these cues was systematically varied. It turned out that the extended Bayesian model provided a better fit to the empirical data compared to the traditional model which disregards covariations among cues. To circumvent the potentially problematic assessment of single-cue reliabilities, Experiment 3 used a multiple-observation task, which allowed for estimating perceptual weights from multiple-cue stimuli. Using the same multiple-observation task, the integration of stereoscopic disparity, shading, and texture gradients was examined in Experiment 4. It turned out that less reliable cues were downweighted in the combined percept. Moreover, a specific influence of cue consistency was revealed. Shading and disparity seemed to be processed interactively while other cue combinations could be well described by additive integration rules. These results suggest that cue combination in visual depth perception is highly flexible and depends on single-cue properties as well as on interrelations among cues. The extension of the traditional cue combination model is defended in terms of the necessity for robust perception in ecologically valid environments and the current findings are discussed in the light of emerging computational theories and neuroscientific approaches.
The ability to represent the transport and fate of an oil slick at the sea surface is a formidable task. By using an accurate numerical representation of oil evolution and movement in seawater, the possibility to asses and reduce the oil-spill pollution risk can be greatly improved. The blowing of the wind on the sea surface generates ocean waves, which give rise to transport of pollutants by wave-induced velocities that are known as Stokes’ Drift velocities. The Stokes’ Drift transport associated to a random gravity wave field is a function of the wave Energy Spectra that statistically fully describe it and that can be provided by a wave numerical model. Therefore, in order to perform an accurate numerical simulation of the oil motion in seawater, a coupling of the oil-spill model with a wave forecasting model is needed. In this Thesis work, the coupling of the MEDSLIK-II oil-spill numerical model with the SWAN wind-wave numerical model has been performed and tested. In order to improve the knowledge of the wind-wave model and its numerical performances, a preliminary sensitivity study to different SWAN model configuration has been carried out. The SWAN model results have been compared with the ISPRA directional buoys located at Venezia, Ancona and Monopoli and the best model settings have been detected. Then, high resolution currents provided by a relocatable model (SURF) have been used to force both the wave and the oil-spill models and its coupling with the SWAN model has been tested. The trajectories of four drifters have been simulated by using JONSWAP parametric spectra or SWAN directional-frequency energy output spectra and results have been compared with the real paths traveled by the drifters.
The present thesis is focused on the study of Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals (OSSCs) and crystalline thin films. In particular solution-grown OSSC, e.g. 4-hdroxycyanobenzene (4HCB) have been characterized in view of their applications as novel sensors of X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha particles radiations and chemical sensors. In the field of ionizing radiation detection, organic semiconductors have been proposed so far mainly as indirect detectors, i.e. as scintillators or as photodiodes. I first study the performance of 4HCB single crystals as direct X-ray detector i.e. the direct photon conversion into an electrical signal, assessing that they can operate at room temperature and in atmosphere, showing a stable and linear response with increasing dose rate. A dedicated study of the collecting electrodes geometry, crystal thickness and interaction volume allowed us to maximize the charge collection efficiency and sensitivity, thus assessing how OSSCs perform at low operating voltages and offer a great potential in the development of novel ionizing radiation sensors. To better understand the processes generating the observed X-ray signal, a comparative study is presented on OSSCs based on several small-molecules: 1,5-dinitronaphthalene (DNN), 1,8-naphthaleneimide (NTI), Rubrene and TIPS-pentacene. In addition, the proof of principle of gamma-rays and alpha particles has been assessed for 4HCB single crystals. I have also carried out an investigation of the electrical response of OSSCs exposed to vapour of volatile molecules, polar and non-polar. The last chapter deals with rubrene, the highest performing molecular crystals for electronic applications. We present an investigation on high quality, millimeter-sized, crystalline thin films (10 – 100 nm thick) realized by exploiting organic molecular beam epitaxy on water-soluble substrates. Space-Charge-Limited Current (SCLC) and photocurrent spectroscopy measurements have been carried out. A thin film transistor was fabricated onto a Cytop® dielectric layer. The FET mobility exceeding 2 cm2/Vs, definitely assess the quality of RUB films.
In my PhD work I concentrated on three elementary questions that are essential to understand the interactions between the different neuronal cell populations in the developing neocortex. The questions regarded the identity of Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells, the ubiquitous expression of glycine receptors in all major cell populations of the immature neocortex, and the role of taurine in the modulation of immature neocortical network activity.rnTo unravel whether CR cells of different ontogenetic origin have divergent functions I investigated the electrophysiological properties of YFP+ (derived from the septum and borders of the pallium) and YFP− CR cells (derived from other neocortical origins). This study demonstrated that the passive and active electrophysiological properties as well as features of GABAergic PSCs and glutamatergic currents are similar between both CR cell populations. These findings suggest that CR cells of different origins most probably support similar functions within the neuronal networks of the early postnatal cerebral cortex.rnTo elucidate whether glycine receptors are expressed in all major cell populations of the developing neocortex I analyzed the functional expression of glycine receptors on subplate (SP) cells. Activation of glycine receptors by glycine, -alanine and taurine elicited membrane responses that could be blocked by the selective glycinergic antagonist strychnine. Pharmacological experiments suggest that SP cells express functional heteromeric glycine receptors that do not contain 1 subunits. The activation of glycine receptors by glycine and taurine induced a membrane depolarization, which mediated excitatory effects. Considering the key role of SP cells in immature cortical networks and the development of thalamocortical connections, this glycinergic excitation may influence the properties of early cortical networks and the formation of cortical circuits.rnIn the third part of my project I demonstrated that tonic taurine application induced a massive increase in the frequency of PSCs. Based on their reversal potential and their pharmacological properties these taurine-induced PSCs are exclusively transmitted via GABAA receptors to the pyramidal neurons, while both GABAA and glycine receptors were implicated in the generation of the presynaptic activity. Accordingly, whole-cell and cell-attached recordings from genetically labeled interneurons revealed the expression of glycine and GABAA receptors, which mediated an excitatory action on these cells. These findings suggest that low taurine concentrations can tonically activate exclusively GABAergic networks. The activity level maintained by this GABAergic activity in the immature nervous system may contribute to network properties and can facilitate the activity dependent formation of adequate synaptic projections.rnIn summary, the results of my studies complemented the knowledge about neuronal interactions in the immature neocortex and improve our understanding of cellular processes that guide neuronal development and thus shape the brain.rn
Many of developing countries are facing crisis in water management due to increasing of population, water scarcity, water contaminations and effects of world economic crisis. Water distribution systems in developing countries are facing many challenges of efficient repair and rehabilitation since the information of water network is very limited, which makes the rehabilitation assessment plans very difficult. Sufficient information with high technology in developed countries makes the assessment for rehabilitation easy. Developing countries have many difficulties to assess the water network causing system failure, deterioration of mains and bad water quality in the network due to pipe corrosion and deterioration. The limited information brought into focus the urgent need to develop economical assessment for rehabilitation of water distribution systems adapted to water utilities. Gaza Strip is subject to a first case study, suffering from severe shortage in the water supply and environmental problems and contamination of underground water resources. This research focuses on improvement of water supply network to reduce the water losses in water network based on limited database using techniques of ArcGIS and commercial water network software (WaterCAD). A new approach for rehabilitation water pipes has been presented in Gaza city case study. Integrated rehabilitation assessment model has been developed for rehabilitation water pipes including three components; hydraulic assessment model, Physical assessment model and Structural assessment model. WaterCAD model has been developed with integrated in ArcGIS to produce the hydraulic assessment model for water network. The model have been designed based on pipe condition assessment with 100 score points as a maximum points for pipe condition. As results from this model, we can indicate that 40% of water pipeline have score points less than 50 points and about 10% of total pipes length have less than 30 score points. By using this model, the rehabilitation plans for each region in Gaza city can be achieved based on available budget and condition of pipes. The second case study is Kuala Lumpur Case from semi-developed countries, which has been used to develop an approach to improve the water network under crucial conditions using, advanced statistical and GIS techniques. Kuala Lumpur (KL) has water losses about 40% and high failure rate, which make severe problem. This case can represent cases in South Asia countries. Kuala Lumpur faced big challenges to reduce the water losses in water network during last 5 years. One of these challenges is high deterioration of asbestos cement (AC) pipes. They need to replace more than 6500 km of AC pipes, which need a huge budget to be achieved. Asbestos cement is subject to deterioration due to various chemical processes that either leach out the cement material or penetrate the concrete to form products that weaken the cement matrix. This case presents an approach for geo-statistical model for modelling pipe failures in a water distribution network. Database of Syabas Company (Kuala Lumpur water company) has been used in developing the model. The statistical models have been calibrated, verified and used to predict failures for both networks and individual pipes. The mathematical formulation developed for failure frequency in Kuala Lumpur was based on different pipeline characteristics, reflecting several factors such as pipe diameter, length, pressure and failure history. Generalized linear model have been applied to predict pipe failures based on District Meter Zone (DMZ) and individual pipe levels. Based on Kuala Lumpur case study, several outputs and implications have been achieved. Correlations between spatial and temporal intervals of pipe failures also have been done using ArcGIS software. Water Pipe Assessment Model (WPAM) has been developed using the analysis of historical pipe failure in Kuala Lumpur which prioritizing the pipe rehabilitation candidates based on ranking system. Frankfurt Water Network in Germany is the third main case study. This case makes an overview for Survival analysis and neural network methods used in water network. Rehabilitation strategies of water pipes have been developed for Frankfurt water network in cooperation with Mainova (Frankfurt Water Company). This thesis also presents a methodology of technical condition assessment of plastic pipes based on simple analysis. This thesis aims to make contribution to improve the prediction of pipe failures in water networks using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Decision Support System (DSS). The output from the technical condition assessment model can be used to estimate future budget needs for rehabilitation and to define pipes with high priority for replacement based on poor condition. rn
Staphylococcus carnosus is a facultative anaerobic bacterium which features the cytoplasmic NreABC system. It is necessary for regulation of nitrate respiration and the nitrate reductase gene narG in response to oxygen and nitrate availability. NreB is a sensor kinase of a two-component system and represents the oxygen sensor of the system. It binds an oxygen labile [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster under anaerobic conditions. NreB autophosphorylates and phosphoryl transfer activates the response regulator NreC which induces narG expression. The third component of the Nre system is the nitrate receptor NreA. In this study the role of the nitrate receptor protein NreA in nitrate regulation and its functional and physiological effect on oxygen regulation and interaction with the NreBC two-component system were detected. In vivo, a reporter gene assay for measuring expression of the NreABC regulated nitrate reductase gene narG was used for quantitative evaluation of NreA function. Maximal narG expression in wild type S. carnosus required anaerobic conditions and the presence of nitrate. Deletion of nreA allowed expression of narG under aerobic conditions, and under anaerobic conditions nitrate was no longer required for maximal induction. This indicates that NreA is a nitrate regulated inhibitor of narG expression. Purified NreA and variant NreA(Y95A) inhibited the autophosphorylation of anaerobic NreB in part and completely, respectively. Neither NreA nor NreA(Y95A) stimulated dephosphorylation of NreB-phosphate, however. Inhibition of phosphorylation was relieved completely when NreA with bound nitrate (NreA•[NO3-]) was used. The same effects of NreA were monitored with aerobically isolated Fe-S-less NreB, which indicates that NreA does not have an influence on the iron-sulfur cluster of NreB. In summary, the data of this study show that NreA interacts with the oxygen sensor NreB and controls its phosphorylation level in a nitrate dependent manner. This modulation of NreB-function by NreA and nitrate results in nitrate/oxygen co-sensing by an NreA/NreB sensory unit. It transmits the regulatory signal from oxygen and nitrate in a joint signal to target promoters. Therefore, nitrate and oxygen regulation of nitrate dissimilation follows a new mode of regulation not present in other facultative anaerobic bacteria.