858 resultados para Initiation to teach interns PIBID
Un plan para organizar las enseñanzas de la ingeniería del software en las titulaciones de informática de la URJC. Nowadays both industry and academic environments are showing a lot of interest in the Software Engineering discipline. Therefore, it is a challenge for universities to provide students with appropriate training in this area, preparing them for their future professional practice. There are many difficulties to provide that training. The outstanding ones are: the Software Engineering area is too broad and class hours are scarce; the discipline requires a high level of abstraction; it is difficult to reproduce real world situations in the classroom to provide a practical learning environment; the number of students per professor is very high (at least in Spain); companies develop software with a maturity level rarely over level 2 of the CMM for Software (again, at least in Spain) as opposed to what is taught at the University. Besides, there are different levels and study plans, making more difficult to structure the contents to teach in each term and degree. In this paper we present a plan for teaching Software Engineering trying to overcome some of the difficulties above.
Como ya es conocido, los profesores de Matemáticas utilizamos los ejemplos como recursos de aprendizaje para enseñar algún contenido matemático concreto, de modo que las generalizaciones y abstracciones sean más fácilmente entendidas por los alumnos, pasando de lo concreto a lo abstracto, como otra forma de enseñar y practicar en Matemáticas. Esta metodología de trabajo se ve potenciada por el uso de dispositivos móviles llamados mobile-learning (m-learning) o educación móvil (educación-m), en español. Siguiendo esta línea de trabajo, se ha realizado el workshop de cónicas que se presenta en este artículo, empleando estas nuevas tecnologías (TIC) y con el objetivo de desarrollar aprendizajes activos en Geometría a través de la resolución de problemas en los primeros cursos de Grado en las ingenierías. ABSTRACT: As it is already known, math teachers, use examples as learning resources, to teach some specific math contents, so that generalizations and abstractions are more easily understood by students, from concrete to abstract, as another way of Mathematics teaching and training. This methodology is enhanced by the use of mobile devices, called mobile-learning (m-learning) o “educación móvil” (educación-m), in Spanish. Following this strategy, the workshop of conic sections shown in this paper has been carried out, using these new technologies (ICT) and in order to develop active learning in Geometry through problem-solving at the first years of engineering degrees.
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ----------------------- This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
El presente proyecto pretende ser una herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (enseñar a leer y a escribir) para niños con discapacidad, haciendo para ello uso de una aplicación que se ejecuta en una tablet con Sistema Operativo (S.O.) Android. Existe un vacío en el mundo de las aplicaciones para tabletas en este campo en el que se intentará poner un grano de arena para, al menos, tener una aplicación que sirva de toma de contacto a los interesados en este campo. Para establecer las funcionalidades más adecuadas al propósito de la herramienta, se ha consultado a profesionales de la logopedia de un colegio de educación especial, con cuya colaboración se ha dado forma a la estructura de la misma. La implementación de la aplicación se ha llevado a cabo con programación en entorno Java para Android. Se han incluido diferentes recursos como imágenes, pictogramas y locuciones tanto elementos con licencia libre, como elementos propios generados ‘ex profeso’ para dar la forma final a la herramienta. Podemos decir que en general esta aplicación puede ser usada para enseña a leer y escribir a cualquier niño, pero se ha dotado de unas ciertas características que la confieren una orientación especial hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Para ello se ha cuidado mucho la estética, para que ésta sea lo más simple y suave posible, para hacer especial hincapié en la atención de los niños y evitar su distracción con elementos visuales innecesarios. Se ha dotado de estímulos visuales y sonoros para fomentar su interés (aplausos en caso de acierto, colores para diferenciar aciertos y errores, etc.). Se han utilizado los tamaños de letra más grandes posibles (para las discapacidades visuales), etc. El mercado cuenta con una ingente cantidad de dispositivos Android, con características muy dispares, de tamaño de pantalla, resolución y versiones del S.O. entre otras. La aplicación se ha desarrollado tratando de dar cobertura al mayor porcentaje de ellos posible. El requisito mínimo de tamaño de pantalla sería de siete pulgadas. Esta herramienta no tiene demasiado sentido en dispositivos con pantallas menores por las características intrínsecas de la misma. No obstante se ha trabajado también en la configuración para dispositivos pequeños, como “smartphones”, no por su valor como herramienta para la enseñanza de la lectoescritura (aunque en algunos casos podría ser viable) sino más bien con fines de prueba y entrenamiento para profesores, padres o tutores que realizarán la labor docente con dispositivos tablet. Otro de los requisitos, como se ha mencionado, para poder ejecutar la aplicación sería la versión mínima de S.O., por debajo de la cual (versiones muy obsoletas) la aplicación sería inviable. Sirva este proyecto pues para cubrir, mediante el uso de la tecnología, un aspecto de la enseñanza con grandes oportunidades de mejora. ABSTRACT. This Project is aimed to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills to handicapped children with an Android application. There are no Android applications available on this field, so it is intended to provide at least one option to take contact with. Speech therapy professionals from a special needs school have been asked for the most suitable functions to be included in this tool. The structure of this tool has been made with the cooperation of these professionals. The implementation of the application has been performed through Java coding for Android. Different resources have been included such as pictures, pictograms and sounds, including free licenses resources and self-developed resources. In general, it can be said that this application can be used to teach learning and writing skills to any given kid, however it has been provided of certain features that makes it ideal for children with special educational needs. It has been strongly taken into account the whole aesthetic to be as simple and soft as possible, in order to get attention of children, excluding any visual disturbing elements. It has been provided with sound and visual stimulations, to attract their interest (applauses in cases of correct answers, different colours to differentiate right or wrong answers), etc. There are many different types of Android devices, with very heterogeneous features regarding their screen size, resolution and O.S. version, etc., available today. The application has been developed trying to cover most of them. Minimum screen resolution is seven inches. This tool doesn’t seem to be very useful for smaller screens, for its inner features. Nevertheless, it has been developed for smaller devices as well, like smartphones, not intended to be a tool for teaching reading and writing skills (even it could be possible in some cases), but in a test and training context for teachers, parents or guardians who do the teaching work with tablet devices. Another requirement, as stated before, in order to be able to run the application, it would be the minimum O.S. version, below that (very obsolete versions) the application would become impracticable. Hope this project to be used to fulfill, by means of technology, one area of teaching with great improvement opportunities.
Este trabajo contiene el diseño y análisis de dos modalidades de docencia de programación de aplicaciones móviles, con el objetivo de aumentar el interés de los estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria por la Ingeniería Informática. Primeramente se analizó la estructura y el contenido de las diferentes materias relacionadas con la informática que existen actualmente en la educación secundaria en España, con el fin de localizar las carencias del currículo. Estas carencias principales son: la falta de reconocimiento de la Ingeniería informática al mismo nivel que el resto de ingenierías y una falta de contenidos relacionados con el desarrollo de software, tanto a nivel de programación como de diseño. A continuación, una vez analizados diferentes posibilidades de entornos con los que desarrollar dichos cursos, se diseñaron los dos modelos de docencia utilizando App Inventor como herramienta conductora, con los que poder cubrir esos conocimientos. El primer modelo consiste en un curso de cuatro semanas a impartir directamente en el centro, mientras que el segundo se trata de un taller de una mañana a impartir en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. De los resultados de esos modelos se han obtenidos resultados muy positivos en cuanto al incremento de los conocimientos de los alumnos sobre informática, además de aumentar su interés por la Ingeniería Informática y obtener una visión más ajustada a la realidad de la misma.---ABSTRACT---This work details the design and realization of a workshop and a course for teaching mobile application programming to Spanish high school students, with the aim of increasing their interest in Computing. In order to locate the shortcomings of the curriculum, the structure and contents of various subjects related to Computing in currently secondary education in Spain were analyzed. The results show a lack of recognition of computer engineering at the same level as the rest of engineering disciplines and a lack of content related to software development, both in terms of programming and design. Then, after analyzing existing programming environments available for covering the basic programming objectives, App Inventor was chosen as mobile programming environment for both teaching activities (the workshop and the course). The first activity consists of a four-week course to teach directly in the high school, while the second one is a 4-hour workshop to be held at the university. The workshop and the course were carried out with students of two secondary schools, obtaining very positive results in terms of increasing students’ knowledge about computers, increasing their interest in Computing, and making them get a more accurate vision of the discipline.
El entorno alpino de los Grisones ha sido un laboratorio donde experimentar un método arquitectónico procedente de diversas fuentes durante los años 70 en la ETHZ. Este método ha producido durante las últimas tres décadas un discurso teórico propiamente suizo alemán. La tradición continúa siendo un valor cultural para la comunidad alpina de los Grisones, que apuesta por seguir relacionando la arquitectura con su historia y su paisaje. La especificidad de cada entorno suizo alemán es un hecho obvio pero, por encima de sus rasgos característicos, hay un denominador común que les da unidad en silencio: se trata de una idea de la construcción. El fenómeno de los Grisones es territorial en su localización concreta, pero comparte el trasfondo teórico del resto de la arquitectura suizo alemana reciente. La tesis recorre transversalmente las condiciones que han dado lugar a esa trayectoria común hasta la actualidad, en que la arquitectura suizo alemana se halla precisamente en un momento de cambio generacional. La obra de Peter Märkli constituye en esta tesis un paradigma de la voluntad suizo alemana por formar parte de la continuidad cultural de la arquitectura, como una actitud de resistencia compartida frente al mundo globalizado. La tesis se articula a partir de ocho proyectos recientes, realizados por arquitectos suizo alemanes en el entorno del territorio alpino de los Grisones. Estos proyectos condensan la trayectoria arquitectónica suizo alemana durante el siglo XX, así como el fenómeno arquitectónico que ha tenido lugar en el entorno de los Grisones durante las últimas tres décadas. La tesis analiza a través de cada pareja de proyectos los episodios teóricos, artísticos y filosóficos más relevantes que se sintetizan en estas obras, así como sus referentes arquitectónicos y la dimensión trascendente de los materiales en los que la cultura suiza hunde sus raíces: la madera, la piedra y el hormigón. Las vanguardias pictóricas, el Movimiento Moderno y las corrientes humanistas y regionalistas que se fueron sucediendo durante el pasado siglo, configuran el escenario en el que tomó cuerpo la sensibilidad arquitectónica suizo alemana reciente, que emerge a través de la compleja red de relaciones establecidas entre el panorama suizo y el internacional. El mismo bagaje teórico subyace al territorio suizo alemán a nivel general, por lo que asociarlo a través de esta tesis a proyectos realizados en un entorno característico, permite acceder a una realización concreta de ese debate en un entorno tan particular como son los Grisones. La aproximación a los proyectos es de carácter fenomenológico: la experiencia directa de los mismos ha sido el sustrato fundamental del enfoque de la tesis. El trabajo de campo no se limitó a visitar los proyectos que vertebran la tesis, sino que trató de abarcar las obras más relevantes de la producción suizo alemana reciente en los Grisones, con el fin de adquirir cierto grado de sensibilidad perceptiva hacia la singularidad de su identidad territorial. La tesis hace especial hincapié en las obras de Peter Märkli y Peter Zumthor, representantes de los dos extremos del discurso suizo alemán reciente, respecto a la materialidad y al carácter de la secuencia espacial, sistemático o fluido respectivamente, pero que asimismo comparten el clasicismo formalista que subyace al fenómeno suizo alemán. Los dos proyectos que establecen el periodo 1992-2004 explorado por esta investigación constituyen dos hitos fundamentales. El Museo de La Congiunta en Giornico de Peter Märkli se construyó en 1992 y se erige a partir de entonces como un icono arquitectónico de la condensación típicamente suizo alemana de base reductiva. Este paradigma de síntesis conceptual y constructiva comenzó a forjarse en la década de 1930 de la mano del Konkrete Kunst formulado por Max Bill, que es la única manifestación artística genuinamente suiza del siglo XX y que desarrolló pictóricamente los valores de precisión, rigor, racionalismo y abstracción afines a la sensibilidad suizo alemana. En segundo lugar, el proyecto para la rehabilitación de la Villa Garbald y la construcción de la Torre Roccolo en Castasegna llevado a cabo por Miller & Maranta en 2004, supuso la consumación de la Analoge Architektur, que fue la primera corriente arquitectónica propiamente suiza, desarrollada durante la década de 1980 por Miroslav Sik. La Deutscher Tendenza es un periodo de la trayectoria suizo alemana reciente poco conocido, representado por una figura tan relevante como es Peter Zumthor. Las obras que proyectó Zumthor entre 1979 y 1985 forman parte de un periodo en que el arquitecto se encontraba profundamente influido por el neorracionalismo italiano, como ilustra la escuela de Churwalden de 1983. La arquitectura suizo alemana reciente exploró sistemáticamente los sistemas compositivos de las vanguardias pictóricas y del Movimiento Moderno, por encima de su formalismo concreto. La segunda fase de la obra de Zumthor entre 1985 y 1996 se caracteriza por la transfiguración del plano libre del sistema compositivo neoplasticista desarrollado por De Stijl, plano que adquirió grosor hasta convertirse en la caja articuladora de la fluidez de la secuencia espacial. El formalismo de Zumthor en esta fase implica la prioridad del esquema compositivo, compuesto por un perímetro regular en el que se reúnen las cajas que, como las superficies de color de las composiciones de Mondrian, articulan el espacio a su alrededor. La Residencia de Masans de Zumthor de 1993 es un proyecto canónico de este sistema compositivo, que culmina en el esquema radial de las Termas de Vals de 1996. La imagen poética se convirtió en el lenguaje propio del pensamiento de la arquitectura suizo alemana, que permitía una reflexión no verbal, a partir de unos pocos arquetipos fundamentales. Los arquitectos del Ticino buscaron en la Tendenza italiana durante la década de 1970 una alternativa al insostenible modelo territorial que estaba destruyendo su paisaje cultural. Algunos de estos arquitectos comenzaron a dar clase durante esa década en la ETHZ, por lo que transmitieron sus inquietudes al alumnado e introdujeron a Aldo Rossi en la facultad, que era uno de los máximos representantes de la Tendenza. El método analógico de Rossi, basado en la psicología analítica de Carl Jung, fue una influencia fundamental en la ETHZ durante los años 70. Rossi partía de una teoría afín al colectivo intelectual suizo que los arquitectos de la ETHZ pronto comprendieron que debían independizar del contexto italiano, desarrollando su propio método a partir de 1985 con la Analoge Architektur. El valor de la preexistencia de acuerdo a este método incipiente se hallaba en su papel articulador de la continuidad cultural de una comunidad, que Miroslav Sik definió a partir de su concepto de Altneue (literalmente, lo Nuevo-Viejo). La fusión entre lo nuevo y lo viejo era la base de la espontaneidad con la que habían crecido los asentamientos históricamente. Sik consideraba que la continuidad dependía de la comprensión de los patrones preexistentes, con el objeto de mantener su vigencia mediante la incorporación de estrategias contemporáneas, que renovarían su significado sin perder su esencia. La Casa Gugalun en Versam de Zumthor de 1994 supone una aproximación a escala doméstica a este planteamiento. La arquitectura suizo alemana reciente a menudo busca en sus referentes plásticos una manera de explorar ámbitos poco accesibles para la disciplina arquitectónica. El pensamiento arquitectónico basado en la imagen poética se implementa a partir de la tectónica de la construcción, que es el medio para comunicar una idea vertebradora del proyecto de principio a fin. La construcción como medio introduce el concepto clave de la apariencia de la arquitectura, estrechamente relacionado con la filosofía idealista de Friedrich Schiller. La apariencia debe expresar el sentido conceptual de la obra, que los arquitectos suizo alemanes denominan idea, por lo que la construcción no tiene un valor por sí misma, sino en cuanto a la apariencia. La Capilla de Oberrealta de Christian Kerez de 1993 puede ser considerada una obra escultórica en el paisaje, más próxima a las artes plásticas que a la arquitectura. La tensión que surge entre la figura ideal y la pieza sometida a una sutil deformación confiere un carácter dinámico a la composición, que intensifica el efecto perceptivo, de acuerdo a la teoría del pensamiento visual de Rudolph Arnheim. La deformación al servicio de la psicología de la percepción es un fenómeno que caracteriza la arquitectura suizo alemana reciente. El concepto de Forme Forte (forma fuerte) fue introducido por Martin Steinmann para caracterizar el objeto arquitectónico denominado internacionalmente Swiss Box. Este concepto se caracteriza por una predilección por lo monolítico, lo unitario y lo arquetípico. La condición más sustancial de una Forme Forte es, sin embargo, la de configurar un elemento estructurador del entorno. Tanto la base morfológica de una Forme Forte, como su capacidad para estructurar el lugar, se corresponden con los conceptos de arquetipo y monumento de la teoría de Rossi. La tesis explora el sentido de la deformación en la producción suizo alemana reciente, a partir de la Escuela de Paspels de Valerio Olgiati de 1998 y la Torre Roccolo de Villa Garbald de Miller&Maranta de 1998. La teoría tectónica de Gottfried Semper y la razón de la forma de Adolf Loos constituyen el sustrato teórico, que relaciona la actividad existencial de habitar con la materialidad de la arquitectura suizo alemana reciente. La teoría tectónica de Semper fundamenta las revisiones posteriores de los sistemas constructivos tradicionales suizo alemanes. Esta influencia sirvió como base a la vanguardia suiza de la Neues Bauen, que desarrolló un racionalismo funcionalista durante las décadas de 1920 y 1930, que constituye una gramática de base no simbólica. Esta gramática constituye el fundamento de la transición del orden clásico a la materialidad como instrumento compositivo durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, consolidando el concepto de la base material de la forma. La revisión de la tradición regionalista y racionalista llevada a cabo por la generación de arquitectos suizo alemanes de la década de 1950 y 1960, constituyó una investigación lingüística sustancial. Rudolph Olgiati es la figura determinante de este periodo. La revisión de esta investigación se codificó en clave estructuralista durante los años 70 en la ETHZ, influenciada por la presencia de Roland Barthes como profesor invitado. Esta revisión constituyó la base de la articulación tectónica propiamente suizo alemana todavía vigente, como ilustra expresamente la obra de Burkhalter&Sumi en esta tesis. La obra de Gion Caminada en Vrin entre 1995 y 2002 aporta una intensa investigación sobre el Strickbau, que implementa una y otra vez variaciones sobre un sistema tradicional, ilustrando las infinitas posibilidades que ofrece un lenguaje, paradójicamente limitado por los medios disponibles en un entorno alpino aislado. Para terminar Jürg Conzett es el ingeniero con el que han desarrollado sus proyectos la mayoría de los arquitectos en el entorno de los Grisones, formado durante 8 años con Zumthor y colaborador habitual de Caminada entre otros. Conzett es el referente que relaciona la ingeniería con la arquitectura en el ámbito de esta tesis, imprescindible en el contexto de esta investigación. ABSTRACT The Alpine setting of Grisons has been a laboratory for architectural experimentation with an approach forged in the 1970s from various sources in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). This method has produced a uniquely German-Swiss theoretical discourse over the past three decades. Tradition continues to be a cultural value for Grisons, a region committed to continue linking its architecture with the region’s history and landscape. The specificity of the German-Swiss environment is obvious, but beyond its characteristic features, there is a common denominator that gives these settings a silent unity: it is an idea of building. The phenomenon of Grisons is geographic in its specific location, but it shares the theoretical basis of the rest of the new German-Swiss architecture. This thesis transversely delves into the conditions that have shaped this common path up to the present, just as German-Swiss architecture is going through a time of generational change. In this thesis, Märkli Peter's work constitutes a paradigm of the German-Swiss will to uphold the cultural and architectural continuity of the region, exemplifying an attitude of shared resistance to the globalized world. The thesis is structured around eight recent projects carried out by German-Swiss architects in the Alpine region of Grisons. These projects represent the trajectory of twentieth century German-Swiss architectural history, as well as the architectural phenomenon that has taken place in the environs of Grisons over the past three decades. Through these projects the thesis analyzes the most relevant theoretical, artistic and philosophical references that are synthesized in the works, as well as their architectural references and the transcendental dimension of the materials in which Swiss culture is rooted: wood, stone and concrete. The artistic avant-garde, together with Modernism and the humanistic and regional movements that occurred during the last century, set the stage for present-day German-Swiss architectural sensitivity, which emerges from a complex web of relationships established between the Swiss and international panorama. This same theoretical background and experience underlies all of the German-Swiss territory in general, so associating it through this thesis to a particular context allows the description of a specific embodiment of this debate, within the unique environment of Grisons. The methodological approach to analyzing the projects was phenomenological: direct experience is the main substrate underpinning the focus of the thesis. Field work was not limited to visiting the projects featured in the thesis, but rather encompassed the most important works of recent German-Swiss construction in the Grisons in order to gain some degree of perceptual sensitivity to the uniqueness of its territorial identity. The present paper puts special emphasis on the works of Peter Märkli and Peter Zumthor, who share the formal classicist perspective of the German-Swiss context but stand on opposite sides of the philosophical spectrum with regard to the notion of materiality and the nature of space, which they conceive as systematic or fluid, respectively. The two projects that establish the boundaries of the time period 1992–2004 explored by this research represent two key milestones. The Museum La Congiunta in Giornico, by Peter Märkli, was built in 1992 and quickly established itself as an architectural icon of German-Swiss reductionism. This paradigm of conceptual and constructive synthesis began to take shape in the 1930s under the banner of Konkrete Kunst (Concrete Art), led by Max Bill. The only genuinely Swiss artistic movement of the twentieth century, Konkrete Kunst was characterized by the artistic values of precision, rigor, rationalism and abstraction, sentiments that were very close to the German-Swiss tradition. Secondly, the project for the rehabilitation of Villa Garbald and the construction of the Roccolo Tower in Castasegna, conducted by Miller&Maranta in 2004, represented the consummation of the Analoge Architektur, which was the first truly Swiss architectural movement, spearheaded in the 1980s by Miroslav Sik. The Deutscher Tendenza is a little-known period of recent German-Swiss history, represented by the important figure of Peter Zumthor. The projects that Zumthor led between 1979 and 1985 are part of a period when Italian Neo-Rationalism exercised a profound influence on the architect, as illustrated by the Churwalden School, circa 1983. Recent German-Swiss architecture systematically explored the compositional systems of the artistic avant-garde and Modernism, beyond its specific formal aspects. The second phase of Zumthor's work, between 1985 and 1996, is characterized by the transfiguration of the free plane, neoplastic compositional system developed by De Stijl, a plane that thickened until it became the box articulating fluidity from the spatial sequence. Zumthor's formalism in this phase prioritizes the compositional scheme, consisting of a regular perimeter in which the boxes that -like Mondrian’s colored surfaces- arrange the space around it. Zumthor’s Masans Residence, circa 1993, is a canonical project of this compositional system, which culminates in the radial pattern of the Therme Vals, circa 1996. The poetic image became the appropriate language of thought for German-Swiss architecture, which invited a nonverbal reflection inspired by a few fundamental archetypes. The architects of Ticino sought, through the Italian Tendenza of the 1970s, an alternative to the unsustainable territorial model that was destroying their cultural landscape. Some of these architects began to teach during that decade at ETHZ, and naturally they transmitted their unease to their students. These architects also introduced Aldo Rossi, one of the leading representatives of the Tendenza, to the school. Rossi’s analogue method, based on the analytical psychology of Carl Jung, was a major influence on the ETHZ during the 1970s. Rossi’s theoretical grounding was very much in tune with Swiss intellectualism, and it did not take long for architects from ETHZ to realize that they should break away from the Italian context, developing their own method from 1985 on with the Analoge Architektur. The value of the pre-existing conformity of this emerging method, stemmed from its role in facilitating the cultural continuity of a community, which Miroslav Sik defined in his concept of Altneue (literally, Old-new). This fusion of old and new was the basis for the spontaneity with which settlements had historically grown. Sik considered that continuity depended on understanding the existing patterns and sustaining their relevance through the incorporation of contemporary strategies, which would renew their meaning without losing their essence. Zumthor’s Gugalun House in Versam, circa 1994, is a domestic-scale approach to this philosophy. Modern German-Swiss architecture often looks to its references in visual art for a way to explore areas that are normally inaccessible to the architectural discipline. Architectural thinking based on the poetic image is achieved through a building’s tectonics, which communicate the core idea of a project from start to finish. The understanding of construction as a medium introduces the key concept of the appearance in architecture, closely related to the idealistic philosophy of Friedrich Schiller. The appearance should express the conceptual meaning of the work, which German-Swiss architects call the idea, so that the building does not have value in and of itself, but only in terms of its appearance. The Oberrealta Chapel by Christian Kerez, circa 1993, can be considered a sculpture in the landscape, closer to the visual arts than to architecture. The tension that arises between the ideal figure and the piece subjected to a subtle deformation confers a dynamic character onto the composition, intensifying the perceptual effect, according to Rudolf Arnheim’s theory of visual thought. The deformation in the service of the psychology of perception is a phenomenon that characterizes recent German-Swiss architecture. Martin Steinmann introduced the Forme Forte (Strong Form) concept to describe the architectural object known internationally as the Swiss Box. This concept is characterized by a predilection for all things monolithic, unitary and archetypal. The most substantial condition of a Forme Forte, however, is the configuration of a structuring element in the environment. Both the morphological basis of a Forme Forte and its ability to frame the place, correspond to the concepts of archetype and monument put forward by Rossi’s theory. The present thesis explores the sense of deformation in recent German-Swiss production, based on the School of Paspels by Valerio Olgiati, circa 1998 and the Roccolo Tower in Villa Garbald, by Miller&Maranta, circa 1998. Gottfried Semper’s tectonic theory and Adolf Loos’s reason for form constitute the theoretical foundation that links the existential activity of dwelling to the materiality of recent German-Swiss architecture. Semper’s tectonic theory laid the foundation for subsequent revisions of the German-Swiss traditional building systems. This influence was the basis for the Swiss avant-garde of Neues Bauen, which developed a functional rationalism during the 1920s and 30s that served as a non-symbolic grammatical foundation for the transition from classical order to materiality as a compositional tool. During the second half of the twentieth century, this architectural grammar helped consolidate the concept of the material base of the form. The revision of the regionalist and rationalist tradition, carried out by the generation of German-Swiss architects of the 1950s and 60s, constituted a substantial linguistic investigation. Rudolph Olgiati is the key figure of this period. The research was codified in terms of structuralism in the 1970s in ETHZ and influenced by the presence of Roland Barthes as a visiting professor. This revision was the basis of the uniquely German-Swiss tectonic design still in use today, as specifically illustrated by the work of Burkhalter & Sumi in this thesis. Gion Caminada's work in Vrin between 1995 and 2002 offers an extensive study on the Strickbau, which implements variations on a traditional system again and again, illustrating the endless possibilities of a language that paradoxically seems limited by the available resources in a remote Alpine setting. Finally, Jürg Conzett is the engineer with whom most architects in the Grisons region have developed their projects. Trained under Zumthor for 8 years, and a regular collaborator of Caminada, among others, Conzett is the reference point linking engineering with architecture in this thesis, essential in the context of this research.
Desde los comienzos de la enseñanza, siempre se han buscado formas innovadoras para transmitir el conocimiento de profesor a alumno. Desde recursos materiales hasta sistemas de enseñanza complejos, todos juegan un papel esencial en el aprendizaje del alumno. Durante el siglo XVII comienzan a desarrollarse nuevas corrientes de enseñanza cuyo objetivo era el aprendizaje ameno del individuo. Hoy en día pueden utilizarse multitud de medios para desarrollar estos métodos pedagógicos, entre ellos, los juegos interactivos. Con el boom de la tecnología y el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, los tutores encuentran en los dispositivos electrónicos todo un apoyo para realizar esta tarea, lo cual viene acompañado de una revolución inminente en la enseñanza. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de un videojuego educativo que permita tanto aprender más fácilmente a los alumnos como evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos por éstos a los profesores. Se ha creado Ludomática, un videojuego de tipo juego de mesa donde los jugadores tendrán que utilizar sus conocimientos en determinados temas para ganar la partida. El videojuego puede ser configurado con distintas preguntas del tema que se desee y en tres niveles de dificultad. Además, cuenta con la posibilidad de configurar el número de jugadores, de preguntas y de puntuación máxima, con objeto de crear partidas más o menos largas. Ludomática se constituye como una herramienta educativa completa y personalizable, además de atractiva, mediante la cual los profesores pueden innovar su forma de enseñanza y los alumnos pueden aprender divirtiéndose---ABSTRACT---Since the beginning of teaching, professors have always looked for innovative ways to transmit knowledge from teacher to student. From material resources to teaching complex systems, they all play a vital role in student learning. The development of new forms of education aimed to create enjoyable ways to teach started during the XVII century. Nowadays, It’s easy to find multiple elements to develop this pedagogical methods, including interactive games. Because of the “tech boom” and the rise of the Information and Communication Technologies, teachers can have a lot of support in electronic devices to carry out this task, which comes with an inminent revolution of teaching. The objective of this project is to create an educational video game that allows not only learn much more easily for students, but also evaluate the knowledge acquired by these for teachers. Ludomática has been created as a board videogame where players have to use their knowledge in specific topics to win the game. The game can be configured with different questions of the topic desired and three difficulty levels. It also has the ability to set the number of players, questions and maximum score, in order to control the duration of the game. Ludomática constitutes a complete and customizable educational tool, also attractive, whereby teachers can innovate their teaching forms and students can learn while having fun.
This paper proposes a new model for characterizing the energetic behavior of grid connected PV inverters. The model has been obtained from a detailed study of main loss processes in small size PV inverters in the market. The main advantage of the used method is to obtain a model that comprises two antagonistic features, since both are simple, easy to compute and apply, and accurate. One of the main features of this model is how it handles the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the efficiency: in both parts the model uses the same approach and it is achieved by two resistive elements which simulate the losses inherent to each parameter. This makes this model easy to implement, compact and refined. The model presented here also includes other parameters, such as start threshold, standby consumption and islanding behavior. In order to validate the model, the values of all the parameters listed above have been obtained and adjusted using field measurements for several commercial inverters, and the behavior of the model applied to a particular inverter has been compared with real data under different working conditions, taken from a facility located in Madrid. The results show a good fit between the model values and the real data. As an example, the model has been implemented in PSPICE electronic simulator, and this approach has been used to teach grid-connected PV systems. The use of this model for the maintenance of working PV facilities is also shown.
El tema objeto de esta Tesis, el Fragmento y la Abstracción, es una propuesta de análisis sobre el diálogo entre el fragmento como object trouvé y la abstracción, como un modo de proceder por parte del autor en el proyecto de arquitectura. En un principio, tal vez la creación artística nació como un intento por comprender la complejidad del mundo en que el ser humano vivía. Y se dedica a establecer un diálogo con el fragmento, a veces buscando su significado como parte de una historia desconocida, otras como parte de su propia historia pero también como referencia a una etapa mítica, convirtiéndose en símbolo de un paraíso perdido. El fragmento ha dado lugar al diálogo entre obra y autor tanto en música como en literatura o pintura. Esta tesis intenta analizar dicho diálogo en la arquitectura. Esta investigación comienza interrogándose sobre el sentido del fragmento y la abstracción como el modo de pensamiento leve, en definición de Italo Calvino, que nos permite conectar las ideas más alejadas. Para ello, se propusieron cinco modelos para explorar dicha relación. Los edificios elegidos fueron 1.- Villa Adriana 2.- Palacio de Carlos V en la Alhambra 3.- La casa- museo de Sir John Soane 4.- El Carmen de Rodríguez-Acosta 5.- Castelvecchio Dos de ellos residencies imperiales (1 y 2) Dos fortalezas (2 y5) Dos casas-estudio (3 y 4) Las cinco tienen relación con jardines De sus autores no todos son conocidos Tres de ellos se dedicaron a la docencia en arquitectura. Los cinco tienen carácter museográfico. P.D. Durante la investigación, para relacionar a unos y otros, se introdujo a Gian Battista Piranesi como importante nexo de unión entre antigüedad y modernidad. ABSTRACT The subject of this Thesis “Fragment and Abstraction, is a purpose of analysis about the dialogue between fragment as object trouvé and abstraction, as a way to do by the author in the architectural project. At first, we suppose historically that artistic creation is born as a way to understand the complexity of the world where the human beings lives. They tried to stablish a dialogue with the fragment, looking for its meaning, sometimes as the part of an unknown story, sometimes as part of their own history, but sometimes as reference of mythic times, becoming a symbol of a lost paradise. In arts, fragment is at beginning of many dialogues between craft and the author, as we know in music, literature or painting. This thesis try to analyze this dialogue in architecture. This investigation began asking for the meaning of fragment as something what was broken out from something we do not know, and abstraction as an immaterial way of thinking which let us connecting the most far ideas. Therefore, five architectural model were proposed, in order to explain that relationship. The chosen buildings were: 1- Villa Adriana 2- Charles V Imperator’s Palace at la Alhambra 3- Sir John Soane House -Museum 4- Rodríguez –Acostas’s Carmen 5- Castelvecchio by Carlo Scarpa There are: Two Imperial palaces (the 1st and 2nd), Two fortresses (the 2nd and 5th) Two House-Artist Studio (the 3rd and 4th) Five types of relationship with gardens. The authors, from them, we do not know some of them Three of the architects used to teach architecture All of them went to Rome Now the five buildings have become museum institution.During the investigation, in order to explain the relationship between them, I introduced Giambattista Piranesi as an important nexus to understand the transition from the antiquity to the modernity.
This paper is based on a case study located in Avila, central Spain. Its main objectives are to implement an entrepreneurship program and design a plan of capacity building and education for business in order to promote the development of rural areas. The methodological approach of the program is based on the use of tools that permit involving the various actors of the area from the early planning stages. The university's group that is carrying out the field work has relied on these participatory tools in very different areas and contexts for over 25 years. This has allowed the development of an advanced planning model called ?Working With People? that connects expert and experience knowledge in the territories where it is applied. With this methodological approach, the diagnosis of the territory and the design of the program's strategy has been carried out. Once completed the first phase of the program and in order to ensure the sustainability and applicability of future entrepreneurial initiatives, it is necessary to support and strengthen potential entrepreneurs through training activities and capacity building. It relies on ?How to learn from people who live there? to promote investment projects and to teach them with adequate educational skills. In this context, this article aims to study the implementation strategy of these training and capacity building activities studied from an academic perspective, as well as analyzing the potential effects of these actions in promoting entrepreneurship in the territories
In the EU context extraction of shale and oil gas by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) differs from country to country in terms of legislation and implementation. While fossil fuel extraction using this technology is currently taking place in the UK, Germany and France have adopted respective moratoria. In between is the Spanish case, where hydrocarbon extraction projects through fracking have to undergo mandatory and routine environmental assessment in accordance with the last changes to environmental regulations. Nowadays Spain is at the crossroad with respect to the future of this technology. We presume a social conflictt in our country since the position and strategy of the involved and confronted social actors -national, regional and local authorities, energy companies, scientists, NGO and other social organization- are going to play key and likely divergent roles in its industrial implementation and public acceptance. In order to improve knowledge on how to address these controverted situations from the own engineering context, the affiliated units from the Higher Technical School of Mines and Energy Engineering at UPM have been working on a transversal program to teach values and ethics. Over the past seven years, this pioneering experience has shown the usefulness of applying a consequentialist ethics, based on a case-by-case approach and costs-benefits analysis both for action and inaction. As a result of this initiative a theoretical concept has arisen and crystallized in this field: it is named Inter-ethics. This theoretical perspective can be very helpful in complex situations, with multi-stakeholders and plurality of interests, when ethical management requires the interaction between the respective ethics of each group; professional ethics of a single group is not enough. Under this inter-ethics theoretical framework and applying content analysis techniques, this paper explores the articulation of the discourse in favour and against fracking technology and its underlying values as manifested in the Spanish traditional mass media and emerging social media such as Youtube. Results show that Spanish public discourse on fracking technology includes the costs-benefits analysis to communicate how natural resources from local communities may be affected by these facilities due to environmental, health and economic consequences. Furthermore, this technology is represented as a solution to the "demand of energy" according to the optimistic discourse while, from a pessimistic view, fracking is often framed as a source "environmental problems" and even natural disasters as possible earthquakes. In this latter case, this negative representation could have been influenced by the closure of a macro project to store injected natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea using the old facilities of an oil exploitation in Amposta (Proyecto Cástor). The closure of this project was due to the occurrence of earthquakes whose intensity was higher than the originally expected by the experts in the assessment stage of the project.
As an advocate for the elderly, Edna Chavis has made many improvements for matured people. She worked for the Social Security Administration for eleven years, where she recognized that “older people are the same as anyone else with the same wants and desires.” Since then, she gained educational experience to assist her in understanding the self-concept of older people. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Science and a teaching certificate from Eastern Michigan University in 1972, a Master of Science Degree in Adult Education from Tuskegee Institute in 1975, and a PhD Degree in Social Gerontology and Adult Education from the University of Missouri in 1979. Some of her accomplishments include her position as the head of the Missouri Delegates to the White House Conference on Aging and her lobbying efforts toward Missouri’s first Governor’s Conference on Aging. She was also awarded the Lt. Governor’s Nursing Home Task Force Certificate of Appreciation. As an adjunct instructor at Lincoln University, Chavis emphasizes to her students that aging is a natural process. She has had a great impact on her students, several of whom have continued on related career paths. Following her own advice that “Aging successfully is to never sit down and do nothing,” Chavis continues to teach, work as a gerontologist, and serve on committees within the Department of Health and Senior Services.
In this paper I revisit the age-old question of the relationship between philosophy and theology by rejecting the claim that throughout the history of the Christian Church, whenever Christian thinkers have baptized philosophy, they have done so to the detriment of theology. Church history reveals just the opposite, i. e., that sometimes theologians have creatively and fruitfully used philosophical language, concepts, methods, and conclusions to understand and express the faith. In addition, church history records numerous attempts to limit philosophical enquiry for theological reasons that proved unsuccessful and counter-productive. Both types of interaction between philosophy and theology occurred at the University of Paris during the thirteenth century. Despite repeated efforts of some officials to place philosophy under interdict, that is, to ban the reading of particular philosophical works or the teaching of philosophical propositions from the university faculties, a series of university theologians applied Aristotelian tools of enquiry to questions about the Christian faith with positive and constructive results. If academic theology at Paris during the thirteenth century has anything to teach us, it is that interdict cuts both ways. It might protect some theological claims from philosophical contamination or compromise, but it can also insulate theological claims from much needed critical analysis. The thinkers and developments surveyed in this paper suggest that perhaps instead of placing deconstruction under interdict, today’s Christian thinkers should use some of the language, concepts, methods and conclusions of Derrida to further theological understanding.
O Episódio do Cego de Nascença (Jo 9,1-41; 10,19-21) é produto simbólico da concorrência pelo poder religioso entre comunidade joanina e fariseus da sinagoga, tendo sido elaborado para provocar em seus leitores o questionamento da legitimidade do poder religioso exercido pelos fariseus, configurado como monopólio do capital simbólico do judaísmo. O conflito se estabelece na medida em que a comunidade joanina passa a concorrer com os fariseus por este poder, em vista do atendimento de seus próprios interesses sócio-religiosos. A concorrência é particularmente palpável no confronto entre interpretações particulares de símbolos fundamentais da tradição judaica, como a retribuição, o sábado e a profecia. O enfrentamento dos fariseus por parte dos judeus leigos da comunidade joanina convida a uma revolução simbólica, a qual propõe que os leigos da comunidade joanina assumam a função profética de disputa pelos bens simbólicos do judaísmo(AU)
O Episódio do Cego de Nascença (Jo 9,1-41; 10,19-21) é produto simbólico da concorrência pelo poder religioso entre comunidade joanina e fariseus da sinagoga, tendo sido elaborado para provocar em seus leitores o questionamento da legitimidade do poder religioso exercido pelos fariseus, configurado como monopólio do capital simbólico do judaísmo. O conflito se estabelece na medida em que a comunidade joanina passa a concorrer com os fariseus por este poder, em vista do atendimento de seus próprios interesses sócio-religiosos. A concorrência é particularmente palpável no confronto entre interpretações particulares de símbolos fundamentais da tradição judaica, como a retribuição, o sábado e a profecia. O enfrentamento dos fariseus por parte dos judeus leigos da comunidade joanina convida a uma revolução simbólica, a qual propõe que os leigos da comunidade joanina assumam a função profética de disputa pelos bens simbólicos do judaísmo(AU)