998 resultados para Infrastructure Assets


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This paper reports on further research undertaken regarding systems modelling as applied to critical infrastructure systems and networks and builds upon the initial modelling research of Pye and Warren (2006a). We discuss system characteristics, inter-relationships, dynamics and modelling of similar systems and why modelling of a critical infrastructure is important. In overview we compare four modelling methods and techniques previously
used to model similar systems and discuss their potential transference to model critical infrastructure systems, before selecting the most promising and suitable for modelling critical infrastructure systems for further research.


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Early in 2001, after a damning public report by the Auditor-General, the Australian Federal Government abandoned its highly promoted “whole of government” IT infrastructure outsourcing initiative. This about-face was greeted in the press with reports that the initiative was a “fiasco”. Yet a four-year case study conducted by the authors suggests a more complex picture. Like many other “selective” outsourcers of IT, the Federal Government had been led to believe that it was adopting a relatively low risk strategy that would, if well managed, lead to significant cost savings and operational benefits. Instead, despite having implemented many widely promoted “best practices”, the Federal Government found a substantial discrepancy between what outsourcing promised to deliver, and what was actually achieved. In this respect their experiences were no different from those of many other large IT organizations engaged in selective IT outsourcing, who responded to a substantial contemporaneous survey. This case study examines why the Government’s expectations were not achieved, and arrives at conclusions that have important implications for decision makers confronted with choices about sourcing IT service delivery.


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This paper examines the basis of what constitutes a system/s and discusses the commonalities in relation to critical infrastructure system. It focuses on identifying, and discussing system characteristics, complexity, inter-relationships, dynamics and the importance of modelling as applied to critical infrastructure systems. It then considers four differing system-modelling styles with the view to assess and discuss their potential to model critical infrastructure systems, ahead of selecting the most promising and suitable for adoption to critical infrastructure system modelling


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It has been widely recognised that infrastructure systems highly affect the economic development of a country or region. In particular, the quality and quantity of transportation infrastructure have a direct bearing on economic growth in developing countries. Therefore, it is challenging to allocate the infrastructure construction budget across a country so that economic growth as a whole will not be hampered by the lack of infrastructure construction in any local area. In this research, the authors focus on simulating the correlations between economic growth, capital investment and transportation infrastructure construction in China historically and comparing the production and investment indicators at the cross-region based on the statistical data reported from government agencies in China. These computed correlations and indicators are crucial for making financial decisions and investment policies on transportation infrastructure construction at a national level.


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This paper draws together previous security assessment research and builds upon the current systems modelling research investigation into the application of potential modelling styles that can be applied to model critical infrastructure systems, networks, their inter-relationships and functionality. The emphasis here is to develop appropriate benchmarks as a means of assessment to determine the appropriateness of various systems modelling styles and techniques and their suitability for modelling critical infrastructure systems. The benchmarks are applicable on a number of differing levels to determine the ‘best fit’ for modelling critical infrastructure systems, to aid in identifying potential system or inter-network vulnerabilities.


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During the period of 1990-2002 US households experienced a dramatic wealth cycle, induced by a 369% appreciation in the value of real per capita liquid stock market assets followed by a 55% decline. However, consumer spending in real terms continued to rise throughout this period. Using data from 1990-2005, traditional life-cycle approaches to estimating macroeconomic wealth effects confront two puzzles: (i) econometric evidence of a stable cointegrating relationship among consumption, income, and wealth is weak at best; and (ii) life-cycle models that rely on aggregate measures of wealth cannot explain why consumption did not collapse when the value of stock market assets declined so dramatically. We address both puzzles by decomposing wealth according to the liquidity of household assets. We find that the significant appreciation in the value of real estate assets that occurred after the peak of the wealth cycle helped sustain consumer spending from 2001 to 2005.


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Early in 2001, after a damning public report by the Auditor-General, the Australian Federal Government was forced to abandon its highly promoted “whole of government” infrastructure outsourcing initiative. This about-face was greeted in the press with reports that the initiative was a “fiasco”. Yet a four-year case study of the initiative suggests a more complex picture. The initiative can be viewed in a quite different light on the basis of comparisons with a contemporary survey of 240 Australian organisations engaged in IT outsourcing. This reveals that many of the negative outcomes associated with this “fiasco” are typical of those experienced by large Australian organisations. This has important implications for decision makers confronted with choices about sourcing IT service delivery.


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Knowledge management has by now exerted a large influence over industrial practice. We propose a multi-agent based system to provide infrastructure service to meet various requirements of knowledge management in view of the complex nature of the task, i.e., covering science and technologies across different disciplines. The paper discusses the use of a multi-agent system to support the knowledge management infrastructure. It will also discuss the design rational and implementation details as well as an application to the problem of feature extraction in weather prediction.


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Managing Government Property Assets, edited by Olga Kaganova and James McKellar, is reviewed.


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The following paper examines federally accredited and funded aged care provision in regional Victoria. Benchmarks that have been set by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing, are used to measure and compare the relative number of high and low level aged care positions and Community Aged Care Packages in six regional Victorian centres.
Using population forecasts, the additional aged care positions that each centre will require to meet the provision benchmarks in the year 2021 have been estimated. These figures are then translated into infrastructure requirements for the regional Victorian city of Greater Bendigo. This is done by surveying Greater Bendigo’s existing residential aged care facilities. Strategies for the provision of additional high and low level residential aged care infrastructure are explored using a matrix governed by size and configuration. Variations in these two aspects are shown to affect the location options for future facilities in Greater Bendigo. The implications of the benchmarks are also investigated in terms of facilities for the provision of Community Aged Care Packages.
The research is funded by a double ARC APAI grant between the Built Environment Research Group at Deakin University, The Centre for Sustainable Regional Centres at La Trobe University, the City of Greater Bendigo and the City of Warrnambool.


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This paper reports on the application of systems modelling benchmarks to determine the viability of systems modelling software and its suitability for modelling critical infrastructure systems. This research applies the earlier research that related to developing benchmarks that when applied to systems modelling software will indicate its likely suitability to modelling critical infrastructure systems. In this context, the systems modelling benchmarks will assess the practicality of CPNTools to the task of modelling critical infrastructure systems.


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Secure management of Australia’s commercial critical infrastructure presents ongoing challenges to owners and the government. Although it is currently managed through high-level information sharing via collaboration, but does this suit the commercial sector. One of the issues facing Australia is that the majority of critical infrastructure resides under the control of the business sector and certain aspects such of the critical infrastructure such as Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems are distributed entities and not a single entity. The paper focuses upon the security issues associated with SCM systems and critical infrastructure protection.